Catch O'Reilly's talking points memo

Ok does someone have a transcript of the talking points? I can't play the video. Chances are whatever it is it won't change my overall opinion of O'Reilly. I do agree with some of the things he says, but most of the stuff that comes out of his mouth is, ironically, spin.
His ratings will go up after that speech.

Maybe that's the idea in the first place, tool. Ever feel like a trained seal when you're watching Fox?


O'Reilly has been caught in so many lies at this point. I would never go to him for a No Spin Story. He is sickening.

So you didn't watch it...

The day is fast approaching where Black America is going to fall out of the picture, do you have the first clue Zona?

Take the time to listen, he hit it on the head square...
All O'Reilly really did was say what everyone already knows. I give him credit for that, but we'll see if it even makes a ripple.

He is, however, exactly right on all accounts except Detroit. The unions ruined Detroit, not drugs. Drugs might have helped, but that wasn't the sole reason.
All O'Reilly really did was say what everyone already knows. I give him credit for that, but we'll see if it even makes a ripple.

He is, however, exactly right on all accounts except Detroit. The unions ruined Detroit, not drugs. Drugs might have helped, but that wasn't the sole reason.

I don't know. Unions? yes. Drugs? yes. Liberal leadership? yes.

All these things destroyed Detroit. Primarily though, it was liberal democrat politicians who have ran that city into the ground.

Frankly, I love it. It serves to prove how destructive liberalism is; how they destroy everything they touch.
Bill is really going to be attacked for this.

Good. It will reveal the blatant ignorance of the black liberals in America who focus on all the wrong things while ignoring the growing cancer in their community. It will also expose the entertainment industry for the outfit it really is.
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I gave up watching BOR years ago when he started soft soaping everything.

It looks like he finally found both his balls and backbone on that one.
So you believe that no one should step up to the plate and help these children grow up to be responsible adults? Do you think by ignoring the 100's killed in Chicago every year, you are helping the black community? Do you think letting drug dealers peddle their shit in black communities is okay and is not a problem?

Address what he says, not the messenger, you want an honest conversation?
Martin was a tragedy, however, there have been 1000 black on black deaths since February 2012, are you ready to focus and really help kids or are you just going to enable more deaths?

In short, put away who said it and focus on what he has said, he is spot on and I don't like O'Reilly.
Agreed. But he is SO hateful, divisive and inflammatory. The way we deal with this issue is by bringing people together.

The same thing could be said by a much better conservative speaker. Here's a one that comes to mind. . . Saying the same damn thing. With some first hand experience, who has said the SAME DAMN THING FOR DECADES NOW. What Bill has said isn't at all original. It has been ripped off, completely, from Dr. Cosby's famous "Pound Cake" speech.

The original.

Here he gives an abridged version. . .
[ame=]Bill Cosby Famous Pound Cake Speech - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]Bill Cosby talking about education - YouTube[/ame]
So you believe that no one should step up to the plate and help these children grow up to be responsible adults? Do you think by ignoring the 100's killed in Chicago every year, you are helping the black community? Do you think letting drug dealers peddle their shit in black communities is okay and is not a problem?

Address what he says, not the messenger, you want an honest conversation?
Martin was a tragedy, however, there have been 1000 black on black deaths since February 2012, are you ready to focus and really help kids or are you just going to enable more deaths?

In short, put away who said it and focus on what he has said, he is spot on and I don't like O'Reilly.
Agreed. But he is SO hateful, divisive and inflammatory. The way we deal with this issue is by bringing people together.

The same thing could be said by a much better conservative speaker. Here's a one that comes to mind. . . Saying the same damn thing. With some first hand experience, who has said the SAME DAMN THING FOR DECADES NOW. What Bill has said isn't at all original. It has been ripped off, completely, from Dr. Cosby's famous "Pound Cake" speech.

The original.

Here he gives an abridged version. . .
[ame=]Bill Cosby Famous Pound Cake Speech - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]Bill Cosby talking about education - YouTube[/ame]

It hasn't been ripped off as you say, it hasn't been said enough if the truth be told...

When only one voice speaks up in a sea of sadness, you're going to start drowning, that's reality...

Make no mistake, I'm not in favor of defending O'Reilly...
His ratings will go up after that speech.

Okay, I will admit that O'Reilly is less extreme than the other commentators on Fox News. He isn't Fox News's puppet like Sean Hannity for instance. However, O'Reilly is really not nearly as smart as he likes to think he is. People really just need to avoid Fox News altogether. I agree. Any fan of Fox News really is just a trained seal. They are America's propaganda machine.

And no, I don't think MSNBC is any better.

Hannity is NOT part of Fox news. He is a political commentator, just like Matthews. the only difference is that Matthews has no audience.
All O'Reilly really did was say what everyone already knows. I give him credit for that, but we'll see if it even makes a ripple.

He is, however, exactly right on all accounts except Detroit. The unions ruined Detroit, not drugs. Drugs might have helped, but that wasn't the sole reason.

I don't know. Unions? yes. Drugs? yes. Liberal leadership? yes.

All these things destroyed Detroit. Primarily though, it was liberal democrat politicians who have ran that city into the ground.

Frankly, I love it. It serves to prove how destructive liberalism is; how they destroy everything they touch.

Unions, liberals, democrats, corruption, and black government ruined Detroit. The same things that are currently trying to destroy the entire nation.
So far it seems the only libs to comment are the ones claiming they haven't or wont watch it. The rest? Totally silent. Waiting on the talk8ng points before responding perhaps?
So far it seems the only libs to comment are the ones claiming they haven't or wont watch it. The rest? Totally silent. Waiting on the talk8ng points before responding perhaps?

The DNC, huff puss, kos, and the obama talking heads are scrambling this morning trying to come up with some talking points to refute O'Reilly's very accurate commentary last night.

dem/libs do not deal well with facts.
His ratings will go up after that speech.

Okay, I will admit that O'Reilly is less extreme than the other commentators on Fox News. He isn't Fox News's puppet like Sean Hannity for instance. However, O'Reilly is really not nearly as smart as he likes to think he is. People really just need to avoid Fox News altogether. I agree. Any fan of Fox News really is just a trained seal. They are America's propaganda machine.

And no, I don't think MSNBC is any better.

Hannity is NOT part of Fox news. He is a political commentator, just like Matthews. the only difference is that Matthews has no audience.

How exactly is Sean Hannity not part of Fox News when there is a talk show called Hannity hosted by Sean Hannity? Trust me, he is very much apart of Fox News. He isn't not a commentator. He is a puppet and FN is his puppet master. God only knows who puts that bullshit in his teleprompter. Probably Roger himself.
Okay, I will admit that O'Reilly is less extreme than the other commentators on Fox News. He isn't Fox News's puppet like Sean Hannity for instance. However, O'Reilly is really not nearly as smart as he likes to think he is. People really just need to avoid Fox News altogether. I agree. Any fan of Fox News really is just a trained seal. They are America's propaganda machine.

And no, I don't think MSNBC is any better.

Hannity is NOT part of Fox news. He is a political commentator, just like Matthews. the only difference is that Matthews has no audience.

How exactly is Sean Hannity not part of Fox News when there is a talk show called Hannity hosted by Sean Hannity? Trust me, he is very much apart of Fox News. He isn't not a commentator. He is a puppet and FN is his puppet master. God only knows who puts that bullshit in his teleprompter. Probably Roger himself.

Fox has a news division, Hannity is not part of it. Shep Smith is the news reader at 6PM.

Hannity is a political commentator with an agenda. MSNBC consists of nothing but left wing commentators with an agenda--MSNBC does not do news.

If you don't like Hannity, don't watch him.

This thread is about O'Reilly's commentary last night.
Hannity is NOT part of Fox news. He is a political commentator, just like Matthews. the only difference is that Matthews has no audience.

How exactly is Sean Hannity not part of Fox News when there is a talk show called Hannity hosted by Sean Hannity? Trust me, he is very much apart of Fox News. He isn't not a commentator. He is a puppet and FN is his puppet master. God only knows who puts that bullshit in his teleprompter. Probably Roger himself.

Fox has a news division, Hannity is not part of it. Shep Smith is the news reader at 6PM.

Hannity is a political commentator with an agenda. MSNBC consists of nothing but left wing commentators with an agenda--MSNBC does not do news.

If you don't like Hannity, don't watch him.

This thread is about O'Reilly's commentary last night.

I'm not sure you have ever even watched MSNBC. It does have a news division. Here is a key difference between Fox News and MSNBC. Fox News does not have one liberal commentator. MSNBC however has one conservative commentator (Morning Joe).

I will give you credit for name dropping Shepard Smith. He is the only positive aspect of Fox News. I like him I must admit. Unfortunately everything else about Fox News is complete bullshit.

Here is another fun fact. MSNBC is honest about its bias. Fox News flat out lies about its bias:

"Lean Forward"

"Fair and Balanced News"
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So you believe that no one should step up to the plate and help these children grow up to be responsible adults? Do you think by ignoring the 100's killed in Chicago every year, you are helping the black community? Do you think letting drug dealers peddle their shit in black communities is okay and is not a problem?

Address what he says, not the messenger, you want an honest conversation?
Martin was a tragedy, however, there have been 1000 black on black deaths since February 2012, are you ready to focus and really help kids or are you just going to enable more deaths?

In short, put away who said it and focus on what he has said, he is spot on and I don't like O'Reilly.
Agreed. But he is SO hateful, divisive and inflammatory. The way we deal with this issue is by bringing people together.

The same thing could be said by a much better conservative speaker. Here's a one that comes to mind. . . Saying the same damn thing. With some first hand experience, who has said the SAME DAMN THING FOR DECADES NOW. What Bill has said isn't at all original. It has been ripped off, completely, from Dr. Cosby's famous "Pound Cake" speech.

The original.

Here he gives an abridged version. . .
[ame=]Bill Cosby Famous Pound Cake Speech - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]Bill Cosby talking about education - YouTube[/ame]

You call BO hateful and divisive and inflammatory. I say he is angry but passionate. Why is he angry? The root cause -- the break down of the family -- is not being addressed. And usually when some not black says what BO said he is branded a racist, while if a black man says it he is branded an uncle tom.
I watched O'Reilly's talking points last night. On a scale of 1 to 10, that was a 15 at least. Best one I have ever heard.

Those who do not listen to the talking points from last night have nothing to say. Well, except drone on about Fox News...

It was a GREAT JOB!
How exactly is Sean Hannity not part of Fox News when there is a talk show called Hannity hosted by Sean Hannity? Trust me, he is very much apart of Fox News. He isn't not a commentator. He is a puppet and FN is his puppet master. God only knows who puts that bullshit in his teleprompter. Probably Roger himself.

Fox has a news division, Hannity is not part of it. Shep Smith is the news reader at 6PM.

Hannity is a political commentator with an agenda. MSNBC consists of nothing but left wing commentators with an agenda--MSNBC does not do news.

If you don't like Hannity, don't watch him.

This thread is about O'Reilly's commentary last night.

I'm not sure you have ever even watched MSNBC. It does have a news division. Here is a key difference between Fox News and MSNBC. Fox News does not have one liberal commentator. MSNBC however has one conservative commentator (Morning Joe).

I will give you credit for name dropping Shepard Smith. He is the only positive aspect of Fox News. I like him I must admit. Unfortunately everything else about Fox News is complete bullshit.

Here is another fun fact. MSNBC is honest about its bias. Fox News flat out lies about its bias:

"Lean Forward"

"Fair and Balanced News"

I will agree with you on one point. MSNBC does not hide its bias. maybe thats why it has a tiny audience.

Fox has Juan Williams, Bob Beckel, and many liberal commentators, and they are given equal time.

what you find objectionable is that when both sides are given equal time, the liberal side always loses because its arguments are based on emotion and not on facts.
Fox has a news division, Hannity is not part of it. Shep Smith is the news reader at 6PM.

Hannity is a political commentator with an agenda. MSNBC consists of nothing but left wing commentators with an agenda--MSNBC does not do news.

If you don't like Hannity, don't watch him.

This thread is about O'Reilly's commentary last night.

I'm not sure you have ever even watched MSNBC. It does have a news division. Here is a key difference between Fox News and MSNBC. Fox News does not have one liberal commentator. MSNBC however has one conservative commentator (Morning Joe).

I will give you credit for name dropping Shepard Smith. He is the only positive aspect of Fox News. I like him I must admit. Unfortunately everything else about Fox News is complete bullshit.

Here is another fun fact. MSNBC is honest about its bias. Fox News flat out lies about its bias:

"Lean Forward"

"Fair and Balanced News"

I will agree with you on one point. MSNBC does not hide its bias. maybe thats why it has a tiny audience.

Fox has Juan Williams, Bob Beckel, and many liberal commentators, and they are given equal time.

what you find objectionable is that when both sides are given equal time, the liberal side always loses because its arguments are based on emotion and not on facts.

No, those liberals are contributors. They do not have their own shows. Joe has his own hour every weekday morning.

They are always based on emotion huh? Both networks use facts, they just distort them. Fox News is better at doing that though.
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