Catch O'Reilly's talking points memo

His ratings will go up after that speech.

Maybe that's the idea in the first place, tool. Ever feel like a trained seal when you're watching Fox?


I do when I watch MSNBC,CNN,CBS,ABC and NBC.
One starts a report then they all say the same exact thing like parrots.
Now there is your trained seals, all robots, who won't think for themselves.
How exactly is Sean Hannity not part of Fox News when there is a talk show called Hannity hosted by Sean Hannity? Trust me, he is very much apart of Fox News. He isn't not a commentator. He is a puppet and FN is his puppet master. God only knows who puts that bullshit in his teleprompter. Probably Roger himself.

Fox has a news division, Hannity is not part of it. Shep Smith is the news reader at 6PM.

Hannity is a political commentator with an agenda. MSNBC consists of nothing but left wing commentators with an agenda--MSNBC does not do news.

If you don't like Hannity, don't watch him.

This thread is about O'Reilly's commentary last night.

I'm not sure you have ever even watched MSNBC. It does have a news division. Here is a key difference between Fox News and MSNBC. Fox News does not have one liberal commentator. MSNBC however has one conservative commentator (Morning Joe).

I will give you credit for name dropping Shepard Smith. He is the only positive aspect of Fox News. I like him I must admit. Unfortunately everything else about Fox News is complete bullshit.

Here is another fun fact. MSNBC is honest about its bias. Fox News flat out lies about its bias:

"Lean Forward"

"Fair and Balanced News"

You are a moron. Nearly EVERY show on Fox has a liberal guest on it to provide an alternate view.

Having said that I see you can't handle the depth of what bill had to say so you have to post off topic bullshit.
Fox has a news division, Hannity is not part of it. Shep Smith is the news reader at 6PM.

Hannity is a political commentator with an agenda. MSNBC consists of nothing but left wing commentators with an agenda--MSNBC does not do news.

If you don't like Hannity, don't watch him.

This thread is about O'Reilly's commentary last night.

I'm not sure you have ever even watched MSNBC. It does have a news division. Here is a key difference between Fox News and MSNBC. Fox News does not have one liberal commentator. MSNBC however has one conservative commentator (Morning Joe).

I will give you credit for name dropping Shepard Smith. He is the only positive aspect of Fox News. I like him I must admit. Unfortunately everything else about Fox News is complete bullshit.

Here is another fun fact. MSNBC is honest about its bias. Fox News flat out lies about its bias:

"Lean Forward"

"Fair and Balanced News"

You are a moron. Nearly EVERY show on Fox has a liberal guest on it to provide an alternate view.

Having said that I see you can't handle the depth of what bill had to say so you have to post off topic bullshit.

Both networks offer guests with alternate views, but they are drowned out by the non sense of their commentators.
Just as we all expected. The left doesn't actually want a discussion, hence their absence from this thread.

They just want a wedge issue.

No the problem is dumbasses like you that generalizes and demonizes anyone who does not agree with you so you can feel secure in your black-and-white beliefs. It's sad really.
I'm not sure you have ever even watched MSNBC. It does have a news division. Here is a key difference between Fox News and MSNBC. Fox News does not have one liberal commentator. MSNBC however has one conservative commentator (Morning Joe).

I will give you credit for name dropping Shepard Smith. He is the only positive aspect of Fox News. I like him I must admit. Unfortunately everything else about Fox News is complete bullshit.

Here is another fun fact. MSNBC is honest about its bias. Fox News flat out lies about its bias:

"Lean Forward"

"Fair and Balanced News"

You are a moron. Nearly EVERY show on Fox has a liberal guest on it to provide an alternate view.

Having said that I see you can't handle the depth of what bill had to say so you have to post off topic bullshit.

Both networks offer guests with alternate views, but they are drowned out by the non sense of their commentators.

the problem with your point is that the major networks are in on the liberal bias fix too
Maybe that's the idea in the first place, tool. Ever feel like a trained seal when you're watching Fox?


O'Reilly has been caught in so many lies at this point. I would never go to him for a No Spin Story. He is sickening.

So you didn't watch it...

The day is fast approaching where Black America is going to fall out of the picture, do you have the first clue Zona?

Take the time to listen, he hit it on the head square...

Zona is a prime example of what is wrong with the left. Of course, Zona didn't watch it, even if he did, the hatred to Bill would override anything Bill stated no matter how right Bill was.
Just as we all expected. The left doesn't actually want a discussion, hence their absence from this thread.

They just want a wedge issue.

No the problem is dumbasses like you that generalizes and demonizes anyone who does not agree with you so you can feel secure in your black-and-white beliefs. It's sad really.

Bullshit. You and I have not discussed race so how the fuck am I demonizing you for your position on it? All you've done is obfuscate and posted off topic bullshit.

Just as we all expected. The left doesn't actually want a discussion, hence their absence from this thread.

They just want a wedge issue.

No the problem is dumbasses like you that generalizes and demonizes anyone who does not agree with you so you can feel secure in your black-and-white beliefs. It's sad really.

Bullshit. You and I have not discussed race so how the fuck am I demonizing you for your position on it? All you've done is obfuscate and posted off topic bullshit.


You are such a pussy. How about you use the reputation system like a grown up?

I was referring to the comment you said about the left not wanting a discussion. Not about our conversation.
No the problem is dumbasses like you that generalizes and demonizes anyone who does not agree with you so you can feel secure in your black-and-white beliefs. It's sad really.

Bullshit. You and I have not discussed race so how the fuck am I demonizing you for your position on it? All you've done is obfuscate and posted off topic bullshit.


You are such a pussy. How about you use the reputation system like a grown up?

I was referring to the comment you said about the left not wanting a discussion. Not about our conversation.

unless the discussion begins with a list of grievances against white people both past and present and ends with it's whitey's fault what are you going to do about it , it's racist.

Obama and Holder called for a conversation, now they are getting one. Be careful what you ask for.


Obama sure as hell did not speak out on Paula Deen's behalf now did he?
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How exactly is Sean Hannity not part of Fox News when there is a talk show called Hannity hosted by Sean Hannity? Trust me, he is very much apart of Fox News. He isn't not a commentator. He is a puppet and FN is his puppet master. God only knows who puts that bullshit in his teleprompter. Probably Roger himself.

Fox has a news division, Hannity is not part of it. Shep Smith is the news reader at 6PM.

Hannity is a political commentator with an agenda. MSNBC consists of nothing but left wing commentators with an agenda--MSNBC does not do news.

If you don't like Hannity, don't watch him.

This thread is about O'Reilly's commentary last night.

I'm not sure you have ever even watched MSNBC. It does have a news division. Here is a key difference between Fox News and MSNBC. Fox News does not have one liberal commentator. MSNBC however has one conservative commentator (Morning Joe).

I will give you credit for name dropping Shepard Smith. He is the only positive aspect of Fox News. I like him I must admit. Unfortunately everything else about Fox News is complete bullshit.

Here is another fun fact. MSNBC is honest about its bias. Fox News flat out lies about its bias:

"Lean Forward"

"Fair and Balanced News"

Joe Scarborough stopped being a "Conservative" years ago. He's a Liberal pretending to be a Republican.
No the problem is dumbasses like you that generalizes and demonizes anyone who does not agree with you so you can feel secure in your black-and-white beliefs. It's sad really.

Bullshit. You and I have not discussed race so how the fuck am I demonizing you for your position on it? All you've done is obfuscate and posted off topic bullshit.


You are such a pussy. How about you use the reputation system like a grown up?

I was referring to the comment you said about the left not wanting a discussion. Not about our conversation.

YOU have repeatedly posted in this thread and NOT ONCE addressed the content of the topic so where you get off calling me a pussy is beyond me. You have repeatedly TRIED to derail the thread with you obsession with Fox news. No balls to address the subject at hand. That makes you the coward or pussy, take your pick.
No the problem is dumbasses like you that generalizes and demonizes anyone who does not agree with you so you can feel secure in your black-and-white beliefs. It's sad really.

Bullshit. You and I have not discussed race so how the fuck am I demonizing you for your position on it? All you've done is obfuscate and posted off topic bullshit.


You are such a pussy. How about you use the reputation system like a grown up?

I was referring to the comment you said about the left not wanting a discussion. Not about our conversation.

What is your opinion on what Bill said? What specific do you disagree with him on?
I'm not sure you have ever even watched MSNBC. It does have a news division. Here is a key difference between Fox News and MSNBC. Fox News does not have one liberal commentator. MSNBC however has one conservative commentator (Morning Joe).

I will give you credit for name dropping Shepard Smith. He is the only positive aspect of Fox News. I like him I must admit. Unfortunately everything else about Fox News is complete bullshit.

Here is another fun fact. MSNBC is honest about its bias. Fox News flat out lies about its bias:

"Lean Forward"

"Fair and Balanced News"

I will agree with you on one point. MSNBC does not hide its bias. maybe thats why it has a tiny audience.

Fox has Juan Williams, Bob Beckel, and many liberal commentators, and they are given equal time.

what you find objectionable is that when both sides are given equal time, the liberal side always loses because its arguments are based on emotion and not on facts.

No, those liberals are contributors. They do not have their own shows. Joe has his own hour every weekday morning.

They are always based on emotion huh? Both networks use facts, they just distort them. Fox News is better at doing that though.

Can't you get it thru your head that millions like what fox puts out...thousands like want to stick with the my guest.
I'm not sure you have ever even watched MSNBC. It does have a news division. Here is a key difference between Fox News and MSNBC. Fox News does not have one liberal commentator. MSNBC however has one conservative commentator (Morning Joe).

I will give you credit for name dropping Shepard Smith. He is the only positive aspect of Fox News. I like him I must admit. Unfortunately everything else about Fox News is complete bullshit.

Here is another fun fact. MSNBC is honest about its bias. Fox News flat out lies about its bias:

"Lean Forward"

"Fair and Balanced News"

I will agree with you on one point. MSNBC does not hide its bias. maybe thats why it has a tiny audience.

Fox has Juan Williams, Bob Beckel, and many liberal commentators, and they are given equal time.

what you find objectionable is that when both sides are given equal time, the liberal side always loses because its arguments are based on emotion and not on facts.

No, those liberals are contributors. They do not have their own shows. Joe has his own hour every weekday morning.

They are always based on emotion huh? Both networks use facts, they just distort them. Fox News is better at doing that though.

Joe is a conservative as much as Arnie is a conservative.
Bullshit. You and I have not discussed race so how the fuck am I demonizing you for your position on it? All you've done is obfuscate and posted off topic bullshit.


You are such a pussy. How about you use the reputation system like a grown up?

I was referring to the comment you said about the left not wanting a discussion. Not about our conversation.

What is your opinion on what Bill said? What specific do you disagree with him on?

MLK's niece agreed with Bill regarding his talking points.

It just goes to show that the leftwingnuts on this board would never agree with a conservative. The con could say it's hot outside when it was 105, and these nuts would call him a liar.
You call BO hateful and divisive and inflammatory. I say he is angry but passionate. Why is he angry? The root cause -- the break down of the family -- is not being addressed. And usually when some not black says what BO said he is branded a racist, while if a black man says it he is branded an uncle tom.
What I am saying is that it does no good for O'Riley to identify the problem as such. The people that can and must solve the problem don't give two shits about him. They think he is a corporate shill and a schmuck. And they are right. He has no experience and no credential in this area, no platform to speak from. THEY DON'T CARE WHAT HE SAYS. And they are the ones that must solve this. How do you convince the president to speak this way? By getting his allies to say these things. Dr. Cosby is one of his allies. Mr. O'Riley? Not so much.

Sure, you may say that Dr. Cosby is an "Uncle Tom," but let's be candid, and call a spade a spade, that's just sour grapes. Dr. Cosby even addressed such criticisms. You can grouse all you want about such things, but that still doesn't address the decay and lack of accountability for what they have done to themselves.

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