Catch O'Reilly's talking points memo


The lefties simply refuse to admit that the black community has issues it must address on its own. On the rare occasion they admit it, they will immediately spin away from it. All they want to do is point the finger at the other guy, which will not solve half of the problem.

Maybe they don't want the problem solved, huh? Lots of political advantage in keeping the status quo.


I love how several of you were goading me to respond to O'Reilly's points, yet when i actually do, you all just pretend that I didn't. It's a real pussy move. Man up.

The lefties simply refuse to admit that the black community has issues it must address on its own. On the rare occasion they admit it, they will immediately spin away from it. All they want to do is point the finger at the other guy, which will not solve half of the problem.

Maybe they don't want the problem solved, huh? Lots of political advantage in keeping the status quo.


I love how several of you were goading me to respond to O'Reilly's points, yet when i actually do, you all just pretend that I didn't. It's a real pussy move. Man up.

I'm not familiar with you. I was not referring to you, I was not referring to any of your posts, I'm not following your comments, nor do I care if you "respond to O'Reilly's points". But your self-importance is certainly amusing.

But, great. Now that we're here, why is it that such a vast majority of what we're hearing from Obama and "black leaders" about race is about how everyone but blacks must change? Why is it that such a small percentage of what they are saying addresses the need for the black community to clean its own house? How are we supposed to have a comprehensive, honest "conversation about race" when so little attention will be paid by these people to problems blacks must fix themselves, when the so-called "conversation" has and probably will be so one-sided?

I'm now following your comments. Go ahead.

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The lefties simply refuse to admit that the black community has issues it must address on its own. On the rare occasion they admit it, they will immediately spin away from it. All they want to do is point the finger at the other guy, which will not solve half of the problem.

Maybe they don't want the problem solved, huh? Lots of political advantage in keeping the status quo.


I love how several of you were goading me to respond to O'Reilly's points, yet when i actually do, you all just pretend that I didn't. It's a real pussy move. Man up.

I'm not familiar with you. I was not referring to you, I was not referring to any of your posts, I'm not following your comments, nor do I care if you "respond to O'Reilly's points". But your self-importance is certainly amusing.

But, great. Now that we're here, why is it that such a vast majority of what we're hearing from Obama and "black leaders" about race is about how everyone but blacks must change? Why is it that such a small percentage of what they are saying addresses the need for the black community to clean its own house? How are we supposed to have a comprehensive, honest "conversation about race" when so little attention will be paid by these people to problems blacks must fix themselves, when the so-called "conversation" has and probably will be so one-sided?

I'm now following your comments. Go ahead.


Good points Mac, the start has to come from black leadership. It doesn't do any good for us to want them to change. It has to be a fundamental change in the black community. Black on black crime needs to be addressed and laws can change to address the issue but leadership needs to be the ones to ask for and to insist on change. All I hear from liberals are you must stop the white hate. There is no hate in the conversation, it is about helping fellow humans.

Not one liberal is willing to discuss solutions or put forth a solution. No liberal wants to help their fellow man. This entire thread for them is attacking the messenger or playing that all whites are racist.

Let's hear liberal solutions, then we can discuss if they can or cannot work.

The lefties simply refuse to admit that the black community has issues it must address on its own. On the rare occasion they admit it, they will immediately spin away from it. All they want to do is point the finger at the other guy, which will not solve half of the problem.

Maybe they don't want the problem solved, huh? Lots of political advantage in keeping the status quo.


I love how several of you were goading me to respond to O'Reilly's points, yet when i actually do, you all just pretend that I didn't. It's a real pussy move. Man up.

I'm not familiar with you. I was not referring to you, I was not referring to any of your posts, I'm not following your comments, nor do I care if you "respond to O'Reilly's points". But your self-importance is certainly amusing.

But, great. Now that we're here, why is it that such a vast majority of what we're hearing from Obama and "black leaders" about race is about how everyone but blacks must change? Why is it that such a small percentage of what they are saying addresses the need for the black community to clean its own house? How are we supposed to have a comprehensive, honest "conversation about race" when so little attention will be paid by these people to problems blacks must fix themselves, when the so-called "conversation" has and probably will be so one-sided?

I'm now following your comments. Go ahead.


The obvious point I am trying to make is that I did admit that the black community has issues they need to address, so you can stop with typical bullshit that no one on the left is willing to have a discussion. I essentially agreed with 90% of what O'Reilly said, but I felt he was slightly oversimplifying the issue. Let me go back and find which page my post was 6.

Also, Obama never said "everyone else" has to change. You just hear what you want to hear. All Obama did was point out that racism against blacks exists. That's it. If you think it doesn't, then you are an idiot.
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There are quite a few black people speaking up about what is happening among their people. Democrats try to shut them up and marginalize them, but it appears to be a growing concern.
I love how several of you were goading me to respond to O'Reilly's points, yet when i actually do, you all just pretend that I didn't. It's a real pussy move. Man up.

I'm not familiar with you. I was not referring to you, I was not referring to any of your posts, I'm not following your comments, nor do I care if you "respond to O'Reilly's points". But your self-importance is certainly amusing.

But, great. Now that we're here, why is it that such a vast majority of what we're hearing from Obama and "black leaders" about race is about how everyone but blacks must change? Why is it that such a small percentage of what they are saying addresses the need for the black community to clean its own house? How are we supposed to have a comprehensive, honest "conversation about race" when so little attention will be paid by these people to problems blacks must fix themselves, when the so-called "conversation" has and probably will be so one-sided?

I'm now following your comments. Go ahead.


The obvious point I am trying to make is that I did admit that the black community has issues they need to address, so you can stop with typical bullshit that no one on the left is willing to have a discussion. I essentially agreed with 90% of what O'Reilly said, but I felt he was slightly oversimplifying the issue. Let me go back and find which page my post was 6.

Also, Obama never said "everyone else" has to change. You just hear what you want to hear. All Obama did was point out that racism against blacks exists. That's it. If you think it doesn't, then you are an idiot.

So what is your solution?
I'm not familiar with you. I was not referring to you, I was not referring to any of your posts, I'm not following your comments, nor do I care if you "respond to O'Reilly's points". But your self-importance is certainly amusing.

But, great. Now that we're here, why is it that such a vast majority of what we're hearing from Obama and "black leaders" about race is about how everyone but blacks must change? Why is it that such a small percentage of what they are saying addresses the need for the black community to clean its own house? How are we supposed to have a comprehensive, honest "conversation about race" when so little attention will be paid by these people to problems blacks must fix themselves, when the so-called "conversation" has and probably will be so one-sided?

I'm now following your comments. Go ahead.


The obvious point I am trying to make is that I did admit that the black community has issues they need to address, so you can stop with typical bullshit that no one on the left is willing to have a discussion. I essentially agreed with 90% of what O'Reilly said, but I felt he was slightly oversimplifying the issue. Let me go back and find which page my post was 6.

Also, Obama never said "everyone else" has to change. You just hear what you want to hear. All Obama did was point out that racism against blacks exists. That's it. If you think it doesn't, then you are an idiot.

So what is your solution?

I love how I take a position that conservatives agree with yet you still just want to believe I am a whiney, close minded liberal. Why do you continue to believe that conclusion when it's so obvious I am not even refuting you? You just can't stand the fact that not all liberals think alike, don't you? You can't stand the fact that we have varying opinions like everybody else. It's so easy to just assume that we all think the same and are completely uncompromising. It makes it easier for you to feel more secure about your own close-minded convictions.

The black community does need more educational programs that tackle the social issues they are dealing with. They need to do some serious self-reflection. However, another major contributing factor to their social issues is unfair racism against them. They understandably feel frustrated living in a country where many of its citizens discriminate against them. It creates an "us vs. them" mentality that keeps them from assimilating. Unfortunately, there is no practical solution to end racism. It will never go away.

This issue isn't cut and dried. It is unfair and unrealistic to assume that it is all blacks' fault for the mess they are in.
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Was watching Al Sharptons Political Nation today and he acted like O reilly punced him in the gut, he was offeneded and tried to make excuses... No where did he address single mothers though tonight. He tried to say he always reports on black on black crime just sheepishly though. I almost felt sorry for him.
The obvious point I am trying to make is that I did admit that the black community has issues they need to address, so you can stop with typical bullshit that no one on the left is willing to have a discussion. I essentially agreed with 90% of what O'Reilly said, but I felt he was slightly oversimplifying the issue. Let me go back and find which page my post was 6.

Also, Obama never said "everyone else" has to change. You just hear what you want to hear. All Obama did was point out that racism against blacks exists. That's it. If you think it doesn't, then you are an idiot.

So what is your solution?

I love how I take a position that conservatives agree with yet you still just want to believe I am a whiney, close minded liberal. Why do you continue to believe that conclusion when it's so obvious I am not even refuting you? You just can't stand the fact that not all liberals think alike, don't you? You can't stand the fact that we have varying opinions like everybody else. It's so easy to just assume that we all think the same and are completely uncompromising. It makes it easier for you to feel more secure about your own close-minded convictions.

The black community does need more educational programs that tackle the social issues they are dealing with. They need to do some serious self-reflection. However, another major contributing factor to their social issues is unfair racism against them. They understandably feel frustrated living in a country where many of its citizens discriminate against them. It creates an "us vs. them" mentality that keeps them from assimilating. Unfortunately, there is no practical solution to end racism. It will never go away.

This issue isn't cut and dried. It is unfair and unrealistic to assume that it is all blacks' fault for the mess they are in.

I have no idea what your first paragraph has to do with anything we have talked about. I have no clue as to your politics as you seem all over the place, as far as your race, I really don't know or care what it is. So I'll toss it out the first paragraph as bullshit, tough guy rubbish.

Second paragraph, what kind of educational programs and reflect on what? Racism is a real problem, that is why leadership needs to work with it better, both black and white. The racism though is stronger between black and white and less than in oriental and white, hispanic and white. What is the difference? I really believe that whites and blacks need much more help in dealing with racism than any groups.

I don't believe it is blacks fault for where they are at, however they need to be the start of getting out of where they are at. It seems that leadership is lacking from both races to work on the divide, there needs to be harsh language, and a forcing of all of us to take ownership of the issues. I see a lot of placating and tiptoeing around the race issues. It will never go away unless we confront it.
This issue isn't cut and dried. It is unfair and unrealistic to assume that it is all blacks' fault for the mess they are in.

And it is intellectually dishonest to assert that there is any prevailing argument "that it is all blacks' fault for the mess they are in."

Both "sides" of this issue have some serious house-cleaning to do. But a "conversation on race" has to examine both sides openly and honestly, and that's simply not happening on a macro scale by the Left. Until both sides are honestly examined, any healing will be unsatisfactory.


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