Catch O'Reilly's talking points memo

dont try to dodge a bullet name the things that black leaders are trying to do? how many comercials are they about teens shouldnt get pregnant? how much energy is spent on black on black violence?

Excuse me?

What do you think education is all about, bub?

It's you folks are are dismantling that.

All your posts are is excuses, for the past year a 1000's blacks have died yet the black leaders only have the black population fixiated on the Zimmerman case. It dont ccost that much money to run a anti prego or drug add in the black comunitie.... I am begining to thing the black leaders just think its best for them to have kids and go on welfare.

They "fixated" on the Zimmerman case because it was an indication of how the justice system treats black folks.

In New York there were other cases that were "fixated" on too.

Like Sean Bell, who's "crime" was going to a bachelor party and getting frightened at the guy with the gun chasing his car.

Or Amadou Diallo, who's "crime" was coming home from work.

Now, it's not just cops gunning down young black men. Anyone can play.

the crime statistics of young black males and the stats on fatherless poverty stricken black families are only myths perpetuated by racist whites........

Theyre all being OJ

The lefties simply refuse to admit that the black community has issues it must address on its own. On the rare occasion they admit it, they will immediately spin away from it. All they want to do is point the finger at the other guy, which will not solve half of the problem.

Maybe they don't want the problem solved, huh? Lots of political advantage in keeping the status quo.

He hasn't added anything new.

Obviously not. The point I was making is that he said what needed to be said, because people, especially those on the left, are too afraid to come out and speak about these things for fear of offending blacks. In other words they're being politically correct and ignoring an important issue. Until the left becomes honest with itself these problems are going to keep compounding and getting worse.

We know pretty much that most conservatives view black folks as inferior in almost all ways as human beings and that they are totally responsible for their plight.

Do you have proof for this accusation? If not, then you're talking out of your ass.

We know that most conservatives either completely dismiss or marginalize this country's history in relation to it's treatment of minorities, particularly black folks.

Do you have proof for this accusation? If not, then you're talking out of your ass.

And we know that many conservatives are really really angry that a black person now occupies the white house.

Do you have proof for this accusation? If not, then you're talking out of your ass.

We also know that conservatives have been spending a great deal of time deconstructing the very programs that help lift black folks out of poverty and into the middle or upper classes.

I disagree. We all understand that the Democrats are doing the most damage to african americans by creating a system of dependence for them which makes it difficult to break free from. These people need help establishing themselves, they don't need to have Democrats throwing bones to them now and then.

The Democrats are, in my opinion, practicing modern day slavery in the form of welfare dependence. But they don't care, because their slaves give them votes.

So really?

What's the discussion?

Putting up new Jim Crow laws?

Where did you get this Jim Crow garbage from? Are you suggesting we institute Jim Crow laws?

What NEEDS to be done is exactly as Bill O'Reilly suggested: Educating young black girls about sex. Or improved sex education. If we can't as a collective society help lower the out of wedlock birth rate, then we have collectively failed black americans and they will be doomed to hundreds of years of degeneracy and poverty thanks to short sighted, left wing dregs such as yourself.
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Excuse me?

What do you think education is all about, bub?

It's you folks are are dismantling that.

Sallow......keep up the deflecting.

Deflecting what?

It's you are the one that are saying that Billo "identified" these "problems".

And he hasn't identified crap. He regurgitated age old white rages about black folks.
It's not new or original, but it's very real.

The NAACP have done nothing to advance a solution to the problem.
The Black Caucus hasn't done anything to advance a solution to the problem.
Rev. Al surely hasn't done anything to advance a solution to the problem.
Rev. Jesse surely hasn't done anything to advanced a solution to the problem.
The messiah surely hasn't done anything to advanced a solution to the problem.

All of them, and I mean all of them, have only made excuses for the problem.

I said no such thing, I said, "It's not new or original, but it's very real."
WTF??? You trying to put words in my mouth that I never said?
Like I said, you're deflecting and seem to be telling lies along the way.

You libs just seem to want to perpetuate the problem by not addressing the root of the problem.
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the crime statistics of young black males and the stats on fatherless poverty stricken black families are only myths perpetuated by racist whites........

Theyre all being OJ

You said it, now why not back up your premise with actual facts?
To make it easy....just contrast percentages of black murder rate with the black population and the white murder rate with the white population.

Damn, you haven't been paying attention have you, all the stats have been posted with links in this and other threads. There is nothing more pathetic than willful ignorance.

the crime statistics of young black males and the stats on fatherless poverty stricken black families are only myths perpetuated by racist whites........

Theyre all being OJ

You said it, now why not back up your premise with actual facts?
To make it easy....just contrast percentages of black murder rate with the black population and the white murder rate with the white population.

Damn, you haven't been paying attention have you, all the stats have been posted with links in this and other threads. There is nothing more pathetic than willful ignorance.

Comprehension sometimes is not my strong suit. I miss understood his post. :redface:
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You said it, now why not back up your premise with actual facts?
To make it easy....just contrast percentages of black murder rate with the black population and the white murder rate with the white population.

Damn, you haven't been paying attention have you, all the stats have been posted with links in this and other threads. There is nothing more pathetic than willful ignorance.

Comprehension sometimes is not my strong suit. I miss understood his post. :redface:

Chit happens.
Good grief nine pages of this crap. He didn't say anything new or original. He doesn't say anything unless it is to make money.

Still trying to attack the messenger instaed of the meassage? Oh grow up please.

Kiss my hairy ass. I have been saying the same thing all my life. He's had 60 years to. 35 in front of a camera. If ponting that out is an attack then so be it.
dont try to dodge a bullet name the things that black leaders are trying to do? how many comercials are they about teens shouldnt get pregnant? how much energy is spent on black on black violence?

Excuse me?

What do you think education is all about, bub?

It's you folks are are dismantling that.

Sallow......keep up the deflecting.

why not? neither side really wants to see this fixed. maybe Obama does but he really wont come out and say it, so he played passive in his speech.
Excuse me?

What do you think education is all about, bub?

It's you folks are are dismantling that.

Sallow......keep up the deflecting.

Deflecting what?

It's you are the one that are saying that Billo "identified" these "problems".

And he hasn't identified crap. He regurgitated age old white rages about black folks.

What "Old white rages about Black folks"?
Good grief nine pages of this crap. He didn't say anything new or original. He doesn't say anything unless it is to make money.

It's not new or original, but it's very real.

The NAACP have done nothing to advance a solution to the problem.
The Black Caucus hasn't done anything to advance a solution to the problem.
Rev. Al surely hasn't done anything to advance a solution to the problem.
Rev. Jesse surely hasn't done anything to advanced a solution to the problem.
The messiah surely hasn't done anything to advanced a solution to the problem.

All of them, and I mean all of them, have only made excuses for the problem.

Sure they are.

And it's much better then what you guys seem to be doing.

Which is saying, "What problem?"

What are they specifically doing.


Yeah..that's going to work well.

No wonder the GOP is trying to suppress the black vote.


Is that all you got of his commentary? It is a societal problem. It is one that everyone ignores. We need to stop the racism and hold people accountable. Bill Cosby has taken a lead in this issue, to bad liberals can't get past votes.

What about that do you disagree with?

And as for Bill Cosby? He says a great deal on the topic. The only part of it you folks seem to listen to is where he is telling black folks to start taking responsibility for their actions. By the way, President Obama has said the very same thing.

The problem becomes, because of this, people like O'Reilly then diminish all the other issues surrounding institutional racism and poverty in this country.

The 40 acres and a mule thing after the civil war probably would have gone a long way in bringing black folk into the mainstream of society. That was never done. And every attempt after that has been cheap, fallen short and eventually dismantled by the very folks who want to forget the history.

Blacks are not the problem, leadership is the problem. He's probably tired of the BS liberal rhetoric, not angry.

As for suppressing black vote? More liberal BS. So I guess I disagree with all the BS propaganda.
Excuse me?

What do you think education is all about, bub?

It's you folks are are dismantling that.

Sallow......keep up the deflecting.

Deflecting what?

It's you are the one that are saying that Billo "identified" these "problems".

And he hasn't identified crap. He regurgitated age old white rages about black folks.

Nigga pleeeeeze....prove his stats incorrect or shut the fuck up.

Everything he said was spot on.
As opposed to:

The High School to Jail pipeline for Black Folks.
Conservatives Blaming Black problems on "inherent" Black inferiority.
Racial Profiling.
Institutional Racism.
Denying history.
Dismantling Education.
Dismantling Food and Social programs.
Flying the Stars and Bars.
Calling the Confederates, heroes.
Ascribing a "Thug" label to the first black President. betcha..good stuff.

dont try to dodge a bullet name the things that black leaders are trying to do? how many comercials are they about teens shouldnt get pregnant? how much energy is spent on black on black violence?

Excuse me?

What do you think education is all about, bub?

It's you folks are are dismantling that.

What education programs are being dismantled?

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