Catch O'Reilly's talking points memo

Just watched his talking points memo.

Man that was the best talking points he's done in years.

You can catch it here: The O'Reilly Factor | Bill O'Reilly | Fox News



Yeah..that's going to work well.

No wonder the GOP is trying to suppress the black vote.


it is the truth.

but I agree, it is not going to work well.

One can see it by your own response.
Just watched his talking points memo.

Man that was the best talking points he's done in years.

You can catch it here: The O'Reilly Factor | Bill O'Reilly | Fox News



Yeah..that's going to work well.

No wonder the GOP is trying to suppress the black vote.


it is the truth.

but I agree, it is not going to work well.

One can see it by your own response.


The problems the black community faces must be tackled.

We have to collectively find out ways to control the massive amounts of out of wedlock births among black women. When you have almost 8 out of 10 black mothers giving birth out of wedlock, that's a sure fire way to destroy any sort of social cohesion among a demographic group.

Get control of births and then once that's done, then comes stabilizing the family. If you have women running around having sex with no good trash and giving birth to tons of father-less children there's going to be problems. Lots and lots of problems.
The race profiteers have no interest in a conversation, and I include Maobama and Holder in that group. In a real conversation issue have to be discussed and not demagogued, should that happen real solutions might actually happen and that would cost them everything. Division is the only way they survive.

Talk is cheap. We need more than just talk. We need action.

And what action would you suggest?

A big wall around poverty areas?

How about exile..that would be fun.

What other conservative solutions are being floated?

No. Nobody needs exiles.

Let's start with limiting the welfare/food stamps/ house founding for only 3 years for the a single mom and all the help available only for 1 kid - you can make mistake once, but if it is the second time - that's a pattern.

Get all the able body adults ( aka boston bomber) off any social assistance if they do not do community work for it - clean the streets in their neighborhoods to start with.

There are few other perfect methods which one can find in the use in any European country ( yes, they do CONTROL if their system is not abused).
Let's start with Germany :D

The recipe is color-blinded - it will work the same prefect way in the trailer park as in the inner-city ghetto.

And that is the beauty of it.


Yeah..that's going to work well.

No wonder the GOP is trying to suppress the black vote.


it is the truth.

but I agree, it is not going to work well.

One can see it by your own response.


The problems the black community faces must be tackled.

We have to collectively find out ways to control the massive amounts of out of wedlock births among black women. When you have almost 8 out of 10 black mothers giving birth out of wedlock, that's a sure fire way to destroy any sort of social cohesion among a demographic group.

Get control of births and then once that's done, then comes stabilizing the family. If you have women running around having sex with no good trash and giving birth to tons of father-less children there's going to be problems. Lots and lots of problems.

the only way one can get control of out of the wedlock births is cutting the umbilical cord from the taxpayer and limiting help just to one kid and for a limited time.
People are very flexible animals. They do not need too much time to develop Pavlov's reflexes - it is almost instantaneous. And universal.
Okay, I watched the Talking Points. Here is my opinion.

I agree with 90% of what O'Reilly said. I was impressed. I think he made very good points. I agree that part of the black community has made a self destructive culture for themselves. However, it is still important to recognize that unfair racism against black people is still a phenomenon that contributes to this issue. It is unfair to not acknowledge that. Those statistics are just as important.

I was also pleasantly surprised that he criticized Zimmerman's actions. More people on the right need to be more critical of Zimmerman's actions. Morally (but not legally), Zimmerman was in the wrong.

I think the biggest criticism I had of what O'Reilly said is that he expects Obama to address this complicated race issue. He shouldn't. That, in my mind, is not the responsibility of a president. It is however the responsibility of Sharpton and Jackson. I agree. Both of them play soft ball with this issue.

How about the race profiteers start out by putting out public service announcements in the black communities telling them that the path they are on WILL NOT lead to a successful life in this country, and start telling them that gansta BS and teen pregnancy will keep them down more than any man can by limiting their choices.

And just an observation, what most people refer to racism is more an observation of reputation than anything else, the Irish and the Italians have had to over come bad reputations at one time in our history, blacks will have to do the same. That takes work and forgetting the victim mentality and taking personal responsibility.
Just watched his talking points memo.

Man that was the best talking points he's done in years.

You can catch it here: The O'Reilly Factor | Bill O'Reilly | Fox News



Yeah..that's going to work well.

No wonder the GOP is trying to suppress the black vote.



Somebody needs to say what he said. Sitting by and being quiet and doing nothing just exacerbates the problem.

Problems don't fix themselves....they have to be confronted...

Bill hit the nail on the head, and that fact is what has peoples feathers ruffled.

He hasn't added anything new.

We know pretty much that most conservatives view black folks as inferior in almost all ways as human beings and that they are totally responsible for their plight.

We know that most conservatives either completely dismiss or marginalize this country's history in relation to it's treatment of minorities, particularly black folks.

And we know that many conservatives are really really angry that a black person now occupies the white house.

We also know that conservatives have been spending a great deal of time deconstructing the very programs that help lift black folks out of poverty and into the middle or upper classes.

So really?

What's the discussion?

Putting up new Jim Crow laws?

[ame=]Reliable Sources - Bill O'Reilly and Sylvia's + NPR declines - YouTube[/ame]

That was Billo at Sylvia's.

Gotta love it.
unless the discussion begins with a list of grievances against white people both past and present and ends with it's whitey's fault what are you going to do about it , it's racist.

Obama and Holder called for a conversation, now they are getting one. Be careful what you ask for.


Obama sure as hell did not speak out on Paula Deen's behalf now did he?

The race profiteers have no interest in a conversation, and I include Maobama and Holder in that group. In a real conversation issue have to be discussed and not demagogued, should that happen real solutions might actually happen and that would cost them everything. Division is the only way they survive.

Talk is cheap. We need more than just talk. We need action.

When you take action without a plan you get what we have today, inter-generational dependency.
Just watched his talking points memo.

Man that was the best talking points he's done in years.

You can catch it here: The O'Reilly Factor | Bill O'Reilly | Fox News



Yeah..that's going to work well.

No wonder the GOP is trying to suppress the black vote.


Is that all you got of his commentary? It is a societal problem. It is one that everyone ignores. We need to stop the racism and hold people accountable. Bill Cosby has taken a lead in this issue, to bad liberals can't get past votes.
Just watched his talking points memo.

Man that was the best talking points he's done in years.

You can catch it here: The O'Reilly Factor | Bill O'Reilly | Fox News



Yeah..that's going to work well.
That's not what he said, dumbass. I doubt you even watched the video.

Racists don't want to fix the real problems, they just want them under their thumbs long enough for them to just come out to vote for liberals.
Okay, I watched the Talking Points. Here is my opinion.

I agree with 90% of what O'Reilly said. I was impressed. I think he made very good points. I agree that part of the black community has made a self destructive culture for themselves. However, it is still important to recognize that unfair racism against black people is still a phenomenon that contributes to this issue. It is unfair to not acknowledge that. Those statistics are just as important.

I was also pleasantly surprised that he criticized Zimmerman's actions. More people on the right need to be more critical of Zimmerman's actions. Morally (but not legally), Zimmerman was in the wrong.

I think the biggest criticism I had of what O'Reilly said is that he expects Obama to address this complicated race issue. He shouldn't. That, in my mind, is not the responsibility of a president. It is however the responsibility of Sharpton and Jackson. I agree. Both of them play soft ball with this issue.

How about the race profiteers start out by putting out public service announcements in the black communities telling them that the path they are on WILL NOT lead to a successful life in this country, and start telling them that gansta BS and teen pregnancy will keep them down more than any man can by limiting their choices.

And just an observation, what most people refer to racism is more an observation of reputation than anything else, the Irish and the Italians have had to over come bad reputations at one time in our history, blacks will have to do the same. That takes work and forgetting the victim mentality and taking personal responsibility.

You're comparing two groups of people of European descent to black people. Apples and oranges.

Youre also missing the point about racism towards blacks. Black people who do not have a victim mentality and do take personal responsibility are still discriminated against. Unadulterated racism against blacks is a real thing in this country. I think you just want this issue to be simpler than what it is. Hell, there are several outspoken racists on this board alone. The proof is right in front of you.
So you are to lazy to find a transcript but energetic enough just enough to blast O'Reilly without knowing what the fuck he said. Typical brilliance by the lazy.

I didn't blast O'Reilly for what he said. I blasted O'Reilly in general. Try and keep up. I now saw the clip and responded so eat me.

Without watching the video you blasted him, you didn't care what he said, you stupidly and ignorantly spoke shit, without knowing the content or aim of thread. You are a true idiot, posting without using a brain cell.

God you are such a child both mentally and emotionally. I blasted him in general. I made no reference to what he said in the video. I knew who the man was before this episode aired dumbass.

And of course once I finally do watch clip and give my fair opinion on the matter you say nothing about it. Typical.
Okay, I watched the Talking Points. Here is my opinion.

I agree with 90% of what O'Reilly said. I was impressed. I think he made very good points. I agree that part of the black community has made a self destructive culture for themselves. However, it is still important to recognize that unfair racism against black people is still a phenomenon that contributes to this issue. It is unfair to not acknowledge that. Those statistics are just as important.

I was also pleasantly surprised that he criticized Zimmerman's actions. More people on the right need to be more critical of Zimmerman's actions. Morally (but not legally), Zimmerman was in the wrong.

I think the biggest criticism I had of what O'Reilly said is that he expects Obama to address this complicated race issue. He shouldn't. That, in my mind, is not the responsibility of a president. It is however the responsibility of Sharpton and Jackson. I agree. Both of them play soft ball with this issue.

How about the race profiteers start out by putting out public service announcements in the black communities telling them that the path they are on WILL NOT lead to a successful life in this country, and start telling them that gansta BS and teen pregnancy will keep them down more than any man can by limiting their choices.

And just an observation, what most people refer to racism is more an observation of reputation than anything else, the Irish and the Italians have had to over come bad reputations at one time in our history, blacks will have to do the same. That takes work and forgetting the victim mentality and taking personal responsibility.

You're comparing two groups of people of European descent to black people. Apples and oranges.

Youre also missing the point about racism towards blacks. Black people who do not have a victim mentality and do take personal responsibility are still discriminated against. Unadulterated racism against blacks is a real thing in this country. I think you just want this issue to be simpler than what it is. Hell, there are several outspoken racists on this board alone. The proof is right in front of you.

Really, the things your dear leader alluded to in his little diatribe about Martin, women clutching their purses and people locking doors are the results of reputation not racism. You may not want to face the facts about crime statistics but they are responsible for the reputation blacks have and why they are scrutinized more closely by police. Change the statistics and you will change the reputation, it really is that simple.
How about the race profiteers start out by putting out public service announcements in the black communities telling them that the path they are on WILL NOT lead to a successful life in this country, and start telling them that gansta BS and teen pregnancy will keep them down more than any man can by limiting their choices.

And just an observation, what most people refer to racism is more an observation of reputation than anything else, the Irish and the Italians have had to over come bad reputations at one time in our history, blacks will have to do the same. That takes work and forgetting the victim mentality and taking personal responsibility.

You're comparing two groups of people of European descent to black people. Apples and oranges.

Youre also missing the point about racism towards blacks. Black people who do not have a victim mentality and do take personal responsibility are still discriminated against. Unadulterated racism against blacks is a real thing in this country. I think you just want this issue to be simpler than what it is. Hell, there are several outspoken racists on this board alone. The proof is right in front of you.

Really, the things your dear leader alluded to in his little diatribe about Martin, women clutching their purses and people locking doors are the results of reputation not racism. You may not want to face the facts about crime statistics but they are responsible for the reputation blacks have and why they are scrutinized more closely by police. Change the statistics and you will change the reputation, it really is that simple.

I think you are a bigot who is in denial. If you don't think that unfair racism contributes to racial crime, then you are willfully ignorant.
You're comparing two groups of people of European descent to black people. Apples and oranges.

Youre also missing the point about racism towards blacks. Black people who do not have a victim mentality and do take personal responsibility are still discriminated against. Unadulterated racism against blacks is a real thing in this country. I think you just want this issue to be simpler than what it is. Hell, there are several outspoken racists on this board alone. The proof is right in front of you.

Really, the things your dear leader alluded to in his little diatribe about Martin, women clutching their purses and people locking doors are the results of reputation not racism. You may not want to face the facts about crime statistics but they are responsible for the reputation blacks have and why they are scrutinized more closely by police. Change the statistics and you will change the reputation, it really is that simple.

I think you are a bigot who is in denial. If you don't think that unfair racism contributes to racial crime, then you are willfully ignorant.

Define racial crime before I demonstrate just how willfully ignorant you are.
Really, the things your dear leader alluded to in his little diatribe about Martin, women clutching their purses and people locking doors are the results of reputation not racism. You may not want to face the facts about crime statistics but they are responsible for the reputation blacks have and why they are scrutinized more closely by police. Change the statistics and you will change the reputation, it really is that simple.

I think you are a bigot who is in denial. If you don't think that unfair racism contributes to racial crime, then you are willfully ignorant.

Define racial crime before I demonstrate just how willfully ignorant you are.

Answer me this question first. Do you think there are black people who are discriminated against regardless of how they behave?
I think you are a bigot who is in denial. If you don't think that unfair racism contributes to racial crime, then you are willfully ignorant.

Define racial crime before I demonstrate just how willfully ignorant you are.

Answer me this question first. Do you think there are black people who are discriminated against regardless of how they behave?

In some rare cases, it doesn't happen nearly as often as the race profiteers would have you believe. I can't say I've seen it personally in decades.
Define racial crime before I demonstrate just how willfully ignorant you are.

Answer me this question first. Do you think there are black people who are discriminated against regardless of how they behave?

In some rare cases, it doesn't happen nearly as often as the race profiteers would have you believe. I can't say I've seen it personally in decades.

Rare? Oh Christ if you believe that then I am not going to bother having this conversation with you.
Answer me this question first. Do you think there are black people who are discriminated against regardless of how they behave?

In some rare cases, it doesn't happen nearly as often as the race profiteers would have you believe. I can't say I've seen it personally in decades.

Rare? Oh Christ if you believe that then I am not going to bother having this conversation with you.

You think it's common, prove it. No hurry, I'll wait.
I think you are a bigot who is in denial. If you don't think that unfair racism contributes to racial crime, then you are willfully ignorant.

Define racial crime before I demonstrate just how willfully ignorant you are.

Answer me this question first. Do you think there are black people who are discriminated against regardless of how they behave?

I believe that black people are discriminated against -- unfairly. This is done by people of other races; but, it is also sometimes blacks on black discrimination. Also, black people are sometimes hypersensitive and perceive racism that isn't there -- often times when some like Obama hears car doors locking, it has nothing to do with someone being black. I've also witnessed how some blacks are skilled with the race card. A black skilled with the race card can sometimes have white person walking on egg shells with the suggestion of racial discrimination.
Define racial crime before I demonstrate just how willfully ignorant you are.

Answer me this question first. Do you think there are black people who are discriminated against regardless of how they behave?

I believe that black people are discriminated against -- unfairly. This is done by people of other races; but, it is also sometimes blacks on black discrimination. Also, black people are sometimes hypersensitive and perceive racism that isn't there -- often times when some like Obama hears car doors locking, it has nothing to do with someone being black. I've also witnessed how some blacks are skilled with the race card. A black skilled with the race card can sometimes have white person walking on egg shells with the suggestion of racial discrimination.

Sounds like you're buying in to my reputation vs. racism scenario and the harm that the race profiteers are doing to their own. And yet you have the audacity to call me a bigot in denial because I say reputations are earned and crime statistics are simple facts that are proof that the reputation has been earned. BTW you can count me as one of the whites that refuse to walk on egg shell any longer. I've been saying what O'Riley said for years and have been called every name in the book just as he was. None of this will ever be fixed without taking the problems on head on.

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