Catch O'Reilly's talking points memo

Even Bob Beckel, the other day on The Five, said that the Liberal Left has created a monster in their dependency programs and they need to try to find a way to legislate themselves away from the three generations of handouts.

Until people can truly be HONEST about cause and effect "racism" will never die

Yep. The Left is going to hang on to their schtick for as long as they can -- it wins elections -- but you can see it beginning to come apart. The "it's all the other guys' fault" routine and the "if you challenge blacks in any way you're a racist" routine are wearing thin, and I think they know it. An honest conversation will have to include improvements the black community will have to make themselves.

An honest conversation is desperately needed, but that honesty will have to come from both "sides".

The only question is whether it's too late. Meanwhile, another generation of young black kids is growing up in hopelessness and despair, without fathers, without discipline, without standards, without real guidance. That's a fucked up thing to do to a kid.

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What would be wrong with the NAACP, the UNCF, the Rainbow Coalition, Sharpton, churches and even government ads, aimed at black youth to no get knocked up, to start making better choices, to not listen to Hollywood or music idiots. How about encourage families, encourage parents staying together, encourage responsibility. Show that black Americans are not going to keep putting up with the current level of violence and self destruction. It has to start in the black communities, they have to jump start it, it won't carry any weight if any other race starts asking for it.

The crime statistics are shocking! There is a huge problem with black crime, even black on black crime. Why are we letting black families live in a less secure environment? Why do black leaders not ask for the help to stop the violence? Zimmerman and Martin was a tragic event, but it pales in comparison with the daily crimes committed by black deaths, in cities like Chicago.

Racial inequality is a real disease, it is a real problem, however blacks and white leaders need to stand up and confront it and look at the reasons behind it.

This country is in need of people that unite, not divide, black and white leadership, divide this country. We need to demand more from our leaders, O'Reilly made some good points, and we of all races, need to demand leadership and responsibility.

The poor in this country need the protection not the exploitation of our leaders.
What would be wrong with the NAACP, the UNCF, the Rainbow Coalition, Sharpton, churches and even government ads, aimed at black youth to no get knocked up, to start making better choices, to not listen to Hollywood or music idiots. How about encourage families, encourage parents staying together, encourage responsibility. Show that black Americans are not going to keep putting up with the current level of violence and self destruction. It has to start in the black communities, they have to jump start it, it won't carry any weight if any other race starts asking for it.

The crime statistics are shocking! There is a huge problem with black crime, even black on black crime. Why are we letting black families live in a less secure environment? Why do black leaders not ask for the help to stop the violence? Zimmerman and Martin was a tragic event, but it pales in comparison with the daily crimes committed by black deaths, in cities like Chicago.

Racial inequality is a real disease, it is a real problem, however blacks and white leaders need to stand up and confront it and look at the reasons behind it.

This country is in need of people that unite, not divide, black and white leadership, divide this country. We need to demand more from our leaders, O'Reilly made some good points, and we of all races, need to demand leadership and responsibility.

The poor in this country need the protection not the exploitation of our leaders.

I know that boycotting Florida isn't going to help Blacks.
Good grief nine pages of this crap. He didn't say anything new or original. He doesn't say anything unless it is to make money.
Just watched his talking points memo.

Man that was the best talking points he's done in years.

You can catch it here: The O'Reilly Factor | Bill O'Reilly | Fox News



Yeah..that's going to work well.

No wonder the GOP is trying to suppress the black vote.


Is that all you got of his commentary? It is a societal problem. It is one that everyone ignores. We need to stop the racism and hold people accountable. Bill Cosby has taken a lead in this issue, to bad liberals can't get past votes.

What about that do you disagree with?

And as for Bill Cosby? He says a great deal on the topic. The only part of it you folks seem to listen to is where he is telling black folks to start taking responsibility for their actions. By the way, President Obama has said the very same thing.

The problem becomes, because of this, people like O'Reilly then diminish all the other issues surrounding institutional racism and poverty in this country.

The 40 acres and a mule thing after the civil war probably would have gone a long way in bringing black folk into the mainstream of society. That was never done. And every attempt after that has been cheap, fallen short and eventually dismantled by the very folks who want to forget the history.
Good grief nine pages of this crap. He didn't say anything new or original. He doesn't say anything unless it is to make money.

Still trying to attack the messenger instaed of the meassage? Oh grow up please.
Good grief nine pages of this crap. He didn't say anything new or original. He doesn't say anything unless it is to make money.

It's not new or original, but it's very real.

The NAACP have done nothing to advance a solution to the problem.
The Black Caucus hasn't done anything to advance a solution to the problem.
Rev. Al surely hasn't done anything to advance a solution to the problem.
Rev. Jesse surely hasn't done anything to advanced a solution to the problem.
The messiah surely hasn't done anything to advanced a solution to the problem.

All of them, and I mean all of them, have only made excuses for the problem.
Good grief nine pages of this crap. He didn't say anything new or original. He doesn't say anything unless it is to make money.

It's not new or original, but it's very real.

The NAACP have done nothing to advance a solution to the problem.
The Black Caucus hasn't done anything to advance a solution to the problem.
Rev. Al surely hasn't done anything to advance a solution to the problem.
Rev. Jesse surely hasn't done anything to advanced a solution to the problem.
The messiah surely hasn't done anything to advanced a solution to the problem.

All of them, and I mean all of them, have only made excuses for the problem.

Sure they are.

And it's much better then what you guys seem to be doing.

Which is saying, "What problem?"
Good grief nine pages of this crap. He didn't say anything new or original. He doesn't say anything unless it is to make money.

It's not new or original, but it's very real.

The NAACP have done nothing to advance a solution to the problem.
The Black Caucus hasn't done anything to advance a solution to the problem.
Rev. Al surely hasn't done anything to advance a solution to the problem.
Rev. Jesse surely hasn't done anything to advanced a solution to the problem.
The messiah surely hasn't done anything to advanced a solution to the problem.

All of them, and I mean all of them, have only made excuses for the problem.

Sure they are.

And it's much better then what you guys seem to be doing.

Which is saying, "What problem?"

What are they doing?
Government handouts? Morning after pills? Free abortions without parents knowing?
Demonstrating in the streets? Rallys?
Hate speeches by Al, and Jesse?


Yeah..that's going to work well.

No wonder the GOP is trying to suppress the black vote.



Somebody needs to say what he said. Sitting by and being quiet and doing nothing just exacerbates the problem.

Problems don't fix themselves....they have to be confronted...

Bill hit the nail on the head, and that fact is what has peoples feathers ruffled.

He hasn't added anything new.

We know pretty much that most conservatives view black folks as inferior in almost all ways as human beings and that they are totally responsible for their plight.

We know that most conservatives either completely dismiss or marginalize this country's history in relation to it's treatment of minorities, particularly black folks.

And we know that many conservatives are really really angry that a black person now occupies the white house.

We also know that conservatives have been spending a great deal of time deconstructing the very programs that help lift black folks out of poverty and into the middle or upper classes.

So really?

What's the discussion?

Putting up new Jim Crow laws?

[ame=]Reliable Sources - Bill O'Reilly and Sylvia's + NPR declines - YouTube[/ame]

That was Billo at Sylvia's.

Gotta love it.[/QUOTE

Blacks, still embracing the victimization card after 50 years ........poor things
It's not new or original, but it's very real.

The NAACP have done nothing to advance a solution to the problem.
The Black Caucus hasn't done anything to advance a solution to the problem.
Rev. Al surely hasn't done anything to advance a solution to the problem.
Rev. Jesse surely hasn't done anything to advanced a solution to the problem.
The messiah surely hasn't done anything to advanced a solution to the problem.

All of them, and I mean all of them, have only made excuses for the problem.

Sure they are.

And it's much better then what you guys seem to be doing.

Which is saying, "What problem?"

What are they doing?
Government handouts? Morning after pills? Free abortions without parents knowing?
Demonstrating in the streets? Rallys?
Hate speeches by Al, and Jesse?

As opposed to:

The High School to Jail pipeline for Black Folks.
Conservatives Blaming Black problems on "inherent" Black inferiority.
Racial Profiling.
Institutional Racism.
Denying history.
Dismantling Education.
Dismantling Food and Social programs.
Flying the Stars and Bars.
Calling the Confederates, heroes.
Ascribing a "Thug" label to the first black President. betcha..good stuff.
Sure they are.

And it's much better then what you guys seem to be doing.

Which is saying, "What problem?"

What are they doing?
Government handouts? Morning after pills? Free abortions without parents knowing?
Demonstrating in the streets? Rallys?
Hate speeches by Al, and Jesse?

As opposed to:

The High School to Jail pipeline for Black Folks.
Conservatives Blaming Black problems on "inherent" Black inferiority.
Racial Profiling.
Institutional Racism.
Denying history.
Dismantling Education.
Dismantling Food and Social programs.
Flying the Stars and Bars.
Calling the Confederates, heroes.
Ascribing a "Thug" label to the first black President. betcha..good stuff.

dont try to dodge a bullet name the things that black leaders are trying to do? how many comercials are they about teens shouldnt get pregnant? how much energy is spent on black on black violence?
What are they doing?
Government handouts? Morning after pills? Free abortions without parents knowing?
Demonstrating in the streets? Rallys?
Hate speeches by Al, and Jesse?

As opposed to:

The High School to Jail pipeline for Black Folks.
Conservatives Blaming Black problems on "inherent" Black inferiority.
Racial Profiling.
Institutional Racism.
Denying history.
Dismantling Education.
Dismantling Food and Social programs.
Flying the Stars and Bars.
Calling the Confederates, heroes.
Ascribing a "Thug" label to the first black President. betcha..good stuff.

dont try to dodge a bullet name the things that black leaders are trying to do? how many comercials are they about teens shouldnt get pregnant? how much energy is spent on black on black violence?

Excuse me?

What do you think education is all about, bub?

It's you folks are are dismantling that.
As opposed to:

The High School to Jail pipeline for Black Folks.
Conservatives Blaming Black problems on "inherent" Black inferiority.
Racial Profiling.
Institutional Racism.
Denying history.
Dismantling Education.
Dismantling Food and Social programs.
Flying the Stars and Bars.
Calling the Confederates, heroes.
Ascribing a "Thug" label to the first black President. betcha..good stuff.

dont try to dodge a bullet name the things that black leaders are trying to do? how many comercials are they about teens shouldnt get pregnant? how much energy is spent on black on black violence?

Excuse me?

What do you think education is all about, bub?

It's you folks are are dismantling that.

Sallow......keep up the deflecting.
What would be wrong with the NAACP, the UNCF, the Rainbow Coalition, Sharpton, churches and even government ads, aimed at black youth to no get knocked up, to start making better choices, to not listen to Hollywood or music idiots. How about encourage families, encourage parents staying together, encourage responsibility. Show that black Americans are not going to keep putting up with the current level of violence and self destruction. It has to start in the black communities, they have to jump start it, it won't carry any weight if any other race starts asking for it.

The crime statistics are shocking! There is a huge problem with black crime, even black on black crime. Why are we letting black families live in a less secure environment? Why do black leaders not ask for the help to stop the violence? Zimmerman and Martin was a tragic event, but it pales in comparison with the daily crimes committed by black deaths, in cities like Chicago.

Racial inequality is a real disease, it is a real problem, however blacks and white leaders need to stand up and confront it and look at the reasons behind it.

This country is in need of people that unite, not divide, black and white leadership, divide this country. We need to demand more from our leaders, O'Reilly made some good points, and we of all races, need to demand leadership and responsibility.

The poor in this country need the protection not the exploitation of our leaders.

All very true. All I'd add is to also showcase successful black families of people who've refused to fall into the victim trap preached by Sharpton and other alleged black leaders. Not an easy task as the low information blacks have been inculcated to look at them as turncoats, Uncle Toms, house niggas, etc., etc. Nothing will be easy in attempting to change the many problems hurting much of the black community, but their only hope is to begin to face the facts. Unfortunately, the chances are slim to none IMO.
As opposed to:

The High School to Jail pipeline for Black Folks.
Conservatives Blaming Black problems on "inherent" Black inferiority.
Racial Profiling.
Institutional Racism.
Denying history.
Dismantling Education.
Dismantling Food and Social programs.
Flying the Stars and Bars.
Calling the Confederates, heroes.
Ascribing a "Thug" label to the first black President. betcha..good stuff.

dont try to dodge a bullet name the things that black leaders are trying to do? how many comercials are they about teens shouldnt get pregnant? how much energy is spent on black on black violence?

Excuse me?

What do you think education is all about, bub?

It's you folks are are dismantling that.

All your posts are is excuses, for the past year a 1000's blacks have died yet the black leaders only have the black population fixiated on the Zimmerman case. It dont ccost that much money to run a anti prego or drug add in the black comunitie.... I am begining to thing the black leaders just think its best for them to have kids and go on welfare.
dont try to dodge a bullet name the things that black leaders are trying to do? how many comercials are they about teens shouldnt get pregnant? how much energy is spent on black on black violence?

Excuse me?

What do you think education is all about, bub?

It's you folks are are dismantling that.

Sallow......keep up the deflecting.

Deflecting what?

It's you are the one that are saying that Billo "identified" these "problems".

And he hasn't identified crap. He regurgitated age old white rages about black folks.

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