Catch O'Reilly's talking points memo

How exactly is Sean Hannity not part of Fox News when there is a talk show called Hannity hosted by Sean Hannity? Trust me, he is very much apart of Fox News. He isn't not a commentator. He is a puppet and FN is his puppet master. God only knows who puts that bullshit in his teleprompter. Probably Roger himself.

Fox has a news division, Hannity is not part of it. Shep Smith is the news reader at 6PM.

Hannity is a political commentator with an agenda. MSNBC consists of nothing but left wing commentators with an agenda--MSNBC does not do news.

If you don't like Hannity, don't watch him.

This thread is about O'Reilly's commentary last night.

I'm not sure you have ever even watched MSNBC. It does have a news division. Here is a key difference between Fox News and MSNBC. Fox News does not have one liberal commentator. MSNBC however has one conservative commentator (Morning Joe).

I will give you credit for name dropping Shepard Smith. He is the only positive aspect of Fox News. I like him I must admit. Unfortunately everything else about Fox News is complete bullshit.

Here is another fun fact. MSNBC is honest about its bias. Fox News flat out lies about its bias:

"Lean Forward"

"Fair and Balanced News"




Joe a Conservative??


I live in Florida. I know better
You are such a pussy. How about you use the reputation system like a grown up?

I was referring to the comment you said about the left not wanting a discussion. Not about our conversation.

What is your opinion on what Bill said? What specific do you disagree with him on?

Give me a link to the clip itself. Not a full episode clip. A transcript of what he said. I will be happy to give my opinion on what he said.

So you are to lazy to find a transcript but energetic enough just enough to blast O'Reilly without knowing what the fuck he said. Typical brilliance by the lazy.
What is your opinion on what Bill said? What specific do you disagree with him on?

Give me a link to the clip itself. Not a full episode clip. A transcript of what he said. I will be happy to give my opinion on what he said.

So you are to lazy to find a transcript but energetic enough just enough to blast O'Reilly without knowing what the fuck he said. Typical brilliance by the lazy.

Intentional Ignorance!

Gotta love it
Okay, I watched the Talking Points. Here is my opinion.

I agree with 90% of what O'Reilly said. I was impressed. I think he made very good points. I agree that part of the black community has made a self destructive culture for themselves. However, it is still important to recognize that unfair racism against black people is still a phenomenon that contributes to this issue. It is unfair to not acknowledge that. Those statistics are just as important.

I was also pleasantly surprised that he criticized Zimmerman's actions. More people on the right need to be more critical of Zimmerman's actions. Morally (but not legally), Zimmerman was in the wrong.

I think the biggest criticism I had of what O'Reilly said is that he expects Obama to address this complicated race issue. He shouldn't. That, in my mind, is not the responsibility of a president. It is however the responsibility of Sharpton and Jackson. I agree. Both of them play soft ball with this issue.
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What is your opinion on what Bill said? What specific do you disagree with him on?

Give me a link to the clip itself. Not a full episode clip. A transcript of what he said. I will be happy to give my opinion on what he said.

So you are to lazy to find a transcript but energetic enough just enough to blast O'Reilly without knowing what the fuck he said. Typical brilliance by the lazy.

I didn't blast O'Reilly for what he said. I blasted O'Reilly in general. Try and keep up. I now saw the clip and responded so eat me.
So you aren't going to focus or refute what was said, all you are going to is focus on who said it. This is a problem with partisan assholes like yourself. You are not part of the discussion, you are part of a huge problem.

Unfortunately, the left are pros at ignoring the discussion and just attacking the person who said it.

Even more unfortunately, there are those on the right who mimic their tactics.
Krauthammer was just on O'Reilly...saying we need policy changes not conversations. He also said cultural change will take generations. Everyone has a different take on the way forward. My input would be that policy changes begin with conversations...lets get on with it...for generations.

The cultural change will happen as quickly as it takes for us to change ourselves.
Give me a link to the clip itself. Not a full episode clip. A transcript of what he said. I will be happy to give my opinion on what he said.

So you are to lazy to find a transcript but energetic enough just enough to blast O'Reilly without knowing what the fuck he said. Typical brilliance by the lazy.

I didn't blast O'Reilly for what he said. I blasted O'Reilly in general. Try and keep up. I now saw the clip and responded so eat me.

Without watching the video you blasted him, you didn't care what he said, you stupidly and ignorantly spoke shit, without knowing the content or aim of thread. You are a true idiot, posting without using a brain cell.
His ratings will go up after that speech.

If you mean the one last night, I was watching it and was startled by how well he delivered his message. Very intense and to the point. One reason why Bill O'Reilly is #1.
His passion is what took me by surprise. He's clearly tired of the political game being played.

There are alot of people tired of the political game.

When people's lives are affected and generations live in squalor because of games, it's time to stop playing them and start changing things.
You are such a pussy. How about you use the reputation system like a grown up?

I was referring to the comment you said about the left not wanting a discussion. Not about our conversation.

unless the discussion begins with a list of grievances against white people both past and present and ends with it's whitey's fault what are you going to do about it , it's racist.

Obama and Holder called for a conversation, now they are getting one. Be careful what you ask for.


Obama sure as hell did not speak out on Paula Deen's behalf now did he?

The race profiteers have no interest in a conversation, and I include Maobama and Holder in that group. In a real conversation issue have to be discussed and not demagogued, should that happen real solutions might actually happen and that would cost them everything. Division is the only way they survive.

Talk is cheap. We need more than just talk. We need action.
unless the discussion begins with a list of grievances against white people both past and present and ends with it's whitey's fault what are you going to do about it , it's racist.

Obama and Holder called for a conversation, now they are getting one. Be careful what you ask for.


Obama sure as hell did not speak out on Paula Deen's behalf now did he?

The race profiteers have no interest in a conversation, and I include Maobama and Holder in that group. In a real conversation issue have to be discussed and not demagogued, should that happen real solutions might actually happen and that would cost them everything. Division is the only way they survive.

Talk is cheap. We need more than just talk. We need action.

And what action would you suggest?

A big wall around poverty areas?

How about exile..that would be fun.

What other conservative solutions are being floated?
I accidently caught part of Al Sharpton's show on MSNBC.

Of course he was ranting, along with his guest, how O'Reilly and Whites in general can't speak to black crime because they aren't black.

Sould Familar?

Oh God yes----You can't speak about abortion unless you have a vagina......bla bla bla.
If a white person were stupid enough to enter into this "conversation" he had better be prepared to listen because he does not have the credentials to speak.

Why is it the people who don't want to have the conversations are the ones saying others cant have it?:)
I accidently caught part of Al Sharpton's show on MSNBC.

Of course he was ranting, along with his guest, how O'Reilly and Whites in general can't speak to black crime because they aren't black.

Sould Familar?

Oh God yes----You can't speak about abortion unless you have a vagina......bla bla bla.
If a white person were stupid enough to enter into this "conversation" he had better be prepared to listen because he does not have the credentials to speak.

Why is it the people who don't want to have the conversations are the ones saying others cant have it?:)

same old reason-----the truth might rear it's ugly head. America has gotten too far from it to be able to handle any.
Just watched his talking points memo.

Man that was the best talking points he's done in years.

You can catch it here: The O'Reilly Factor | Bill O'Reilly | Fox News



Yeah..that's going to work well.

No wonder the GOP is trying to suppress the black vote.



Somebody needs to say what he said. Sitting by and being quiet and doing nothing just exacerbates the problem.

Problems don't fix themselves....they have to be confronted...

Bill hit the nail on the head, and that fact is what has peoples feathers ruffled.
The race profiteers have no interest in a conversation, and I include Maobama and Holder in that group. In a real conversation issue have to be discussed and not demagogued, should that happen real solutions might actually happen and that would cost them everything. Division is the only way they survive.

Talk is cheap. We need more than just talk. We need action.

And what action would you suggest?

A big wall around poverty areas?

How about exile..that would be fun.

What other conservative solutions are being floated?

some people need to change their ways and stop blaming conservatives, whitey, obstructionists gop and any other made up boogey man.

it's just that simple
Krauthammer was just on O'Reilly...saying we need policy changes not conversations. He also said cultural change will take generations. Everyone has a different take on the way forward. My input would be that policy changes begin with conversations...lets get on with it...for generations.

The cultural change will happen as quickly as it takes for us to change ourselves.

"Us" being all of/the vast majority of us? That will take generations.

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