Catholic church "acquits" rapist priest

His photograph is at the top of the news story about how he admitted to raping 30 children ages 5 to 10 years old. Had you clicked the link you would have seen it. It does not appear that you are searching very hard for the truth. Doesn't take too much effort to click a news link, meriwether.

You do realize your site is called Gossip and Entertainment? If you checked more reliable sources you would learn that people believe the rumor (or gossip) was started to discredit the Catholic Church's stance on marriage. It was seen as a political move to discredit the Church.

It takes no effort at all to click on a website. It does take effort to track down truth and then verify it rather than swallow a possible ruse. Journalism relies on three different credible, independent sources. Gossip sites don't qualify.
It would be nice to see those who tried to bury this story and claimed it wasn't true - make an apology to the victims, their parents and a few news reporters who refused to be bullied into silence by the Vatican like major media news sources in the USA appear to have been. It's the right thing to do. Don't you think so?
No one is trying to bury it. People want the truth--no matter what that truth is. So far, we have unverified rumor and gossip. Let's wait for the verified facts. You may have your wish that it is all true...but thus far you are not linking to credible websites--and nor have I found any. Perhaps within 24 hours?
The news story is running in Europe now.

Mexican priest with HIV who raped 30 young girls absolved by church
Daily Mail UK News

You're going to have to face it. This was a wicked attempt to cover up a major story. Your lack of concern for these children is very disappointing, Meriweather. I certainly hope no child ever has to depend upon you to protect them from these predators.

I'll face it when the facts are verified.

You have no way of judging or knowing the concern I have for children. What you should know is that concern for journalistic truth does not eclipse concern for children.
Keep in mind the Daily Mail is a Tabloid ran the story two days ago. It is since being debunked. It certainly wasn't picked up by any credible sources.
Anthony Wiener had sexual relations with a troubled 15 year old, so what's your point?

Hmmmm A lie about Weiner or 2000 years of rape.

Yeah, that's a real brain flosser, all righty.

WTF is wrong with people who make these lame ass excuses for the catholic church?
Keep in mind the Daily Mail is a Tabloid ran the story two days ago. It is since being debunked. It certainly wasn't picked up by any credible sources.

I hope this ONE example isn't true but more to the point is the usual defense and smoke screens posted by the very same sub-humans who screech at the thought of abortion but consistently turn their backs on children.
Looks like its probably true - Thing is, its so common, I doubt a report in Mexico would make the news in the US. And if this report isn't true, there are thousands of others to choose from.

The Archdiocese of Mexico, decided to acquit any crime and punishment José Ataulfo Garcia, the priest who allegedly confessed to raping more than 30 indigenous girls in the State of Oaxaca between 5 and ten years, but knew he was carrying the virus AIDS.

Despite all the evidence that has come to light in the last two months, neither the state, let alone organizations defending children's rights have been legally proceed

This is because the priestly figure still inspires great respect for indigenous communities, and that priests have much power there; and this prevents families of abused made possible to fight them feel.

The mother of one of the victims planned to meet with Pope Francisco. However, the final answer of the Catholic Church came with a letter sent from Rome, where the Sacred Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith since Vatican, using false information. He stated that "the investigation carried out." The priest, Jose Ataulfo Garcia, was free of any charge or offense.


The website quoted the magazine " Let's talk about Mexico " as the source of the original complaint , in July, in response to the mother of one of the victims asked to meet with Pope Francisco ; however, written from Rome he released the opinion of the case.

In the case of the Legionaries of Christ, the creation of degenerate clerical priest Marcial Maciel Degollado , Mexico and it is saturated with allegations of reprehensible behavior of Catholic priests.
Keep in mind the Daily Mail is a Tabloid ran the story two days ago. It is since being debunked. It certainly wasn't picked up by any credible sources.
The Daily Mail has not retracted their story. Neither has the News Story I posted - which was reported in Mexico. It is clear to me that you are determined to believe what you want to believe, Meriweather.

Two people on this thread who are not Christians spoke up for the victims. No one else. I'm a Christian and I have done what I could to find further information about the story in defense of these children and their parents. Christians are called to speak up for and defend those who cannot speak up for themselves. I'll be praying for these children and I thank Luddly for the story. I have nothing further to say.
I hope this ONE example isn't true but more to the point is the usual defense and smoke screens posted by the very same sub-humans who screech at the thought of abortion but consistently turn their backs on children.

People (and these are generally watchful Catholics) who keep up with this know that at least in the United States, the Church has worked at making sure child abuse cannot happen within the parish. Many changes were made, and these are now used as models by child protection agencies on effective ways to protect children. The procedures for when my brothers were altar servers to the procedures when my daughters were altar servers were quite different.

The US Conference of College Bishops have cracked down on dioceses who are not open and forthcoming. Things have changed since the 1970s-1980s when the media was pushing the story. By the way, as a journalism major during this time frame, I can attest that the news media could have chosen many other agencies (such as schools, sports, recreation centers) where this also occurs. They chose the Church they thought would get the most play. I'm glad if they could only choose one, they chose the Catholic Church. The Church should be first and foremost leading any community clean-up. The Church was never worse--and often much better--as far as child abuse statistics go. Still, being a Church that statistic should always be ZERO. The Church does not turn its back on children. Period.

This story is coming out of Mexico, so I have no second-hand knowledge of how things work down there. I can say that the Church cannot absolve anyone from a national crime. Unless the Mexican government has a clause that churches can pardon criminals, this is the first part that makes the story suspect.
Looks like its probably true - Thing is, its so common, I doubt a report in Mexico would make the news in the US. And if this report isn't true, there are thousands of others to choose from.

The Archdiocese of Mexico, decided to acquit any crime and punishment José Ataulfo Garcia, the priest who allegedly confessed to raping more than 30 indigenous girls in the State of Oaxaca between 5 and ten years, but knew he was carrying the virus AIDS.

Despite all the evidence that has come to light in the last two months, neither the state, let alone organizations defending children's rights have been legally proceed

This is because the priestly figure still inspires great respect for indigenous communities, and that priests have much power there; and this prevents families of abused made possible to fight them feel.

The mother of one of the victims planned to meet with Pope Francisco. However, the final answer of the Catholic Church came with a letter sent from Rome, where the Sacred Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith since Vatican, using false information. He stated that "the investigation carried out." The priest, Jose Ataulfo Garcia, was free of any charge or offense.


The website quoted the magazine " Let's talk about Mexico " as the source of the original complaint , in July, in response to the mother of one of the victims asked to meet with Pope Francisco ; however, written from Rome he released the opinion of the case.

In the case of the Legionaries of Christ, the creation of degenerate clerical priest Marcial Maciel Degollado , Mexico and it is saturated with allegations of reprehensible behavior of Catholic priests.

An archdiocese cannot acquit anyone of a crime. The local justice system would have to do that. Did local police do this?
I doubt it happens as much as said in the RCC, many have jumped on the bandwagon to get money and yes many were abused. Most Priests have flings with females.

There are probably more Protestants preachers or just as many who also abuse children, and also Jewish Rabbis.

I really do not understand the hatred of the RCC.
Anthony Wiener had sexual relations with a troubled 15 year old, so what's your point?

Hmmmm A lie about Weiner or 2000 years of rape.

Yeah, that's a real brain flosser, all righty.

WTF is wrong with people who make these lame ass excuses for the catholic church?
Has Weiner been charged with a crime? No. Has this priest been charged with a crime?
Looks like its probably true - Thing is, its so common, I doubt a report in Mexico would make the news in the US. And if this report isn't true, there are thousands of others to choose from.

The Archdiocese of Mexico, decided to acquit any crime and punishment José Ataulfo Garcia, the priest who allegedly confessed to raping more than 30 indigenous girls in the State of Oaxaca between 5 and ten years, but knew he was carrying the virus AIDS.

Despite all the evidence that has come to light in the last two months, neither the state, let alone organizations defending children's rights have been legally proceed

This is because the priestly figure still inspires great respect for indigenous communities, and that priests have much power there; and this prevents families of abused made possible to fight them feel.

The mother of one of the victims planned to meet with Pope Francisco. However, the final answer of the Catholic Church came with a letter sent from Rome, where the Sacred Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith since Vatican, using false information. He stated that "the investigation carried out." The priest, Jose Ataulfo Garcia, was free of any charge or offense.


The website quoted the magazine " Let's talk about Mexico " as the source of the original complaint , in July, in response to the mother of one of the victims asked to meet with Pope Francisco ; however, written from Rome he released the opinion of the case.

In the case of the Legionaries of Christ, the creation of degenerate clerical priest Marcial Maciel Degollado , Mexico and it is saturated with allegations of reprehensible behavior of Catholic priests.

An archdiocese cannot acquit anyone of a crime. The local justice system would have to do that. Did local police do this?

Notice I posted the EXACT word used in the link headline. Notice too that I put that word in "quotes".

Now, why do you think I would do that?

I think the celibacy does it. What can a priest do with his dick when he is forbidden to use it?

NO! Celibacy does not turn a man into a pedophile. This is like what the pubs have said - that if a woman is drunk, men turn into rapists. Or the idiot R prez candidate (Carson? Not sure. They've all said so many really stupid things, its hard to keep them all straight) Its ridiculous to think that any of those scenarios is true.
Anthony Wiener had sexual relations with a troubled 15 year old, so what's your point?

Hmmmm A lie about Weiner or 2000 years of rape.

Yeah, that's a real brain flosser, all righty.

WTF is wrong with people who make these lame ass excuses for the catholic church?
Has Weiner been charged with a crime? No. Has this priest been charged with a crime?

The point is still the same - its DEPLORABLE that the same slime makes these slimy comparisons/excuses for the cathollic church and for the pedos they hide.
I doubt it happens as much as said in the RCC, many have jumped on the bandwagon to get money and yes many were abused. Most Priests have flings with females.

There are probably more Protestants preachers or just as many who also abuse children, and also Jewish Rabbis.

I really do not understand the hatred of the RCC.

Lemme guess ... catholic, right?

Link to proof that "most priests have flings with females" (the victims in the OP were female).

Pink to proof that "more protestants/Jews abuse children". If that's true, why is it that its only the catholic church that has been accused of hiding thousands over the entire period they have existed?

BTW, I think it was 2 popes ago who was charged with keeping track of where the pedo priests were sent so they didn't accidentally show up where they had already been caught.
I doubt it happens as much as said in the RCC, many have jumped on the bandwagon to get money and yes many were abused. Most Priests have flings with females.

There are probably more Protestants preachers or just as many who also abuse children, and also Jewish Rabbis.

I really do not understand the hatred of the RCC.

Lemme guess ... catholic, right?

Link to proof that "most priests have flings with females" (the victims in the OP were female).

Pink to proof that "more protestants/Jews abuse children". If that's true, why is it that its only the catholic church that has been accused of hiding thousands over the entire period they have existed?

BTW, I think it was 2 popes ago who was charged with keeping track of where the pedo priests were sent so they didn't accidentally show up where they had already been caught.

Older women I meant.
Also the jewish community in NY use to send their pedophiles to Israel, same as the RCC use to send them to another diocese. We have no idea about the Protestant preachers.

Now of course these are not rabbis, but a few are but know there are many out there, not just in the RCC, but then the Jews love to make Hollywood movies on the RC pedophiles, but neglect their own.

wall-of-shame - Jewish Community Watch

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