"Catholic Church witchcraft allegations in Congo condemn 50,000 children"


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
...Wait what?

Catholic Church witchcraft allegations in Congo condemn 50,000 children

"Catholic priests say they have identified children as young as two months old as “witches” thanks to their innate ability to sense witchcraft in children.

SAN ANTONIO, Oct. 21 — The evil and utter immorality of the Catholic Church rear their ugly heads once again, this time in the heart of Africa, the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). No matter how hard Catholic leaders try to keep it hidden, the evil inspired by these man-made “holy books” always eventually rises to the surface.

The Daily Mail, one of the United Kingdom’s most popular newspapers, recently exposed a shocking — but not unbelievable — practice of the Catholic Church in the DRC. The Daily Mail estimates that at least 50,000 children, some as young as only a few months old, have been accused of witchcraft and sorcery by Catholic priests, leading to their families’ literally throwing them out on the street, relegating them to a life of discrimination, hatred and subsistence.

The Daily Mail article opens with the following hideous description of one of the hundreds of “exorcisms” that Catholic priests perform on children on a daily basis in the DRC:

“Squeezing a toddler’s eyeballs and shoving his thumb into her tiny nose, a Catholic priest purges a child of the devil, one of many exorcisms he carries out every day. Flicked with holy water, her face smeared with olive oil and poked violently in the stomach, two-and-a-half-year old Angel bursts into tears as she is rid of the evil spirits that lurk within her. The child wriggles to free herself but her mother holds on firmly, insistent that she endures the exorcism to protect her from the sorcery that many in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) believe controls their lives…. But tens of thousands of other children in this troubled central African country have been branded ‘child’ witches and flung out onto the streets by their families into a life of destitution, violence and abuse.”

According to a 2010 Pew Research Center survey on religion, the vast majority of the population of the DRC identifies as Christian (over 80 percent), and over 50 percent of the population claims to be members of the Roman Catholic Church. This gives the Catholic Church a very strong influence on a large swath of the population."

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One more worthy quote from above,

"Catholic priests say they have identified children as young as two months old as “witches,” thanks to their innate ability to sense witchcraft in children."
Above article's obviously written in a very non-professional manner. So going to the Daily Mail version they mention,

Congo's 'child witches' exorcised to have the devil beaten out of them

"'They accused me of killing and eating my grandmother': Agony of Congo's 50,000 'child witches' who are brutally exorcised to 'beat the devil out of them'

* There are around 50,000 children living on the streets of Kinshasa, all abandoned after being accused of witchcraft
* The communities say they are capable of horrific crimes, drinking the blood and eating the flesh of their relatives
* But a lot of the time the children are rejected simply because their parents cannot afford the extra mouth to feed
* It means the children - some newborn - are left to fend for themselves, turning to crime and prostitution to survive
* But there are people working to help these desperate children, and the UN's new 'global goals' hope that the drivers of this horrific tradition, poverty and a lack of education, will be completely eradicated in the next 15 years
* MailOnline has visited Kinshasa to find out more about this horrific belief, and the impact it has on the children

rest at link
Catholic doctrine forbids birth control and abortion.

Result, too many children born in Catholic-dominated areas like Congo.

Consequence, Catholic Church designates these children witches to permit abandoning and marginalization by their 'faithful and obediant' parents. Couldn't prevent their birth or abort them, but can toss em out onto the street and call them a witch.
...Wait what?

Catholic Church witchcraft allegations in Congo condemn 50,000 children

"Catholic priests say they have identified children as young as two months old as “witches” thanks to their innate ability to sense witchcraft in children.

SAN ANTONIO, Oct. 21 — The evil and utter immorality of the Catholic Church rear their ugly heads once again, this time in the heart of Africa, the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). No matter how hard Catholic leaders try to keep it hidden, the evil inspired by these man-made “holy books” always eventually rises to the surface.

The Daily Mail, one of the United Kingdom’s most popular newspapers, recently exposed a shocking — but not unbelievable — practice of the Catholic Church in the DRC. The Daily Mail estimates that at least 50,000 children, some as young as only a few months old, have been accused of witchcraft and sorcery by Catholic priests, leading to their families’ literally throwing them out on the street, relegating them to a life of discrimination, hatred and subsistence.

The Daily Mail article opens with the following hideous description of one of the hundreds of “exorcisms” that Catholic priests perform on children on a daily basis in the DRC:

“Squeezing a toddler’s eyeballs and shoving his thumb into her tiny nose, a Catholic priest purges a child of the devil, one of many exorcisms he carries out every day. Flicked with holy water, her face smeared with olive oil and poked violently in the stomach, two-and-a-half-year old Angel bursts into tears as she is rid of the evil spirits that lurk within her. The child wriggles to free herself but her mother holds on firmly, insistent that she endures the exorcism to protect her from the sorcery that many in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) believe controls their lives…. But tens of thousands of other children in this troubled central African country have been branded ‘child’ witches and flung out onto the streets by their families into a life of destitution, violence and abuse.”

According to a 2010 Pew Research Center survey on religion, the vast majority of the population of the DRC identifies as Christian (over 80 percent), and over 50 percent of the population claims to be members of the Roman Catholic Church. This gives the Catholic Church a very strong influence on a large swath of the population."

more at link

In that area, it is more cultural than religious. The belief in witches and shamans has deep roots in Africa. For centuries the church has been trying to wipe it out.
Come on, let's be serious. It's the Congo. They would figure out a way to fuck up a game of "duck, duck, goose" over there. They are simply bad people.
...Wait what?

Catholic Church witchcraft allegations in Congo condemn 50,000 children

"Catholic priests say they have identified children as young as two months old as “witches” thanks to their innate ability to sense witchcraft in children.

SAN ANTONIO, Oct. 21 — The evil and utter immorality of the Catholic Church rear their ugly heads once again, this time in the heart of Africa, the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). No matter how hard Catholic leaders try to keep it hidden, the evil inspired by these man-made “holy books” always eventually rises to the surface.

The Daily Mail, one of the United Kingdom’s most popular newspapers, recently exposed a shocking — but not unbelievable — practice of the Catholic Church in the DRC. The Daily Mail estimates that at least 50,000 children, some as young as only a few months old, have been accused of witchcraft and sorcery by Catholic priests, leading to their families’ literally throwing them out on the street, relegating them to a life of discrimination, hatred and subsistence.

The Daily Mail article opens with the following hideous description of one of the hundreds of “exorcisms” that Catholic priests perform on children on a daily basis in the DRC:

“Squeezing a toddler’s eyeballs and shoving his thumb into her tiny nose, a Catholic priest purges a child of the devil, one of many exorcisms he carries out every day. Flicked with holy water, her face smeared with olive oil and poked violently in the stomach, two-and-a-half-year old Angel bursts into tears as she is rid of the evil spirits that lurk within her. The child wriggles to free herself but her mother holds on firmly, insistent that she endures the exorcism to protect her from the sorcery that many in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) believe controls their lives…. But tens of thousands of other children in this troubled central African country have been branded ‘child’ witches and flung out onto the streets by their families into a life of destitution, violence and abuse.”

According to a 2010 Pew Research Center survey on religion, the vast majority of the population of the DRC identifies as Christian (over 80 percent), and over 50 percent of the population claims to be members of the Roman Catholic Church. This gives the Catholic Church a very strong influence on a large swath of the population."

more at link

In that area, it is more cultural than religious. The belief in witches and shamans has deep roots in Africa. For centuries the church has been trying to wipe it out.

If it's priests doing the labelling it's not cultural. And doing so is a funny way of helping fix things.

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