Caught on Tape: NPR Executive Savages Conservatives, Christians & Tea Party Members

He's an idiot who made NPR look as stupid as it is.

I think it's flipping outrageously hilarious. The funniest part is his smug, condescending arrogance regarding his (and his friends') superior wit and intelligence....all being asserted while he's being SET UP like the idiot he is....

Oh dat funny.

I thought O'Reilly probably shouldn't have used Juan Williams as the commentator on this incident last night as Williams can be perceived as having an ax to grind and therefore probably not one who would be seen as objective.

But it was funny, and after the way that Williams was crucified by NPR, there was a sweet irony to him being allowed to comment on REAL prejudice and bias demonstrated by an NPR bigwig.

And yeah, I didn't miss the irony of this NPR idiot's arrogance in accusing others of being more ignorant and unintelligent while he himself was being royally scammed. :)
Who do you work for? I'd love to send them a link to your porn post here involving preteens...maybe your employer will also be ethical and fire you.

Still pissed off over that thread that completely exposed you as a disgusting lil' prick who was more than willing to attack Palin's SN needs child.

Everybody up here knows that thread was to mock losers like you. Fully exposed that you were willing to attack an innocent child, and didn't like it when someone else makes any disgusting comments about your beloved Messiah's children. Fully exposed that you're just the typical everyday lil' liberal hypocrite.

Everybody up here who saw that thread also knows that what I said was not how I feel about his children......They know it was meant to draw out morons like YOU, Ravi!......And it succeeded, brilliantly!

Oh, i'm retired........Have fun with that!
I never attacked Palin's child. And that someone did does not excuse you writing pornography about pre-teens.

Too bad you're retired, I'm sure you'd still be too much of a coward to let your employer know what you do if you were gainfully employed.
Oh, you and Madeline most certainly did relentlessly attack that child......Face it, you were exposed. You can spin and lie till the cows come home. Doesn't change the facts.

Oh, and I owned the restaurants......I was the employer, dumbass!:cuckoo:

Still pissed off over that thread that completely exposed you as a disgusting lil' prick who was more than willing to attack Palin's SN needs child.

Everybody up here knows that thread was to mock losers like you. Fully exposed that you were willing to attack an innocent child, and didn't like it when someone else makes any disgusting comments about your beloved Messiah's children. Fully exposed that you're just the typical everyday lil' liberal hypocrite.

Everybody up here who saw that thread also knows that what I said was not how I feel about his children......They know it was meant to draw out morons like YOU, Ravi!......And it succeeded, brilliantly!

Oh, i'm retired........Have fun with that!
I never attacked Palin's child. And that someone did does not excuse you writing pornography about pre-teens.

Too bad you're retired, I'm sure you'd still be too much of a coward to let your employer know what you do if you were gainfully employed.
Oh, you and Madeline most certainly did relentlessly attack that child......Face it, you were exposed. You can spin and lie till the cows come home. Doesn't change the facts.

Oh, and I owned the restaurants......I was the employer, dumbass!:cuckoo:
He's an idiot who made NPR look as stupid as it is.

I think it's flipping outrageously hilarious. The funniest part is his smug, condescending arrogance regarding his (and his friends') superior wit and intelligence....all being asserted while he's being SET UP like the idiot he is....

Oh dat funny.

I thought O'Reilly probably shouldn't have used Juan Williams as the commentator on this incident last night as Williams can be perceived as having an ax to grind and therefore probably not one who would be seen as objective.

But it was funny, and after the way that Williams was crucified by NPR, there was a sweet irony to him being allowed to comment on REAL prejudice and bias demonstrated by an NPR bigwig.

And yeah, I didn't miss the irony of this NPR idiot's arrogance in accusing others of being more ignorant and unintelligent while he himself was being royally scammed. :)
The typical elitist attitude of many liberals clearly shone through.

That's the way the elitist bastards are. And their followers herd behind merrily along, without a clue that the elites believe they know all, and that their minions are nothing more than subjects who are only to follow and never question, for they are just subjects.
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I especially liked his take that Jews get enough coverage from other media; and the National Palestine Radio..

AR AR AR AR AR AR AR....listen to him yuck it up, and the fake terrorists...omg, they had to be crapping their pants. GOLD, GOLD GOLD!
Gotta love how he threw in that stale Lefty Anti-Christian rant. How many of those "Evil Christians" does he think donate money to NPR & PBS? This guy should be fired for being a stereotypical Leftist Asshole. I think most Americans are just sick of the Left at this point. Why should they be forced to fund media outlets controlled by these Wingers? Either NPR & PBS start showing balance or they lose all Taxpayer funding. End of story.
You're a moron. The funding is in a bill, correct? Bills have to pass both houses of Congress and get signed by the president. If Dems decide to, they can fight to get the funding restored. It, among other things, could keep Dems, who control the Senate, from voting to pass the funding bill. I'm not saying that this will definitely happen, I'm just pointing out the possibility. The two of you think it's a slam dunk. There are negotiations involved. The defunding provision could very well be removed in the negotiations process. Apparently, you don't understand how the process works.
NO THEY CAN'T No spending can be enacted without being proposed in the House. As long as the GOP holds the House of Representatives, funding for NPR is at their whim.
No bill proposing funding for NPR will ever reach the House floor, period, so the Senate and President can bitch and moan all they want, It ain't happening.
Again, the House doesn't fund NPR. There is no budget with NPR funding.

NPR does apply for and receive some grants from the government.

The only thing the Republicans can do is make grants illegal.
They can defund the agency that writes grants to NPR.
It is not my problem that people are fooled by right wing talking points.

I said your side. It's not cute anymore, now it's sad.
You may keep pretending to yourself that there is funding for NPR in the House's spending bill but it simply isn't true.

Member stations do receive direct federal funding in addition to funding in the form of grants from CPB. NPR itself receives CPB grants. The way to defunf NPR is to defund member stations and the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. There is no need to outlaw federal grants.
funding in the form of grants from CPB. NPR itself receives CPB grants. The way to defunf NPR is to defund member stations and the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. There is no need to outlaw federal grants.

On the other hand, there is no reason NOT to outlaw federal grants.

NPR and the NEA are strong arguments against using taxpayer monies to fund arts and propaganda.

Cantor: 'We Are Going to Proceed' With Defunding NPR
Wednesday, March 09, 2011
By Nicholas Ballasy

House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-Va.)

( - When asked today whether he thought the resignation of National Public Radio CEO Vivian Schiller was a good move, House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-Va.) said that House Republicans will “proceed” with defunding NPR.

“The statements were that NPR realizes it doesn’t need taxpayer funding. That's what the statement was about," Cantor said at a news availability following a meeting of the House Republican Conference. "So perhaps the truth finally came out and we are going to proceed along those lines because that’s what was said and indicated by that organization."

"As far as individual statements that he made, I think they speak for themselves,” Cantor continued, referring to a video posted by conservative activist James O’Keefe yesterday showing NPR’s Ron Schiller, who also resigned, saying NPR does not need federal funding and calling Republicans and Tea Party members "xenophobic" and "racist.”

Cantor: 'We Are Going to Proceed' With Defunding NPR |
They'll have to change the acronym to SPR...socialist progressive radio.

Too funny.
How many jobs can one guy give up in a couple of days? He 'left' NPR yesterday, and today, he quit the job he hasn't even started yet. This is very entertaining.

gawd, you people are pathetic. living in the past.

NPR and local 'public' radio stations have for a few decades now been giving the most unbiased coverage of issues around.

it's always mourning in America for you Bozos.:cuckoo:
How many jobs can one guy give up in a couple of days? He 'left' NPR yesterday, and today, he quit the job he hasn't even started yet. This is very entertaining.

gawd, you people are pathetic. living in the past.

NPR and local 'public' radio stations have for a few decades now been giving the most unbiased coverage of issues around.

it's always mourning in America for you Bozos.:cuckoo:

Oh well, they can DO IT without TAXPAYERS MONIES. more firken power to them.
How many jobs can one guy give up in a couple of days? He 'left' NPR yesterday, and today, he quit the job he hasn't even started yet. This is very entertaining.

gawd, you people are pathetic. living in the past.

NPR and local 'public' radio stations have for a few decades now been giving the most unbiased coverage of issues around.

it's always mourning in America for you Bozos.:cuckoo:
Giggle ...but what does that have to do with anything?
gawd, you people are pathetic. living in the past.

NPR and local 'public' radio stations have for a few decades now been giving the most unbiased coverage of issues around.

it's always mourning in America for you Bozos.:cuckoo:

"Unbiased" in that whole "Party Press" kinda way. You are a fan of the idea that news must be managed to lead to certain conclusions, consistent with party goals, aren't you?

How you must yearn for the good old days of Edward R. Murrow and the suppression of competing views.

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