Caught on Tape: NPR Executive Savages Conservatives, Christians & Tea Party Members

De-fund the whole f'n thing... let their 100 or so listeners get their checkbooks out if they like it so much.
ATC = one show on NPR

In 2005, ATC aired on over 560 radio stations and reached an audience of approximately 12 million listeners each weekday, making it the third most listened to radio program in the United States after The Rush Limbaugh Show and Morning Edition.[2] In September 2010, All Things Considered had an average quarter-hour audience of 1.8 million.[4] ATC is co-hosted by Robert Siegel, Michele Norris and Melissa Block.


gawd, you people are pathetic and simple minded.

baaaa, baaa, sheeple of the right

Yeah, and then there's the whole wishing AIDS on Jesse Helms' grandkids thing....

some urban myth that needs re-spreading around?

care to share a few facts?
If NPR is doing such a great job and has such broad public support, it should be able to attract plenty of advertisers and listeners and therefore stand entirely on its own.
Name a segment or some content on All Things Considered that you actually listened to and please explain how it is to be judged as liberal.

should be easy if true or factual or even mildly credible as opinion

We saw how one of their fundraisers markets them.
No need to engage in an endless debate of what is and what is not liberal.
In essence, the taxpayer is paying them to pay people who speak with such hatred and bias.
Are you OK with that?
how much of NPR's budget is actually tax dollars?


$1 is $1 too much.
De-fund the whole f'n thing... let their 100 or so listeners get their checkbooks out if they like it so much.
ATC = one show on NPR

In 2005, ATC aired on over 560 radio stations and reached an audience of approximately 12 million listeners each weekday, making it the third most listened to radio program in the United States after The Rush Limbaugh Show and Morning Edition.[2] In September 2010, All Things Considered had an average quarter-hour audience of 1.8 million.[4] ATC is co-hosted by Robert Siegel, Michele Norris and Melissa Block.


gawd, you people are pathetic and simple minded.

baaaa, baaa, sheeple of the right

Yeah, and then there's the whole wishing AIDS on Jesse Helms' grandkids thing....
Yeah, that's just one disgusting comment by that LIBERAL idiot, Totenberg.

Search the internet, you'll find many more by her.
Name a segment or some content on All Things Considered that you actually listened to and please explain how it is to be judged as liberal.

should be easy if true or factual or even mildly credible as opinion

We saw how one of their fundraisers markets them.
No need to engage in an endless debate of what is and what is not liberal.
In essence, the taxpayer is paying them to pay people who speak with such hatred and bias.
Are you OK with that?
how much of NPR's budget is actually tax dollars?


How much of their budget is not a concern of mine and not sure why it is even presented as part of the issue.
How much does it cost the taxpayer is the question...and that is 90 million a year.
Now...90 million a year can buy a hell of a lot of winter coats for the less fortunate.
So that being siad, I will ask again.....

We saw how one of their fundraisers markets them.
In essence, the taxpayer is paying them to pay people who speak with such hatred and bias.
Are you OK with that?
ATC = one show on NPR

In 2005, ATC aired on over 560 radio stations and reached an audience of approximately 12 million listeners each weekday, making it the third most listened to radio program in the United States after The Rush Limbaugh Show and Morning Edition.[2] In September 2010, All Things Considered had an average quarter-hour audience of 1.8 million.[4] ATC is co-hosted by Robert Siegel, Michele Norris and Melissa Block.


gawd, you people are pathetic and simple minded.

baaaa, baaa, sheeple of the right

Yeah, and then there's the whole wishing AIDS on Jesse Helms' grandkids thing....

some urban myth that needs re-spreading around?

care to share a few facts?

Do your own homework... it's abundantly available.

even with the comment taken out of context in a clipped video, Nina doesn't wish AIDS on anyone.

funny how things get spread.
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ATC = one show on NPR

In 2005, ATC aired on over 560 radio stations and reached an audience of approximately 12 million listeners each weekday, making it the third most listened to radio program in the United States after The Rush Limbaugh Show and Morning Edition.[2] In September 2010, All Things Considered had an average quarter-hour audience of 1.8 million.[4] ATC is co-hosted by Robert Siegel, Michele Norris and Melissa Block.


gawd, you people are pathetic and simple minded.

baaaa, baaa, sheeple of the right

Yeah, and then there's the whole wishing AIDS on Jesse Helms' grandkids thing....

some urban myth that needs re-spreading around?

care to share a few facts?

With the internet avaiable and yet you had no idea that such really is quite obvious you are totally naive to reality and only believe what you hear from your left wing talking heads.

You just proved how pathetic you are Dante.

even with the comment taken out of context in a clipped video, Nina doesn't wish AIDS on anyone.

funny how things get spread.


That didn't take long! We just all heard it wrong.

*That's not what was meant!*

It's the mantra of the left as they try to deny the toads that fall out of their erstwhile leaders' mouths.
Never mind that even Totenberg claimed that it was, and I'm quoting "a stupid remark".

So, I guess Totenberg took her own comment out of context?

Please acquaint your self with a modicum of honesty. It is refreshing.
"I think he ought to be worried about...the good lord's mind, because if there's retributive justice, he'll get AIDS through a transfusion or one of his grandchildren will get it..."

hmmm, let me see, what was the context? Oh yeah defenders of the God-Fearing, Bigoted, Conservative, White Southern Cracker named Jesse Helms.

sorry ma'am, just the facts
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