Cause of recent unrest in Jeruselum

The Jews were paying exorbitant prices to wealthy landowners for small tracts of arid land. "In 1944, Jews paid between $1,000 and $1,100 per acre in Palestine, mostly for arid or semiarid land; in the same year, rich black soil in Iowa was selling for about $110 per acre."

Those who sold land included the mayors of Gaza, Jerusalem and Jaffa. As'ad elShuqeiri, a Muslim religious scholar and father of PLO chairman Ahmed Shuqeiri, took Jewish money for his land.

Even King Abdullah leased land to the Jews. In fact, many leaders of the Arab nationalist movement, including members of the Muslim Supreme Council, sold land to Jews.

My dear friends Here is an online search for more INFO. Please Click Here

If You do Your research, You will find plenty ( Plenty ) of evidence that shows that Your random assumptive *( One step Theology ) is not Correct.

The Facts show that the Jews made every attempt - To pay - every Arab Government agency and every single Arab - who could be Found.

Payment of Land, that had owners, was paid at 10 times the amount that they were worth. ... You simply have no Facts for Your Faith. And probably no scriptures as well.
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don't care what the text says and I did scan it Dot . Thing is that the troubles stem from 1400 years of hate aimed at Jews and other religions that muslims want to be 'dhimmis' to muslims Dot . I mean hey , belive 'bs' if you like but I don't even consider this kind of 'bs' as being anything other than 'bs' Dot !!.
Jews and Arabs got along fine before the Zionists showed up.

So much for your 1400 year bullshit.

How many more times will you be shown that you don't know what you are talking about. We can start in 627 C.E. when mo'mad mass murdered one tribe of Jews in Medina and then ethnically cleansed another two. here is the map of these massacres for you again

So much for your Map and ethnic cleansing......Firstly,let's take Moorish Spain....Cordoba,Granada,Spain's territory in Morrocco, these instances the Moors(Muslims) and Jews got on very well indeed,to the point that both peoples joined together to fight against the marauding CHRISTIANS...........NOT MUSLIMS.......the Barbaric Christians who drove out the Moors and Jews,slaughtered them that these city streets ran with Moorish and Jewish Blood.ERROR NUMBER ONE.

Palestine.......these wars were with the Ottomans, Muslims admittedly but not your average Muslim but a War like society "A Player" who were controlling an area from Bosnia,Armenia,Greece,The Holy Land,Syria etc.,They Slaughtered Muslims,Jews,Armenians,Kurds,Syrians etc,.relentlessly,ERROR TWO.

Your expansive claim through Morrocco,Saudi Arabia,Yemen,Iran,Iraq,is spurious to say the least,as so few Jews lived in these areas moreover most of these "Clans" were also killing each other to claim superiority over these land areas.ERROR NUMBER FOUR.

Your Hate Saturated Claims,basically have no validity because the people that have over the centuries, have eliminated more Jews than every other Religious Group have been the CHRISTIANS,from Spain,England,Europe,Russia and Special mention the Germans.

After 1948 most Arabic/Muslim, nations kicked the Jews out of their country (for obvious reasons,I need not explain)But they did NOT MURDER THEM

What you glaringly omitted to say that since 1920's the Zionists/Jews have attempted to Eliminate the Palestinians and the Murder of them is part of the course for this Evil Cult Organization...the ZIONISM

You see Pheonall,your attempt to dehumanize Muslims(and others who stand up and won't have a bar of your corrupt Zionism) is merely a continuance of this Evil Zionist Mantra...........and last but not least YOU YOURSELF PHEO ARE THE BIGGEST ERROR

The best thing I can do with your map<and would be the most fitting>>>>>>>>IS WIPE MY ASS WITH IT.
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don't care what the text says and I did scan it Dot . Thing is that the troubles stem from 1400 years of hate aimed at Jews and other religions that muslims want to be 'dhimmis' to muslims Dot . I mean hey , belive 'bs' if you like but I don't even consider this kind of 'bs' as being anything other than 'bs' Dot !!.
Jews and Arabs got along fine before the Zionists showed up.

So much for your 1400 year bullshit.

How many more times will you be shown that you don't know what you are talking about. We can start in 627 C.E. when mo'mad mass murdered one tribe of Jews in Medina and then ethnically cleansed another two. here is the map of these massacres for you again

So much for your Map and ethnic cleansing......Firstly,let's take Moorish Spain....Cordoba,Granada,Spain's territory in Morrocco, these instances the Moors(Muslims) and Jews got on very well indeed,to the point that both peoples joined together to fight against the marauding CHRISTIANS...........NOT MUSLIMS.......the Barbaric Christians who drove out the Moors and Jews,slaughtered them that these city streets ran with Moorish and Jewish Blood.ERROR NUMBER ONE.

Palestine.......these wars were with the Ottomans, Muslims admittedly but not your average Muslim but a War like society "A Player" who were controlling an area from Bosnia,Armenia,Greece,The Holy Land,Syria etc.,They Slaughtered Muslims,Jews,Armenians,Kurds,Syrians etc,.relentlessly,ERROR TWO.

Your expansive claim through Morrocco,Saudi Arabia,Yemen,Iran,Iraq,is spurious to say the least,as so few Jews lived in these areas moreover most of these "Clans" were also killing each other to claim superiority over these land areas.ERROR NUMBER FOUR.

Your Hate Saturated Claims,basically have no validity because the people that have over the centuries, have eliminated more Jews than every other Religious Group have been the CHRISTIANS,from Spain,England,Europe,Russia and Special mention the Germans.

After 1948 most Arabic/Muslim, nations kicked the Jews out of their country (for obvious reasons,I need not explain)But they did NOT MURDER THEM

What you glaringly omitted to say that since 1920's the Zionists/Jews have attempted to Eliminate the Palestinians and the Murder of them is part of the course for this Evil Cult Organization...the ZIONISTS.

You see Pheonall,your attempt to dehumanize Muslims(and others who stand up and won't have a bar of your corrupt Zionism) is merely a continuance of this Evil Zionist Mantra...........and last but not least YOU YOURSELF PHEO ARE THE BIGGEST ERROR

since 1920's the Zionists/Jews have attempted to Eliminate the Palestinians and the Murder of them is part of the course for this Evil Cult Organization...the ZIONISTS

So how many of these poor Arabs remain, after 95 years of attempted elimination?
The Jews were paying exorbitant prices to wealthy landowners for small tracts of arid land. "In 1944, Jews paid between $1,000 and $1,100 per acre in Palestine, mostly for arid or semiarid land; in the same year, rich black soil in Iowa was selling for about $110 per acre."

Those who sold land included the mayors of Gaza, Jerusalem and Jaffa. As'ad elShuqeiri, a Muslim religious scholar and father of PLO chairman Ahmed Shuqeiri, took Jewish money for his land.

Even King Abdullah leased land to the Jews. In fact, many leaders of the Arab nationalist movement, including members of the Muslim Supreme Council, sold land to Jews.

My dear friends Here is an online search for more INFO. Please Click Here

If You do Your research, You will find plenty ( Plenty ) of evidence that shows that Your random assumptive *( One step Theology ) is not Correct.

The Facts show that the Jews made every attempt - To pay - every Arab Government agency and every single Arab - who could be Found.

Payment of Land, that had owners, was paid at 10 times the amount that they were worth. ... You simply have no Facts for Your Faith. And probably no scriptures as well.
It WAS FROM A FUND SCOURCED from wealthy Jews by the terrorist organization the ZIONISTS
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if Jews have attempted to Eliminate the Palestinians. Where is Your proof. ? Please.

There has never been such a Statement made - by the Jewish Government. REMEMBER

Jews allow Muslims to Have full freedoms in Israel and to join the political system if they are elected.

What Proof do You have that Jews have attempted to Eliminate the Palestinians.

NONE. - There are plenty of statements made by Palestinians and thousands of Muslims throughout the Middle East, Who have Directly and Openly DECLARED Their plan to Eliminate all Jews.

What statements have been made by Jews ? jews are protecting themselves and winning the War.
don't care what the text says and I did scan it Dot . Thing is that the troubles stem from 1400 years of hate aimed at Jews and other religions that muslims want to be 'dhimmis' to muslims Dot . I mean hey , belive 'bs' if you like but I don't even consider this kind of 'bs' as being anything other than 'bs' Dot !!.
Jews and Arabs got along fine before the Zionists showed up.

So much for your 1400 year bullshit.

How many more times will you be shown that you don't know what you are talking about. We can start in 627 C.E. when mo'mad mass murdered one tribe of Jews in Medina and then ethnically cleansed another two. here is the map of these massacres for you again

So much for your Map and ethnic cleansing......Firstly,let's take Moorish Spain....Cordoba,Granada,Spain's territory in Morrocco, these instances the Moors(Muslims) and Jews got on very well indeed,to the point that both peoples joined together to fight against the marauding CHRISTIANS...........NOT MUSLIMS.......the Barbaric Christians who drove out the Moors and Jews,slaughtered them that these city streets ran with Moorish and Jewish Blood.ERROR NUMBER ONE.

Palestine.......these wars were with the Ottomans, Muslims admittedly but not your average Muslim but a War like society "A Player" who were controlling an area from Bosnia,Armenia,Greece,The Holy Land,Syria etc.,They Slaughtered Muslims,Jews,Armenians,Kurds,Syrians etc,.relentlessly,ERROR TWO.

Your expansive claim through Morrocco,Saudi Arabia,Yemen,Iran,Iraq,is spurious to say the least,as so few Jews lived in these areas moreover most of these "Clans" were also killing each other to claim superiority over these land areas.ERROR NUMBER FOUR.

Your Hate Saturated Claims,basically have no validity because the people that have over the centuries, have eliminated more Jews than every other Religious Group have been the CHRISTIANS,from Spain,England,Europe,Russia and Special mention the Germans.

After 1948 most Arabic/Muslim, nations kicked the Jews out of their country (for obvious reasons,I need not explain)But they did NOT MURDER THEM

What you glaringly omitted to say that since 1920's the Zionists/Jews have attempted to Eliminate the Palestinians and the Murder of them is part of the course for this Evil Cult Organization...the ZIONISTS.

You see Pheonall,your attempt to dehumanize Muslims(and others who stand up and won't have a bar of your corrupt Zionism) is merely a continuance of this Evil Zionist Mantra...........and last but not least YOU YOURSELF PHEO ARE THE BIGGEST ERROR

since 1920's the Zionists/Jews have attempted to Eliminate the Palestinians and the Murder of them is part of the course for this Evil Cult Organization...the ZIONISTS

So how many of these poor Arabs remain, after 95 years of attempted elimination?
Not as many as there.....COULD,SHOULD or WOULD HAVE BEEN..............Dickhead Zionazi aka Todd...good enough answer for you,look hear stop replying around the edges of a post,with such pathetic crap.
if Jews have attempted to Eliminate the Palestinians. Where is Your proof. ? Please.

There has never been such a Statement made - by the Jewish Government. REMEMBER

Jews allow Muslims to Have full freedoms in Israel and to join the political system if they are elected.

What Proof do You have that Jews have attempted to Eliminate the Palestinians.

NONE. - There are plenty of statements made by Palestinians and thousands of Muslims throughout the Middle East, Who have Directly and Openly DECLARED Their plan to Eliminate all Jews.

What statements have been made by Jews ? jews are protecting themselves and winning the War.
I have already told you what you are...........I look at the numbers of the DEAD AND MAIMED and Displaced Palestinians since 1940 onwards compare to DEAD AND MAIMED Israelis for a start,.....maybe you could give us all the figures,.....I will give you a start......Many more Palestinian Children ALONE have been SLAUGHTERED.......than that of the entire number of Jews AND their Mercenaries******NOTE MERCENARIES they have employed.
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Question for the OP

where is Jeruselum?

never heard of it
From the Quran - To the Muslim and Palestinian governments.

We have a never Ending Plan / Goal and Prophecy Plan to Eliminate Jews.

While You fail to provide a single statement in the Bible or by Jewish Officials for any Plan or Goal to Eliminate Anyone. eXcept for terrorists

You fail to prove anything - While I can Post Hundreds of Links and PROVEN STATEMENTS - and Quranic Verses ..... Calling for the Elimination of Jews. You simply have no Proof. I am sorry But You have Failed
if Jews have attempted to Eliminate the Palestinians. Where is Your proof. ? Please.

There has never been such a Statement made - by the Jewish Government. REMEMBER

Jews allow Muslims to Have full freedoms in Israel and to join the political system if they are elected.

What Proof do You have that Jews have attempted to Eliminate the Palestinians.

NONE. - There are plenty of statements made by Palestinians and thousands of Muslims throughout the Middle East, Who have Directly and Openly DECLARED Their plan to Eliminate all Jews.

What statements have been made by Jews ? jews are protecting themselves and winning the War.
I have already told you what you are...........I look at the numbers of the DEAD AND MAIMED and Displaced Palestinians since 1940 onwards compare to DEAD AND MAIMED Israelis for a start,.....maybe you could give us all the figures,.....I will give you a start......Many more Palestinian Children ALONE have been SLAUGHTERED.......than that of the entire number of Jews AND their Mercenaries******NOTE MERCENARIES they have employed.
maybe the 'palis' oughta smarten up Liq !!
How many more times will you be shown that you don't know what you are talking about. We can start in 627 C.E. when mo'mad mass murdered one tribe of Jews in Medina and then ethnically cleansed another two. here is the map of these massacres for you again

So much for your Map and ethnic cleansing......Firstly,let's take Moorish Spain....Cordoba,Granada,Spain's territory in Morrocco, these instances the Moors(Muslims) and Jews got on very well indeed,to the point that both peoples joined together to fight against the marauding CHRISTIANS...........NOT MUSLIMS.......the Barbaric Christians who drove out the Moors and Jews,slaughtered them that these city streets ran with Moorish and Jewish Blood.ERROR NUMBER ONE.

Palestine.......these wars were with the Ottomans, Muslims admittedly but not your average Muslim but a War like society "A Player" who were controlling an area from Bosnia,Armenia,Greece,The Holy Land,Syria etc.,They Slaughtered Muslims,Jews,Armenians,Kurds,Syrians etc,.relentlessly,ERROR TWO.

Your expansive claim through Morrocco,Saudi Arabia,Yemen,Iran,Iraq,is spurious to say the least,as so few Jews lived in these areas moreover most of these "Clans" were also killing each other to claim superiority over these land areas.ERROR NUMBER FOUR.

Your Hate Saturated Claims,basically have no validity because the people that have over the centuries, have eliminated more Jews than every other Religious Group have been the CHRISTIANS,from Spain,England,Europe,Russia and Special mention the Germans.

After 1948 most Arabic/Muslim, nations kicked the Jews out of their country (for obvious reasons,I need not explain)But they did NOT MURDER THEM

What you glaringly omitted to say that since 1920's the Zionists/Jews have attempted to Eliminate the Palestinians and the Murder of them is part of the course for this Evil Cult Organization...the ZIONISTS.

You see Pheonall,your attempt to dehumanize Muslims(and others who stand up and won't have a bar of your corrupt Zionism) is merely a continuance of this Evil Zionist Mantra...........and last but not least YOU YOURSELF PHEO ARE THE BIGGEST ERROR

since 1920's the Zionists/Jews have attempted to Eliminate the Palestinians and the Murder of them is part of the course for this Evil Cult Organization...the ZIONISTS

So how many of these poor Arabs remain, after 95 years of attempted elimination?
Not as many as there.....COULD,SHOULD or WOULD HAVE BEEN..............Dickhead Zionazi aka Todd...good enough answer for you,look hear stop replying around the edges of a post,with such pathetic crap.

How many are there, ya fuckin' moron?
I KNOW, but let's see what figures you and the other LAZY IDIOT can find out,for the folks on hear...........YOUR SILENCE IS DEAFENING

You can't prove your stupid claim? I'm shocked!
Hey there - theliq. Thanks For the Compliment.

I am not The Lion of the Tribe Of Judah. I have Had this Lion Photo for 15 Years online now.

I have even Created My Personal Website . If You wish You may Visit.

Visit My Website Today Click here Home Page
don't care what the text says and I did scan it Dot . Thing is that the troubles stem from 1400 years of hate aimed at Jews and other religions that muslims want to be 'dhimmis' to muslims Dot . I mean hey , belive 'bs' if you like but I don't even consider this kind of 'bs' as being anything other than 'bs' Dot !!.
Jews and Arabs got along fine before the Zionists showed up.

So much for your 1400 year bullshit.

How many more times will you be shown that you don't know what you are talking about. We can start in 627 C.E. when mo'mad mass murdered one tribe of Jews in Medina and then ethnically cleansed another two. here is the map of these massacres for you again

So much for your Map and ethnic cleansing......Firstly,let's take Moorish Spain....Cordoba,Granada,Spain's territory in Morrocco, these instances the Moors(Muslims) and Jews got on very well indeed,to the point that both peoples joined together to fight against the marauding CHRISTIANS...........NOT MUSLIMS.......the Barbaric Christians who drove out the Moors and Jews,slaughtered them that these city streets ran with Moorish and Jewish Blood.ERROR NUMBER ONE.

Palestine.......these wars were with the Ottomans, Muslims admittedly but not your average Muslim but a War like society "A Player" who were controlling an area from Bosnia,Armenia,Greece,The Holy Land,Syria etc.,They Slaughtered Muslims,Jews,Armenians,Kurds,Syrians etc,.relentlessly,ERROR TWO.

Your expansive claim through Morrocco,Saudi Arabia,Yemen,Iran,Iraq,is spurious to say the least,as so few Jews lived in these areas moreover most of these "Clans" were also killing each other to claim superiority over these land areas.ERROR NUMBER FOUR.

Your Hate Saturated Claims,basically have no validity because the people that have over the centuries, have eliminated more Jews than every other Religious Group have been the CHRISTIANS,from Spain,England,Europe,Russia and Special mention the Germans.

After 1948 most Arabic/Muslim, nations kicked the Jews out of their country (for obvious reasons,I need not explain)But they did NOT MURDER THEM

What you glaringly omitted to say that since 1920's the Zionists/Jews have attempted to Eliminate the Palestinians and the Murder of them is part of the course for this Evil Cult Organization...the ZIONISTS.

You see Pheonall,your attempt to dehumanize Muslims(and others who stand up and won't have a bar of your corrupt Zionism) is merely a continuance of this Evil Zionist Mantra...........and last but not least YOU YOURSELF PHEO ARE THE BIGGEST ERROR

since 1920's the Zionists/Jews have attempted to Eliminate the Palestinians and the Murder of them is part of the course for this Evil Cult Organization...the ZIONISTS

So how many of these poor Arabs remain, after 95 years of attempted elimination?
If they wanted to eliminate them they could've done a much better job of it by actually shooting them down in the streets. Israel has shown huge restraint towards the Palestinians. If I was in charge more of them would've been killed then has been.
if Jews have attempted to Eliminate the Palestinians. Where is Your proof. ? Please.

There has never been such a Statement made - by the Jewish Government. REMEMBER

Jews allow Muslims to Have full freedoms in Israel and to join the political system if they are elected.

What Proof do You have that Jews have attempted to Eliminate the Palestinians.

NONE. - There are plenty of statements made by Palestinians and thousands of Muslims throughout the Middle East, Who have Directly and Openly DECLARED Their plan to Eliminate all Jews.

What statements have been made by Jews ? jews are protecting themselves and winning the War.
I have already told you what you are...........I look at the numbers of the DEAD AND MAIMED and Displaced Palestinians since 1940 onwards compare to DEAD AND MAIMED Israelis for a start,.....maybe you could give us all the figures,.....I will give you a start......Many more Palestinian Children ALONE have been SLAUGHTERED.......than that of the entire number of Jews AND their Mercenaries******NOTE MERCENARIES they have employed.
It's not Israels fault the Palestinians are bad shots.
It's also not Israels fault that the Islamists hide behind civilians when they attack.

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