Cause of recent unrest in Jeruselum

The Jewish settlers are just stealing land. Jews need to go back to Europe, where they came from.
Have you seen the news. The Muslims are currently invading Europe. In fact wherever there is Muslims there are riots demanding sharia law. Spain, Czechin, Africa, Germany, Holland, the US, etc. This isn't just a Jewish problem anymore. The Muslims are trying to conquer the planet.
The Jewish settlers are just stealing land. Jews need to go back to Europe, where they came from.

As Catholics need to go back to Rome where they came from, or are you a two faced hypocrite and racist POS that only wants this to work for the Jews. Now when those 10,000 Jews leave what next, will you demand they go back to Saudi, Iraq, Syria, Egypt, Yemen etc.
So did the US also create mo'mad who the likes of ISIS emulate, did the US create the koran and hadiths that command the muslims to act like ISIS. The muslims have been acting like this since the 7C and they will still be acting like this in the 27C. It is a true representation of islam and the muslims
Nope,but the vaccum sic left by the US when they left Iraq allowed ISIS to fill the Sunni/Shia GAP.......I thought you we reasonably well read Pheo.....obviously I over estimated you....steve

So you are saying that there are now 3 warring factions in islam Suuni, Shia and IS. Which leader do the IS faction follow then ?

You overestimate yourself all the time and that is why you end up being laughed at.
Yep.....Sunni v Shia and ISIS v Sunni,Shia,Christians,Jews,Janes,Hindu,and Muslims.............I over estimated your intelligence once again...keep up to speed Pheo,you are becoming somewhat Tedious...steve

Not what you said dumbo is it , you said that IS filled the vacuum left by the US and were fighting against Sunni and Shia factions.
How Right I see just can't mentally absorb the facts.....As Usual..steve

So what branch of islam are the IS terrorists then ? Can you answer this without resorting to your usual immature name calling and deflection because you cant answer the points raised.
Just 70 years ago the Jews were Kicked out of Europe. Their Possessions, Money, Families and Souls were Stolen from them and they were sent to Slavery and Death by the Europeans.

What makes You think that Europeans would allow them to return back to Europe. ?

If they were not welcome back in Europe then - - after 6 Million of them were slaughtered, starved, tortured, raped and gassed. What makes You think that they will be welcome back into Europe Now, After they have multiplied by the for the last 70 years.

There are about 13-14 million Jews in the world • About 80% of them live in Israel and the United States.

there have always been Jews in Israel, since Abraham walked the Earth. Nearly - 4000 years ago. And there is a RECORD, a GENEOLOGY, Many Artifacts of Evidence that Jews had lived in Israel for 2000 years.

and after Christ there were Many, Many jews in Israel. being Rounded up, Killed, chased and persecuted.

You sound to me - like a Catholic or a Muslim.
Such inaccuracy really doesn't need my response............................Jews were blowin's the original peoples of this region were the Canaanites....who the Jews Exterminated,The Moabites whom the Jews much for your post.

And then came along you muslims who decided to exterminate the Jews and Christians, and remove all traces of them. We see the same 7C mentality in action today with your current hero's IS destroying pre Islamic antiquities as they prove that islam is a false religion.
Is that your Final Solution?
Excellent Post Billo..steve

You do realise the picture is of islamonazi scum mass murdering Christians so they can steal their land, wives and daughters.
Sounds just like the Zionists Murdering Innocent Palestinians circa 1948 onwards...Yep I thought I was right...AND I AM.

How about a link proving your claim then, that way we will see if you are right. OR IF YOU ARE A WALTER MITTY FANTASIST
You always want a statement is common knowledge.......and the Jews know it.....but Wannabee Jews like you KNOW NOT THE MINUTE NOR THE HOUR.............Stop spewing Zionist Inspired Shit.....for once in your life.

Because you are known to be a LIAR of the first order, and when found out you deflect and derail. If as you say it was common knowledge then there would be millions of links to credible sites that supported your RACIST CLAIMS. Your refusal to provide just one shows that you have LIED again.
The Jewish settlers are just stealing land. Jews need to go back to Europe, where they came from.
Have you seen the news. The Muslims are currently invading Europe. In fact wherever there is Muslims there are riots demanding sharia law. Spain, Czechin, Africa, Germany, Holland, the US, etc. This isn't just a Jewish problem anymore. The Muslims are trying to conquer the planet.

And the people are seeing this for what it is and are demanding action be taken. Most nations are struggling to cope as it is and will not be able to manage if muslim criminals flood in. Far too many are claiming to be Syrians when they cant understand a word spoken by Syrians, these are terrorist sleepers sent by the various terrorist groups to soften up the enemy. Time to lock down Europe and send them all back home because we will be at war with islam before next summer if we dont
don't care what the text says and I did scan it Dot . Thing is that the troubles stem from 1400 years of hate aimed at Jews and other religions that muslims want to be 'dhimmis' to muslims Dot . I mean hey , belive 'bs' if you like but I don't even consider this kind of 'bs' as being anything other than 'bs' Dot !!.
Jews and Arabs got along fine before the Zionists showed up.

So much for your 1400 year bullshit.
The settlers are keeping an eye on the borders. The Jewish settlers do not launch rockets from their borders and do not send out suicide bombers.

The Jewish Settlers also are not throwing rocks at and stabbing Muslims when They come in and out - *( Across ) - of the Borders, passing into Israel.

The Jews love, respect and cherish and honor all Peaceful Muslims and Muslims are very welcome to work in Israel, raise families and Worship in their Own Islamic Temples. There are even Muslims in Israel who are politicians.

Here is a List of Muslims in Israel who are politicians.
List of Arab members of the Knesset - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And also REMEMBER - The Jewish Settlers do not harm the Muslims who Come into and out of Israel - to Worship at the Temple Mount. The Jewish Settlers do not stop. - Muslims who are traveling in and out of Israel, Peacefully moving across the Israeli border and through security checks.

The Settlers are the best people for the Border.

Israel does not want an large population of Muslims along the Borders because once an attack begins, Israel is forced to kill Muslim Civilians along the on the Borders while defending themselves. The Jewish Settler Population is the safest and easiest way to maintain safety for the Muslims in and out of Israels borders, while maintaining safety of Jews as well.
This is what your settlers do...

After deliberately hitting this Palestinian boy with a car, they stand around his bleeding body yelling, "Die! Die! Die!"

Welcome to USMB!
The Jewish settlers are just stealing land. Jews need to go back to Europe, where they came from.
Have you seen the news. The Muslims are currently invading Europe. In fact wherever there is Muslims there are riots demanding sharia law. Spain, Czechin, Africa, Germany, Holland, the US, etc. This isn't just a Jewish problem anymore. The Muslims are trying to conquer the planet.

The Muslims are indeed invading Europe as the European Jews invaded Palestine. The Europeans have to prevent the Muslims from attempting to create a state of their own within Europe, or it will end up like a much larger Palestine/Israel problem. As far as Muslims conquering the planet, well, hyperbole can be fun, but it is inaccurate.
don't care what the text says and I did scan it Dot . Thing is that the troubles stem from 1400 years of hate aimed at Jews and other religions that muslims want to be 'dhimmis' to muslims Dot . I mean hey , belive 'bs' if you like but I don't even consider this kind of 'bs' as being anything other than 'bs' Dot !!.
Jews and Arabs got along fine before the Zionists showed up.

So much for your 1400 year bullshit.

How many more times will you be shown that you don't know what you are talking about. We can start in 627 C.E. when mo'mad mass murdered one tribe of Jews in Medina and then ethnically cleansed another two. here is the map of these massacres for you again

The settlers are keeping an eye on the borders. The Jewish settlers do not launch rockets from their borders and do not send out suicide bombers.

The Jewish Settlers also are not throwing rocks at and stabbing Muslims when They come in and out - *( Across ) - of the Borders, passing into Israel.

The Jews love, respect and cherish and honor all Peaceful Muslims and Muslims are very welcome to work in Israel, raise families and Worship in their Own Islamic Temples. There are even Muslims in Israel who are politicians.

Here is a List of Muslims in Israel who are politicians.
List of Arab members of the Knesset - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And also REMEMBER - The Jewish Settlers do not harm the Muslims who Come into and out of Israel - to Worship at the Temple Mount. The Jewish Settlers do not stop. - Muslims who are traveling in and out of Israel, Peacefully moving across the Israeli border and through security checks.

The Settlers are the best people for the Border.

Israel does not want an large population of Muslims along the Borders because once an attack begins, Israel is forced to kill Muslim Civilians along the on the Borders while defending themselves. The Jewish Settler Population is the safest and easiest way to maintain safety for the Muslims in and out of Israels borders, while maintaining safety of Jews as well.
This is what your settlers do...

After deliberately hitting this Palestinian boy with a car, they stand around his bleeding body yelling, "Die! Die! Die!"

Welcome to USMB!

Unlike your Palestinian hero's who would have tenderised him some more before eating him


The Jewish settlers are just stealing land. Jews need to go back to Europe, where they came from.
Have you seen the news. The Muslims are currently invading Europe. In fact wherever there is Muslims there are riots demanding sharia law. Spain, Czechin, Africa, Germany, Holland, the US, etc. This isn't just a Jewish problem anymore. The Muslims are trying to conquer the planet.

The Muslims are indeed invading Europe as the European Jews invaded Palestine. The Europeans have to prevent the Muslims from attempting to create a state of their own within Europe, or it will end up like a much larger Palestine/Israel problem. As far as Muslims conquering the planet, well, hyperbole can be fun, but it is inaccurate.

WRONG again freddy boy as the muslims are using force, violence and terrorism to take over the lands of Europe. And the people are opposing them with force and violence. The Jews were invited to migrate and settle in Palestine by the lands sovereign owners.
The Jewish settlers are just stealing land. Jews need to go back to Europe, where they came from.
Have you seen the news. The Muslims are currently invading Europe. In fact wherever there is Muslims there are riots demanding sharia law. Spain, Czechin, Africa, Germany, Holland, the US, etc. This isn't just a Jewish problem anymore. The Muslims are trying to conquer the planet.
Yes - Sir -

The Jews were invited to migrate and settle in Palestine by the lands sovereign owners .

The original Arab LANDOWNERS who Lived in Israel - sold the Jews their Lands, for a fair, honest, agreeable price. Every Piece of Land that had Arab Owners throughout Israel was bought at a Fair price. -

There were very few percentage of Jews living in Israel because Hitler used 20,000 Muslims to Hunt and eXterminate Jews throughout the Middle East.
Yes - Sir -

The Jews were invited to migrate and settle in Palestine by the lands sovereign owners .

The original Arab LANDOWNERS who Lived in Israel - sold the Jews their Lands, for a fair, honest, agreeable price. Every Piece of Land that had Arab Owners throughout Israel was bought at a Fair price. -

There were very few percentage of Jews living in Israel because Hitler used 20,000 Muslims to Hunt and eXterminate Jews throughout the Middle East.

The Jews were not invited to Palestine by the Palestinians

Why post nonsense and make a fool of yourself?

n 1943 Jews owned less than 5% of the land in Palestine. From the Survey of Palestine Vol. 2

A Survey of Palestine Volume 2 | Berman Jewish Policy Archive @ NYU Wagner

Yes - Sir -

The Jews were invited to migrate and settle in Palestine by the lands sovereign owners .

The original Arab LANDOWNERS who Lived in Israel - sold the Jews their Lands, for a fair, honest, agreeable price. Every Piece of Land that had Arab Owners throughout Israel was bought at a Fair price. -

There were very few percentage of Jews living in Israel because Hitler used 20,000 Muslims to Hunt and eXterminate Jews throughout the Middle East.

The Jews were not invited to Palestine by the Palestinians

Why post nonsense and make a fool of yourself?

n 1943 Jews owned less than 5% of the land in Palestine. From the Survey of Palestine Vol. 2

A Survey of Palestine Volume 2 | Berman Jewish Policy Archive @ NYU Wagner

View attachment 54237
He said sovereign owners not squatters.
Nope,but the vaccum sic left by the US when they left Iraq allowed ISIS to fill the Sunni/Shia GAP.......I thought you we reasonably well read Pheo.....obviously I over estimated you....steve

So you are saying that there are now 3 warring factions in islam Suuni, Shia and IS. Which leader do the IS faction follow then ?

You overestimate yourself all the time and that is why you end up being laughed at.
Yep.....Sunni v Shia and ISIS v Sunni,Shia,Christians,Jews,Janes,Hindu,and Muslims.............I over estimated your intelligence once again...keep up to speed Pheo,you are becoming somewhat Tedious...steve

Not what you said dumbo is it , you said that IS filled the vacuum left by the US and were fighting against Sunni and Shia factions.
How Right I see just can't mentally absorb the facts.....As Usual..steve

So what branch of islam are the IS terrorists then ? Can you answer this without resorting to your usual immature name calling and deflection because you cant answer the points raised.
Don't be so silly,much of this Terrorism was taught to the world in general by the Terrorist Zionists when they tried to Exterminate the Palestinians to grab all their LAND........yet you speak on here as if you have the Moral High Ground.....what a Slut you are.......Your M.H.Ground is the GUTTER. so Stop demeaning everyone who can clearly see through your BULLSHITERY........
The settlers are keeping an eye on the borders. The Jewish settlers do not launch rockets from their borders and do not send out suicide bombers.

The Jewish Settlers also are not throwing rocks at and stabbing Muslims when They come in and out - *( Across ) - of the Borders, passing into Israel.

The Jews love, respect and cherish and honor all Peaceful Muslims and Muslims are very welcome to work in Israel, raise families and Worship in their Own Islamic Temples. There are even Muslims in Israel who are politicians.

Here is a List of Muslims in Israel who are politicians.
List of Arab members of the Knesset - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And also REMEMBER - The Jewish Settlers do not harm the Muslims who Come into and out of Israel - to Worship at the Temple Mount. The Jewish Settlers do not stop. - Muslims who are traveling in and out of Israel, Peacefully moving across the Israeli border and through security checks.

The Settlers are the best people for the Border.

Israel does not want an large population of Muslims along the Borders because once an attack begins, Israel is forced to kill Muslim Civilians along the on the Borders while defending themselves. The Jewish Settler Population is the safest and easiest way to maintain safety for the Muslims in and out of Israels borders, while maintaining safety of Jews as well.
This is what your settlers do...

After deliberately hitting this Palestinian boy with a car, they stand around his bleeding body yelling, "Die! Die! Die!"

Welcome to USMB!
These Settlers are Complete Filth......which in part makes Israel Filth.
Yes - Sir -

The Jews were invited to migrate and settle in Palestine by the lands sovereign owners .

The original Arab LANDOWNERS who Lived in Israel - sold the Jews their Lands, for a fair, honest, agreeable price. Every Piece of Land that had Arab Owners throughout Israel was bought at a Fair price. -

There were very few percentage of Jews living in Israel because Hitler used 20,000 Muslims to Hunt and eXterminate Jews throughout the Middle East.

The Jews were not invited to Palestine by the Palestinians

Why post nonsense and make a fool of yourself?

n 1943 Jews owned less than 5% of the land in Palestine. From the Survey of Palestine Vol. 2

A Survey of Palestine Volume 2 | Berman Jewish Policy Archive @ NYU Wagner

View attachment 54237

The Jews were not invited to Palestine by the Palestinians

You mean the Arabs who were hanging out there?

Jews owned less than 5% of the land in Palestine.

The Arabs who lived there didn't own a lot of the land either.

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