CBO: Biden $15 An Hour Minimum Wage Will Cost 1.4 Million American Jobs

Politics do often make strange bedfellows. For example, Liberals hate corporations, and often blame them for putting 'mom & pop shops' out of business. On the other hand however, Liberals are in favor of Government stepping in and artificially raising the cost of labor, which ravages the same 'mom & pop shops' who are less capable of absorbing this distortion in the market process.

So in reality, Liberals are in FAVOR of government stepping in to assist corporations in driving small businesses OUT of business.

Not all liberals are idiots, but... wait, yeah they are.
Mom and pop shops are not the entities that benefit from ultra low wages.

That's fast food joints and at packing plants
Funny I just looked up mississippi/mcdonald's on indeed they are starting over minimum wage

196,378 reviews
Booneville, MS 38829
Job details
$7.50 - $9.00 an hour

I believe this is the true driving fear behind the mad leap to double the MW, the proponents realize the federal MW is being revealed as irrelevant because cities and states are already setting their own MW higher. In fact, they should be demonstrating against and petitioning their local governments to raise the local MW, not Washington.
You can't just bemoan the loss of unions without being honest about why they went out of fashion.
They "went out of fashion" because of relentless decades long attacks by Republicans
No one would of attacked them if they where not lazy and built crappy cars
That is true. If the union label still meant better quality, people would pay more for their goods. When non-union shops produce the same or better and charge less, they can't sell their goods.
That is true. If the union label still meant better quality, people would pay more for their goods. When non-union shops produce the same or better and charge less, they can't sell their goods.
But that's not what happened.

We had the "Walmarting of the nation".

Lower quality shit sold super cheap and made in China
That is true. If the union label still meant better quality, people would pay more for their goods. When non-union shops produce the same or better and charge less, they can't sell their goods.
But that's not what happened.

We had the "Walmarting of the nation".

Lower quality shit sold super cheap and made in China
Blame the consumer, they control the money flow. The only way you counter that without the people deciding to do it is through tariffs, making the consumer pay more for what used to be affordable for the poor which the usual suspects branded "trade wars", and "stupid", and other nonsense when TRUMP! enacted them.
That is true. If the union label still meant better quality, people would pay more for their goods. When non-union shops produce the same or better and charge less, they can't sell their goods.
But that's not what happened.

We had the "Walmarting of the nation".

Lower quality shit sold super cheap and made in China

The problem was the unions were not producing superior products. The unions and poor quality work allowed Japan automakers a door into the United States market. The same can be said of other industries. The union leaders got greedy, made ties with the mob, wanted more money for workers and made it almost impossible for a company to rid it's self of bad employees. The workers suffered because of the unions greed.
That is true. If the union label still meant better quality, people would pay more for their goods. When non-union shops produce the same or better and charge less, they can't sell their goods.
But that's not what happened.

We had the "Walmarting of the nation".

Lower quality shit sold super cheap and made in China

The problem was the unions were not producing superior products. The unions and poor quality work allowed Japan automakers a door into the United States market. The same can be said of other industries. The union leaders got greedy, made ties with the mob, wanted more money for workers and made it almost impossible for a company to rid it's self of bad employees. The workers suffered because of the unions greed.
Unions could still be relevant, but they have to adapt to a new world. They can't keep acting like they're stuck in 1932 with a target rich environment.
Politics do often make strange bedfellows. For example, Liberals hate corporations, and often blame them for putting 'mom & pop shops' out of business. On the other hand however, Liberals are in favor of Government stepping in and artificially raising the cost of labor, which ravages the same 'mom & pop shops' who are less capable of absorbing this distortion in the market process.

So in reality, Liberals are in FAVOR of government stepping in to assist corporations in driving small businesses OUT of business.

Not all liberals are idiots, but... wait, yeah they are.
But it does take a balance of sorts.

It's your corporations that can mass produce things like automobiles~trucks, and airliners which we all use and enjoy to get about and around. Also it's those corporatons that provide the standardized parts so if my auto needs a new alternator, I don't nee to go to some obscure and small manufacturer half a continent away to get hat part days to weeks later, I can go to the local (national chain) auto parts store.

On the other hand, it is often the local "mom-n-pop" operation, say a deli, restaurant, or retail dry goods store that can provide the sort of entry level~training jobs, at low=minimum wage pay that many teen-agers/first time workers need to get started in the workforce at earning their way. These aren't meant to be "career employment positions" unless one plans to live with their parents (in the basement?) for the rest of their lives.

"minimum wage jobs" are meant to be starter jobs to help those taking such learn how to work at a job, earn some income, and get started on the path towards more productive and better paying jobs~career tracks.

BTW, there is so much "financial aid" available to go to a trade school or university/college that anyone whom is going to be worth more than minimum wage can get the education, training, and skill sets they would need to earn more by doing more. Even the "mentally handicapped(retard)" have been able to do such.

In addition, there is always the option, in the USA at least, and so far, to take some risk, show some balls, and start your own business/company - rather than expect to live off the income of others.
AOC admitted that only approx 30% of US energy comes from solar and wind - 70+ percent comes from fossil fuel, and that the Green New Deal requires the US to rely on thatsolar and win power PLUS TECHNOLOGY THSAT HAS NOT BEEN INVESNTED YET.

So Biden and snowflakes think destroying tens of thousands of fossile fuel jobs, with 100,000 more or so promised soon - rippling throughout the economy / population - during an already Democrat-damaged economy in the middle of a pandemic w...with their being noalternate source of energy invesnted yet to replace that energy...except to make ther US dependent on energy from our enemies...was a good idea...

wtf?! Bwuhahahahaha
Upgrading infrastructure can create as many jobs as we want. New Cities in more optimum locations to help deal with global sea rising!
Why so your $20 dollar gym shoes cost $25 bucks?
Assuming the firm automates to meet production and profit goals, the price could come down; better products at lower cost! It is what supply side economics should always be good for.
Politics do often make strange bedfellows. For example, Liberals hate corporations, and often blame them for putting 'mom & pop shops' out of business. On the other hand however, Liberals are in favor of Government stepping in and artificially raising the cost of labor, which ravages the same 'mom & pop shops' who are less capable of absorbing this distortion in the market process.

So in reality, Liberals are in FAVOR of government stepping in to assist corporations in driving small businesses OUT of business.

Not all liberals are idiots, but... wait, yeah they are.
Mom and pop shops are not the entities that benefit from ultra low wages.

That's fast food joints and at packing plants
Funny I just looked up mississippi/mcdonald's on indeed they are starting over minimum wage

196,378 reviews
Booneville, MS 38829
Job details
$7.50 - $9.00 an hour

I believe this is the true driving fear behind the mad leap to double the MW, the proponents realize the federal MW is being revealed as irrelevant because cities and states are already setting their own MW higher. In fact, they should be demonstrating against and petitioning their local governments to raise the local MW, not Washington.
The "mad leap to double the minimum wage" is because it had not been raised for around decade and inflation still happened.
Politics do often make strange bedfellows. For example, Liberals hate corporations, and often blame them for putting 'mom & pop shops' out of business. On the other hand however, Liberals are in favor of Government stepping in and artificially raising the cost of labor, which ravages the same 'mom & pop shops' who are less capable of absorbing this distortion in the market process.

So in reality, Liberals are in FAVOR of government stepping in to assist corporations in driving small businesses OUT of business.

Not all liberals are idiots, but... wait, yeah they are.
Mom and pop shops are not the entities that benefit from ultra low wages.

That's fast food joints and at packing plants
Funny I just looked up mississippi/mcdonald's on indeed they are starting over minimum wage

196,378 reviews
Booneville, MS 38829
Job details
$7.50 - $9.00 an hour

I believe this is the true driving fear behind the mad leap to double the MW, the proponents realize the federal MW is being revealed as irrelevant because cities and states are already setting their own MW higher. In fact, they should be demonstrating against and petitioning their local governments to raise the local MW, not Washington.
The "mad leap to double the minimum wage" is because it had not been raised for around decade and inflation still happened.

So raise it to $8.85
They "went out of fashion" because of relentless decades long attacks by Republicans

Attack? What did they to do attack them?

When companies closed down to move out of state or country to get rid of the unions, Republicans realized why they were losing industry. Unions had too much power over the company to the point they just about ran them. They told the companies who they could hire, who they could fire, and who they can promote. You can't run a competitive business that way.

After the union companies left, workers realized that bringing in another union to their new employment would have the same results, and that's how unions lost support.

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