CBO: Biden $15 An Hour Minimum Wage Will Cost 1.4 Million American Jobs

you really think that if a different person was in the Oval Office that all the idiots who refused to wear masks would have ?
Ya never get "all" of anything but a hell of a lot more would have. Yea

I don't think it would have made any difference.
It would have made plenty of difference since a democrat would not have been claiming the pandemic is a hoax or encouraging going maskless.
The raise will be incrementally, all the years we could have been raising it a little at a time. Except Republican senators wouldn't let it happen. The cost of everything has gone up, the middle class has been getting crushed.

And what do you think will happen if the new MW gets pushed through? The business owners are just going to have to dig a little deeper in their pockets? Of course not. They are going to recoup that money somewhere, and in many cases it will be to increase the price of their products or services.
You make it seem like right wingers prefer to simply hate on the Poor rather than let them benefit under Capitalism.
you really think that if a different person was in the Oval Office that all the idiots who refused to wear masks would have ?
Ya never get "all" of anything but a hell of a lot more would have. Yea

I don't think it would have made any difference.
It would have made plenty of difference since a democrat would not have been claiming the pandemic is a hoax or encouraging going maskless.

You assume that the idiots who didn't take any precautions would have just because a different politician was in office.

That's quite an assumption.

The morons at Spring Break and Sturgis and all those other super spreader parties still would have been morons
you really think that if a different person was in the Oval Office that all the idiots who refused to wear masks would have ?
Ya never get "all" of anything but a hell of a lot more would have. Yea

I don't think it would have made any difference.
It would have made plenty of difference since a democrat would not have been claiming the pandemic is a hoax or encouraging going maskless.

You assume that the idiots who didn't take any precautions would have just because a different politician was in office.

That's quite an assumption.

The morons at Spring Break and Sturgis and all those other super spreader parties still would have been morons
I am saying they would not have been more emboldened to go maskless since the chief magistrate of the Union would not have been alleging the pandemic is a left wing hoax.
you really think that if a different person was in the Oval Office that all the idiots who refused to wear masks would have ?
Ya never get "all" of anything but a hell of a lot more would have. Yea

I don't think it would have made any difference.
It would have made plenty of difference since a democrat would not have been claiming the pandemic is a hoax or encouraging going maskless.

You assume that the idiots who didn't take any precautions would have just because a different politician was in office.

That's quite an assumption.

The morons at Spring Break and Sturgis and all those other super spreader parties still would have been morons
I am saying they would not have been more emboldened to go maskless since the chief magistrate of the Union would not have been alleging the pandemic is a left wing hoax.

I disagree. i don't think the people who refused to take precautions would be swayed by anyone.
America's COVID response is the worst in the developed world, the stats don't lie. Not just from a medical point of view but the chaos of the economic relief too. Now your generation of Americans true are addicted to cultural naval gazing and pretending you got it all right but the rest of the world has looked at America in shock and horror at the incompetence of the American response, the death toll and the chaos of the economic relief or lack there off.

Yes America pays doctors more and gets worse macro results.

That is not something to brag about, it simply means your system is configured in a far more economically inefficient manner where profit takes priority over health.

The most expensive health care in the world but middling results with more people uninsured than any other developed nation. Oh yes and your life expectancy is dropping. You pay more you get less.

Not really a big selling point.

You keep your system and we'll keep ours. Our northern border hospitals are flooded with Canadian patients. Their socialized healthcare system fails to deliver, so they have to cross the border to our country for needed help, especially for serious matters. As a patient of the renown Cleveland Clinic, I can tell you when you go to their main campus downtown, it's us Americans who feel like foreigners. You have people from all over the world there, especially the VIP's. My sister who works there can testify to that. At times, they buy an entire hospital floor for security reasons. The elevator only stops at that floor if you have key, and the floor is loaded with foreign and American security. This is where they come.

The Covid response was just fine. The US had the least GDP damage of all G7 countries outside of China, and that's only if you can trust their reporting. Here if you smash yourself up on a motorcycle, get tested positive for Covid when you get to the hospital, and die from your injuries ten minutes later, they list it as a Covid death. My 94 year old Uncle was dying from colon cancer. He couldn't walk so he never went anywhere. When it came down to his final days, they called the ambulance and took him to the VA hospital. They tested him positive for Covid. He died a few weeks later. The Autopsy report listed his death as Covid, even though he was never exposed to it. He was living with this son, and anybody that was in contact with him within two weeks was tested or quarantined. Nobody else had it. So how did he mysteriously pickup this virus?

But since you and the rest of the world knows so much about how we handled Covid, maybe you can tell us what we did wrong, because nobody on the left in our country can.

You can keep your system but the wise nations of the world look around, compare and than adapt what ever works better.

The Canadian thing is a comforting myth Americans love, (God you guys are really addicted to mythical narratives that make you feel good rather than improving) but most Canadians who use US care have money and are going for elective surgery which if you have money yes you can get quickly in the US as the system preferences money over the general welfare.

Many Americans get their proscription drugs from Canada because the system is more economically efficient, this however tells us nothing about macro outcomes where Canada usually has much better results than the US in most categories.

Your pandemic failures are cultural as well as political, typical of the United States of Anger it became a political football between the states and party ideologies and President who was saying on idiotic thing after another concerning core health issues further confusing a largely scientifically illiterate American public. The economic relief for such has been a rotting mess where too much money did not go where it was most needed often, delivery systems were primitive and outdated and further economic relief has been delayed in the never ending WWF politics that has infected American political discourse.

You can keep your system but the wise nations of the world look around, compare and than adapt what ever works better.

The Canadian thing is a comforting myth Americans love, (God you guys are really addicted to mythical narratives that make you feel good rather than improving) but most Canadians who use US care have money and are going for elective surgery which if you have money yes you can get quickly in the US as the system preferences money over the general welfare.

Many Americans get their proscription drugs from Canada because the system is more economically efficient, this however tells us nothing about macro outcomes where Canada usually has much better results than the US in most categories.

Your pandemic failures are cultural as well as political, typical of the United States of Anger it became a political football between the states and party ideologies and President who was saying on idiotic thing after another concerning core health issues further confusing a largely scientifically illiterate American public. The economic relief for such has been a rotting mess where too much money did not go where it was most needed often, delivery systems were primitive and outdated and further economic relief has been delayed in the never ending WWF politics that has infected American political discourse.

Your link is misleading, and from Vox. First of all, the so-called study is nearly two decades old. Secondly, it's titled en masse which is not what I said. Next, it stated their data came from border facilities, which I don't know what they mean by that. Do they mean border health facilities, or do they mean facilities at the border itself which I have no way in hell on figuring how they had any knowledge of why people are coming here. And it said top rated hospitals, which I never said they all went.

I live in Cleveland. If you don't know where that is, we are just across lake Erie from Canada. Very often we would run into Canadian drivers here. I always brought up their healthcare system for their opinion. Younger to middle-aged drivers told me they love their system. Older drivers told me to keep what we have, or we will really regret it if we changed to theirs.

So I'll take the word from people who work at such facilities and talking to actual Canadians than I will from some ancient study that Vox dug up, that to me, seems extremely flawed.

I asked you a question about what exactly we did wrong in your opinion, and instead of an instance, you give me generalities. For one, money did go to where it was needed. Two, President Trump often allowed his top doctor (Dr Fauci) to address the public at his press conferences. He was free to tell the American public anything he desired, and he did. That's besides the many television interviews he's done during this crisis.
Promoting the general welfare by providing for the general welfare such that it engenders full employment. Both promote and provide are terms expressly used for the general welfare but not the common defense. Right wingers only seem to have a problem promoting the general welfare not the unenumerated general warfare or the common offense.


That does not imply that the government must ensure full employment for every person
Yes, it does. It implies it more than even an alleged, endless war on poverty. Our welfare clause is General and must provide for any given contingency; unlike our common defense clause which cannot cover the general warfare nor the common offense.
You can keep your system but the wise nations of the world look around, compare and than adapt what ever works better.

The Canadian thing is a comforting myth Americans love, (God you guys are really addicted to mythical narratives that make you feel good rather than improving) but most Canadians who use US care have money and are going for elective surgery which if you have money yes you can get quickly in the US as the system preferences money over the general welfare.

Many Americans get their proscription drugs from Canada because the system is more economically efficient, this however tells us nothing about macro outcomes where Canada usually has much better results than the US in most categories.

Your pandemic failures are cultural as well as political, typical of the United States of Anger it became a political football between the states and party ideologies and President who was saying on idiotic thing after another concerning core health issues further confusing a largely scientifically illiterate American public. The economic relief for such has been a rotting mess where too much money did not go where it was most needed often, delivery systems were primitive and outdated and further economic relief has been delayed in the never ending WWF politics that has infected American political discourse.

Your link is misleading, and from Vox. First of all, the so-called study is nearly two decades old. Secondly, it's titled en masse which is not what I said. Next, it stated their data came from border facilities, which I don't know what they mean by that. Do they mean border health facilities, or do they mean facilities at the border itself which I have no way in hell on figuring how they had any knowledge of why people are coming here. And it said top rated hospitals, which I never said they all went.

I live in Cleveland. If you don't know where that is, we are just across lake Erie from Canada. Very often we would run into Canadian drivers here. I always brought up their healthcare system for their opinion. Younger to middle-aged drivers told me they love their system. Older drivers told me to keep what we have, or we will really regret it if we changed to theirs.

So I'll take the word from people who work at such facilities and talking to actual Canadians than I will from some ancient study that Vox dug up, that to me, seems extremely flawed.

I asked you a question about what exactly we did wrong in your opinion, and instead of an instance, you give me generalities. For one, money did go to where it was needed. Two, President Trump often allowed his top doctor (Dr Fauci) to address the public at his press conferences. He was free to tell the American public anything he desired, and he did. That's besides the many television interviews he's done during this crisis.

Almost every study on the issue reveals America is way down the list on macro health outcomes, if you research such you will find that, but Americans never search for information that conflicts with the chant America is the Greatest.

I blame all the fat in your diets clogging your brains.

And you pay more for worse results. One reason is your fragmented private insurance system cannot negotiate price reductions with drug companies or medical providers, where as if the major insurer is the tax payer, the government, they can as they have more power.

Simple actuary science, simply economics.

If you cannot see what has went wrong with your pandemic relief response the rest of the democratic and civilised world cannot help you see it. It has been a politically paralyzed mess with the added plutocratic looting that is the American way.

And your infection rates and death tolls too should be informing you are doing much wrong. From the half witted statements of former President Trump infecting many Americans with a gross ignorance and disregard of basic safety measures to the ever angry polarisation of the health response which has seen America unable to meet the challenge in a rational way.

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