CBO: Biden $15 An Hour Minimum Wage Will Cost 1.4 Million American Jobs

No the problem with your social welfare systems is they are fragmented and ideologically driven so not efficient. They are infected with political discord and delusion as we have seen with the American Covid relief response, perhaps the worst in the Democratic developed world. It is not simply a question of amount but lack of competence in getting out fast and to who needs it and preventing large economic interests from exploiting such. Part of this problem is America is not really a democracy it is a plutocracy so large economic interest have more power than the polity writ large>

You healthcare system is the most costly because once again ideologically you are running on slogans rather than empirical economics. You have a fragmented private system of funding which means the cost has to be higher. That is simple actuary science, the smaller the risk pool the higher the cost to the consumer. A fragmented private system of insurance cannot provide the cost efficiencies universal insurance does where the risk pool is much larger hence the individual cost lower.

The average American pays over 400 per month for health care, in Australia with universal insurance the average premium is 88 dollars per month.

And we have lower wait times on many areas such as GP appoints, we get better macro results in almost every category expect breast cancer recovery and we are just behind there. Everywhere else we beat you and much lower costs both to the individual and society writ large.

The problem with American on these issues is you are addicted to ideological slogans and so stumble through this problems without being able to rationally adapt and change, evolve and provide better services.

The Greatest Generation of Americans are dying out and what follows is sad to behold.

There was nothing wrong with our Covid response. The problem was too much government in the first place--not enough. You have to understand we are a public protected by the US Constitution. Our leaders can't control us like robots. The federal government can't force us to wear masks, force us to isolate, force us to do anything. Some have tried, and failed.

Even leftist organizations like John Hopkins concluded the US was more than prepared for something like this than anybody. But again, there is only so much that can be done:

America is not a democracy and never was. We are a Republic and were since the founding of this country.

Again, healthcare workers make more here than just about anyplace in the world. Australia? They make half of what our physicians make here. Australia comes in 10th while the US comes in 2nd. You get what you pay for as the old saying goes.

10: Australia

Specialists: $210,800
GPs: $104,300
A perennial favourite of doctors going to work overseas and it’s easy to see why!
Great weather, high salaries, opportunities to travel and a real focus on work-life balance.

No. 2: USA

Specialists: $350,300
GPs: $242,400

No the problem with your social welfare systems is they are fragmented and ideologically driven so not efficient. They are infected with political discord and delusion as we have seen with the American Covid relief response, perhaps the worst in the Democratic developed world. It is not simply a question of amount but lack of competence in getting out fast and to who needs it and preventing large economic interests from exploiting such. Part of this problem is America is not really a democracy it is a plutocracy so large economic interest have more power than the polity writ large>

You healthcare system is the most costly because once again ideologically you are running on slogans rather than empirical economics. You have a fragmented private system of funding which means the cost has to be higher. That is simple actuary science, the smaller the risk pool the higher the cost to the consumer. A fragmented private system of insurance cannot provide the cost efficiencies universal insurance does where the risk pool is much larger hence the individual cost lower.

The average American pays over 400 per month for health care, in Australia with universal insurance the average premium is 88 dollars per month.

And we have lower wait times on many areas such as GP appoints, we get better macro results in almost every category expect breast cancer recovery and we are just behind there. Everywhere else we beat you and much lower costs both to the individual and society writ large.

The problem with American on these issues is you are addicted to ideological slogans and so stumble through this problems without being able to rationally adapt and change, evolve and provide better services.

The Greatest Generation of Americans are dying out and what follows is sad to behold.

There was nothing wrong with our Covid response. The problem was too much government in the first place--not enough. You have to understand we are a public protected by the US Constitution. Our leaders can't control us like robots. The federal government can't force us to wear masks, force us to isolate, force us to do anything. Some have tried, and failed.

Even leftist organizations like John Hopkins concluded the US was more than prepared for something like this than anybody. But again, there is only so much that can be done:

America is not a democracy and never was. We are a Republic and were since the founding of this country.

Again, healthcare workers make more here than just about anyplace in the world. Australia? They make half of what our physicians make here. Australia comes in 10th while the US comes in 2nd. You get what you pay for as the old saying goes.

10: Australia

Specialists: $210,800
GPs: $104,300
A perennial favourite of doctors going to work overseas and it’s easy to see why!
Great weather, high salaries, opportunities to travel and a real focus on work-life balance.

No. 2: USA

Specialists: $350,300
GPs: $242,400

America's COVID response is the worst in the developed world, the stats don't lie. Not just from a medical point of view but the chaos of the economic relief too. Now your generation of Americans true are addicted to cultural naval gazing and pretending you got it all right but the rest of the world has looked at America in shock and horror at the incompetence of the American response, the death toll and the chaos of the economic relief or lack there off.

Yes America pays doctors more and gets worse macro results.

That is not something to brag about, it simply means your system is configured in a far more economically inefficient manner where profit takes priority over health.

The most expensive health care in the world but middling results with more people uninsured than any other developed nation. Oh yes and your life expectancy is dropping. You pay more you get less.

Not really a big selling point.
The job market has been manipulated such that many people are STUCK in that "entry level" situation.

But hey...you're a Republican and low wages for anyone not you or your friends is what you are about

And oh yea...

That CBO report is a range. From ZERO job losses to 1,4 million. And oh yea...it doesn't take into account the fact that higher wages results in more spending which in itself creates jobs...so


Actually 1.4 million jobs seems very conservative to me. I don't know that they take into account all the automation investments, all the new outsourcing, all the companies moving overseas because all wages are going to have to go up. I think they are only considering minimum wage job loss alone. The domino effect will likely lead to millions and millions of job losses.
Low wage job losses?

Fewer people will need to commute and cause traffic delays.

And, it is the job of Government to ensure full employment. Even Texas can use an infrastructure upgrade.
Where in the Constitution of any state does it say that government is to provide full employment?
Promoting the general welfare by providing for the general welfare such that it engenders full employment. Both promote and provide are terms expressly used for the general welfare but not the common defense. Right wingers only seem to have a problem promoting the general welfare not the unenumerated general warfare or the common offense.


That does not imply that the government must ensure full employment for every person
There was nothing wrong with our Covid response.
Boy have YOU drunk the Kool Aid. Look at the numbers. Look at the election. America dumped Trump precisely BECAUSE our response was so bad
you really think that if a different person was in the Oval Office that all the idiots who refused to wear masks would have ?

I sure don't.
you really think that if a different person was in the Oval Office that all the idiots who refused to wear masks would have ?
Ya never get "all" of anything but a hell of a lot more would have. Yea
Boy have YOU drunk the Kool Aid. Look at the numbers. Look at the election. America dumped Trump precisely BECAUSE our response was so bad

No, the only reason Biden won was because of hate and mail-in voting. Mail-in voting gets all the politically ignorant and stupid to vote, and those people vote Democrat. If they had to vote in person, those welfare types would have stayed home as usual and Trump would have easily won. Now the commies want mail in voting all the time because they heavily rely on the lowlife stupid votes.
America's COVID response is the worst in the developed world, the stats don't lie. Not just from a medical point of view but the chaos of the economic relief too. Now your generation of Americans true are addicted to cultural naval gazing and pretending you got it all right but the rest of the world has looked at America in shock and horror at the incompetence of the American response, the death toll and the chaos of the economic relief or lack there off.

Yes America pays doctors more and gets worse macro results.

That is not something to brag about, it simply means your system is configured in a far more economically inefficient manner where profit takes priority over health.

The most expensive health care in the world but middling results with more people uninsured than any other developed nation. Oh yes and your life expectancy is dropping. You pay more you get less.

Not really a big selling point.

You keep your system and we'll keep ours. Our northern border hospitals are flooded with Canadian patients. Their socialized healthcare system fails to deliver, so they have to cross the border to our country for needed help, especially for serious matters. As a patient of the renown Cleveland Clinic, I can tell you when you go to their main campus downtown, it's us Americans who feel like foreigners. You have people from all over the world there, especially the VIP's. My sister who works there can testify to that. At times, they buy an entire hospital floor for security reasons. The elevator only stops at that floor if you have key, and the floor is loaded with foreign and American security. This is where they come.

The Covid response was just fine. The US had the least GDP damage of all G7 countries outside of China, and that's only if you can trust their reporting. Here if you smash yourself up on a motorcycle, get tested positive for Covid when you get to the hospital, and die from your injuries ten minutes later, they list it as a Covid death. My 94 year old Uncle was dying from colon cancer. He couldn't walk so he never went anywhere. When it came down to his final days, they called the ambulance and took him to the VA hospital. They tested him positive for Covid. He died a few weeks later. The Autopsy report listed his death as Covid, even though he was never exposed to it. He was living with this son, and anybody that was in contact with him within two weeks was tested or quarantined. Nobody else had it. So how did he mysteriously pickup this virus?

But since you and the rest of the world knows so much about how we handled Covid, maybe you can tell us what we did wrong, because nobody on the left in our country can.

That's odd because for decades until this year...mail in voting was a Republican mainstay

No it wasn't and never was. Long before Covid the left was pushing for mail-in voting. They know their welfare types won't put any energy into voting. Why do you think they fought so hard against Voter-ID? Because if their voters had to put any effort into voting, they'd sooner stay home. Now if you can plop a ballot in front of them on their kitchen table, sure they'll vote even though they have no idea WTF they're voting on. More Obama money and Obama phone voters.

We on the right are just the opposite. We on the right would walk through a tunnel of bee hives to vote because that's how important it is to us, and the Democrats know it. We will cut out early from work to vote, wake up early before work, stand in line for an hour to vote. Voting is a serious thing for us.

Whether you agree with that or not, here is the problem: Let's say major league baseball decided the citizens of their city should pick the baseball players. In your city, anybody could vote on the players. In my city, you had to demonstrate an acute knowledge of baseball. You had to follow it, you had to know the records of the players, you had to prove you watched all the playoff games and world series. Now, who do you suppose would have a better baseball team, your city or mine?

I don't care if you vote Democrat or Republican, just as long as you are an informed voter. When you promote an idea that will get more uninformed voters, that's certainly not good for our country.
Ray you're record of being wrong is intact

And baseball wha????

The baseball analogy is to demonstrate that people with no or little knowledge of the game would not vote for good players because they had no idea who the good players were. My city would know. Therefore, my city would end up with a much better baseball team. It's the same with electing leaders. We would fare much better if only people with knowledge of our politics and policies voted. We would end up with a group of much better representatives.

We don't have a problem with mail-in voting for people who cannot vote for one reason or another. It could be physical or disability issues, being out of town on election day, being in the hospital, being in the military. We just don't want people who can easily be able to vote to vote by mail. The article you posted only claims more Republicans voted by mail than Democrats. It may be true, but the question is why? Furthermore my claim is that it's the Democrats who push for more mail-in voting, not Republicans.

The raise will be incrementally, all the years we could have been raising it a little at a time. Except Republican senators wouldn't let it happen. The cost of everything has gone up, the middle class has been getting crushed.
The raise will be incrementally, all the years we could have been raising it a little at a time. Except Republican senators wouldn't let it happen. The cost of everything has gone up, the middle class has been getting crushed.

The cost of everything has gone up, the middle class has been getting crushed.

What does that have to do with minimum wage workers?
The raise will be incrementally, all the years we could have been raising it a little at a time. Except Republican senators wouldn't let it happen. The cost of everything has gone up, the middle class has been getting crushed.

And what do you think will happen if the new MW gets pushed through? The business owners are just going to have to dig a little deeper in their pockets? Of course not. They are going to recoup that money somewhere, and in many cases it will be to increase the price of their products or services.

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