CBO: Biden $15 An Hour Minimum Wage Will Cost 1.4 Million American Jobs

Politics do often make strange bedfellows. For example, Liberals hate corporations, and often blame them for putting 'mom & pop shops' out of business. On the other hand however, Liberals are in favor of Government stepping in and artificially raising the cost of labor, which ravages the same 'mom & pop shops' who are less capable of absorbing this distortion in the market process.

So in reality, Liberals are in FAVOR of government stepping in to assist corporations in driving small businesses OUT of business.

Not all liberals are idiots, but... wait, yeah they are.
Liberals are socialists/communism who want other peoples money---they take bribes from big corporations like Amazon/Face book to do their corporate masters bidding. Higher labor costs help big corporations such as McDonalds/Disney/Amazon/Facebook etc and forces other smaller companies out. This is no accident but by design.
And oh yea...you don't take into account the fact that higher wages results in less business spending which in itself destroys jobs.
The minimum wage has been raised before...and we were told then exactly what we're being told now...and it NEVER HAPPENS
Because it's always raised a trivial amount and the market adjusts (leaving the buying power of minimum wage unchanged).
Because it's always raised a trivial amount and the market adjusts (leaving the buying power of minimum wage unchanged)
Talk out your ass much? Who told you that?

Seattle raised their minimum wage from $9 to $15. is that your definition of "trivial"? That's a 67% increase

You need to stop talking
Who gives a shit what anything "seems" to you?

The CBO report gives a range of from 1.4 million job losses all the way down to ZERO job losses.

Again, they are probably only considering those minimum wage jobs, and not all the other industries that will be forced to pay employees much more money. Those places will find ways to make cuts to recoup those massive losses.

Look what happened when unions ran the country. They kept upping and upping the wages for their members. Non-union companies competing for workers had to increase their salaries as well. As time went on, they kept pricing us further and further away from overseas manufacturing costs, and companies started leaving by the droves.

So the only thing accomplished by a much higher minimum wage is people will be paying much more in taxes, a Democrats dream. However it will also give us massive inflation at the same time which ups the cost of living. Watch HGTV sometime. They often have episodes in blue cities and states. What you pay for a similar home here for $300,000 is $600,000 over there. They have a much higher cost of living in blue states.
Who gives a shit what anything "seems" to you?

The CBO report gives a range of from 1.4 million job losses all the way down to ZERO job losses.

Again, they are probably only considering those minimum wage jobs, and not all the other industries that will be forced to pay employees much more money. Those places will find ways to make cuts to recoup those massive losses.

Look what happened when unions ran the country. They kept upping and upping the wages for their members. Non-union companies competing for workers had to increase their salaries as well. As time went on, they kept pricing us further and further away from overseas manufacturing costs, and companies started leaving by the droves.

So the only thing accomplished by a much higher minimum wage is people will be paying much more in taxes, a Democrats dream. However it will also give us massive inflation at the same time which ups the cost of living. Watch HGTV sometime. They often have episodes in blue cities and states. What you pay for a similar home here for $300,000 is $600,000 over there. They have a much higher cost of living in blue states.
Heard the exact same thing about Seattle and NYC and it JUST DOESN'T HAPPEN

And the high housing prices you see almost always have to do with nevau rich oil shale...NOT inflation or higher minimum wages
Heard the exact same thing about Seattle and NYC and it JUST DOESN'T HAPPEN

And the high housing prices you see almost always have to do with nevau rich oil shale...NOT inflation or higher minimum wages

Of course it does. What would shale have to do with it?

When this whole $15.00 minimum wage started, the city of Cleveland wanted to do the same as Seattle. After some studies, they found that industry would leave the city for the suburbs. The city went to the county and asked them to put a county $15.00 minimum wage on the ballot, and they refused for the same reason. Our county would lose jobs to other counties. They finally dropped the idea.

Years ago I had some kid from Buffalo come here looking for an apartment. I told him I couldn't rent to him because he had no job, and came here to attend motorcycle school. The mother (who was with him) said she would accept all costs and responsibility, so I put the lease in her name and he moved in. They were excited as hell about what they considered a bargain that I offered.

After he lived her for a while, he told me the unit I was renting his mother would cost twice as much as where he lives. He said if I could move all my units to the outside of NYC, I could not only charge four times what I was getting here, but I'd have a waiting list a mile long.

It's all the cost of living.
I already told why production increased and it wasn't because the skill of the workforce increased
Labor had to learn the skills to run the machinery that increased productivity and valuation of the firm.

It doesn't take a lot of skill to run an automated milling machine.

Any moron can push a button
It isn't only about merely pushing a button. It could also involve prep work and basic cleaning or maintenance of the machines as well.
I already told why production increased and it wasn't because the skill of the workforce increased
Labor had to learn the skills to run the machinery that increased productivity and valuation of the firm.

It doesn't take a lot of skill to run an automated milling machine.

Any moron can push a button
It isn't only about merely pushing a button. It could also involve prep work and basic cleaning or maintenance of the machines as well.

You have never worked in a shop with automated milling machines have you?

The operator doesn't repair the machine and there is no prep work all you do is load the material blanks and the machine does the rest.

Like I said any idiot can do it there is no skill required
the MW has never been increased more than 100%
So what. Price inflation happens and most firms know how to use spreadsheets and recalculate their profit margin. Why not ask for a tax break for actually helping out instead of asking for tax cut economics with no wage price increases?
The first time the 'it will cost jobs' argument was used was the first time a hike was implemented..in 1934 when FDR got it the minimum raised to .25 cents an hour...and it has been used every time since.

It’s as good a whine as any. And conservatives love a good whine.
They also have no problem with corporate downsizing merely for the bottom line with no pay rise at all.

It's none of your or the government's decision how many employees a business decides is necessary
It is about disemploying people; why only complain when it will help low wage labor better afford our first world economy?
That's what entry level jobs are for.

A person with no experience takes an entry level job and draws a paycheck while he is learning. He can either then try for a better paying position with his employer or he can take the experience and skills he gained and apply for a different job with another employer.
The minimum wage is still the minimum entry level wage. You make it seem like purchasing power parity means nothing to capitalists when it is about the Poor.
the MW has never been increased more than 100%
So what. Price inflation happens and most firms know how to use spreadsheets and recalculate their profit margin. Why not ask for a tax break for actually helping out instead of asking for tax cut economics with no wage price increases?

No one is getting a tax break by having to pay employees more they are getting tax increases.
The job market has been manipulated such that many people are STUCK in that "entry level" situation.

But hey...you're a Republican and low wages for anyone not you or your friends is what you are about

And oh yea...

That CBO report is a range. From ZERO job losses to 1,4 million. And oh yea...it doesn't take into account the fact that higher wages results in more spending which in itself creates jobs...so


Actually 1.4 million jobs seems very conservative to me. I don't know that they take into account all the automation investments, all the new outsourcing, all the companies moving overseas because all wages are going to have to go up. I think they are only considering minimum wage job loss alone. The domino effect will likely lead to millions and millions of job losses.
Low wage job losses?

Fewer people will need to commute and cause traffic delays.

And, it is the job of Government to ensure full employment. Even Texas can use an infrastructure upgrade.
Actually 1.4 million jobs seems very conservative to me.
Who gives a shit what anything "seems" to you?

The CBO report gives a range of from 1.4 million job losses all the way down to ZERO job losses.
Right wingers only allege to care about job losses for the Poor when they may benefit not when corporate downsizing only helps the Richest get richer.
That's what entry level jobs are for.

A person with no experience takes an entry level job and draws a paycheck while he is learning. He can either then try for a better paying position with his employer or he can take the experience and skills he gained and apply for a different job with another employer.
The minimum wage is still the minimum entry level wage. You make it seem like purchasing power parity means nothing to capitalists when it is about the Poor.

Purchasing parity is not up to any employer or the government it's up to the individual to make his labor worth more than the bare minimum.

Entry level jobs are low pay positions because there is little or no skill required.

I worked for MW when I was 16. By the time I was 17 I was making 50% more, by the time I was 18 I was making double the MW because my labor skill set was more valuable.

If you're still making MW at the age of 21 it's your own fault
Low skilled workers would be better off improving their skills.

You've had plenty of time to improve your skills.
Instead, you continue whining for bum payments.
I have been improving my skills and knowledge enough to understand there is no unemployment under Capitalism only underpayment since anyone can be bought under Capitalism where greed is good.

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