CBO: Biden $15 An Hour Minimum Wage Will Cost 1.4 Million American Jobs

So what? That means they all paid far less than $15 an hour, which means they were shit jobs. Roll all those into jobs with a livable wage. That's how the world works, you lose some, but overall, the end result is more money for the working class.

Business doesn't open up or stay open to provide good paying jobs. Businesses open up to make a product or service for a profit.

You and I have widget factories. I pay whatever it takes to get people to work for me, and you pay quality wages and benefits. Amazon needs 10 million widgets. I can sell them mine for $6.00 a piece, and you can sell them yours for $10.00 a piece. Who do you think Amazon, Target, or Walmart is going to buy their widgets from, you or I?

Me, because mine are higher quality, and yours are shit. Walmart and Target initially went with you, but after a slew of negative reviews, complaints, and returns by customers, they decided to go with mine. You still sell yours on Amazon, but most get 1 star reviews.

Paying a person more doesn't guarantee better products, never has.

Of course not, but my work processes are superior, and that is why I seek out better widget makers than my competition.

LOL! You are sure adding a lot to the scenario. In the 70's the US cars were made, more expensive, higher paid workers and the cars were inferior to Toyota, Datsun and Mazda, again price and wages have little to do with quality.

CBO: Biden’s $15 Minimum Wage Would
Result in a Loss of 1.4 Million Jobs

Why Do This? Because the Democrats know what's best for you...and because they CAN.

CBO: Biden's $15 Minimum Wage Would Result in a Loss of 1.4 Million Jobs
So what? Biden is planning to create a bunch of new jobs in green energy, education, infrastructure and health care.

Putting money in people's pockets increases the demand for restaurants, home improvement, vacations, entertainment, new clothes, etc. and all those industries will have to go on a hiring spree to meet the demand.

and 900,000 lifted out of poverty.

I have looked over the last 20 years and I haven't found one President that has created one job other than a new position on his staff or cabinet. Over the same time span I have seen American entrepreneurs create thousands and thousands of new jobs.

The other thing you said is that it is going to bring 900,000 out of poverty which is great, however the CBO says that 1,400,000 will lose jobs, so our net will be a negative 500,000. So I'm not seeing that as a positive.

After the Republican Great Depression, FDR put this nation back to work, in part by raising taxes on income above $3 to $4 million a year (in today's dollars) to 91 percent, and corporate taxes to over 50% of profits. The revenue from those income taxes built dams, roads, bridges, sewers, water systems, schools, hospitals, train stations, railways, an interstate highway system, and airports. It educated a generation returning from World War II. It acted as a cap on the rare but occasional obsessively greedy person taking so much out of the economy that it impoverished the rest of us.

But the rich fought back, and won big-time in 1980 when Reagan promptly cut income taxes on the very rich from 70% down to 27%. Corporate tax rates were also cut so severely that they went from representing over 33% of total federal tax receipts in 1951 to less than 9% in 1983 (they're still in that neighborhood, the lowest in the industrialized world).

The result was devastating. Our government was suddenly so badly awash in red ink that Reagan doubled the tax paid only by people earning less than $40,000/year (FICA), and then began borrowing from the huge surplus this new tax was accumulating in the Social Security Trust Fund. Even with that, Reagan had to borrow more money in his 8 years than the sum total of all presidents from George Washington to Jimmy Carter combined.

In addition to badly throwing the nation into debt, Reagan's tax cut blew out the ceiling on the accumulation of wealth, leading to a new Gilded Age and the rise of a generation of super-wealthy that hadn't been seen since the Robber Baron era of the 1890s or the Roaring 20s.

And, most tragically, Reagan's tax cuts caused America to stop investing in infrastructure. As a nation, we've been coasting since the early 1980s, living on borrowed money while we burn through (in some cases literally) the hospitals, roads, bridges, steam tunnels, and other infrastructure we built in the Golden Age of the Middle Class between the 1940s and the 1980s.

We even stopped investing in the intellectual infrastructure of this nation: college education. A degree that a student in the 1970s could have paid for by working as a waitress now means incurring massive and life-altering debt for all but the very wealthy. Reagan, who as governor ended free tuition at the University of California, put into place the foundations for the explosion in college tuition we see today.

But the rich fought back, and won big-time in 1980 when Reagan promptly cut income taxes on the very rich from 70% down to 27%.

Promptly? How promptly?

Corporate tax rates were also cut so severely that they went from representing over 33% of total federal tax receipts in 1951 to less than 9% in 1983 (they're still in that neighborhood, the lowest in the industrialized world).

How severely did Reagan cut the corporate tax rate?
It must have been a lot to drop receipts to 9% in 1983. Right?
So what? That means they all paid far less than $15 an hour, which means they were shit jobs. Roll all those into jobs with a livable wage. That's how the world works, you lose some, but overall, the end result is more money for the working class.

Business doesn't open up or stay open to provide good paying jobs. Businesses open up to make a product or service for a profit.

You and I have widget factories. I pay whatever it takes to get people to work for me, and you pay quality wages and benefits. Amazon needs 10 million widgets. I can sell them mine for $6.00 a piece, and you can sell them yours for $10.00 a piece. Who do you think Amazon, Target, or Walmart is going to buy their widgets from, you or I?

Me, because mine are higher quality, and yours are shit. Walmart and Target initially went with you, but after a slew of negative reviews, complaints, and returns by customers, they decided to go with mine. You still sell yours on Amazon, but most get 1 star reviews.

Paying a person more doesn't guarantee better products, never has.

Of course not, but my work processes are superior, and that is why I seek out better widget makers than my competition.

LOL! You are sure adding a lot to the scenario. In the 70's the US cars were made, more expensive, higher paid workers and the cars were inferior to Toyota, Datsun and Mazda, again price and wages have little to do with quality.

Yea, but Japan had superior workmanship because they had superior workers. In fact, we taught them these superior manufacturing practices, the same kind $15 an hour workers can learn, but $10 hour workers are not receptive to.
Now is the best time since the democrats seem to have a workable majority in Congress.

The Democrats held a near 'super majority' control of Congress during Bush's last 2 years throughthe end of Barry's 2nd year in office. During that time they could have passed DACA and any other law to fix all the prolems they do nothing but bitch about. Instead they passed every Leftist Extremist Wet Dream Party-Bennefitting Wish List item they could.

After the GOP took back over they did little more than bitchabout how ther GOP were not passing laws to fix problems, ignoring the fact theyhad the oportunitytodo so but REFUSED to do so.

In the 1st 10 days of Biden being in office he put tens of thousands of Americans out of work, opened the borders - weakening nationalsecurity, sacrificed American energy independence, granted the CCP access to our power grid, & rescinded the label of 'terrorists' from Iran-backed Houthis...in order to advace Left Wing Extremis Ideology and policy.

It seems they realize they missed their opportunityyears ago to seriously push their socialist agenda and have decided they will not make that mistake again.

In the 1st 10 - 15 days Biden has imposed 46 +/- EOs, more than those signed by the last 6 Presidents combined.
Those previous shovel ready jobs can be "reactivated" sooner. And, all those EO's were merely overturning Your guy's EO's.
It’s all an effort to bring wages for workers in Gooberville into the 21st century to be more in line with their more successful and prosperous urban and suburban counterparts.
AOC admitted that only approx 30% of US energy comes from solar and wind - 70+ percent comes from fossil fuel, and that the Green New Deal requires the US to rely on thatsolar and win power PLUS TECHNOLOGY THSAT HAS NOT BEEN INVESNTED YET.

So Biden and snowflakes think destroying tens of thousands of fossile fuel jobs, with 100,000 more or so promised soon - rippling throughout the economy / population - during an already Democrat-damaged economy in the middle of a pandemic w...with their being noalternate source of energy invesnted yet to replace that energy...except to make ther US dependent on energy from our enemies...was a good idea...

wtf?! Bwuhahahahaha
AOC admitted that only approx 30% of US energy comes from solar and wind - 70+ percent comes from fossil fuel, and that the Green New Deal requires the US to rely on thatsolar and win power PLUS TECHNOLOGY THSAT HAS NOT BEEN INVESNTED YET.

So Biden and snowflakes think destroying tens of thousands of fossile fuel jobs, with 100,000 more or so promised soon - rippling throughout the economy / population - during an already Democrat-damaged economy in the middle of a pandemic w...with their being noalternate source of energy invesnted yet to replace that energy...except to make ther US dependent on energy from our enemies...was a good idea...

wtf?! Bwuhahahahaha

AOC admitted that only approx 30% of US energy comes from solar and wind

If she "admitted" that, she's dumber than she first appeared.

About 80% of the nation’s energy comes from fossil fuels, 8.4% from nuclear, and 11.4% from renewable sources. Wind and solar are the fastest growing renewable sources, but contribute just 3.8% of total energy used in the United States.

U.S. Renewable Energy Factsheet | Center for Sustainable Systems (umich.edu)
Politics do often make strange bedfellows. For example, Liberals hate corporations, and often blame them for putting 'mom & pop shops' out of business. On the other hand however, Liberals are in favor of Government stepping in and artificially raising the cost of labor, which ravages the same 'mom & pop shops' who are less capable of absorbing this distortion in the market process.

So in reality, Liberals are in FAVOR of government stepping in to assist corporations in driving small businesses OUT of business.

Not all liberals are idiots, but... wait, yeah they are.
Mom and pop shops are not the entities that benefit from ultra low wages.

That's fast food joints and at packing plants
Funny I just looked up mississippi/mcdonald's on indeed they are starting over minimum wage

196,378 reviews
Booneville, MS 38829
Job details
$7.50 - $9.00 an hour

If businesses can operate without those 1.4 million workers, doesn’t that suggest that they weren’t needed to begin with?
Exactly. Companies are only going to hire as many people as they need to operate the business. Only a very small business is going to not hire a second person because they would have to pay $15 instead of $10 hr.

And they always say consumers will pay for it. Not necessarily. Maybe the CEO, executives and shareholders won't make as much in dividends instead. I'd rather see the employees getting a piece of the profits too. If Walmart was unionized, the employees would make more.

I'd rather know there are 100 people making $20 hr at the Walmart instead of 200 making $10. Republicans would prefer 200 were making $10. More people working and paying taxes.
Why so your $20 dollar gym shoes cost $25 bucks?
.The first time the 'we will lose jobs if the minimum wage is raised' argument was used was in 1938..when FDR got the wage raised to .25 cents an hour.

Did anyone lose their job when he did that?
Several decades of good economic years, along with minimum wage increases over the last 83 years, I'm guessing...not really

After the Republican Great Depression, FDR put this nation back to work, in part by raising taxes on income above $3 to $4 million a year (in today's dollars) to 91 percent, and corporate taxes to over 50% of profits. The revenue from those income taxes built dams, roads, bridges, sewers, water systems, schools, hospitals, train stations, railways, an interstate highway system, and airports. It educated a generation returning from World War II. It acted as a cap on the rare but occasional obsessively greedy person taking so much out of the economy that it impoverished the rest of us.

But the rich fought back, and won big-time in 1980 when Reagan, until then the fringe "Voodoo economics" candidate who was heading into the election trailing far behind Jimmy Carter, was swept into the White House on a wave of public concern of the Iranians taking US hostages. Reagan promptly cut income taxes on the very rich from 70% down to 27%. Corporate tax rates were also cut so severely that they went from representing over 33% of total federal tax receipts in 1951 to less than 9% in 1983 (they're still in that neighborhood, the lowest in the industrialized world).

The result was devastating. Our government was suddenly so badly awash in red ink that Reagan doubled the tax paid only by people earning less than $40,000/year (FICA), and then began borrowing from the huge surplus this new tax was accumulating in the Social Security Trust Fund. Even with that, Reagan had to borrow more money in his 8 years than the sum total of all presidents from George Washington to Jimmy Carter combined.

In addition to badly throwing the nation into debt, Reagan's tax cut blew out the ceiling on the accumulation of wealth, leading to a new Gilded Age and the rise of a generation of super-wealthy that hadn't been seen since the Robber Baron era of the 1890s or the Roaring 20s.

And, most tragically, Reagan's tax cuts caused America to stop investing in infrastructure. As a nation, we've been coasting since the early 1980s, living on borrowed money while we burn through (in some cases literally) the hospitals, roads, bridges, steam tunnels, and other infrastructure we built in the Golden Age of the Middle Class between the 1940s and the 1980s.

We even stopped investing in the intellectual infrastructure of this nation: college education. A degree that a student in the 1970s could have paid for by working as a waitress now means incurring massive and life-altering debt for all but the very wealthy. Reagan, who as governor ended free tuition at the University of California, put into place the foundations for the explosion in college tuition we see today.
World war II not the new deal or higher taxes
Politics do often make strange bedfellows. For example, Liberals hate corporations, and often blame them for putting 'mom & pop shops' out of business. On the other hand however, Liberals are in favor of Government stepping in and artificially raising the cost of labor, which ravages the same 'mom & pop shops' who are less capable of absorbing this distortion in the market process.

So in reality, Liberals are in FAVOR of government stepping in to assist corporations in driving small businesses OUT of business.

Not all liberals are idiots, but... wait, yeah they are.
Mom and pop shops are not the entities that benefit from ultra low wages.

That's fast food joints and at packing plants
Funny I just looked up mississippi/mcdonald's on indeed they are starting over minimum wage

196,378 reviews
Booneville, MS 38829
Job details
$7.50 - $9.00 an hour

That's $15K to $18K a YEAR. You can't even live on that in Mississippi. Hell that's cheaper than slaves. With them ya had to buy em and feed em and cloth em and house em.

Pay em $15K and let THEM worry about all that shit
Politics do often make strange bedfellows. For example, Liberals hate corporations, and often blame them for putting 'mom & pop shops' out of business. On the other hand however, Liberals are in favor of Government stepping in and artificially raising the cost of labor, which ravages the same 'mom & pop shops' who are less capable of absorbing this distortion in the market process.

So in reality, Liberals are in FAVOR of government stepping in to assist corporations in driving small businesses OUT of business.

Not all liberals are idiots, but... wait, yeah they are.
Mom and pop shops are not the entities that benefit from ultra low wages.

That's fast food joints and at packing plants
Funny I just looked up mississippi/mcdonald's on indeed they are starting over minimum wage

196,378 reviews
Booneville, MS 38829
Job details
$7.50 - $9.00 an hour

That's $15K to $18K a YEAR. You can't even live on that in Mississippi. Hell that's cheaper than slaves. With them ya had to buy em and feed em and cloth em and house em.

Pay em $15K and let THEM worry about all that shit
Yes you can with $400 in rent
So what? That means they all paid far less than $15 an hour, which means they were shit jobs. Roll all those into jobs with a livable wage. That's how the world works, you lose some, but overall, the end result is more money for the working class.

Business doesn't open up or stay open to provide good paying jobs. Businesses open up to make a product or service for a profit.

You and I have widget factories. I pay whatever it takes to get people to work for me, and you pay quality wages and benefits. Amazon needs 10 million widgets. I can sell them mine for $6.00 a piece, and you can sell them yours for $10.00 a piece. Who do you think Amazon, Target, or Walmart is going to buy their widgets from, you or I?

Me, because mine are higher quality, and yours are shit. Walmart and Target initially went with you, but after a slew of negative reviews, complaints, and returns by customers, they decided to go with mine. You still sell yours on Amazon, but most get 1 star reviews.

Paying a person more doesn't guarantee better products, never has.

Of course not, but my work processes are superior, and that is why I seek out better widget makers than my competition.

LOL! You are sure adding a lot to the scenario. In the 70's the US cars were made, more expensive, higher paid workers and the cars were inferior to Toyota, Datsun and Mazda, again price and wages have little to do with quality.

Yea, but Japan had superior workmanship because they had superior workers. In fact, we taught them these superior manufacturing practices, the same kind $15 an hour workers can learn, but $10 hour workers are not receptive to.
You live in a strange world, I’m glad most of us don’t live there.
You can't just bemoan the loss of unions without being honest about why they went out of fashion.
They "went out of fashion" because of relentless decades long attacks by Republicans
You can't just bemoan the loss of unions without being honest about why they went out of fashion.
They "went out of fashion" because of relentless decades long attacks by Republicans
And because they got everything they wanted, then became too expensive and didn't adapt to changing times. Even today they could be relevant but act like they're stuck in 1932.

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