CBO: extending unemployment benefits creates 19,000 jobs per billion dollar stimulus

Gee and what happened in sept of 0'8?

Don't be a tool about this.

Are you finding it hard to stay on the topic that YOU and I were discussing?
Again, deflection on your behalf.

What happened to the massive job creation Bush promised from his ridiculous tax cuts?


Unemployment went from a high of 6% to 4.9%, which is considered more than full employment.
Wanna compare the bush tax cuts to Obama's stimulus?
Are you finding it hard to stay on the topic that YOU and I were discussing?
Again, deflection on your behalf.

What happened to the massive job creation Bush promised from his ridiculous tax cuts?


Unemployment went from a high of 6% to 4.9%, which is considered more than full employment.
Wanna compare the bush tax cuts to Obama's stimulus?

2.5x more private sector jobs were created in Obama's 5 years than in Bush's 8 you idiot. Bush accomplished jack shit.




Even Forbes can admit it:


The still high unemployment rate? ThAts Bush's fault. He left us a steaming mess. Get over it.
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This is deflection on your behalf. The point is that Bush had 4-5% unemployment for the most part of his tenure....hence the low job creation.:eusa_whistle:

Gee and what happened in sept of 0'8?

Don't be a tool about this.

You mean after 7 years of low unemployment and steady growth? The economy melted down once Democrats took control of Congress. Like always happens.

There was no steady growth you jackass. Quit making things up.
What happened to the massive job creation Bush promised from his ridiculous tax cuts?


Unemployment went from a high of 6% to 4.9%, which is considered more than full employment.
Wanna compare the bush tax cuts to Obama's stimulus?

2.5x more private sector jobs were created in Obama's 5 years than in Bush's 8 you idiot. Bush accomplished jack shit.

Oh my the far left Obama drones and their propaganda.

This thread is further proof that the far left should not be in charge of anything.
What happened to the massive job creation Bush promised from his ridiculous tax cuts?


Unemployment went from a high of 6% to 4.9%, which is considered more than full employment.
Wanna compare the bush tax cuts to Obama's stimulus?

2.5x more private sector jobs were created in Obama's 5 years than in Bush's 8 you idiot. Bush accomplished jack shit.

Obama?s Numbers, October Update

More Jobs Created Under Obama Than Bush, Nonpartisan Report Finds - Careers Articles

Manufacturing Job Growth: Obama vs. Bush

Even Forbes can admit it:

Economically, Could Obama Be America's Best President? - Forbes

The still high unemployment rate? ThAts Bush's fault. He left us a steaming mess. Get over it.

So after a stellar record that easily beats Bush's Obama UE rate at its best is still worse than Bush's at its worst, save the last 2 months. If you factor in workforce participation Obama's UE rate is far worse than even Bush's worse.
And it's Bush's fault of course.

Bush, the idiot, created this situation and Obama the genius can't get out of it. About right, sparky?

Unemployment went from a high of 6% to 4.9%, which is considered more than full employment.
Wanna compare the bush tax cuts to Obama's stimulus?

2.5x more private sector jobs were created in Obama's 5 years than in Bush's 8 you idiot. Bush accomplished jack shit.

Obama?s Numbers, October Update

More Jobs Created Under Obama Than Bush, Nonpartisan Report Finds - Careers Articles

Manufacturing Job Growth: Obama vs. Bush

Even Forbes can admit it:

Economically, Could Obama Be America's Best President? - Forbes

The still high unemployment rate? ThAts Bush's fault. He left us a steaming mess. Get over it.

So after a stellar record that easily beats Bush's Obama UE rate at its best is still worse than Bush's at its worst, save the last 2 months. If you factor in workforce participation Obama's UE rate is far worse than even Bush's worse.
And it's Bush's fault of course.

Bush, the idiot, created this situation and Obama the genius can't get out of it. About right, sparky?

you have to love how they claim Obama is so brilliant yet he still can't after Five years get us out of what Bush left him

Billyboys spin is enough to make someone dizzy
2.5x more private sector jobs were created in Obama's 5 years than in Bush's 8 you idiot. Bush accomplished jack shit.

Obama?s Numbers, October Update

More Jobs Created Under Obama Than Bush, Nonpartisan Report Finds - Careers Articles

Manufacturing Job Growth: Obama vs. Bush

Even Forbes can admit it:

Economically, Could Obama Be America's Best President? - Forbes

The still high unemployment rate? ThAts Bush's fault. He left us a steaming mess. Get over it.

So after a stellar record that easily beats Bush's Obama UE rate at its best is still worse than Bush's at its worst, save the last 2 months. If you factor in workforce participation Obama's UE rate is far worse than even Bush's worse.
And it's Bush's fault of course.

Bush, the idiot, created this situation and Obama the genius can't get out of it. About right, sparky?

you have to love how they claim Obama is so brilliant yet he still can't after Five years get us out of what Bush left him

Billyboys spin is enough to make someone dizzy

It's pretty simple: anything good is because of Obama. Anything bad because of Bush.
This is how totalitarians triumph. They convince the simple minded of easy paradigms like this.
So after a stellar record that easily beats Bush's Obama UE rate at its best is still worse than Bush's at its worst, save the last 2 months. If you factor in workforce participation Obama's UE rate is far worse than even Bush's worse.
And it's Bush's fault of course.

Bush, the idiot, created this situation and Obama the genius can't get out of it. About right, sparky?

you have to love how they claim Obama is so brilliant yet he still can't after Five years get us out of what Bush left him

Billyboys spin is enough to make someone dizzy

It's pretty simple: anything good is because of Obama. Anything bad because of Bush.
This is how totalitarians triumph. They convince the simple minded of easy paradigms like this.

Yep and the Democrat/progressive party and Obama has that tactic down pat..and as we see some of their base swallows it hook, line and stinker
that is why I think we are beyond hope people fall for this kind of crap
So after a stellar record that easily beats Bush's Obama UE rate at its best is still worse than Bush's at its worst, save the last 2 months. If you factor in workforce participation Obama's UE rate is far worse than even Bush's worse.
And it's Bush's fault of course.

Bush, the idiot, created this situation and Obama the genius can't get out of it. About right, sparky?

you have to love how they claim Obama is so brilliant yet he still can't after Five years get us out of what Bush left him

Billyboys spin is enough to make someone dizzy

It's pretty simple: anything good is because of Obama. Anything bad because of Bush.
This is how totalitarians triumph. They convince the simple minded of easy paradigms like this.

You idiot. You don't give Obama credit for ANYTHING. You are a hack and you know it.
you have to love how they claim Obama is so brilliant yet he still can't after Five years get us out of what Bush left him

Billyboys spin is enough to make someone dizzy

It's pretty simple: anything good is because of Obama. Anything bad because of Bush.
This is how totalitarians triumph. They convince the simple minded of easy paradigms like this.

You idiot. You don't give Obama credit for ANYTHING. You are a hack and you know it.
Oh, the irony of this post
you have to love how they claim Obama is so brilliant yet he still can't after Five years get us out of what Bush left him

Billyboys spin is enough to make someone dizzy

It's pretty simple: anything good is because of Obama. Anything bad because of Bush.
This is how totalitarians triumph. They convince the simple minded of easy paradigms like this.

You idiot. You don't give Obama credit for ANYTHING. You are a hack and you know it.

when just about every decision made by a president is strictly ideologically driven, it is not easy to give that President credit for anything.

This holds true for one that pushes conservatism as well.

A president should not push ideology. A President should govern from the middle and let the legislative branch do their job.
you have to love how they claim Obama is so brilliant yet he still can't after Five years get us out of what Bush left him

Billyboys spin is enough to make someone dizzy

It's pretty simple: anything good is because of Obama. Anything bad because of Bush.
This is how totalitarians triumph. They convince the simple minded of easy paradigms like this.

You idiot. You don't give Obama credit for ANYTHING. You are a hack and you know it.

No, you are totally wrong. I give Obama lots of credit.

-Highest debt in the history of the US
-First downgrade of debt
-Largest advance of gov't regulation and control post WW2
-SLowest recovery from a recession post war
-Highest number of food stamp recipients in history
-Highest enrollment in disability in history
-Lost two wars, another first
-Most pissed off allies in history
-Most failed foreign policy of any president
-Most scandalous administration of any president
-Highest number of casualties in Afghanistan of any president.

Yes, quite a list of accomplishments and he did all that.
It's pretty simple: anything good is because of Obama. Anything bad because of Bush.
This is how totalitarians triumph. They convince the simple minded of easy paradigms like this.

You idiot. You don't give Obama credit for ANYTHING. You are a hack and you know it.

No, you are totally wrong. I give Obama lots of credit.

-Highest debt in the history of the US
-First downgrade of debt
-Largest advance of gov't regulation and control post WW2
-SLowest recovery from a recession post war
-Highest number of food stamp recipients in history
-Highest enrollment in disability in history
-Lost two wars, another first
-Most pissed off allies in history
-Most failed foreign policy of any president
-Most scandalous administration of any president
-Highest number of casualties in Afghanistan of any president.

Yes, quite a list of accomplishments and he did all that.

and I give him credit for the worst human being, most divisive, thuggish President ever...that should send Billy over the edge
you have to love how they claim Obama is so brilliant yet he still can't after Five years get us out of what Bush left him

Billyboys spin is enough to make someone dizzy

It's pretty simple: anything good is because of Obama. Anything bad because of Bush.
This is how totalitarians triumph. They convince the simple minded of easy paradigms like this.

You idiot. You don't give Obama credit for ANYTHING. You are a hack and you know it.

I give him credit for completely fucking things up... happy? Obama sucks.. his policies have given us functional unemployment of nearly 37%... 1/6 of Americans on public assistance, $7,000,000,000,000 new debt in 5 years....
It's pretty simple: anything good is because of Obama. Anything bad because of Bush.
This is how totalitarians triumph. They convince the simple minded of easy paradigms like this.

You idiot. You don't give Obama credit for ANYTHING. You are a hack and you know it.

I give him credit for completely fucking things up... happy? Obama sucks.. his policies have given us functional unemployment of nearly 37%... 1/6 of Americans on public assistance, $7,000,000,000,000 new debt in 5 years....

Functional employment of 37%? How's this and then what was the functional employment of the previous administration. 37% unemployment and freeways clogged during work hours in southern california and I haven't seen traffic any lighter or heavier since Obama took over.
1) The benefits that the unemployed spend creates economic demand where there wouldn't be otherwise. For every tax dollar spent on these benefits, it creates $1.64 in economic stimulus (or 10 billion spent creates 16.7 billion in demand). Why? Because it creates a ripple effect in the market. Capitalism 101.

How many jobs does a dollar of taxes or government borrowing destroy? What makes the CBO qualified to make any such determination?

2) When the unemployed receive this insurance, they quickly spend ALL of it on basic essentials like food, clothing, and shelter. That is why it is so effective in creating jobs. Without this extra demand, more businesses are forced to lay their workers off.

Investment is what creates jobs. That requires people to save money, not spend it.

As I already explained, saving creates job. Every dollar not sent to Washington means productive people put money in the bank and other people invest it. Giving money to parasites only creates government dependents.

4) This fiscal policy was a great success during the Great Depression..

Right, if you think 12 years of unemployment over 15% is a "great success."

and a couple of days ago you said unemployment was at 7.6 percent of that time period HUMMM 1929 to 1941

This isn't Leftwing bull. We are talking basic economics. Demand side economic policies is the answer. Trickle down economics is a republican lie.

Why Extended Federal Unemployment Benefits Boost the Economy

It's liberal propaganda, not economics.

ever notice when the CBO makes a statement in the republicans favor they are right as rain... but when the CBO makes a statement in a DEM/LIBERALS favor, its What makes the CBO qualified to make any such determination ??? ah thats what they do fool...
I disagree because we've seen just how ineffective supply side has been. Before the Bush tax cuts expired revenue as a percentage of GDP was at its lowest point in history. We should have saw massive job growth during Bush's presidency but we didn't. Not even close. Job growth under Bush was pathetic.

[MENTION=33739]Billy000[/MENTION] Cool, then help me understand this?

Contrary to some critical characterizations of it, Keynesianism does not consist solely of deficit spending. Keynesianism recommends counter-cyclical policies.Keynes advocated what has been called countercyclical fiscal policies, that is, policies that acted against the tide of the business cycle:.

What exactly is your point? You are clearly just regurgitating something you read.

Don't deflect, explain "counter cyclical" measures.

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