CBO: Health law repeal adds $230 billion to deficit

So, all the government solutions to healthcare are broke, that's why we need one more, bigger than ever government solution to healthcare?

Is a 3%-4% profit margin "rape?"

When the profits are in the billions, 3-4% margins are deceiving.
"The nation's five largest for-profit insurers closed 2009 with a combined profit of $12.2 billion, according to a report by the advocacy group Health Care for American Now"
Health Insurers Post Record Profits - ABC News

The Sick Business of Health-Care Profiteering

"Even C.E.O.’s at “not-for-profit” insurance companies (like most state Blue Cross and Blue Shields) collect multi-million-dollar compensation packages, even as their companies pay little in the way of taxes. Blue Cross of Massachusetts’s C.E.O., Cleve Killingsworth, got a 26 percent raise in 2008, to $3.5 million, and Blue Cross of North Carolina’s C.E.O., Bob Greczyn, pulled down nearly $4 million after a 19 percent raise. Gail Boudreaux left Blue Cross of Illinois in December 2007 with $15.3 million. The not-for-profits can be just as freewheeling with expense accounts. In early September, a state audit found that Blue Cross of North Dakota used premiums to pay for a $238,000 sales managers’ retreat in the Cayman Islands and a $34,814 retirement party for an executive"
Matt Kapp on Health-Care Profiteering | Politics | Vanity Fair

We are talking about a life-and-death necessity and they still rape America!
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Republicans only use "numbers" if it proves their point.

PEW Research must be lying because only 6% of scientists are Republican?

Gallup must be lying because 90% of the Republican Party is white?

Studies that prove Abstinence only doesn't work are "rigged".

But, for sure, Obama took a trip that cost 200 million dollars a day.

Obama isn't a "Marxist". It's Republicans who are "Marxists". Chico, Groucho, and Harpo.
So, whose numbers were all you wingnuts using when you were bitching about the 2009 Stimulus bill costing 750 billion dollars?

Oh, right, you were using the CBO's numbers.

lol, dumb fucks.
CBO: Health law repeal adds $230 billion to deficit - Sarah Kliff - POLITICO.com

Republicans kicked off the first day of congressional proceedings to overturn health reform with unwelcome news: a Congressional Budget Office estimate that repeal would increase the deficit by $230 billion by 2021.

The nonpartisan CBO’s preliminary analysis of the Repealing the Job-Killing Health Care Law Act, released Thursday morning, bolstered Democrats’ claims that overturning the health law would wreak havoc on the deficit. The CBO score on the Affordable Care Act has it decreasing the deficit by $143 billion over 10 years. But that figure is disputed by Republicans.

Michael Steel, spokesman for Speaker John Boehner, brushed off the estimate as faulty accounting.

I guess the CBO is only relevant when it is agreeing with you. Like when Michael Steele said earlier last year that the CBO lied when it comes to the healthcare bill after citing it favorably eight times previously.

lol too Funny.

It is going to raise the Deficit if it is left in place, yet it will also Raise it if we repeal it.

You people are such fools.
Obama piled up $3T in new debt and never asked anyone to pay for it, until Republicans were in charge of Congress.

That's a lie.

Nah, just slightly inaccurate. Obama didn't start caring about paying for things, until they were things Republicans wanted. The Republicans were not in Charge at the time though.

Obama is perfectly willing to spend money with out paying for it, as long as it furthers his Agenda. If not we must pay for it or we will all die!

Of course most republicans only care about paying for things if they are Democrat Ideas, so nothing new here.
Will cost, by voodoo numbers, $230 billion if repealed...

... and $1.7 TRILLION if NOT repealed.

You chose.
So, all the government solutions to healthcare are broke, that's why we need one more, bigger than ever government solution to healthcare?

Is a 3%-4% profit margin "rape?"

Zero profit is the correct number for healthcare providers. Non-profit can work, there's no need for anyone to profiteer from caring for the sick.
So, all the government solutions to healthcare are broke, that's why we need one more, bigger than ever government solution to healthcare?

Is a 3%-4% profit margin "rape?"

Zero profit is the correct number for healthcare providers. Non-profit can work, there's no need for anyone to profiteer from caring for the sick.

Like doctors?
So, all the government solutions to healthcare are broke, that's why we need one more, bigger than ever government solution to healthcare?

Is a 3%-4% profit margin "rape?"

Zero profit is the correct number for healthcare providers. Non-profit can work, there's no need for anyone to profiteer from caring for the sick.

Really, so you want doctors to spend Millions and years to go to school, to work in a non profit industry. Interesting.

I suppose you want drug companies to spend BILLIONS on Developing drugs, 90% of which never work out, and not make a profit as well.

Typical Liberal mind set.

You people always fail to grasp that the Biggest driver of innovation in every field has and always will be the chance to make MONEY!! Take the Profit out of it, and you will take all the best and brightest out of it as well. AS they will not waste their time, going to school, or developing new drugs and treatments, if there is no profit to be made.
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Obama piled up $3T in new debt and never asked anyone to pay for it, until Republicans were in charge of Congress.

That's a lie.

Nah, just slightly inaccurate. Obama didn't start caring about paying for things, until they were things Republicans wanted. The Republicans were not in Charge at the time though.

Obama is perfectly willing to spend money with out paying for it, as long as it furthers his Agenda. If not we must pay for it or we will all die!

Of course most republicans only care about paying for things if they are Democrat Ideas, so nothing new here.

Obama just agreed to support the GOP's TRILLION DOLLAR second stimulus (aka the tax bill) that isn't paid for. (oh, and in case you missed it, I think he's an asshole for doing so)

What the FUCK are you talking about?
So, all the government solutions to healthcare are broke, that's why we need one more, bigger than ever government solution to healthcare?

Is a 3%-4% profit margin "rape?"

Zero profit is the correct number for healthcare providers. Non-profit can work, there's no need for anyone to profiteer from caring for the sick.

Like doctors?

The 3-4% profit is addressing the healthcare insurance industry,,get with the program.
CBO and ObamaCare Repeal
By Philip Klein on 1.6.11 @ 10:44AM

Liberals are touting a new report by the Congressional Budget Office estimating that repealing the national health care law would add $145 billion to the deficit from 2012 to 2019, and $230 billion through 2021. These estimates should come as no surprise, because, aside from a few technical changes and updates, they are based on CBO projections from when the health care care law passed last March. These projections reflected the Democrats' use of a number of accounting gimmicks, without which, the CBO separately acknowledged the law would actually run up deficits. As Paul Ryan notes, the reality is that the national health care law is a "fiscal train wreck." The CBO deficit reduction number does not factor in double counting of Medicare savings and other revenue sources, and it doesn't include $115 billion in costs needed to implement the law. Also, even if you take the CBO numbers at face value, what it boils down to is that over the next several decades, the federal government is raising taxes and cutting Medicare to pay for trillions in new spending. Increasing federal obligations is not an effective tool for long-term fiscal health, because any savings (or revenues) claimed by the new law would no longer be available for shoring up entitlements.

And another point that will probably get less attention today -- today's CBO estimate also finds that repealing the law would lower premiums for those who would not qualify for government subsidies.

The American Spectator : AmSpecBlog : CBO and ObamaCare Repeal

Only a gullible liberal would believe the bullshit the obama and his clan are shoveling, especially when it comes to the CBO. Same as I shake my head when the other side trys to convince us of anything by using them.
Christ, even the liberals I know don't buy this bullshit, and they want this healthcare clusterfuck.
Zero profit is the correct number for healthcare providers. Non-profit can work, there's no need for anyone to profiteer from caring for the sick.

What!! this has to be the dumbest statement in weeks!!! you like good care or really shity care,you decide.
So, all the government solutions to healthcare are broke, that's why we need one more, bigger than ever government solution to healthcare?

Is a 3%-4% profit margin "rape?"

Zero profit is the correct number for healthcare providers. Non-profit can work, there's no need for anyone to profiteer from caring for the sick.

But it is OK for someone to profit from furnishing food?

It is OK for sonmeone to profit from furnishing clothing?

You do realize that quality of good and services is predicated on the desire to make a profit?

Exactly how many people will want to become a doctor if they willnot make money doing it?

Exactly what will be the driving force to ensure good and efficient customer service in the inusrance industry if there is 0 profit to be earned?

Stop assuming all is perfect. A non profit insurance company may be a bit cheaper....but it will also give much less service....less efficient service...and if it is government run? In esence a monololy and not making a profit?

It will be a disaster.
Health care repeal would increase debt - CBO - Jan. 6, 2011

The estimated long-term deficit reduction power of the reform law comes mainly from new tax revenue, and savings from health programs like Medicare.

According to the CBO, repealing the law would eliminate those savings, and the agency said it stands by its original estimate that the law could reduce the deficit by $143 billion over the first 10 years.

The CBO looked at the law and scored it a cost saver.

They then scored its repeal as a budget buster.

To pretend they are using some false number is utter partisan hackery
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So, all the government solutions to healthcare are broke, that's why we need one more, bigger than ever government solution to healthcare?

Is a 3%-4% profit margin "rape?"

Zero profit is the correct number for healthcare providers. Non-profit can work, there's no need for anyone to profiteer from caring for the sick.

Really, so you want doctors to spend Millions and years to go to school, to work in a non profit industry. Interesting.

I suppose you want drug companies to spend BILLIONS on Developing drugs, 90% of which never work out, and not make a profit as well.

Typical Liberal mind set.

You people always fail to grasp that the Biggest driver of innovation in every field has and always will be the chance to make MONEY!!

A doctor makes a salary, not a profit.

Kaiser Permanente is the largest managed care operation in the U.S., and is non-profit.
Zero profit is the correct number for healthcare providers. Non-profit can work, there's no need for anyone to profiteer from caring for the sick.

What!! this has to be the dumbest statement in weeks!!! you like good care or really shity care,you decide.

There wouldn't even be SHITTY care if it was non profit. The non profit statement is the dumbest thing I've heard on here in a few YEARS!

Leave it to a dumbass liberal to say it.
So, all the government solutions to healthcare are broke, that's why we need one more, bigger than ever government solution to healthcare?

Is a 3%-4% profit margin "rape?"

Zero profit is the correct number for healthcare providers. Non-profit can work, there's no need for anyone to profiteer from caring for the sick.

But it is OK for someone to profit from furnishing food?

It is OK for sonmeone to profit from furnishing clothing?

You do realize that quality of good and services is predicated on the desire to make a profit?

Exactly how many people will want to become a doctor if they willnot make money doing it?

Exactly what will be the driving force to ensure good and efficient customer service in the inusrance industry if there is 0 profit to be earned?

Stop assuming all is perfect. A non profit insurance company may be a bit cheaper....but it will also give much less service....less efficient service...and if it is government run? In esence a monololy and not making a profit?

It will be a disaster.

Why do you pretend that is what was said?

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