CBS News Poll finds Voters Remember Trump's Economy as Great, Boosting Trump to National Lead over Biden Today

MAGA Macho Man

Diamond Member
Apr 19, 2022
IRA for the loss. Add additional meddling that demands that companies capitulate to government whims and you have massive costs passed on to consumers while future citizens have to reward the same companies that bleed money.
People are sick and tired of high prices on everything. They're tired of the stress Biden has put them under and they want relief. Trump had a great economy as the poll reveals and people want that economy back and the man that created it. They want an economy that will make America great again.

And in other news:

A chunk of Republican primary and caucus voters say they wouldn’t vote for Trump as the GOP nominee

APNews is anti-Trump propaganda.


and in other news about TRump...
People are sick and tired of high prices on everything. They're tired of the stress Biden has put them under and they want relief. Trump had a great economy as the poll reveals and people want that economy back and the man that created it. They want an economy that will make America great again.

The only thing is that the leftist's who criticize Biden's economy would never want to do any of the things Trump would do with the economy. They say Trump had a better economy but then they wouldn't want to do this and they wouldn't want to do that. They want the policies that Biden does and then they gripe that Biden's policies aren't good for the economy and that Trump would be better for the economy. In other words, the leftists are as dumb as a box of rocks, maybe dumber.
People are sick and tired of high prices on everything. They're tired of the stress Biden has put them under and they want relief. Trump had a great economy as the poll reveals and people want that economy back and the man that created it. They want an economy that will make America great again.

I guess it goes to show. Repeat a lie often enough and eventually people will believe it.
People are sick and tired of high prices on everything. They're tired of the stress Biden has put them under and they want relief. Trump had a great economy as the poll reveals and people want that economy back and the man that created it. They want an economy that will make America great again.

/——/ For CBS to report this means Trump’s numbers are even higher.
I wonder what part of the economy they want back? The double digit unemployment? The shortages at the stores where Toilet Paper was as rare as a Unicorn? Maybe the businesses shuttered because they were not able to operate?

Ah good times. Good times.
Nope, they want cheaper gas, grocery, and utility bills. They want low home prices, low inflation and less regulations in the oilfield. That's what Trump's economy was.
I wonder what part of the economy they want back? The double digit unemployment? The shortages at the stores where Toilet Paper was as rare as a Unicorn? Maybe the businesses shuttered because they were not able to operate?

Ah good times. Good times.
/——-/ It was still better than this Bidenomics shytshow. You want more of it.
/——/ For CBS to report this means Trump’s numbers are even higher.

Trump would beat Biden handily if election were held today according to latest poll​

Former President Trump would handily win the presidential election if it were held today – thanks in part to a stunning boost in support from black and Hispanic voters, according to a new poll.

The survey from New York Times and Siena College found the former president beating Biden by 5 points — with Biden getting the support of just 43% of the electorate compared to Trump’s 48%. A further 10% said they didn’t know or declined to answer.

The numbers showed Trump making sweeping gains above and beyond his traditional bases of support from white men. Trump pulled 23% of black voters — a demographic Republicans typically never win more than single digits; Biden’s support among black voters was at 66%.

Among Hispanic voters, Trump led Biden 46% to 40%.

Trump remains unpopular — with just 43% of Americans viewing him favorably — but Biden is held in even lower regard, with only 38% favorability among voters.

Fewer than one in four voters said the country was on the “right track,” while 65% declared the nation was moving in the “wrong direction.” A full 43% of voters said President Biden’s policies have hurt them compared to just 18% who said they had been helped.

A majority of voters said they believed the U.S. economy was in “poor” condition, and a total of 47% of voters said they “strongly disapprove” of Biden’s performance as president — an all time high for the poll during Biden’s presidency.

The poll also suggested that Trump’s election coalition has held together better than Biden’s has.

The survey found 97% of voters who backed Trump in 2020 said they would do so again, while Biden would only get 83% of his 2020 voters — and a critical 10% of former Biden voters said they plan to back Trump in 2024.

More worrying for Democrats, the poll also showed significant deterioration among core Biden voters.

In 2020, Biden won 92% of the black vote and 59% of the Hispanic vote, according to Pew Research. Trump got just 8% of the black vote in 2020 and 38% of Hispanic vote, Pew found.

Overall in 2020, President Biden won 72% of non-white voters without a college degree. Now, Biden only commands the support of 47% of those voters, a narrow lead over Trump, who took 41%, the poll found.

The NYT/Sienna poll is the highest ranked poll on 538. :laughing0301:
Nope, they want cheaper gas, grocery, and utility bills. They want low home prices, low inflation and less regulations in the oilfield. That's what Trump's economy was.

So why is there more oil produced under Biden than Trump? Why are the shelves full at the stores under Biden and they were not under Trump? Why is unemployment lower under Biden than Trump?
/——-/ It was still better than this Bidenomics shytshow. You want more of it.

Well I’m making more money under Biden. There are things to buy at the store like Toilet Paper. Low unemployment. So yes. I want to make more money, and I am under Biden. I like having toilet paper, cat food, and many other things that were scarce when Trump was President.
The DJ economy was pretty good. The current economy is pretty good. What the Hell are you expecting?
I wonder what part of the economy they want back? The double digit unemployment? The shortages at the stores where Toilet Paper was as rare as a Unicorn? Maybe the businesses shuttered because they were not able to operate?

Ah good times. Good times.
You Dems conspiring with the Chinese to bring the Kung Flu here paid off.
So why is there more oil produced under Biden than Trump? Why are the shelves full at the stores under Biden and they were not under Trump? Why is unemployment lower under Biden than Trump?
Why is prices on everything under Biden high? Why all the economic hardships?

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