CBS Poll, 55% Approve of Inquiry Into trump

That was fast.

The American people aren't as stupid as some think. We know what is right and what's wrong. We know a liar and cheat when we see one.

I wonder what that number will be once all the facts of this are known.

CBS News poll: Majority of Americans and Democrats approve of Trump impeachment inquiry
First, an inquiry is to learn something-the press has lit a big enough fire to create curiosity. Right and wrong are subjective like Democrat and Republican. Hillary could be seen as a liar and cheat as well-don't throw stones. The number may vary if they show the inquiry when Thursday night football is on. I think Trump acted within his powers as president, but I would like to see an inquiry because it is interesting-and some things may come out about others that we did not expect.

Out of curiosity, why do you think it is not an abuse of power to use the office of President to bully a desperate foreign power into investigating your political rivals, in exchange for taxpayer funded military aid?
That was fast.

The American people aren't as stupid as some think. We know what is right and what's wrong. We know a liar and cheat when we see one.

I wonder what that number will be once all the facts of this are known.

CBS News poll: Majority of Americans and Democrats approve of Trump impeachment inquiry
Left wing polls are funny haha
That was fast.

The American people aren't as stupid as some think. We know what is right and what's wrong. We know a liar and cheat when we see one.

I wonder what that number will be once all the facts of this are known.

CBS News poll: Majority of Americans and Democrats approve of Trump impeachment inquiry
Left wing polls are funny haha

Says the Russian troll who has posted more than 11,000 messages in less than 9 months.
That was fast.

The American people aren't as stupid as some think. We know what is right and what's wrong. We know a liar and cheat when we see one.

I wonder what that number will be once all the facts of this are known.

CBS News poll: Majority of Americans and Democrats approve of Trump impeachment inquiry
First, an inquiry is to learn something-the press has lit a big enough fire to create curiosity. Right and wrong are subjective like Democrat and Republican. Hillary could be seen as a liar and cheat as well-don't throw stones. The number may vary if they show the inquiry when Thursday night football is on. I think Trump acted within his powers as president, but I would like to see an inquiry because it is interesting-and some things may come out about others that we did not expect.

Out of curiosity, why do you think it is not an abuse of power to use the office of President to bully a desperate foreign power into investigating your political rivals, in exchange for taxpayer funded military aid?
Huh? Any evidence???

Oh are you mean us telling a corrupt county not to give crack head american 600,000 of laundered money a bad thing?
That was fast.

The American people aren't as stupid as some think. We know what is right and what's wrong. We know a liar and cheat when we see one.

I wonder what that number will be once all the facts of this are known.

CBS News poll: Majority of Americans and Democrats approve of Trump impeachment inquiry
Left wing polls are funny haha
That was fast.

The American people aren't as stupid as some think. We know what is right and what's wrong. We know a liar and cheat when we see one.

I wonder what that number will be once all the facts of this are known.

CBS News poll: Majority of Americans and Democrats approve of Trump impeachment inquiry
Left wing polls are funny haha

Says the Russian troll who has posted more than 11,000 messages in less than 9 months.
Is that bad??
That was fast.

The American people aren't as stupid as some think. We know what is right and what's wrong. We know a liar and cheat when we see one.

I wonder what that number will be once all the facts of this are known.

CBS News poll: Majority of Americans and Democrats approve of Trump impeachment inquiry

That's funny. Suddenly the American people are right on top of an obscure phone call to a seldom spoke of country involving the firing of someone they never heard of, but they are right on top of all the details, all the laws, have read all the affidavits, reports, papers, etc., and now know a liar and a cheat when they see one.

They just didn't know one when it was Obama or Hillary Clinton.

Last week, half the country were idiots who were brainwashed Trumpbots. But now they know better.

As if it matters one flying crap public opinion driven by the MSM. The entire case is based on inferred innuendo that tries to sweep under the rug the real crimes going on by Biden and the Democrats. Just the other day I saw a report on TV that 88% of Dems supported it, 93% of Republicans were against it and practically no one in the center cared. That leaves the Dims without Hand.

Truth is that the Left haven't changed one person's opinion. They already had Trump impeached in their minds on Nov. 8, 2016. They have simply been going from excuse to excuse ever since hoping one of them would actually stick. Now they hope to sully Trump in the eyes of a few dimwit uninformed voters.

Can't wait to see you idiots impeach Trump. It will be an even bigger miscalculation than Hillary and 2016. :auiqs.jpg: Trump will survive this, and a year from now, it will all be forgotten at the ballot box, except to further rally support for Trump.
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The Dems have a real problem according to this poll

That was fast.

The American people aren't as stupid as some think. We know what is right and what's wrong. We know a liar and cheat when we see one.
LOL! The American People are gullible sheeple that don't know jack shit when it comes to right and wrong; after all they keep electing lying, cheating, thieving Republicans and Democrats over and over and over and over ...

They got the government they deserve, unfortunately those of us that having nothing to do with the diabolic duopoly have to live with it too.

Boy are you stupid. A liberal station polling liberals with an intentionally misleading statement to get the results they want. And still only half of Dems want this. Total failure.

(Pulling shit out of your ass isn’t evidence)

GFY. This from an idiot who advocates an assassination of Trump in another thread. Your lack of knowledge of how things are is not my problem. When you provide proof of ANY of the bullshit you've put up for the last few days, then maybe I'll spoon feed you information.
That was fast.

The American people aren't as stupid as some think. We know what is right and what's wrong. We know a liar and cheat when we see one.

I wonder what that number will be once all the facts of this are known.

CBS News poll: Majority of Americans and Democrats approve of Trump impeachment inquiry
First, an inquiry is to learn something-the press has lit a big enough fire to create curiosity. Right and wrong are subjective like Democrat and Republican. Hillary could be seen as a liar and cheat as well-don't throw stones. The number may vary if they show the inquiry when Thursday night football is on. I think Trump acted within his powers as president, but I would like to see an inquiry because it is interesting-and some things may come out about others that we did not expect.

Out of curiosity, why do you think it is not an abuse of power to use the office of President to bully a desperate foreign power into investigating your political rivals, in exchange for taxpayer funded military aid?
After reading the transcript, I did not believe that there was any abuse or bullying-do me a favor is not bullying-I use that phrase a lot myself. There was no do this or else or even do this AND I will give you that.
It's not going to get any better for Donald Trump as the inquiry scrapes each layer of dirt off Donald Trump revealing another layer of dirt underneath.

Donald Trump has confessed to making decisions with his gut which seems to have criminal intent.

Not one of Donald Trump's gut decisions has proved right as his love affairs with various leaders fizzles out just like the Trump economy.

The poll demonstrated that the hard-core support of Donald Trump among Republicans is only 59% which is far lower than it has been in the past.

The tribe has spoken. Lock him up.


CBS News poll: Majority of Americans and Democrats approve of Trump impeachment inquiry

CBS News poll: Majority of Americans and Democrats approve of Trump impeachment inquiry
SEPTEMBER 29, 2019 / 10:30 AM / CBS NEWS

More than half of Americans — and an overwhelming number of Democrats — say they approve of the fact that Congress has opened an impeachment inquiry into President Trump. But as the inquiry begins, there is no national consensus on how to assess the president's actions.
Partisans have immediately and predictably split: most Democrats call the president's handling of matters with Ukraine illegal, and deserving of impeachment.
Most Republicans call his actions proper — or, even if improper, then still legal — and feel they're an example of things that past presidents typically did, too. Most Americans think that because Congress is now taking up the matter, it will be unable to work on other issues.
Almost nine in 10 Democrats approve of the inquiry, and two-thirds strongly approve. Prior to the inquiry, some had wondered if taking up impeachment proceedings might divide a Democratic rank-and-file that has been long concerned with other policies like health care and guns. However, these findings suggest that it this is not the case: most moderate Democrats side with liberal Democrats in supporting impeachment proceedings. Of those who say they voted for a Democratic House candidate in 2018, nine in 10 feel this inquiry is necessary.
Characterizing the president's actions in particular, just under one-third of Americans say the president's handling of matters with Ukraine may have been improper but were nonetheless still legal. Just over a quarter, including most Republicans, says the president acted properly. Another four in 10, including most Democrats, feel he has acted illegally.
There is division over whether the president's deserves to be impeached. Just slightly more feel he does than he doesn't, and almost a quarter feel it's too soon to say — most of them say they want to wait to see what the facts show.
Most Republicans believe that the president's aims in the matter were to protect U.S. interests and stop corruption. Seven in 10 Republicans feel that his dealings with Ukraine are typical of what most past presidents have probably done in dealing with foreign countries.
What's next?
Most Democrats say they were glad when they heard an impeachment inquiry had been launched, and another three in 10 described themselves feeling satisfied. Just over half of Republicans said they felt angry about it. And six in 10 Republicans said it made them want to defend the president. Under a quarter of Republicans said they do think the inquiry is necessary, but most of those who do still think his actions were proper or legal.
A majority of Americans have heard at least something about Mr. Trump's assertions concerning Joe Biden and his son and Ukraine. Almost two-thirds of Republicans feel these assertions warrant further investigation; just a quarter of Democrats feel the same.
Most of each partisan side thinks this will work out to their political advantage. A slight majority of Democrats think holding an impeachment inquiry in 2020 is better for them; just over half of Republicans think it's better for their side. A slim majority feel the Democrats are trying to politically damage the president with the inquiry.
Most Americans think Congress will be too distracted by an impeachment inquiry to work on other legislation and issues. It's mostly those who disapprove of starting the inquiry in the first place who hold this view, but a third of Democrats also feel this way. However, when Democrats choose from a list of things Congress can spend time on, more say they'd like Congress to focus its attention on impeachment now than health care or gun policy, in particular.
So, it’s clear you don’t understand the difference between an “inquiry” and “impeachment” even though it’s written in the article you linked.

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