CBS: This Is The Worst Economic Recovery America Has Ever Had


Silver Member
Aug 4, 2011
[Surprising they could say that at all, considering Michelle Malkins comment today about an admission from the NYT this week that all news reporting the Times, and the rest of the Leftmedia does, goes first to the Obama Administration for editing, veto, or approval. Then there was the Charlie Rose interview, Mr Rose looking so official and wordly.
Just a hint Barry: If you could get Lisa jackson to close more industries, say enough to push the unemployment rate to fourteen per cent, think of all the loyal Democratic voters you could create, white and blue collar too. Nahhh! You wouldn't want them in your camp under any circumstances anyway.]

Weasel Zippers » Blog Archive » CBS: “This Is The Worst Economic Recovery America Has Ever Had”…







oh, did I mention....

Its the worst because Barry and his posse don't know what the hell they are doing and they ain't smart enough to look back in history and see what did cure a depression.

Hell I bet not one in his group has ever even run a lemonade stand.

They know nothing about what it takes keep a business up and running.
Its the worst because Barry and his posse don't know what the hell they are doing and they ain't smart enough to look back in history and see what did cure a depression.

Hell I bet not one in his group has ever even run a lemonade stand.

They know nothing about what it takes keep a business up and running.

Academics and lawyers. What do you expect.
Its the worst because Barry and his posse don't know what the hell they are doing and they ain't smart enough to look back in history and see what did cure a depression.

Hell I bet not one in his group has ever even run a lemonade stand.

They know nothing about what it takes keep a business up and running.

How do you know these aren't the results he seeks?
Right its the worst because its non existent, the guy didn't even care shoved death care down our throats (here you bought this). A jobs bill to corrupt Obama means money to disperse not lower taxes less regulation for business. Shovel ready job stimulus he laughed at yeah vote for that guy.
Cause and effect is a simple concept for conservatives. It must be so easy to point to one cause and conclude "Eureka!". Easy and blissful.
Just what the Republicans had planned

Now, if we could only eliminate unions, all government regulations and cut taxes some more...we would get the recovery we deserve
I honestly don't think Barry thinks he's gonna win and is fine with it. He's in so far over his head it's not only embarrassing but probably also taking a toll on him mentally and/or physically as well. Losing's not the end of the world, see Bush 41 and Carter. And the life of an ex-president ain't too shabby if one decides to parlay it, see Clinton. And Barry will be a relatively young guy with a nice pension, nice income to run his office and whatnot, maybe build his library in Hawaii so those trips the rest of his life can be considered "business" jaunts, still have security around to help him feel he's still important. It's gotta be one of the best retirement gigs on the planet.

And look on the bright side. For once Barry will be doing something he's qualified to do.
lets see

debt ceiling crashes attempted.

downtalking any good economic news.

refusing to do the business of the people they were elected to do.

refusing to allow appointments to be filled.

pledging that their most important task was to distroy obama poltically.

spewing non stop lies about our president in a crisis.

I just cant imagine what MORE the republicans could have done to usher in a recovery

What does your graph show?

First it shows that Obama has faced the worst post WWII recession with a 6% drop in employment

Second it shows that most recessions resulted in a 2-3% drop in unemployment with a 2-3% recovery. Obama was given a 6% drop and has recovered 2.5% to date
Remember how good it was the last time we had a Republican president? Both George W. Bush and Mitt Romney have MBA's from Harvard; I wonder what the goal of an MBA is, personal wealth at the expense of an entire nation or ?

Maybe a Romney supporter can explain how an MBA will help the vast majority of the American workers? I suppose, in theory, if the stockholders and management of business and industry benefit, it will trickle down to the hoi polloi. I don't understand how.
Remember how good it was the last time we had a Republican president? Both George W. Bush and Mitt Romney have MBA's from Harvard; I wonder what the goal of an MBA is, personal wealth at the expense of an entire nation or ?

Maybe a Romney supporter can explain how an MBA will help the vast majority of the American workers? I suppose, in theory, if the stockholders and management of business and industry benefit, it will trickle down to the hoi polloi. I don't understand how.
The OP isn't talking about Romeny or BOOOOOSH!, Danny Vermin.

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