CDC: 'Ebola is Spiraling Out of Control'

I find that difficult to believe. These hospitals have some excellent leadership, to include foreign physicians from all kinds of places like Western Europe and the USA, so they had to have their shit together on this regarding recommended practices and protocols. Do you think a nurse in Liberia would just ignore the warnings to have no contact with Ebola patients? And the last American that caught Ebola had NO known contact, they just pulled this thing about him possibly treating an unknown ebola victim unknown.

Really? Then how can they reasonably expect to control this disease? The protocols do not work due to slight mutations in the virus sounds more believable than to assume that a medical professional is going to handle a contagious patient and risk catching the disease.

I'm going to have to shut off my web soon, but I found some sources. I was mistaken in the specific why the hospitals were partially to blame in the rapid spread; not for their lack of safety, but rather because of it - aka not able to safely open beds up fast enough to keep up with the demand which lead to a rapid spread among those attempting to treat their family/friends (village?) without protection. -- Why Ebola is proving so hard to contain PBS NewsHour

This further is exasperated by a distrust of western medicine - Why is Ebola spreading - Manila Standard Today

(I also found this one interesting - Why Deadly Ebola Virus Is Likely to Hit the U.S. But Not Spread which I intend to save and read inflight tonight)

Wow, those are good articles. I have to go do something as my back is starting to hurt, chores or something.

Thank you for posting them, I will read them soon.
Ebola is a CIA operation intended to destabilize Africa in preparation for haliburton to go in and scoop up all the minerals and oil.
Hah definitely, because Africa is currently so stable and has so many barriers to Western companies mining resources.

This disease they introduced will do just the trick to bring about such a dramatic change.
The pesky feral negros in Africa generally make it too dangerous for companies to operate. Ebola will help.

Welcome to my ignore list, racist pig.
Lol there's an entire thread full of X's and Neg's to hand out... but we have to pretend like this is a real conversation on this now bullshit forum.


Lol, the only reason that you are here is to troll and give negs?

What a sad life; but it somehow oddly cheers me up that I am not the spiteful moron that you are.

You realize of course than even if we round up the ebola deaths to say 2,000 more die every year from diarrhea?

"“It is a tragedy that diarrhoea, which is little more than an inconvenience in the developed world, kills an estimated 1.5 million children each year,” said UNICEF Executive Director Ann M. Veneman."
In 1999, about 10,000 people ages 65 and older died from fall-related injuries (CDC 2001).

131.4 million births per year
55.3 million people die each year

6316 people die each hour

Let's keep things in perspective.
In 1999, about 10,000 people ages 65 and older died from fall-related injuries (CDC 2001).

131.4 million births per year
55.3 million people die each year

6316 people die each hour

Let's keep things in perspective.

Yes, lets do, and what you are leaving out in your static analysis is the exponential growth coupled with a 55% mortality rate that gives a more accurate picture of the severe risk in a dynamic analysis.
Only reason this is a story is two Americans got it. If they hadn't no one'd give a shit.

That is absurd.

Why do you say stupid shit like that?

And THREE Americans have gotten it now, not two.

With the exponential growth rate even the panic panicking CDC is admitting it will likely reach the USA eventually.
Only reason this is a story is two Americans got it. If they hadn't no one'd give a shit.
There were threads in these forums about the outbreak before two Americans got it.

I'm as far from the "omigosh seal the borders" camp as you can get, but a deadly disease that has entire countries living in fear, international health organizations mobilizing, and neighborhoods being quarantined is a story, regardless of whether Americans catch it.
Americans caught it, and a pharm company everyone hates already had a possible cure. It was blood in the water from then on.

My resentment of the coverage lies solely in how few have died. Compared to other things it's a non-story. Millions dies every year from simple hunger. No coverage about that though is there? US alone wastes enough food throwing it away we could wipe that one cause of death out instantly.
Americans caught it, and a pharm company everyone hates already had a possible cure. It was blood in the water from then on.

My resentment of the coverage lies solely in how few have died. Compared to other things it's a non-story. Millions dies every year from simple hunger. No coverage about that though is there? US alone wastes enough food throwing it away we could wipe that one cause of death out instantly.

Again, you are engaging in static analysis. The current number of deaths are not what drives the concern here, but it is the mortality rate of 55% (worse than the Black Plague's 30%) and the exponentially growing rate of the disease combined with the failure to control this disease from spreading to at least 6 countries that admit it, and who knows how many that simply are unaware of remote area infections or that are hiding it to delay quarantine against their country.

You still don't grok how this is a top level concern for all the pros including the CDC?

Don't know what else to share with you to alleviate your lack of concern. But unless something changes the growth rate of this disease, everyone will be exposed to it within two years. Then more than half the worlds population will be dead and more if the health care system collapses as a result of being over strained, a likely event if they fail to contain it. Read this morning that many health care workers in Liberia are on strike and refusing to care for Ebola patients. Not a good sign, sir.
it was only a matter of time that Ebola would hit an area with a population density conducive to a longer term maintenance of the outbreak compared to more rural settings.

They can't control people leaving the areas with the virus, so it continues to spread. The sheer number of people being treated increases the risks of health professionals contracting the disease. The government's lack of sophistication when it comes to quarantining populations is the final nail in the coffin.

There is a good chance that this will somehow make it to the US or Europe uncontrolled, and when it does it will be time to see if our governments are up to the task of keeping it from spreading.[/QUOTE]

Ebola is a virus that IS NOT air spread. One has to come in contact with the bodily fluids of the infected individual.

It will not become epidemic in western countries because our culture, while liberal, is not that backwards.

Just don't go around sharing other's bodily fluids and you'll be fine. :salute:
it was only a matter of time that Ebola would hit an area with a population density conducive to a longer term maintenance of the outbreak compared to more rural settings.

They can't control people leaving the areas with the virus, so it continues to spread. The sheer number of people being treated increases the risks of health professionals contracting the disease. The government's lack of sophistication when it comes to quarantining populations is the final nail in the coffin.

There is a good chance that this will somehow make it to the US or Europe uncontrolled, and when it does it will be time to see if our governments are up to the task of keeping it from spreading.

Ebola is a virus that IS NOT air spread. One has to come in contact with the bodily fluids of the infected individual.

It will not become epidemic in western countries because our culture, while liberal, is not that backwards.

Just don't go around sharing other's bodily fluids and you'll be fine. :salute:[/QUOTE]
It spreads more readily than that.

I have to go soon, so I am making this quick, relatively quick.

Used items and touched surfaces can transmit the disease and that is proven FACT.
Why is Ebola spreading - Manila Standard Today
Unlike other pathogens that cause outbreaks, Ebola is not airborne and apparently not that contagious. The virus is transmitted through direct contact with bodily fluids, such as blood, vomit and excretions. It is most contagious in its final stages, when the patient exhibits symptoms like external and internal bleeding, vomiting and diarrhea. The virus manages to survive outside the body and on surfaces. Therefore, contaminated washcloths, needles, surgical masks, basins and gloves are all objects that can spread the disease.

In 2012 a very similar strain of the Zebola virus went airborne.

From Pigs to Monkeys Ebola Goes Airborne HealthMap

We have a mysterious case of an American doctor in Liberia who contracted Ebola with no direct contact with a person showing symptoms. He did not even work in the Ebola ward or near it. So the current claim that Ebola can only be spread by direct contact with a person showing symptoms is simply false information.

In addition, the Director of the CDC admits that Ebola will eventually reach the USA but will not spread significantly.

US Ebola outbreak possible but likely not large CDC chief - Yahoo News
We have a mysterious case of an American doctor in Liberia who contracted Ebola with no direct contact with a person showing symptoms. He did not even work in the Ebola ward or near it. So the current claim that Ebola can only be spread by direct contact with a person showing symptoms is simply false information.
He wasn't wearing protective gear, treated a woman in the non-Ebola ward, then noted that she seemed to have Ebola. That is how he got Ebola, direct contact.

Latest US doc to get Ebola skipped protective gear in 100-degree heat says colleague Fox News

JOHANNESBURG, South Africa – The latest U.S. doctor to contract Ebola in Africa was working with outpatients in 100-degree temperatures that made it difficult to wear protective gear when he was exposed to an obstetrics patient stricken with the deadly disease, said another American physician who worked in the same hospital.
outpatients who see workers in other parts of the facility, who have not been diagnosed and may be in denial about their symptoms— often come in contact with unprotected staff, Deal said.
In the latest case, Sacra was treating a patient for an obstetric condition and told staff the woman was "highly suspicious" and displaying Ebola symptoms.
It's true that not many people have died (Yet) from this illness when compared to other diseases. However, when one considers the mortality rates And the fact that the number of people contracting the disease and dying have increased exponentially from previous statistics, there is cause for concern. So why allow infected people to enter this country? Why the risk?
It's true that not many people have died (Yet) from this illness when compared to other diseases. However, when one considers the mortality rates And the fact that the number of people contracting the disease and dying have increased exponentially from previous statistics, there is cause for concern. So why allow infected people to enter this country? Why the risk?

Because the corporate crony network needs to convince people that it is still totally safe to bring in illegal unscreened immigrants, no matter how bad the Ebola epidemic gets in the Third World.
It's true that not many people have died (Yet) from this illness when compared to other diseases. However, when one considers the mortality rates And the fact that the number of people contracting the disease and dying have increased exponentially from previous statistics, there is cause for concern. So why allow infected people to enter this country? Why the risk?

Because it is easy to control this disease. The only reason it is spreading like crazy ove in Africa, is because it is bunch of stupid people not trust the doctors, believe in some voodoo people and their conspiracy theories.

That would never happen in the US. It is all science repecting society here, at least when it comes to bleeding in the ass...
Ebola does not represent a major threat to the United States. Period.

Not at this time, using static analysis, but with an exponential growth rate it WILL be here and the Director oif the CDC says so too, moron.

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