CDC: 'Ebola is Spiraling Out of Control'

It's true that not many people have died (Yet) from this illness when compared to other diseases. However, when one considers the mortality rates And the fact that the number of people contracting the disease and dying have increased exponentially from previous statistics, there is cause for concern. So why allow infected people to enter this country? Why the risk?

Because it is easy to control this disease. The only reason it is spreading like crazy ove in Africa, is because it is bunch of stupid people not trust the doctors, believe in some voodoo people and their conspiracy theories.

That would never happen in the US. It is all science repecting society here, at least when it comes to bleeding in the ass...

Right which is why our hospitals are still centers for MRSA contagion, right.
Ebola does not represent a major threat to the United States. Period.

Not at this time, using static analysis, but with an exponential growth rate it WILL be here and the Director oif the CDC says so too, moron.

Exactly. It makes more sense to do something now to prevent the spread While it's not a threat instead of waiting until it is. When infection rates start at a few hundred a year, and then increase to thousands (in One year), that represents a serious threat. Prevention is key. It does seem rather basic.

Ebola does not represent a major threat to the United States. Period.

Not now because it is not airborne. However, how many people go to a public restaurant, have a large disgusting bowel movement, and not wash their hands? Lots, i bet. It spreads, also, through other bodily fluids.. how many people rub their genitals unprotected against a different stranger on a regular basis? Lots, i bet. It would spread much quicker than you realize. So I ask again.. why take that chance?
Ebola does not represent a major threat to the United States. Period.

Not at this time, using static analysis, but with an exponential growth rate it WILL be here and the Director oif the CDC says so too, moron.

Exactly. It makes more sense to do something now to prevent the spread While it's not a threat instead of waiting until it is. When infection rates start at a few hundred a year, and then increase to thousands (in One year), that represents a serious threat. Prevention is key. It does seem rather basic.

Ebola does not represent a major threat to the United States. Period.

Not now because it is not airborne. However, how many people go to a public restaurant, have a large disgusting bowel movement, and not wash their hands? Lots, i bet. It spreads, also, through other bodily fluids.. how many people rub their genitals unprotected against a different stranger on a regular basis? Lots, i bet. It would spread much quicker than you realize. So I ask again.. why take that chance?

You are new to me....and I don't know I will be kind.

We are not taking any chances. This virus isn't communicable until it becomes very clear that the infected person is ill. Nobody with communicable Ebola is going to be taking a shit in a restaurant or rubbing their vagina on a stranger.

The period of time that an infected person can infect another is very short.....because they die quickly.

Now.....if an American medical professional gets infected with Ebola.....they will have a better chance of surviving if they are brought here. Therefore....WE WILL BRING THEM HERE.
Ebola does not represent a major threat to the United States. Period.

Not at this time, using static analysis, but with an exponential growth rate it WILL be here and the Director oif the CDC says so too, moron.

Exactly. It makes more sense to do something now to prevent the spread While it's not a threat instead of waiting until it is. When infection rates start at a few hundred a year, and then increase to thousands (in One year), that represents a serious threat. Prevention is key. It does seem rather basic.

Ebola does not represent a major threat to the United States. Period.

Not now because it is not airborne. However, how many people go to a public restaurant, have a large disgusting bowel movement, and not wash their hands? Lots, i bet. It spreads, also, through other bodily fluids.. how many people rub their genitals unprotected against a different stranger on a regular basis? Lots, i bet. It would spread much quicker than you realize. So I ask again.. why take that chance?

You are new to me....and I don't know I will be kind.

We are not taking any chances. This virus isn't communicable until it becomes very clear that the infected person is ill. Nobody with communicable Ebola is going to be taking a shit in a restaurant or rubbing their vagina on a stranger.

The period of time that an infected person can infect another is very short.....because they die quickly.

Now.....if an American medical professional gets infected with Ebola.....they will have a better chance of surviving if they are brought here. Therefore....WE WILL BRING THEM HERE.

In otherwords; Just dont screw anyone up in the ass while they are bleeding off it like crazy, and you will be fine
The docs say that there 'might' be enough of the virus in say a sneeze to pass it on to someone else, but that the virus would STILL have to have a way to get through the skin of the sneezed on. So it sounds to me that we're talking about a lot of 'ifs' to contract Ebola without uhm... handling the bloody stool the virus is most found in.

Hospitals and care workers in the USA already have experience controlling this kind of transmission because of AIDS, I'm sure we'll have some cases of Ebola in the USA, but it's not going to spread into a major 'threat' for the majority of Americans. Perhaps those at hospitals/doctors offices who don't use proper safety methods, but I'd imagine most medical workers are pretty careful about their protection, again because of AIDS, and also perhaps because of the fear of Ebola as well.
You are new to me....and I don't know I will be kind.

We are not taking any chances. This virus isn't communicable until it becomes very clear that the infected person is ill. Nobody with communicable Ebola is going to be taking a shit in a restaurant or rubbing their vagina on a stranger.

True, but the infectious period is marked by a sudden onset of symptoms that resemble the flu. Those symptoms can last for as long as a week before killing the host. The incubation period can be anywhere from two days to a month, so it's unpredictable. Also, once a person is infected, the virus can be transmitted to others for several weeks onward and even after recovery-- IF they recover.

The period of time that an infected person can infect another is very short.....because they die quickly.

The process of death takes around a week. The virus can live Outside the host for two days at room temperature.

Now.....if an American medical professional gets infected with Ebola.....they will have a better chance of surviving if they are brought here. Therefore....WE WILL BRING THEM HERE.

Not at this time, using static analysis, but with an exponential growth rate it WILL be here and the Director oif the CDC says so too, moron.
When did he say that?

I read your link it didn't say the Director of the CDC saying with an exponential growth rate it WILL be here. Did he say that somewhere besides the article your referenced or did I miss it?

Earlier you were spreading misinformation about the third doctor infected, is this just more of your fear mongering or did this guy actually say Ebola WILL be here?
The process of death takes around a week.
A week where it is apparent they have Ebola, and during much of which they aren't going to restaurants.

People catch it more in Africa because they handle relatives dead bodies, they hide their sick and treat at home because don't want the stigma, they lack adequate measures of protection in public health places, yet still every single outbreak of Ebola has eventually tapered out. It would not spread in a 1st world country like in Africa.
It amazes me how many people are willing to overlook the inherent danger of this type of infection. Then again, these same people would probably argue that HIV infected people should have protected status, and that no one else needs to know-- I also disagree with that. Their privacy does Not trump public safety. Every person with certain infectious diseases need to be put in a registry.

No, perhaps someone who is hemorrhaging from their anus wouldn't go to a restaurant, but someone whose symptoms came on suddenly and couldn't make it to a hospital would. OR perhaps it would take time At the hospital to figure out what they had since Ebola (in its beginning stages) resembles the flu. OR IF someone recovered and still contagious passed the virus.. the scenarios keeping coming. I won't waste more of my time typing them here. Many people have such little understanding of infection control, so what's the point. . ? ..
Ebola does not represent a major threat to the United States. Period.

Not at this time, using static analysis, but with an exponential growth rate it WILL be here and the Director oif the CDC says so too, moron.

Exactly. It makes more sense to do something now to prevent the spread While it's not a threat instead of waiting until it is. When infection rates start at a few hundred a year, and then increase to thousands (in One year), that represents a serious threat. Prevention is key. It does seem rather basic.

Ebola does not represent a major threat to the United States. Period.

Not now because it is not airborne. However, how many people go to a public restaurant, have a large disgusting bowel movement, and not wash their hands? Lots, i bet. It spreads, also, through other bodily fluids.. how many people rub their genitals unprotected against a different stranger on a regular basis? Lots, i bet. It would spread much quicker than you realize. So I ask again.. why take that chance?

You are new to me....and I don't know I will be kind.

We are not taking any chances. This virus isn't communicable until it becomes very clear that the infected person is ill. Nobody with communicable Ebola is going to be taking a shit in a restaurant or rubbing their vagina on a stranger.

The period of time that an infected person can infect another is very short.....because they die quickly.

Now.....if an American medical professional gets infected with Ebola.....they will have a better chance of surviving if they are brought here. Therefore....WE WILL BRING THEM HERE.

In otherwords; Just dont screw anyone up in the ass while they are bleeding off it like crazy, and you will be fine

If that is what you got out of that ignorant comment you are even more stupid than Lone Laugher.
Ebola does not represent a major threat to the United States. Period.

Not at this time, using static analysis, but with an exponential growth rate it WILL be here and the Director oif the CDC says so too, moron.

Exactly. It makes more sense to do something now to prevent the spread While it's not a threat instead of waiting until it is. When infection rates start at a few hundred a year, and then increase to thousands (in One year), that represents a serious threat. Prevention is key. It does seem rather basic.

Ebola does not represent a major threat to the United States. Period.

Not now because it is not airborne. However, how many people go to a public restaurant, have a large disgusting bowel movement, and not wash their hands? Lots, i bet. It spreads, also, through other bodily fluids.. how many people rub their genitals unprotected against a different stranger on a regular basis? Lots, i bet. It would spread much quicker than you realize. So I ask again.. why take that chance?

You are new to me....and I don't know I will be kind.

No you wont. You will be the same condescending ignoramus that you always are. Apparently you are completely unaware of what an ass you are to most people and how utterly ignorant you are about this strain of Ebola; you may be causing people to die later because they trust you to be truthful, careful and to speak with integrity. Obviously then they wouldn't know you at all..

We are not taking any chances. This virus isn't communicable until it becomes very clear that the infected person is ill. Nobody with communicable Ebola is going to be taking a shit in a restaurant or rubbing their vagina on a stranger.

That is PROVEN to not be true and had you read any of my links, you stupid fuck, you would know that.

Instead you think you know the facts and are giving people DEADLY advise if that disease reaches the USA, you dumb fucking ****.

The period of time that an infected person can infect another is very short.....because they die quickly.

No, again you don t know the facts about this variation on the disease. These people are living longer and the mortality rate is about 55% meaning that enough survive to spread the disease afterwards as it has been shown to be contagious for up to SEVEN WEEKS after losing all symptoms.

Now.....if an American medical professional gets infected with Ebola.....they will have a better chance of surviving if they are brought here. Therefore....WE WILL BRING THEM HERE.

Well, we agree on something, but I attribute that to the 'Broken Clock' syndrome, as you barely reach the one time right in a day threshold.

You have been giving FATAL advice to people, so you really should just shut the hell ujp till you read up on this latest strain of the disease, you careless stupid jack ass.
Ebola does not represent a major threat to the United States. Period.

Not at this time, using static analysis, but with an exponential growth rate it WILL be here and the Director oif the CDC says so too, moron.

Exactly. It makes more sense to do something now to prevent the spread While it's not a threat instead of waiting until it is. When infection rates start at a few hundred a year, and then increase to thousands (in One year), that represents a serious threat. Prevention is key. It does seem rather basic.

Ebola does not represent a major threat to the United States. Period.

Not now because it is not airborne. However, how many people go to a public restaurant, have a large disgusting bowel movement, and not wash their hands? Lots, i bet. It spreads, also, through other bodily fluids.. how many people rub their genitals unprotected against a different stranger on a regular basis? Lots, i bet. It would spread much quicker than you realize. So I ask again.. why take that chance?

The Ebola virus has been found in survivors semen up to 7 weeks after being 'cured'.
Nope. It manifests too quickly and kills too quickly. No epidemic in the US. Sorry to blow your fear fest.

You are not blowing anything, as you are totally WRONG about the death being too quick to spread the disease.

Recent tests and events has shown the disease is communicable up to a week BEFORE symptoms and up to 7 weeks AFTER being 'cured' of all symptoms.

You are a spreading false information, I guess in the hopes that one day you could kiss Obammies ass, but who knows? It is false information at any rate.
It amazes me how many people are willing to overlook the inherent danger of this type of infection.
It isn't overlooking, it is rationally judging the risk of it. I'm not doubting the danger of Ebola I sure as hell don't want it, I'm questioning the chicken little cries of Ebola spreading out of control in a 1st world country.
It amazes me how many people are willing to overlook the inherent danger of this type of infection. Then again, these same people would probably argue that HIV infected people should have protected status, and that no one else needs to know-- I also disagree with that. Their privacy does Not trump public safety. Every person with certain infectious diseases need to be put in a registry.

No, perhaps someone who is hemorrhaging from their anus wouldn't go to a restaurant, but someone whose symptoms came on suddenly and couldn't make it to a hospital would. OR perhaps it would take time At the hospital to figure out what they had since Ebola (in its beginning stages) resembles the flu. OR IF someone recovered and still contagious passed the virus.. the scenarios keeping coming. I won't waste more of my time typing them here. Many people have such little understanding of infection control, so what's the point. . ? ..

You are also dealing with Obamabots for whom nothing bad can be allowed uncontested at all as they slavishly serve their master in the White House.
Canadian Health Department Data Sheet on Ebola.

Ebolavirus - Pathogen Safety Data Sheets
Pathogenicity between species of Ebola does not differ greatly in that they have all been associated with hemorrhagic fever outbreaks in humans (excluding Reston) and non-human primates. The Ebola-Zaire and Sudan strains are especially known for their virulence with up to 90% fatality rate , with reduced virulence noted in the Tai Forest ebolavirus and the more recently discovered Bundibugyo strain, which caused a single outbreak in Uganda . Bundibugyo was the outbreak virus in Isiro, Democratic Republic of Congo, in 2012....

The largest recorded ebolavirus outbreak to date began in March 2014, with initial cases reported in Guinea and then additional cases identified in the surrounding regions (Liberia, Sierra Leone, Nigeria). A new strain of the ZEBOV species was identified as the causative agent of the outbreak ...

Bats are considered to be a plausible reservoir for the virus. Serological evidence of infection with ebolavirus (antibody detection to EBOV, ZEBOV, and/or REBOV) has been reported in fruit bats collected from woodland and forested areas near Ghana and Gabon, with reduced frequency of isolation from bats collected in mainland China and Bangladesh .
INFECTIOUS DOSE: Viral hemorrhagic fevers have an infectious dose of 1 - 10 organisms by aerosol in non-human primates...

In an outbreak, it is hypothesized that the first patient becomes infected as a result of contact with an infected animal. Person-to-person transmission occurs via close personal contact with an infected individual or their body fluids during the late stages of infection or after death...

Nosocomial infections can occur through contact with infected body fluids for example due to the reuse of unsterilized syringes, needles, or other medical equipment contaminated with these fluids ......

In laboratory settings, non-human primates exposed to aerosolized ebolavirus from pigs have become infected, however, airborne transmission has not been demonstrated between non-human primates...

INCUBATION PERIOD: Two to 21 days .
COMMUNICABILITY: Communicable as long as blood, body fluids or organs, contain the virus. Ebolavirus has been isolated from semen 61 to 82 days after the onset of illness, and transmission through semen has occurred 7 weeks after clinical recovery ...

SURVIVAL OUTSIDE HOST: Filoviruses have been reported capable to survive for weeks in blood and can also survive on contaminated surfaces, particularly at low temperatures (4°C)....When dried in tissue culture media onto glass and stored at 4 °C, Zaire ebolavirus survived for over 50 days ...

A study on transmission of ebolavirus from fomites in an isolation ward concludes that the risk of transmission is low when recommended infection control guidelines for viral hemorrhagic fevers are followed Footnote 64. Infection control protocols included decontamination of floors with 0.5% bleach daily and decontamination of visibly contaminated surfaces with 0.05% bleach as necessary...

So to summarize from the data sheet:
1) Transmission is NOT limited to direct physical contact. You can get it from animals that can carry the disease as 'reservoirs' of the disease.
2) People are communicable as long as they have the virus in their body fluids, which would include the incubation period end stage prior to symptoms and for up to 7 weeks after recovery even if the doctors follow procedure exactly and don't let the patient out before all presence in the body fluids is proven to be gone completely. We all know how our medical fringe 'lower 10%' fudge these kinds of things, as demonstrated by the MRSA pandemic.
3) Even if all protocols are followed, there is still only a 'low' probability of contracting the disease, which means, of course it is still possible to get it.
4) there is evidence of Ebola being capable of areal transmission, so no one knows if it can absolutely never spread through the air.
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