CDC: 'Ebola is Spiraling Out of Control'


What does Obama gave to do with Ebola's spread?

You tell me.

You Dimbocraps keep getting your panties in a wad when anyone brings up a story about shoals in our nations future. It is as though the mere suggestion that something might go wrong under OBozo is a slam on your Fearless Leader.

So you tell me.
Unless Ebola hits Ferguson, Missouri this administration will not pay attention to it.

Lol, they are paying attention to it; spinning the story to manage potential panic and alienation against illegal immigration as those folks don't get medical screening.

And W and Mitt would have done just about the same damned thing.

What does Obama gave to do with Ebola's spread?

You tell me.

You Dimbocraps keep getting your panties in a wad when anyone brings up a story about shoals in our nations future. It is as though the mere suggestion that something might go wrong under OBozo is a slam on your Fearless Leader.

So you tell me.

Listen here, genius. You brought up Obama several times in this thread about Ebola. You now say that it is others who are concerned with Obama's reputation. That is classic USMB nutter logic.

It is you who is obsessed. You can't consider a single subject or issue without thinking of the POTUS.

What does Obama gave to do with Ebola's spread?

You tell me.

You Dimbocraps keep getting your panties in a wad when anyone brings up a story about shoals in our nations future. It is as though the mere suggestion that something might go wrong under OBozo is a slam on your Fearless Leader.

So you tell me.

Listen here, genius. You brought up Obama several times in this thread about Ebola. You now say that it is others who are concerned with Obama's reputation. That is classic USMB nutter logic.

It is you who is obsessed. You can't consider a single subject or issue without thinking of the POTUS.

Good grief, then I will spell it out, not for you, but for lurkers and reasonable people ont he thread (leaving you and your libtard buddies out).

The problem with Ebola is not of OBozos doing. His refusal to close the damned open border is his doing. I have no doubt that Mitt and W would have left the whole damned border wide open too, just like OBozo, as all three are not serving the American public but a corporate crony network that solidified control over this country when his father took office in 1998.

But I did not mention the border in the OP. I am talking about the disease and its lethality. The border issue is merely implied by any thinking person, which should have left you merely confused why anyone would bother talking about it since it neither attacks nor defends OBozo.
It amazes me how many people are willing to overlook the inherent danger of this type of infection.
It isn't overlooking, it is rationally judging the risk of it. I'm not doubting the danger of Ebola I sure as hell don't want it, I'm questioning the chicken little cries of Ebola spreading out of control in a 1st world country.

There's nothing rational about ignoring facts supporting containment. Zero.

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