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Cease-Fire Holds Between Israel, Hamas, Hamas Celebrates With National Holiday

Sunni Man

Diamond Member
Aug 14, 2008
With a tenuous cease-fire in place and no rocket fire between Israel and Hamas for the first time in more than a week, Palestinians have begun to clean up rubble and damage inflicted by Israeli missiles.

People in Gaza filled the streets Thursday morning, inspecting damage to homes and businesses. Overnight, gunfire erupted in the crowded streets of the Palestinian enclave to celebrate the announcement of a cease-fire in the bloody conflict between Israel and Hamas, the Palestinian militant political group that essentially controlsl the Gaza Strip.

"It's a nice message from Palestinians - don't mess with Palestinians," said Jalal Marzen Wednesday night during a celebration outside Gaza's Al-Shifa Hospital. He and others pointed to the targeting of Tel Aviv by Hamas rockets as a shifting in the balance of power, arguing Israel's calculations would be forced to change ahead of the next flare-up. "It's huge, it's huge for us!" Marzen exclaimed.

Later, however, Israeli officials said several missiles from Gaza flew into Israel after the cease-fire. Israel did not respond with the air srikes that have blanketed Gaza in the past week.

Hamas has declared Nov. 22 a national holiday and said it would be celebrated every year.

"We call on everyone to celebrate, visit the families of martyrs, the wounded, those who lost homes," Hamas said.

"For first time, the Israeli people felt what bombs mean, what rockets mean, what war means, what killing people means," said clothing store owner Bassem Diazeda, who said he only became a supporter of Hamas since the escalation.

Cease-Fire Holds Between Hamas, Israel, Hamas Declares Holiday - ABC News
Israel is your typical aggressive fascist state based on racism and apartheid.

The zionists learned well from their nazi mentors.

And have surpassed the Third Reich's techniques of disinformation and propaganda. :cool:
With a tenuous cease-fire in place and no rocket fire between Israel and Hamas for the first time in more than a week, Palestinians have begun to clean up rubble and damage inflicted by Israeli missiles.

People in Gaza filled the streets Thursday morning, inspecting damage to homes and businesses. Overnight, gunfire erupted in the crowded streets of the Palestinian enclave to celebrate the announcement of a cease-fire in the bloody conflict between Israel and Hamas, the Palestinian militant political group that essentially controlsl the Gaza Strip.

"It's a nice message from Palestinians - don't mess with Palestinians," said Jalal Marzen Wednesday night during a celebration outside Gaza's Al-Shifa Hospital. He and others pointed to the targeting of Tel Aviv by Hamas rockets as a shifting in the balance of power, arguing Israel's calculations would be forced to change ahead of the next flare-up. "It's huge, it's huge for us!" Marzen exclaimed.

Later, however, Israeli officials said several missiles from Gaza flew into Israel after the cease-fire. Israel did not respond with the air srikes that have blanketed Gaza in the past week.

Hamas has declared Nov. 22 a national holiday and said it would be celebrated every year.

"We call on everyone to celebrate, visit the families of martyrs, the wounded, those who lost homes," Hamas said.

"For first time, the Israeli people felt what bombs mean, what rockets mean, what war means, what killing people means," said clothing store owner Bassem Diazeda, who said he only became a supporter of Hamas since the escalation.

Cease-Fire Holds Between Hamas, Israel, Hamas Declares Holiday - ABC News


I celebrate the cease fire, along with them, but more for the fact that the killings of innocent civilians inside Gaza has stopped, at least for now, for today, for that reason more than anything else!

Today we have Peace in Gaza, now we just have to dismantle that Occupation that deprives Palestinains of their basic human rights every single day, once and for all, end it, wipe it off the face of the map!

I was just reading an article on Mondoweiss, a man in Gaza writes about feeling devastated, as the cease fire has kicked in, and he writes a little bit about how he feels, what he sees and has seen and witnessed and lived through over the past 8 days.

"For the last seven days, I’ve been following the news, translating them and posting them on twitter after they are “confirmed”. One martyr here, another there. A child here, a child there. A woman here and a woman there. One, two three injuries coming into Alshifa hospital. I’ve been eliminating my feelings for seven days. I’ve been watching my language, spelling, punctuation and feelings. Today, I broke down. For a moment, I didn’t care where the last explosion was. If what exploded has exploded, what is my tweet going to do about it, I thought again. My Mom said the name of the place being targeted in surprise. Why are you surprised, I thought again. They’ve been bombing children for the past seven days. Why on earth are you surprised they’re targeting a commercial building.

In Gaza, children, if their lives were spared, wait in hospitals, bandaged and scared, for their dead mothers to rush towards them. Others lie alone, along with their siblings, or beside their father, faces deeply cut, hearts still as rubble, their eyes sleepy as in the night before when they couldn’t sleep, some with twinkling eyes. Still, they breathe no more.
In Gaza, a mother runs to hospital praying and hoping that the unidentified torn child isn’t hers. She knows it’s him. He was playing football a second ago. His jacket is also torn there beside their house. She is definite. She only collapses when she is confronted with the fact. In Gaza, a man, blouse drained in blood, cracks when a doctor tells him that his son is already dead. He doesn’t know in which corner he should hide his face. A wall interrupts his strides. And, he crumbles there. A boy, in Gaza, hasn’t spoken to anyone since the news of his friend’s death. He walks in his friend’s funeral with endless looks inspecting the nothingness before him."

Here, in Gaza | Mondoweiss

This photo is from Gaza, November 19, 2012, as Gaza was in the midst of attacks from Israel!


Israel is your typical aggressive fascist state based on racism and apartheid.

The zionists learned well from their nazi mentors.

And have surpassed the Third Reich's techniques of disinformation and propaganda. :cool:

That may be true, but muslims countries are the worst of all, and you know why, I don't even have to tell you, because you know how bad they are and you choose not to live in one of those bogus countries yourself. Or grow a beard even.
Israel is your typical aggressive fascist state based on racism and apartheid.

The zionists learned well from their nazi mentors.

And have surpassed the Third Reich's techniques of disinformation and propaganda. :cool:

Islam is not typical at all---it is an amoral imperialist brutal idelogy with motive
of enslavement of the world to its sociopathic core elite who model themselves
on a vile rapist born in Mecca. Its legal code inspired the Nuremburg laws of
Adolf Abu Hitler even to the point of marking jews with yellow insignia The legal
code "SHARIAH" legalized murder, rape, pillage, enslavment and genocide which are
the features that attracted the attention of ADOLF HITLER_----that "abu ali" moniker was added later by his adoring muslims allies While Adolf abu ali never attained
the massive genocides accomplished by muslim ----he did murder in excess of
20 million people. Muslims comitted genocides reaching 100 million --at a throw.

Its filth is unparalleled in human history and is still ongoing Just in the past
single century-----genoicides in the millions in Biafra, Uganda, Sudan and even
East pakistan There are ongoing albeit of a lesser dimension of christians and hindus in
Indonesia and Kenya etc etc etc Presently based on the Imperialist ideology that
any place where any of its leaders farted is MUSLIM LAND FOREVER------the impreialist muslim campaign spearheaded by an fascist movment "MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD" has jined forces with Osama bin Laden's Al queida and despite the lethal animosity between tow branches of the VILE CREED --to wit shiite and sunni -----those brutal moities have also joined forces in order to annhilate the creed which preceded their filth in the Middle east to wit Judaism and Israel Not atrocity is too obscene for any of the players supporting the muslim cause
Israel is your typical aggressive fascist state based on racism and apartheid.

The zionists learned well from their nazi mentors.

And have surpassed the Third Reich's techniques of disinformation and propaganda. :cool:

That may be true, but muslims countries are the worst of all, and you know why, I don't even have to tell you, because you know how bad they are and you choose not to live in one of those bogus countries yourself. Or grow a beard even.
Israel is the only fascist, racist state with the blessing of the world's sole superpower.
Perhaps rich Muslims would be worse than rich Jews and rich Christians, but I'm not too anxious to find out.
Sherri continues to post maudlin stupidity whilst dancing on the dead bodies of 100s of millions of infants -------from the time of Constantine ----and his genocides-----thru the genocides of arabia into Yemen and Mestopoamia ------east by Genghis Khan and his hordes of Isa-repectors who conquored thru asia on the dead bodies of HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS ----and west as the Isa respectors continued the genocidal program wll the way thru africa---to the Iberian Penninsula----and even to France and Italy and beyond-----Persia went went down too------destroying the culture of the Great Zoroastrians----their art, their science and their civilization-----now a mere remnant in Mumbai and Israel for those who forgot-----the WISE THREE KINGS who follow a star----- --pf -christmas carol fame-----are ZOROASTRIANS FROM PERSIA_---the astonomers of the days of old. Victims of islamic imperialism and genocide-----their numbers were depleted to ---almost nil
"It's a nice message from Palestinians - don't mess with Palestinians," said Jalal Marzen Wednesday night during a celebration outside Gaza's Al-Shifa Hospital. He and others pointed to the targeting of Tel Aviv by Hamas rockets as a shifting in the balance of power, arguing Israel's calculations would be forced to change ahead of the next flare-up. "It's huge, it's huge for us!" Marzen exclaimed.

Only in the twisted calculus of pal-arabs would more than a hundred people killed and billions of dollars worth of property damage be a reason to celebrate.

Yeah - "don't mess with Palestinians", they may wind up causing their own deaths in even greater numbers as a reason to celebrate.
Do you agree?

"So what is going on here? At the most basic level, Israel’s actions in Gaza are inextricably bound up with its efforts to create a Greater Israel that stretches from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea."

What is Israel Really Up to in Gaza? » Counterpunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names


People in Palestine have been talking about this Apartheid struggle for awhile now, people on the ground working in the Popular Resistance Movement, knowing the two state solution is dead, not really supporting the leadership in Gaza or the PA.

I cannot help but finding myself feeling good about what we see happening, now let's hope that bid before the UN gives us new opportunities to get Justice for all these victims of Israel's war crimes in these civilian targeting exercises Israel keeps choosing to carry out against Palestinians living under Occupation in Palestine.

I think that article pretty much sums up where we are today, fairly accurately. I like what he says in the last paragraph, I believe Apartheid will be defeated, more and more every day, people open their eyes to it and they do not support it when they see the truth for what it is, but there is a lot of work to do to educate people around us about what the conflict is all about. For example, I live in a small town in a Southern state, I heard a man a few days ago, speaking about the fighting, tell someone on the phone in a McDonalds that Israel and Iran are having a war right now, and Hamas is spoken about in Revelations. This is the thinking of some Christians, unfortunately, they think of the conflict in very distorted ways. There are many very uninformed Christians around where I live.

"Over the long term, however, the bombing campaigns may come to an end, because it is not clear that Israel will be able to maintain itself as an apartheid state. As well as resistance from the Palestinians, Israel has to face the problem that world opinion is unlikely to back an apartheid state. Ehud Olmert said in November 2007, when he was prime minister, that if ‘the two-state solution collapses’ Israel will ‘face a South-African-style struggle’, and ‘as soon as that happens, the state of Israel is finished.’ One would think Israel’s leaders would appreciate where they are headed and allow the Palestinians to have a viable state of their own. But there is no sign that is happening; instead, Israel foolishly continues to rely on military campaigns like Pillar of Defence to break the Palestinians."

What is Israel Really Up to in Gaza? » Counterpunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

There was a very good debate on Democracy Now yesterday, I think that debate clearly illustrates the positions of the two sides, too, what this is turning into.

Guests: James Colbert, policy director for the Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs (JINSA). and Yousef Munayyer, Executive Director of The Jerusalem Fund and its educational program, The Palestine Center

The spokes person speaking for Israel just kept denying all the international characterizations of the conflict, the Occupation, Apartheid, etc, and the spokesperson for Palestinians was speaking all about the Occupation and Palestinian right's in the land, I was not hearing about two states, I was hearing talk about their rights in the land of Palestine!

Just one more VICTORY in the Palestinian people's quest for freedom from zionist tyranny and terrorism. :thup:
Egypt shut down the Hamas Retards!

Did they, now?


of course not sherri-----you will dance again-----the isa-respecters of Hamas and other
ISA respecting organizations
will continue to excite and provide your pleasure-----they will sneak into houses
and slit the throats of jewish infants and shoot the brains out of small children---not only in Israel but in other parts of the world---------The "good news" for you is that
AL AZHAR university-----widely accepted as authoritative in
koranic law have now declared all jews, regardless of age or
gender to be legal targets of that which so delights you.

hindus too
you forgot to mention the fact that there are sufficient tunnels running from Gaza to Egypt to have evacuated the entire population of children -----to the arms of their loving bretheren in Egypt----in fact the tunnels themselves could have served as shelters-----in fact----it is very easy to build a bomb shelter by digging a hole in the ground----with a bit of stuff----any bit of discarded metal to make a pipe for air The directions for such hole in the ground tunnels were floating around my town when I was a child------people did actually dig out such holes in my town for the COMING ATOM BOMB
With a tenuous cease-fire in place and no rocket fire between Israel and Hamas for the first time in more than a week, Palestinians have begun to clean up rubble and damage inflicted by Israeli missiles.

People in Gaza filled the streets Thursday morning, inspecting damage to homes and businesses. Overnight, gunfire erupted in the crowded streets of the Palestinian enclave to celebrate the announcement of a cease-fire in the bloody conflict between Israel and Hamas, the Palestinian militant political group that essentially controlsl the Gaza Strip.

"It's a nice message from Palestinians - don't mess with Palestinians," said Jalal Marzen Wednesday night during a celebration outside Gaza's Al-Shifa Hospital. He and others pointed to the targeting of Tel Aviv by Hamas rockets as a shifting in the balance of power, arguing Israel's calculations would be forced to change ahead of the next flare-up. "It's huge, it's huge for us!" Marzen exclaimed.

Later, however, Israeli officials said several missiles from Gaza flew into Israel after the cease-fire. Israel did not respond with the air srikes that have blanketed Gaza in the past week.

Hamas has declared Nov. 22 a national holiday and said it would be celebrated every year.

"We call on everyone to celebrate, visit the families of martyrs, the wounded, those who lost homes," Hamas said.

"For first time, the Israeli people felt what bombs mean, what rockets mean, what war means, what killing people means," said clothing store owner Bassem Diazeda, who said he only became a supporter of Hamas since the escalation.

Cease-Fire Holds Between Hamas, Israel, Hamas Declares Holiday - ABC News


I celebrate the cease fire, along with them, but more for the fact that the killings of innocent civilians inside Gaza has stopped, at least for now, for today, for that reason more than anything else!

Today we have Peace in Gaza, now we just have to dismantle that Occupation that deprives Palestinains of their basic human rights every single day, once and for all, end it, wipe it off the face of the map!

I was just reading an article on Mondoweiss, a man in Gaza writes about feeling devastated, as the cease fire has kicked in, and he writes a little bit about how he feels, what he sees and has seen and witnessed and lived through over the past 8 days.

"For the last seven days, I’ve been following the news, translating them and posting them on twitter after they are “confirmed”. One martyr here, another there. A child here, a child there. A woman here and a woman there. One, two three injuries coming into Alshifa hospital. I’ve been eliminating my feelings for seven days. I’ve been watching my language, spelling, punctuation and feelings. Today, I broke down. For a moment, I didn’t care where the last explosion was. If what exploded has exploded, what is my tweet going to do about it, I thought again. My Mom said the name of the place being targeted in surprise. Why are you surprised, I thought again. They’ve been bombing children for the past seven days. Why on earth are you surprised they’re targeting a commercial building.

In Gaza, children, if their lives were spared, wait in hospitals, bandaged and scared, for their dead mothers to rush towards them. Others lie alone, along with their siblings, or beside their father, faces deeply cut, hearts still as rubble, their eyes sleepy as in the night before when they couldn’t sleep, some with twinkling eyes. Still, they breathe no more.
In Gaza, a mother runs to hospital praying and hoping that the unidentified torn child isn’t hers. She knows it’s him. He was playing football a second ago. His jacket is also torn there beside their house. She is definite. She only collapses when she is confronted with the fact. In Gaza, a man, blouse drained in blood, cracks when a doctor tells him that his son is already dead. He doesn’t know in which corner he should hide his face. A wall interrupts his strides. And, he crumbles there. A boy, in Gaza, hasn’t spoken to anyone since the news of his friend’s death. He walks in his friend’s funeral with endless looks inspecting the nothingness before him."

Here, in Gaza | Mondoweiss

This photo is from Gaza, November 19, 2012, as Gaza was in the midst of attacks from Israel!


Would that be a baby duck, Sherri? What was the headline? "IAF Slaughters Babies."
you forgot to mention the fact that there are sufficient tunnels running from Gaza to Egypt to have evacuated the entire population of children -----to the arms of their loving bretheren in Egypt----in fact the tunnels themselves could have served as shelters-----in fact----it is very easy to build a bomb shelter by digging a hole in the ground----with a bit of stuff----any bit of discarded metal to make a pipe for air The directions for such hole in the ground tunnels were floating around my town when I was a child------people did actually dig out such holes in my town for the COMING ATOM BOMB


But the IDF was bombing the tunnels, there was no safety there!

Nowhere and noone in Gaza was safe from being targeted and killed by Israel!

And concrete is not even let into Gaza!

Stop supporting and defending Israel's child slaughtering forays!


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