Celebrity/Ouija: American Dungeon(?)


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is a celebrity-culture fable inspired by Babes in Toyland.

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"I first encountered Leo DiCaprio's 'on-screen' persona/radiance in Woody Allen's film Celebrity, in which he portrayed an unruly and 'symbolic' American movie star named Brandon Darrow. I met him personally year later when I was a New England Patriots cheerleader. He complimented by thick dark hair and haircut, and I told him I thought he was terrific in Spielberg's 2002 film Catch Me If You Can. We started dating and he said the oddest thing to me...'You're beautiful and you make me think of the possible love in this otherwise media-obsessive society, which is why I think you and I are sort of like 'doom musketeers'."


"After Leo and I separated, I watched the 2011 film The Three Musketeers and daydreamed that he and I were like the characters portrayed by Orlando Bloom and Milla Jovovich from the film. I thought of my relationship with Leo fondly, and because what he said to me about media psychology haunted me, I reflected on that Musketeers film when I thought about consciousness/love in general...odd."


"Americans love on-screen romances, and Warren Beatty and Faye Dunaway's portrayal of iconic Depression-era bank robbers Clyde Barrow and Bonnie Parker reminded society of the general thrill of condition-oriented love and imagination. I wondered what was more 'representative' of my meanderings in media-society --- my experience as a Patriots cheerleader or my affair/romance with super-celebrity Leo DiCaprio!"


"After Dunaway and Beatty completed their film, they appeared in various media events and were photographed together, and today, you can look up these photos on the Internet using simple Google Image searches(!). I consider these media-event photos of Beatty and Dunaway symbolic of American pride. That's somewhat odd, no? After all, it's only the camera..."


"After thinking much, I decided to purchase my daughter a children's version of the Ouija supernatural-incantation board I found in Romania while travelling one summer in Europe. My daughter loves that board, and I suggested she use it to 'secretly' invoke the spirit of Bonnie Parker. My daughter was playing on her board one afternoon and she ran into the kitchen while I was cooking and told me the oddest thing...'The ghost of Bonnie Parker told me to tell you that Leo DiCaprio and Tom Brady (the Patriots' QB) are both "media-mysteries"(!)'!"


"After a while, I thought much about what my daughter told me and I decided to see the new sci-fi horror film Alien: Covenant starring Billy Crudup, Guy Pearce, and Katherine Waterston. The film was about predatory creatures terrorizing human space explorers and symbolized evolutionary fears. I began to wonder if cinema catered to Satanic sensibilities..."


"As expected, I ran into another celebrity during a media event for the Patriots after their Super Bowl win in 2016. It was Tom Hanks. We had an intriguing chat.

HANKS: Are you a fan of media?
ME: Of course! I dated Leo DiCaprio...
HANKS: That's interesting.
ME: Yep. I adore all that magazine magic.
HANKS: You must've been excited to attend this media event.
ME: I was, and I'm glad I met you, Mr. Hanks.
HANKS: Just call me Tom!
ME: Alright, Tom. Are you a football fan?
HANKS: Sure. I like the Patriots, Eagles, Raider, Bears (etc.).
ME: I wonder if media consciousness caters to fantasies/daydreams.
HANKS: It sure does...media is all about imagination and humanness.
ME: I hope you're right, since it seems we're hypnotized by media!
HANKS: Maybe Donald Trump is a worthy American President.
ME: He'd be the second celebrity-prez after Ronald Reagan only.
HANKS: Celebrities sometimes give me goosebumps.
ME: Why, Mr. Hanks, you're a celebrity yourself!
HANKS: I have nightmares of little kids playing Ouija and invoking dead celebrities.
ME: That's very...'socially-Freudian'.
HANK: Well, I hope not!"


"America the land of opportunities --- is it a nation of daydream-indulgence? I think so sometimes. What should I make of my short-lived affair with American celebrity Leo DiCaprio? What should I make of my experience as a New England Patriots (NFL) cheerleader? There're now even movies about cheerleaders and a TV series about the Dallas Cowboys cheerleader camp/squad experience(!). Should my daughter keep playing Ouija to contact 'dead celebrities' and was Tom Hanks right about worrying that modern Americans seem too dragon-like with the 'concept' of celebrity? Anyways, I can't wait for the next Super Bowl."




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