Celebs trash Trump in response to John McCain's death F*ck you

Oh...........Stephen King was a draft dodger too. Ruled unfit!what did he do sustain a paper cut?

Ever read his stuff? Probably determined he had a screw loose somewhere

Have you read any of his books? His imagination is quite healthy and while he found a way for it to work for him I’m not convinced people like him are fully present mentally and as a writer myself I say this with reluctance.

I've read plenty of his work and that's why I think he's a tad unhinged

Trump’s presidency has shown me that some of the most talented people are also the most dumb.
Oh...........Stephen King was a draft dodger too. Ruled unfit!what did he do sustain a paper cut?

Ever read his stuff? Probably determined he had a screw loose somewhere

Have you read any of his books? His imagination is quite healthy and while he found a way for it to work for him I’m not convinced people like him are fully present mentally and as a writer myself I say this with reluctance.

I've read one King book, "It". It's the second worst book I've ever read (Frank Herbert's "God Emperor of Dune" ranks first). "It" is horribly repetitive and frankly boring.
I agree with the sentiments. Trump hated McCain because McCain was everything Donald will never be.
He is not invited to the funeral - and for good cause.

Trump didn't hate Open Borders McCain, McCain hated Trump.

Rage and hatred is really all there is to you of the left, DeRpHate.

Oh my, imagine a Hollywood celeb saying such things. Oh, you might not want to clutch your pearls so hard, the string will break....

Like when people go bonkers over what Trump said about his daughter on Howard Stern’s show... have they ever SEEN that show? LOL obviously not bc then they wouldn’t be so troubled over it.
Oh...........Stephen King was a draft dodger too. Ruled unfit!what did he do sustain a paper cut?

Ever read his stuff? Probably determined he had a screw loose somewhere

Have you read any of his books? His imagination is quite healthy and while he found a way for it to work for him I’m not convinced people like him are fully present mentally and as a writer myself I say this with reluctance.

I've read one King book, "It". It's the second worst book I've ever read (Frank Herbert's "God Emperor of Dune" ranks first). "It" is horribly repetitive and frankly boring.

His early works were not bad...later ones he writes like he's delusional
Half the country lit up a stogie or grabbed a cold one last night when word came down about McCain.

Oh my, imagine a Hollywood celeb saying such things. Oh, you might not want to clutch your pearls so hard, the string will break....

OMG!! Someone criticized Orange Jesus! Defend the Messiah!

Clutch those pearls.... Feign shock at what you wink and nod at every last day...
Oh...........Stephen King was a draft dodger too. Ruled unfit!what did he do sustain a paper cut?

Ever read his stuff? Probably determined he had a screw loose somewhere

Have you read any of his books? His imagination is quite healthy and while he found a way for it to work for him I’m not convinced people like him are fully present mentally and as a writer myself I say this with reluctance.

I've read one King book, "It". It's the second worst book I've ever read (Frank Herbert's "God Emperor of Dune" ranks first). "It" is horribly repetitive and frankly boring.

Yes I couldn’t get through It. I find his work boring also bc he goes into great detail about things that don’t move the story along. It’s really a wonder how he ever became successful.
Oh...........Stephen King was a draft dodger too. Ruled unfit!what did he do sustain a paper cut?

Ever read his stuff? Probably determined he had a screw loose somewhere

Have you read any of his books? His imagination is quite healthy and while he found a way for it to work for him I’m not convinced people like him are fully present mentally and as a writer myself I say this with reluctance.

I've read one King book, "It". It's the second worst book I've ever read (Frank Herbert's "God Emperor of Dune" ranks first). "It" is horribly repetitive and frankly boring.

Yes I couldn’t get through It. I find his work boring also bc he goes into great detail about things that don’t move the story along. It’s really a wonder how he ever became successful.

It's the same with music, movies and pretty much all mass produced entertainment these days. The editors and producers have No Taste and No Visio - they just wash rinse repeat a formula. King fits into this category.
Have you read any of his books? His imagination is quite healthy and while he found a way for it to work for him I’m not convinced people like him are fully present mentally and as a writer myself I say this with reluctance.

"Was," not "is."

While The Stand or Christine are masterpieces, his post car accident crap is utter shit. Did you attempt to read Cell or even the travesty of what he did with the Gunslinger?

In 1999 King was hit and nearly killed by a car while jogging. It did severe brain damage, King never recovered, not really.

Man I feel bad for you posting so much, must drive you nuts that Trump is a lowlife, and McCain has so much support. LOL.

LOL... no. I don’t think someone’s death, from brain cancer no less, should be used as hateful fodder for someone who literally had nothing to do with his death. I find it repugnant and given your response you believe these idiots are warranted in their misguided hate—not surprising.
Have you read any of his books? His imagination is quite healthy and while he found a way for it to work for him I’m not convinced people like him are fully present mentally and as a writer myself I say this with reluctance.

"Was," not "is."

While The Stand or Christine are masterpieces, his post car accident crap is utter shit. Did you attempt to read Cell or even the travesty of what he did with the Gunslinger?

In 1999 King was hit and nearly killed by a car while jogging. It did severe brain damage, King never recovered, not really.

I did not read those. The only story I can say is decent is The Mist.
Same shit is going on here on the forum

Stephen King's political views are no better than anyone else's...maybe worse given some of the stuff he writes is a little out in left field

I used to like S. K. too, then I saw a tweet from the gutter trash and couldn't believe he could stoop that low. Oh wait yeah I can believe it now for sure. These Hollywood pricks think they are all that and so special with their sex cults, and the way they go after kids is sickening.

I hope Karma finds these bastards and fast.
And Solzenitzyn Was An Egocentric Snob Too
Oh...........Stephen King was a draft dodger too. Ruled unfit!what did he do sustain a paper cut?

Ever read his stuff? Probably determined he had a screw loose somewhere

Have you read any of his books? His imagination is quite healthy and while he found a way for it to work for him I’m not convinced people like him are fully present mentally and as a writer myself I say this with reluctance.

I've read one King book, "It". It's the second worst book I've ever read (Frank Herbert's "God Emperor of Dune" ranks first). "It" is horribly repetitive and frankly boring.

Wow, I loved both those books.

Of course the Dune books were a series that had to be read in order. EVERYTHING Herbert wrote about has come to pass. The Middle East has exploded just as he predicted, and we kowtow because the oil (spice) must flow.
Oh...........Stephen King was a draft dodger too. Ruled unfit!what did he do sustain a paper cut?

Ever read his stuff? Probably determined he had a screw loose somewhere

Have you read any of his books? His imagination is quite healthy and while he found a way for it to work for him I’m not convinced people like him are fully present mentally and as a writer myself I say this with reluctance.

I've read one King book, "It". It's the second worst book I've ever read (Frank Herbert's "God Emperor of Dune" ranks first). "It" is horribly repetitive and frankly boring.

His early works were not bad...later ones he writes like he's delusional

Stephen King died when the car hit him. What is there now is a diminished shadow of the once brilliant writer.

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