Censorship! hodgetwins face book page set for removal, 6 million followers in election season

Oh, Pulleze, it's already been shown you have to be pretty damned bad to have Facebook bounce your page. Even killing a person may not do it. But killing two and wounding a third is the charm. So don't give me that lilly white innocent carp routine. You had to be pretty bad and being a Black Republican is the least of your worries.

Democrats can’t have black republicans speaking off the plantation.. sad

What are being removed is proveable liars and their lies. If you're going to tweet political disinformation and proveable propaganda on your Twitter feed, you're not going to have a Twitter feed. Everyone is allowed a different opinion, but you're not allowed to promulgate "alternative facts", which in the real world, are called "lies".

Republicans can't run on a platform of "We're going to cut taxes and crash the economy - again", so they make shit up. Although this year, they didn't even bother with a platform, so no promises made, no promises to keep.

When you can't run on your record, and you don't have any plans for the country, or at least none of them that would earn you votes if you published them, and you go whole hog for disease, debt and death, and then try to gaslight the American people into believing that none of this mess is YOUR fault, and the other guy will make things worse, you're on fairly shaky ground to begin with.
Oh, Pulleze, it's already been shown you have to be pretty damned bad to have Facebook bounce your page. Even killing a person may not do it. But killing two and wounding a third is the charm. So don't give me that lilly white innocent carp routine. You had to be pretty bad and being a Black Republican is the least of your worries.

Anything right of center is censored by Fascistbook. What the thugs at Fascistbook are doing is no different than a landlord smashing the windows and evicting any tenant who has a MAGA sign in their window.

Zuckerburg is engaged in election tampering and should be arrested.

Democrats can’t have black republicans speaking off the plantation.. sad

What are being removed is proveable liars and their lies. If you're going to tweet political disinformation and proveable propaganda on your Twitter feed, you're not going to have a Twitter feed. Everyone is allowed a different opinion, but you're not allowed to promulgate "alternative facts", which in the real world, are called "lies".

Republicans can't run on a platform of "We're going to cut taxes and crash the economy - again", so they make shit up. Although this year, they didn't even bother with a platform, so no promises made, no promises to keep.

When you can't run on your record, and you don't have any plans for the country, or at least none of them that would earn you votes if you published them, and you go whole hog for disease, debt and death, and then try to gaslight the American people into believing that none of this mess is YOUR fault, and the other guy will make things worse, you're on fairly shaky ground to begin with.

Show me the evidence. :link:

Democrats can’t have black republicans speaking off the plantation.. sad

What are being removed is proveable liars and their lies. If you're going to tweet political disinformation and proveable propaganda on your Twitter feed, you're not going to have a Twitter feed. Everyone is allowed a different opinion, but you're not allowed to promulgate "alternative facts", which in the real world, are called "lies".

Republicans can't run on a platform of "We're going to cut taxes and crash the economy - again", so they make shit up. Although this year, they didn't even bother with a platform, so no promises made, no promises to keep.

When you can't run on your record, and you don't have any plans for the country, or at least none of them that would earn you votes if you published them, and you go whole hog for disease, debt and death, and then try to gaslight the American people into believing that none of this mess is YOUR fault, and the other guy will make things worse, you're on fairly shaky ground to begin with.

Jesus Christ Stalin calm down! People have a right to do research to see if they’re telling you the truth or not that’s a free society.. To be removing them during election season with 6 million followers people that freely choose to follow them is extremely disturbing

Democrats can’t have black republicans speaking off the plantation.. sad

What are being removed is proveable liars and their lies. If you're going to tweet political disinformation and proveable propaganda on your Twitter feed, you're not going to have a Twitter feed. Everyone is allowed a different opinion, but you're not allowed to promulgate "alternative facts", which in the real world, are called "lies".

Republicans can't run on a platform of "We're going to cut taxes and crash the economy - again", so they make shit up. Although this year, they didn't even bother with a platform, so no promises made, no promises to keep.

When you can't run on your record, and you don't have any plans for the country, or at least none of them that would earn you votes if you published them, and you go whole hog for disease, debt and death, and then try to gaslight the American people into believing that none of this mess is YOUR fault, and the other guy will make things worse, you're on fairly shaky ground to begin with.

Show me the evidence. :link:

We have numerous times. So don't play stupid. Oh wait, you aren't playing. You really ARE stupid and we just can't fix stupid.

Democrats can’t have black republicans speaking off the plantation.. sad

What are being removed is proveable liars and their lies. If you're going to tweet political disinformation and proveable propaganda on your Twitter feed, you're not going to have a Twitter feed. Everyone is allowed a different opinion, but you're not allowed to promulgate "alternative facts", which in the real world, are called "lies".

Republicans can't run on a platform of "We're going to cut taxes and crash the economy - again", so they make shit up. Although this year, they didn't even bother with a platform, so no promises made, no promises to keep.

When you can't run on your record, and you don't have any plans for the country, or at least none of them that would earn you votes if you published them, and you go whole hog for disease, debt and death, and then try to gaslight the American people into believing that none of this mess is YOUR fault, and the other guy will make things worse, you're on fairly shaky ground to begin with.

Jesus Christ Stalin calm down! People have a right to do research to see if they’re telling you the truth or not that’s a free society.. To be removing them during election season with 6 million followers people that freely choose to follow them is extremely disturbing

I do agree with that. And lying isn't enough to get you bounced. Even the Flat Earthers has their own pages. They used to have a boat too but it sailed clean off the edge of the Earth. I never saw it but there had to be a lot more to than the OP is letting on.
What are being removed is proveable liars and their lies.

Comrade, isn't anything that deviates or contradicts the party or your president Xi considered a "lie," by you?

If you're going to tweet political disinformation and proveable propaganda on your Twitter feed, you're not going to have a Twitter feed. Everyone is allowed a different opinion, but you're not allowed to promulgate "alternative facts", which in the real world, are called "lies".

Republicans can't run on a platform of "We're going to cut taxes and crash the economy - again", so they make shit up. Although this year, they didn't even bother with a platform, so no promises made, no promises to keep.

When you can't run on your record, and you don't have any plans for the country, or at least none of them that would earn you votes if you published them, and you go whole hog for disease, debt and death, and then try to gaslight the American people into believing that none of this mess is YOUR fault, and the other guy will make things worse, you're on fairly shaky ground to begin with.

If you tweet anything supporting Donald Trump or opposing the Harris/Biden election you won't have a Twitter account.

As said before, what Twitter and Fascistbook are doing is no different than landlords evicting tenants for having Trump bumper stickers on their cars.

I get that you CCP democrats see a MASSIVE loss coming your way like a freight train - but this OPEN corruption of the election process by tech giants MUST STOP.

Jack Dorsey and Mark Zuckerburg should both face CRIMINAL charges for tampering with the election - which is what they are doing.


Democrats can’t have black republicans speaking off the plantation.. sad

What are being removed is proveable liars and their lies. If you're going to tweet political disinformation and proveable propaganda on your Twitter feed, you're not going to have a Twitter feed. Everyone is allowed a different opinion, but you're not allowed to promulgate "alternative facts", which in the real world, are called "lies".

Republicans can't run on a platform of "We're going to cut taxes and crash the economy - again", so they make shit up. Although this year, they didn't even bother with a platform, so no promises made, no promises to keep.

When you can't run on your record, and you don't have any plans for the country, or at least none of them that would earn you votes if you published them, and you go whole hog for disease, debt and death, and then try to gaslight the American people into believing that none of this mess is YOUR fault, and the other guy will make things worse, you're on fairly shaky ground to begin with.

Jesus Christ Stalin calm down! People have a right to do research to see if they’re telling you the truth or not that’s a free society.. To be removing them during election season with 6 million followers people that freely choose to follow them is extremely disturbing

It's election tampering - pure and simple. We arrest people for tearing out lawn signs, but not for this? :omg:
What are being removed is proveable liars and their lies.

Comrade, isn't anything that deviates or contradicts the party or your president Xi considered a "lie," by you?

If you're going to tweet political disinformation and proveable propaganda on your Twitter feed, you're not going to have a Twitter feed. Everyone is allowed a different opinion, but you're not allowed to promulgate "alternative facts", which in the real world, are called "lies".

Republicans can't run on a platform of "We're going to cut taxes and crash the economy - again", so they make shit up. Although this year, they didn't even bother with a platform, so no promises made, no promises to keep.

When you can't run on your record, and you don't have any plans for the country, or at least none of them that would earn you votes if you published them, and you go whole hog for disease, debt and death, and then try to gaslight the American people into believing that none of this mess is YOUR fault, and the other guy will make things worse, you're on fairly shaky ground to begin with.

If you tweet anything supporting Donald Trump or opposing the Harris/Biden election you won't have a Twitter account.

As said before, what Twitter and Fascistbook are doing is no different than landlords evicting tenants for having Trump bumper stickers on their cars.

I get that you CCP democrats see a MASSIVE loss coming your way like a freight train - but this OPEN corruption of the election process by tech giants MUST STOP.

Jack Dorsey and Mark Zuckerburg should both face CRIMINAL charges for tampering with the election - which is what they are doing.


Yeah whatever. I can scan Twitter and Facebook for about a million or so posts that support Trump for President. Clutching your pearls a bit too tightly? Unless you are going to post misinformation and disinformation, they won't give you a second thought.
As for the rest of your rant...other way around snowflake. November could see the minimalization of the Republican party for a few election cycles.....all mostly thanks to You-Know-Who! :)
There's a conservative (just about alt-right) social media platform alternative out there. Go join that one if you don't like the other two.
What are being removed is proveable liars and their lies.

Comrade, isn't anything that deviates or contradicts the party or your president Xi considered a "lie," by you?

If you're going to tweet political disinformation and proveable propaganda on your Twitter feed, you're not going to have a Twitter feed. Everyone is allowed a different opinion, but you're not allowed to promulgate "alternative facts", which in the real world, are called "lies".

Republicans can't run on a platform of "We're going to cut taxes and crash the economy - again", so they make shit up. Although this year, they didn't even bother with a platform, so no promises made, no promises to keep.

When you can't run on your record, and you don't have any plans for the country, or at least none of them that would earn you votes if you published them, and you go whole hog for disease, debt and death, and then try to gaslight the American people into believing that none of this mess is YOUR fault, and the other guy will make things worse, you're on fairly shaky ground to begin with.

If you tweet anything supporting Donald Trump or opposing the Harris/Biden election you won't have a Twitter account.

As said before, what Twitter and Fascistbook are doing is no different than landlords evicting tenants for having Trump bumper stickers on their cars.

I get that you CCP democrats see a MASSIVE loss coming your way like a freight train - but this OPEN corruption of the election process by tech giants MUST STOP.

Jack Dorsey and Mark Zuckerburg should both face CRIMINAL charges for tampering with the election - which is what they are doing.


Yeah whatever. I can scan Twitter and Facebook for about a million or so posts that support Trump for President. Clutching your pearls a bit too tightly? Unless you are going to post misinformation and disinformation, they won't give you a second thought.
As for the rest of your rant...other way around snowflake. November could see the minimalization of the Republican party for a few election cycles.....all mostly thanks to You-Know-Who! :)
There's a conservative (just about alt-right) social media platform alternative out there. Go join that one if you don't like the other two.
Pay attention kids,, you have no free speech with democrats.. if you read this vote republican
Facebook is another example of a company that hired Democrats to run it. The democrats sacrifice the company and the investment dollars in it to score political points. Facebook would be way better off today if they didn't get political and kept the original standards.
Oh, Pulleze, it's already been shown you have to be pretty damned bad to have Facebook bounce your page. Even killing a person may not do it. But killing two and wounding a third is the charm. So don't give me that lilly white innocent carp routine. You had to be pretty bad and being a Black Republican is the least of your worries.
Hodgetwins killed two people? Well I'll be!
What are being removed is proveable liars and their lies.

Comrade, isn't anything that deviates or contradicts the party or your president Xi considered a "lie," by you?

If you're going to tweet political disinformation and proveable propaganda on your Twitter feed, you're not going to have a Twitter feed. Everyone is allowed a different opinion, but you're not allowed to promulgate "alternative facts", which in the real world, are called "lies".

Republicans can't run on a platform of "We're going to cut taxes and crash the economy - again", so they make shit up. Although this year, they didn't even bother with a platform, so no promises made, no promises to keep.

When you can't run on your record, and you don't have any plans for the country, or at least none of them that would earn you votes if you published them, and you go whole hog for disease, debt and death, and then try to gaslight the American people into believing that none of this mess is YOUR fault, and the other guy will make things worse, you're on fairly shaky ground to begin with.

If you tweet anything supporting Donald Trump or opposing the Harris/Biden election you won't have a Twitter account.

As said before, what Twitter and Fascistbook are doing is no different than landlords evicting tenants for having Trump bumper stickers on their cars.

I get that you CCP democrats see a MASSIVE loss coming your way like a freight train - but this OPEN corruption of the election process by tech giants MUST STOP.

Jack Dorsey and Mark Zuckerburg should both face CRIMINAL charges for tampering with the election - which is what they are doing.


Yeah whatever. I can scan Twitter and Facebook for about a million or so posts that support Trump for President. Clutching your pearls a bit too tightly? Unless you are going to post misinformation and disinformation, they won't give you a second thought.
As for the rest of your rant...other way around snowflake. November could see the minimalization of the Republican party for a few election cycles.....all mostly thanks to You-Know-Who! :)
There's a conservative (just about alt-right) social media platform alternative out there. Go join that one if you don't like the other two.
Pay attention kids,, you have no free speech with democrats.. if you read this vote republican

Again snowflake, I literally get dozens of posts forwarded to me a day with people supporting Trump. No free speech with Democrats is a lie!..but, what am I expecting from Trump supporters. It's desperation time right now.
What are being removed is proveable liars and their lies.

Comrade, isn't anything that deviates or contradicts the party or your president Xi considered a "lie," by you?

If you're going to tweet political disinformation and proveable propaganda on your Twitter feed, you're not going to have a Twitter feed. Everyone is allowed a different opinion, but you're not allowed to promulgate "alternative facts", which in the real world, are called "lies".

Republicans can't run on a platform of "We're going to cut taxes and crash the economy - again", so they make shit up. Although this year, they didn't even bother with a platform, so no promises made, no promises to keep.

When you can't run on your record, and you don't have any plans for the country, or at least none of them that would earn you votes if you published them, and you go whole hog for disease, debt and death, and then try to gaslight the American people into believing that none of this mess is YOUR fault, and the other guy will make things worse, you're on fairly shaky ground to begin with.

If you tweet anything supporting Donald Trump or opposing the Harris/Biden election you won't have a Twitter account.

As said before, what Twitter and Fascistbook are doing is no different than landlords evicting tenants for having Trump bumper stickers on their cars.

I get that you CCP democrats see a MASSIVE loss coming your way like a freight train - but this OPEN corruption of the election process by tech giants MUST STOP.

Jack Dorsey and Mark Zuckerburg should both face CRIMINAL charges for tampering with the election - which is what they are doing.


Yeah whatever. I can scan Twitter and Facebook for about a million or so posts that support Trump for President. Clutching your pearls a bit too tightly? Unless you are going to post misinformation and disinformation, they won't give you a second thought.
As for the rest of your rant...other way around snowflake. November could see the minimalization of the Republican party for a few election cycles.....all mostly thanks to You-Know-Who! :)
There's a conservative (just about alt-right) social media platform alternative out there. Go join that one if you don't like the other two.
Pay attention kids,, you have no free speech with democrats.. if you read this vote republican

Again snowflake, I literally get dozens of posts forwarded to me a day with people supporting Trump. No free speech with Democrats is a lie!..but, what am I expecting from Trump supporters. It's desperation time right now.
Thousands of people on FB have lost their accounts for posting pro Trump material. Pretending like you aren't a bunch of fascists is standard operating procedure for TDS morons.
What are being removed is proveable liars and their lies.

Comrade, isn't anything that deviates or contradicts the party or your president Xi considered a "lie," by you?

If you're going to tweet political disinformation and proveable propaganda on your Twitter feed, you're not going to have a Twitter feed. Everyone is allowed a different opinion, but you're not allowed to promulgate "alternative facts", which in the real world, are called "lies".

Republicans can't run on a platform of "We're going to cut taxes and crash the economy - again", so they make shit up. Although this year, they didn't even bother with a platform, so no promises made, no promises to keep.

When you can't run on your record, and you don't have any plans for the country, or at least none of them that would earn you votes if you published them, and you go whole hog for disease, debt and death, and then try to gaslight the American people into believing that none of this mess is YOUR fault, and the other guy will make things worse, you're on fairly shaky ground to begin with.

If you tweet anything supporting Donald Trump or opposing the Harris/Biden election you won't have a Twitter account.

As said before, what Twitter and Fascistbook are doing is no different than landlords evicting tenants for having Trump bumper stickers on their cars.

I get that you CCP democrats see a MASSIVE loss coming your way like a freight train - but this OPEN corruption of the election process by tech giants MUST STOP.

Jack Dorsey and Mark Zuckerburg should both face CRIMINAL charges for tampering with the election - which is what they are doing.


Yeah whatever. I can scan Twitter and Facebook for about a million or so posts that support Trump for President. Clutching your pearls a bit too tightly? Unless you are going to post misinformation and disinformation, they won't give you a second thought.
As for the rest of your rant...other way around snowflake. November could see the minimalization of the Republican party for a few election cycles.....all mostly thanks to You-Know-Who! :)
There's a conservative (just about alt-right) social media platform alternative out there. Go join that one if you don't like the other two.

Well, if an unbiased source like you says so, Comrade traitor.


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