Censorship! hodgetwins face book page set for removal, 6 million followers in election season

Of course, we haven't stated that we want to militarily overthrow the Government, kill politicians, rob banks, molest others and start a violent cult
I will pay you 1000.00 if you can find a post by those two black men saying any of that shit.

When you're done searching their history and failing to provide said evidence maybe you will consider not being a dumb bitch talking out of your backside.

Typical hack, set up your own dominoes then knock them down and proclaim victory.
Me and a couple of others get into some pretty heated discussions and none of are that kind in our views. Facebook hasn't bothered any of us. Of course, we haven't stated that we want to militarily overthrow the Government, kill politicians, rob banks, molest others and start a violent cult. And we are all Vets in one form or another. So don't give me this s song and dance act. I am vicious with my outspoken views against Rump and they are equally strong in his defense. No holds barred. Why do we put up with each other? We've know each other for at least 60 years. And that is more important than what idiot is in the White House.

You're a Communist. Fascistbook doesn't censor Communists. If you posted anything pro-America or Gaia forbid, Pro-Trump you would be instantly banned and all content deleted.

You're Xi's Bitch - so what you post is what Fascistbook want's,.
Ya know....The Right Wing has known about this censorship by Facebook and Twitter for what.....5 years now?
And they STILL suck up both?

I say they got exactly what they deserved.
Facebook and Twitter will cut out EVERY Trump support site between now and the election.
Too stupid to go elsewhere? Tough shit.
If it costs Trump the election the Right only has itself to blame.

I've been warning the Right about it for at least 3 years. Did anyone listen? Nope.

Is there a good reason the right cannot create platforms like Twitter and Facebook?

Ironically, people on the Right wail and moan about how unfair Facebook and Google are....then continue using and supporting them. The Right hasn't even made an attempt to launch a Facebook alternative of their own, probably because it is well known right Wingers would choose to continue patronizing Facebook and Google even if viable sites without bias were created. You tell me....who is worse.....Radical Leftists or complaisant Right wingers?
Censorship! hodgetwins face book page set for removal,

Personally, I do not believe face book should be censored.

face book
represents free speech that should be allowed to continue.

One of America’s greatest protections for its citizens is the guarantee of free speech.

I understand that if a user is inciting violence, face book exercises their right to censor that user and I believe this is as it should be. But there is another side of this coin.

face book is on open forum. Just remember, not only can users see what is being published, so can the FBI, CIA, NSA & CDC as well.

I am sure the FBI and other agencies have multiple teams watching, 24/7., They may even be participating in a clandestine way.

In short, I think the public should get off of face book's, back.

PS: I would rather those hateful people spouting their garbage on face book

Than on a sidewalk in front of a courthouse or whatever.

How about you?

Maybe I think I will start a new forum using this?
Censorship! hodgetwins face book page set for removal,

Personally, I do not believe face book should be censored.

face book
represents free speech that should be allowed to continue.

One of America’s greatest protections for its citizens is the guarantee of free speech.

I understand that if a user is inciting violence, face book exercises their right to censor that user and I believe this is as it should be. But there is another side of this coin.

face book is on open forum. Just remember, not only can users see what is being published, so can the FBI, CIA, NSA & CDC as well.

I am sure the FBI and other agencies have multiple teams watching, 24/7., They may even be participating in a clandestine way.

In short, I think the public should get off of face book's, back.

PS: I would rather those hateful people spouting their garbage on face book

Than on a sidewalk in front of a courthouse or whatever.

How about you?

Maybe I think I will start a new forum using this?
The first amendment was not to protect free speech that is nice and rosy. It was to allow people to have dialogue and the recipients to decide if the language is good or bad. I guess they dont teach that in public education anymore?

The first amendment was not to protect free speech that is nice and rosy. It was to allow people to have dialogue and the recipients to decide if the language is good or bad. I guess they dont teach that in public education anymore?

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It is a little complicated, so it is not that odd people are confused.

First of all, the Bill of Rights is normally look at as restrictions on the federal government, and not guarantees on individual rights.
That should be pretty obvious because there were states with established state religions, like Pennsylvania, and Connecticut, and because there was slavery, women could not vote, you had own land to be able to vote, etc.

But that does not mean individual rights are not protected now, but it is from the 14th amendment, not the Bill of Rights.

And even lots of lawyers get this totally screwed up. They read the 1965 Civil Rights Act with a half dozen specifically listed groups that were historically discriminated against, and assume then only these listed groups are protected. That is ridiculous because the whole point of the 14th amendment is Equal Protection. You CAN'T just protect a half dozens listed groups. That would be totally unequal protection under the law. Obvious ALL discrimination is illegal, and that include censorship of political expression, by anyone, a government, company, private individual, etc.
Facebook is a private entity. The First Amendment does not apply
Then let's cut them off the publicly funded internet backbone - Leech.

In fact they are a democrat supported and protected Monopoly - an adjunct of the federal government. They are about as "private" as Messerschmitt was under Hitler.
also, let's eliminate their legal protections from lawsuits.
Then let's cut them off the publicly funded internet backbone - Leech.

In fact they are a democrat supported and protected Monopoly - an adjunct of the federal government. They are about as "private" as Messerschmitt was under Hitler.
I laugh myself silly watching all these communists proclaim their love of private enterprise.

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