Censorship! hodgetwins face book page set for removal, 6 million followers in election season

Democrats can’t have black republicans speaking off the plantation.. sad

If they violated the rules then they should face the consequences.

Facebook has been very slow to do anything about violators of their rules. They only do something about such violations when they have no other choice.

I don't know who these people are but if Facebook is censoring them then the owners of that page must have been violating the rules for a long time and flagrantly.

Here's a suggestion. Do what I do. Don't have a Facebook page and don't use the site.

Problem solved.

They keep making up new rules, and what makes you think their rules are fair? You can show some jihadist beheading a christian, but you can't tell the truth about BLM.

Who cares? You don’t own Facebook so you don’t have a say. Don’t like it? Too bad. Want to do something about it? Make your own network. Don’t want to do that? Then don’t be a commie and force someone else to use their network how you see fit.

Facebook is a government protected monopoly. That gives me a say. Don't believe it? Check with the DOJ.

It’s not a government protected monopoly. The DoJ said you’re full of shit.

It certainly is a government protected monopoly. The DOJ is getting ready to prosecute Google and Facebook for antitrust violations.

It’s not a government protected monopoly. You’re just a greedy little commie who wants to force others to do your will by using government threats.


Yes it is, moron. The government protects it from being sued.

That doesn’t make them a government protected monopoly idiot. The rules apply equally.

ROFL! They sure as hell don't, jackass.

Of course they do. You could make your own little private social media network and the same protection would apply to you.

Now, why don’t you go do that rather than being a greedy little commie and trying to force others to do it for you.

You mean the law protecting them against lawsuits? I'm talking about Facebook's censorship rules, which it mostly wipes its ass on. Yes, I could create another protected monopoly, and that would give government the right to regulate me.

But they don’t have a government protected monopoly. You could start your website and take over their market share if you want. Government isn’t going to stop you. You’re protected by the same laws.

But that’s too much work so a lazy commie like you just is going to make other people do it for you.

They do have a government protected monopoly.

Nope. The law you reference applies to everyone on the internet and doesn’t provide anyone a monopoly.

No government protected monopoly.

#1) They have a monopoly according to the SEC definition
#2) They are protected from lawsuits by the government.

Everyone website on the internet is protected from lawsuits dumbass.

it's the website itself that the government protects from lawsuits, moron.

The government protects all websites on the internet from lawsuits.

That’s what’s called a level playing field, dumbass.

No it doesn't, turd. Websites get sued all the time. The Washington Post just recently lost a lawsuit partly for stuff it posted on its website.

And Facebook can be sued for stuff it posts on its website. They can’t be sued for stuff users post and neither can the Washington Post.

Same exact protection.

Who do you think you're fooling with this crap?

Where am I wrong?

The law is clear. Content posted by users is not subject to lawsuit. Content posted by the internet company themselves is.

Not my fault you’re clueless about what we are talking about.

We've argued these points 100 times already. We're done.
Look kids! If you disagree with democrats they will shut you down.. isn’t the future bright?
No one is shutting you down. They’re just not willing to facilitate your nonsense.

So what? You and your commie friends going to force others to do your bidding against their will?
See kids if they disagree with uou they will disparage you and treat you like a second-class citizen shut down your speech cancel you see you just die off.. Isnt the future bright if you vote Democrat?
So what gives you the right to force others to spread your message?

Nothing, that’s what.

No one is silencing you by refusing to assist you.
Who’s forcing you to listen?

No one. But what relevance does that have?
Don’t listen to then move on..
Listen to what?
View attachment 381774You know black ppl supporting trump
Where would I find that message you’re referring to?
On his head lol .. haha

he can ppl make the decision not to listen and to research? Make a decision on their own?

If he wants to walk around with a message on his head, go for it.

What does this thread have to do with it?
Face book is canceling to blacks with 6 million followers
If Facebook doesn’t want them on their website, that’s their right.
not when the government protects them from law suits.
False. Facebook can boot anyone from their website they want. Lots of commies like yourself have sued and they’ve always lost.
Saying that 10,000 times won't make it true.

Fascinating. Show me one lawsuit against Facebook that was successful?
I already told you that the government protects Facebook against lawsuits.
Right. Because the government protects the property rights of companies and therefore you can’t force Facebook to publish your content.

Sorry commie.
Quit pretending that you know what you're talking about. You're a total fucking imbecile.
I know exactly what I’m talking about. You’re a lazy little commie who wants to force people to do your bidding.
Like I said, you're a total fucking imbecile.
The only free speech allowed is speech approved by the left and in alignment with the left's world view.

Democrats can’t have black republicans speaking off the plantation.. sad

If they violated the rules then they should face the consequences.

Facebook has been very slow to do anything about violators of their rules. They only do something about such violations when they have no other choice.

I don't know who these people are but if Facebook is censoring them then the owners of that page must have been violating the rules for a long time and flagrantly.

Here's a suggestion. Do what I do. Don't have a Facebook page and don't use the site.

Problem solved.

They keep making up new rules, and what makes you think their rules are fair? You can show some jihadist beheading a christian, but you can't tell the truth about BLM.

Who cares? You don’t own Facebook so you don’t have a say. Don’t like it? Too bad. Want to do something about it? Make your own network. Don’t want to do that? Then don’t be a commie and force someone else to use their network how you see fit.

Facebook is a government protected monopoly. That gives me a say. Don't believe it? Check with the DOJ.

It’s not a government protected monopoly. The DoJ said you’re full of shit.

It certainly is a government protected monopoly. The DOJ is getting ready to prosecute Google and Facebook for antitrust violations.

It’s not a government protected monopoly. You’re just a greedy little commie who wants to force others to do your will by using government threats.


Yes it is, moron. The government protects it from being sued.

That doesn’t make them a government protected monopoly idiot. The rules apply equally.

ROFL! They sure as hell don't, jackass.

Of course they do. You could make your own little private social media network and the same protection would apply to you.

Now, why don’t you go do that rather than being a greedy little commie and trying to force others to do it for you.

You mean the law protecting them against lawsuits? I'm talking about Facebook's censorship rules, which it mostly wipes its ass on. Yes, I could create another protected monopoly, and that would give government the right to regulate me.

But they don’t have a government protected monopoly. You could start your website and take over their market share if you want. Government isn’t going to stop you. You’re protected by the same laws.

But that’s too much work so a lazy commie like you just is going to make other people do it for you.

They do have a government protected monopoly.

Nope. The law you reference applies to everyone on the internet and doesn’t provide anyone a monopoly.

No government protected monopoly.

#1) They have a monopoly according to the SEC definition
#2) They are protected from lawsuits by the government.

Everyone website on the internet is protected from lawsuits dumbass.

it's the website itself that the government protects from lawsuits, moron.

The government protects all websites on the internet from lawsuits.

That’s what’s called a level playing field, dumbass.

No it doesn't, turd. Websites get sued all the time. The Washington Post just recently lost a lawsuit partly for stuff it posted on its website.

And Facebook can be sued for stuff it posts on its website. They can’t be sued for stuff users post and neither can the Washington Post.

Same exact protection.

Who do you think you're fooling with this crap?

Where am I wrong?

The law is clear. Content posted by users is not subject to lawsuit. Content posted by the internet company themselves is.

Not my fault you’re clueless about what we are talking about.

We've argued these points 100 times already. We're done.

Not my fault you can’t read simple language.
Look kids! If you disagree with democrats they will shut you down.. isn’t the future bright?
No one is shutting you down. They’re just not willing to facilitate your nonsense.

So what? You and your commie friends going to force others to do your bidding against their will?
See kids if they disagree with uou they will disparage you and treat you like a second-class citizen shut down your speech cancel you see you just die off.. Isnt the future bright if you vote Democrat?
So what gives you the right to force others to spread your message?

Nothing, that’s what.

No one is silencing you by refusing to assist you.
Who’s forcing you to listen?

No one. But what relevance does that have?
Don’t listen to then move on..
Listen to what?
View attachment 381774You know black ppl supporting trump
Where would I find that message you’re referring to?
On his head lol .. haha

he can ppl make the decision not to listen and to research? Make a decision on their own?

If he wants to walk around with a message on his head, go for it.

What does this thread have to do with it?
Blacks that support Trump are being censored.. can you read lol
Look kids! If you disagree with democrats they will shut you down.. isn’t the future bright?
No one is shutting you down. They’re just not willing to facilitate your nonsense.

So what? You and your commie friends going to force others to do your bidding against their will?
See kids if they disagree with uou they will disparage you and treat you like a second-class citizen shut down your speech cancel you see you just die off.. Isnt the future bright if you vote Democrat?
So what gives you the right to force others to spread your message?

Nothing, that’s what.

No one is silencing you by refusing to assist you.
Who’s forcing you to listen?

No one. But what relevance does that have?
Don’t listen to then move on..
Listen to what?
View attachment 381774You know black ppl supporting trump
Where would I find that message you’re referring to?
On his head lol .. haha

he can ppl make the decision not to listen and to research? Make a decision on their own?

If he wants to walk around with a message on his head, go for it.

What does this thread have to do with it?
Face book is canceling to blacks with 6 million followers
If Facebook doesn’t want them on their website, that’s their right.
We are discussing why.. pay attention
Look kids! If you disagree with democrats they will shut you down.. isn’t the future bright?
No one is shutting you down. They’re just not willing to facilitate your nonsense.

So what? You and your commie friends going to force others to do your bidding against their will?
See kids if they disagree with uou they will disparage you and treat you like a second-class citizen shut down your speech cancel you see you just die off.. Isnt the future bright if you vote Democrat?
So what gives you the right to force others to spread your message?

Nothing, that’s what.

No one is silencing you by refusing to assist you.
Who’s forcing you to listen?

No one. But what relevance does that have?
Don’t listen to then move on..
Listen to what?
View attachment 381774You know black ppl supporting trump
Where would I find that message you’re referring to?
On his head lol .. haha

he can ppl make the decision not to listen and to research? Make a decision on their own?

If he wants to walk around with a message on his head, go for it.

What does this thread have to do with it?
Blacks that support Trump are being censored.. can you read lol
It’s a free country. Facebook gets to decide what they do with their website. You don’t.
Look kids! If you disagree with democrats they will shut you down.. isn’t the future bright?
No one is shutting you down. They’re just not willing to facilitate your nonsense.

So what? You and your commie friends going to force others to do your bidding against their will?
See kids if they disagree with uou they will disparage you and treat you like a second-class citizen shut down your speech cancel you see you just die off.. Isnt the future bright if you vote Democrat?
So what gives you the right to force others to spread your message?

Nothing, that’s what.

No one is silencing you by refusing to assist you.
Who’s forcing you to listen?

No one. But what relevance does that have?
Don’t listen to then move on..
Listen to what?
View attachment 381774You know black ppl supporting trump
Where would I find that message you’re referring to?
On his head lol .. haha

he can ppl make the decision not to listen and to research? Make a decision on their own?

If he wants to walk around with a message on his head, go for it.

What does this thread have to do with it?
Face book is canceling to blacks with 6 million followers
If Facebook doesn’t want them on their website, that’s their right.
not when the government protects them from law suits.
False. Facebook can boot anyone from their website they want. Lots of commies like yourself have sued and they’ve always lost.
But why shut them down? They are just adding to the dialogue.. what hurt your feelings?
Look kids! If you disagree with democrats they will shut you down.. isn’t the future bright?
No one is shutting you down. They’re just not willing to facilitate your nonsense.

So what? You and your commie friends going to force others to do your bidding against their will?
See kids if they disagree with uou they will disparage you and treat you like a second-class citizen shut down your speech cancel you see you just die off.. Isnt the future bright if you vote Democrat?
So what gives you the right to force others to spread your message?

Nothing, that’s what.

No one is silencing you by refusing to assist you.
Who’s forcing you to listen?

No one. But what relevance does that have?
Don’t listen to then move on..
Listen to what?
View attachment 381774You know black ppl supporting trump
Where would I find that message you’re referring to?
On his head lol .. haha

he can ppl make the decision not to listen and to research? Make a decision on their own?

If he wants to walk around with a message on his head, go for it.

What does this thread have to do with it?
Face book is canceling to blacks with 6 million followers
If Facebook doesn’t want them on their website, that’s their right.
not when the government protects them from law suits.
False. Facebook can boot anyone from their website they want. Lots of commies like yourself have sued and they’ve always lost.
But why shut them down? They are just adding to the dialogue.. what hurt your feelings?
I didn’t shut anyone down. Facebook did. Their server, their decision. Doesn’t matter why.

Democrats can’t have black republicans speaking off the plantation.. sad

If they violated the rules then they should face the consequences.

Facebook has been very slow to do anything about violators of their rules. They only do something about such violations when they have no other choice.

I don't know who these people are but if Facebook is censoring them then the owners of that page must have been violating the rules for a long time and flagrantly.

Here's a suggestion. Do what I do. Don't have a Facebook page and don't use the site.

Problem solved.

They keep making up new rules, and what makes you think their rules are fair? You can show some jihadist beheading a christian, but you can't tell the truth about BLM.

Who cares? You don’t own Facebook so you don’t have a say. Don’t like it? Too bad. Want to do something about it? Make your own network. Don’t want to do that? Then don’t be a commie and force someone else to use their network how you see fit.

Facebook is a government protected monopoly. That gives me a say. Don't believe it? Check with the DOJ.

It’s not a government protected monopoly. The DoJ said you’re full of shit.

It certainly is a government protected monopoly. The DOJ is getting ready to prosecute Google and Facebook for antitrust violations.

It’s not a government protected monopoly. You’re just a greedy little commie who wants to force others to do your will by using government threats.


Yes it is, moron. The government protects it from being sued.

That doesn’t make them a government protected monopoly idiot. The rules apply equally.

ROFL! They sure as hell don't, jackass.

Of course they do. You could make your own little private social media network and the same protection would apply to you.

Now, why don’t you go do that rather than being a greedy little commie and trying to force others to do it for you.

You mean the law protecting them against lawsuits? I'm talking about Facebook's censorship rules, which it mostly wipes its ass on. Yes, I could create another protected monopoly, and that would give government the right to regulate me.

But they don’t have a government protected monopoly. You could start your website and take over their market share if you want. Government isn’t going to stop you. You’re protected by the same laws.

But that’s too much work so a lazy commie like you just is going to make other people do it for you.

They do have a government protected monopoly.

Nope. The law you reference applies to everyone on the internet and doesn’t provide anyone a monopoly.

No government protected monopoly.

#1) They have a monopoly according to the SEC definition
#2) They are protected from lawsuits by the government.

Everyone website on the internet is protected from lawsuits dumbass.

it's the website itself that the government protects from lawsuits, moron.

The government protects all websites on the internet from lawsuits.

That’s what’s called a level playing field, dumbass.

No it doesn't, turd. Websites get sued all the time. The Washington Post just recently lost a lawsuit partly for stuff it posted on its website.

And Facebook can be sued for stuff it posts on its website. They can’t be sued for stuff users post and neither can the Washington Post.

Same exact protection.

Who do you think you're fooling with this crap?

Where am I wrong?

The law is clear. Content posted by users is not subject to lawsuit. Content posted by the internet company themselves is.

Not my fault you’re clueless about what we are talking about.

We've argued these points 100 times already. We're done.

Not my fault you can’t read simple language.

I know when I'm reading bullshit and nonsense.

Democrats can’t have black republicans speaking off the plantation.. sad

If they violated the rules then they should face the consequences.

Facebook has been very slow to do anything about violators of their rules. They only do something about such violations when they have no other choice.

I don't know who these people are but if Facebook is censoring them then the owners of that page must have been violating the rules for a long time and flagrantly.

Here's a suggestion. Do what I do. Don't have a Facebook page and don't use the site.

Problem solved.

They keep making up new rules, and what makes you think their rules are fair? You can show some jihadist beheading a christian, but you can't tell the truth about BLM.

Who cares? You don’t own Facebook so you don’t have a say. Don’t like it? Too bad. Want to do something about it? Make your own network. Don’t want to do that? Then don’t be a commie and force someone else to use their network how you see fit.

Facebook is a government protected monopoly. That gives me a say. Don't believe it? Check with the DOJ.

It’s not a government protected monopoly. The DoJ said you’re full of shit.

It certainly is a government protected monopoly. The DOJ is getting ready to prosecute Google and Facebook for antitrust violations.

It’s not a government protected monopoly. You’re just a greedy little commie who wants to force others to do your will by using government threats.


Yes it is, moron. The government protects it from being sued.

That doesn’t make them a government protected monopoly idiot. The rules apply equally.

ROFL! They sure as hell don't, jackass.

Of course they do. You could make your own little private social media network and the same protection would apply to you.

Now, why don’t you go do that rather than being a greedy little commie and trying to force others to do it for you.

You mean the law protecting them against lawsuits? I'm talking about Facebook's censorship rules, which it mostly wipes its ass on. Yes, I could create another protected monopoly, and that would give government the right to regulate me.

But they don’t have a government protected monopoly. You could start your website and take over their market share if you want. Government isn’t going to stop you. You’re protected by the same laws.

But that’s too much work so a lazy commie like you just is going to make other people do it for you.

They do have a government protected monopoly.

Nope. The law you reference applies to everyone on the internet and doesn’t provide anyone a monopoly.

No government protected monopoly.

#1) They have a monopoly according to the SEC definition
#2) They are protected from lawsuits by the government.

Everyone website on the internet is protected from lawsuits dumbass.

it's the website itself that the government protects from lawsuits, moron.

The government protects all websites on the internet from lawsuits.

That’s what’s called a level playing field, dumbass.

No it doesn't, turd. Websites get sued all the time. The Washington Post just recently lost a lawsuit partly for stuff it posted on its website.

And Facebook can be sued for stuff it posts on its website. They can’t be sued for stuff users post and neither can the Washington Post.

Same exact protection.

Who do you think you're fooling with this crap?

Where am I wrong?

The law is clear. Content posted by users is not subject to lawsuit. Content posted by the internet company themselves is.

Not my fault you’re clueless about what we are talking about.

We've argued these points 100 times already. We're done.

Not my fault you can’t read simple language.

I know when I'm reading bullshit and nonsense.

Yeah? How do you know that?
Look kids! If you disagree with democrats they will shut you down.. isn’t the future bright?
No one is shutting you down. They’re just not willing to facilitate your nonsense.

So what? You and your commie friends going to force others to do your bidding against their will?
See kids if they disagree with uou they will disparage you and treat you like a second-class citizen shut down your speech cancel you see you just die off.. Isnt the future bright if you vote Democrat?
So what gives you the right to force others to spread your message?

Nothing, that’s what.

No one is silencing you by refusing to assist you.
Who’s forcing you to listen?

No one. But what relevance does that have?
Don’t listen to then move on..
Listen to what?
View attachment 381774You know black ppl supporting trump
Where would I find that message you’re referring to?
On his head lol .. haha

he can ppl make the decision not to listen and to research? Make a decision on their own?

If he wants to walk around with a message on his head, go for it.

What does this thread have to do with it?
Blacks that support Trump are being censored.. can you read lol
It’s a free country. Facebook gets to decide what they do with their website. You don’t.
Well is it calculating how much they’re giving to the DNC campaign finance laws?
Look kids! If you disagree with democrats they will shut you down.. isn’t the future bright?
No one is shutting you down. They’re just not willing to facilitate your nonsense.

So what? You and your commie friends going to force others to do your bidding against their will?
See kids if they disagree with uou they will disparage you and treat you like a second-class citizen shut down your speech cancel you see you just die off.. Isnt the future bright if you vote Democrat?
So what gives you the right to force others to spread your message?

Nothing, that’s what.

No one is silencing you by refusing to assist you.
Who’s forcing you to listen?

No one. But what relevance does that have?
Don’t listen to then move on..
Listen to what?
View attachment 381774You know black ppl supporting trump
Where would I find that message you’re referring to?
On his head lol .. haha

he can ppl make the decision not to listen and to research? Make a decision on their own?

If he wants to walk around with a message on his head, go for it.

What does this thread have to do with it?
Face book is canceling to blacks with 6 million followers
If Facebook doesn’t want them on their website, that’s their right.
not when the government protects them from law suits.
False. Facebook can boot anyone from their website they want. Lots of commies like yourself have sued and they’ve always lost.
But why shut them down? They are just adding to the dialogue.. what hurt your feelings?
I didn’t shut anyone down. Facebook did. Their server, their decision. Doesn’t matter why.
Well you are in the same train. But hurt trumps team is kicking ass. But again why not let these talk if republicans are so bad for America.. I mean you should want them to talk.. no? Hehe
Look kids! If you disagree with democrats they will shut you down.. isn’t the future bright?
No one is shutting you down. They’re just not willing to facilitate your nonsense.

So what? You and your commie friends going to force others to do your bidding against their will?
See kids if they disagree with uou they will disparage you and treat you like a second-class citizen shut down your speech cancel you see you just die off.. Isnt the future bright if you vote Democrat?
So what gives you the right to force others to spread your message?

Nothing, that’s what.

No one is silencing you by refusing to assist you.
Who’s forcing you to listen?

No one. But what relevance does that have?
Don’t listen to then move on..
Listen to what?
View attachment 381774You know black ppl supporting trump
Where would I find that message you’re referring to?
On his head lol .. haha

he can ppl make the decision not to listen and to research? Make a decision on their own?

If he wants to walk around with a message on his head, go for it.

What does this thread have to do with it?
Blacks that support Trump are being censored.. can you read lol
It’s a free country. Facebook gets to decide what they do with their website. You don’t.
Well is it calculating how much they’re giving to the DNC campaign finance laws?
One more time, in English maybe?
Look kids! If you disagree with democrats they will shut you down.. isn’t the future bright?
No one is shutting you down. They’re just not willing to facilitate your nonsense.

So what? You and your commie friends going to force others to do your bidding against their will?
See kids if they disagree with uou they will disparage you and treat you like a second-class citizen shut down your speech cancel you see you just die off.. Isnt the future bright if you vote Democrat?
So what gives you the right to force others to spread your message?

Nothing, that’s what.

No one is silencing you by refusing to assist you.
Who’s forcing you to listen?

No one. But what relevance does that have?
Don’t listen to then move on..
Listen to what?
View attachment 381774You know black ppl supporting trump
Where would I find that message you’re referring to?
On his head lol .. haha

he can ppl make the decision not to listen and to research? Make a decision on their own?

If he wants to walk around with a message on his head, go for it.

What does this thread have to do with it?
Face book is canceling to blacks with 6 million followers
If Facebook doesn’t want them on their website, that’s their right.
not when the government protects them from law suits.
False. Facebook can boot anyone from their website they want. Lots of commies like yourself have sued and they’ve always lost.
But why shut them down? They are just adding to the dialogue.. what hurt your feelings?
I didn’t shut anyone down. Facebook did. Their server, their decision. Doesn’t matter why.
Well you are in the same train. But hurt trumps team is kicking ass. But again why not let these talk if republicans are so bad for America.. I mean you should want them to talk.. no? Hehe
What train am I in?
A lot of Republicans don’t want to talk to others. They’re scared of having their fragile world view upset.
Look kids! If you disagree with democrats they will shut you down.. isn’t the future bright?
No one is shutting you down. They’re just not willing to facilitate your nonsense.

So what? You and your commie friends going to force others to do your bidding against their will?
See kids if they disagree with uou they will disparage you and treat you like a second-class citizen shut down your speech cancel you see you just die off.. Isnt the future bright if you vote Democrat?
So what gives you the right to force others to spread your message?

Nothing, that’s what.

No one is silencing you by refusing to assist you.
Who’s forcing you to listen?

No one. But what relevance does that have?
Don’t listen to then move on..
Listen to what?
View attachment 381774You know black ppl supporting trump
Where would I find that message you’re referring to?
On his head lol .. haha

he can ppl make the decision not to listen and to research? Make a decision on their own?

If he wants to walk around with a message on his head, go for it.

What does this thread have to do with it?
Blacks that support Trump are being censored.. can you read lol
It’s a free country. Facebook gets to decide what they do with their website. You don’t.
Well is it calculating how much they’re giving to the DNC campaign finance laws?
One more time, in English maybe?
Campaign finance,, if your Actively putting money towards shutting down speech and promoting another one you have to report that
Look kids! If you disagree with democrats they will shut you down.. isn’t the future bright?
No one is shutting you down. They’re just not willing to facilitate your nonsense.

So what? You and your commie friends going to force others to do your bidding against their will?
See kids if they disagree with uou they will disparage you and treat you like a second-class citizen shut down your speech cancel you see you just die off.. Isnt the future bright if you vote Democrat?
So what gives you the right to force others to spread your message?

Nothing, that’s what.

No one is silencing you by refusing to assist you.
Who’s forcing you to listen?

No one. But what relevance does that have?
Don’t listen to then move on..
Listen to what?
View attachment 381774You know black ppl supporting trump
Where would I find that message you’re referring to?
On his head lol .. haha

he can ppl make the decision not to listen and to research? Make a decision on their own?

If he wants to walk around with a message on his head, go for it.

What does this thread have to do with it?
Face book is canceling to blacks with 6 million followers
If Facebook doesn’t want them on their website, that’s their right.
not when the government protects them from law suits.
False. Facebook can boot anyone from their website they want. Lots of commies like yourself have sued and they’ve always lost.
But why shut them down? They are just adding to the dialogue.. what hurt your feelings?
I didn’t shut anyone down. Facebook did. Their server, their decision. Doesn’t matter why.
Well you are in the same train. But hurt trumps team is kicking ass. But again why not let these talk if republicans are so bad for America.. I mean you should want them to talk.. no? Hehe
What train am I in?
A lot of Republicans don’t want to talk to others. They’re scared of having their fragile world view upset.
Unfortunately we don’t shit done speech hehe
The only free speech allowed is speech approved by the left and in alignment with the left's world view.
You are perfectly free to speak but you cannot demand others help you do so.

Please, the left run around trying to silence anyone who doesn't share their world view and you know it. Now we are annoyed by them, the left got uppity so we are out to destroy them once and for all.

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