Censorship! hodgetwins face book page set for removal, 6 million followers in election season

Look kids! If you disagree with democrats they will shut you down.. isn’t the future bright?
No one is shutting you down. They’re just not willing to facilitate your nonsense.

So what? You and your commie friends going to force others to do your bidding against their will?
See kids if they disagree with uou they will disparage you and treat you like a second-class citizen shut down your speech cancel you see you just die off.. Isnt the future bright if you vote Democrat?
So what gives you the right to force others to spread your message?

Nothing, that’s what.

No one is silencing you by refusing to assist you.
Who’s forcing you to listen?

No one. But what relevance does that have?
Don’t listen to then move on..
Listen to what?
View attachment 381774You know black ppl supporting trump
Where would I find that message you’re referring to?
On his head lol .. haha

he can ppl make the decision not to listen and to research? Make a decision on their own?

If he wants to walk around with a message on his head, go for it.

What does this thread have to do with it?
Face book is canceling to blacks with 6 million followers
If Facebook doesn’t want them on their website, that’s their right.
not when the government protects them from law suits.
False. Facebook can boot anyone from their website they want. Lots of commies like yourself have sued and they’ve always lost.
But why shut them down? They are just adding to the dialogue.. what hurt your feelings?
I didn’t shut anyone down. Facebook did. Their server, their decision. Doesn’t matter why.
Well you are in the same train. But hurt trumps team is kicking ass. But again why not let these talk if republicans are so bad for America.. I mean you should want them to talk.. no? Hehe
What train am I in?
A lot of Republicans don’t want to talk to others. They’re scared of having their fragile world view upset.
They're scared of losing their jobs or of getting a beating. Is that something you want to boast about?
Look kids! If you disagree with democrats they will shut you down.. isn’t the future bright?
No one is shutting you down. They’re just not willing to facilitate your nonsense.

So what? You and your commie friends going to force others to do your bidding against their will?
See kids if they disagree with uou they will disparage you and treat you like a second-class citizen shut down your speech cancel you see you just die off.. Isnt the future bright if you vote Democrat?
So what gives you the right to force others to spread your message?

Nothing, that’s what.

No one is silencing you by refusing to assist you.
Who’s forcing you to listen?

No one. But what relevance does that have?
Don’t listen to then move on..
Listen to what?
View attachment 381774You know black ppl supporting trump
Where would I find that message you’re referring to?
On his head lol .. haha

he can ppl make the decision not to listen and to research? Make a decision on their own?

If he wants to walk around with a message on his head, go for it.

What does this thread have to do with it?
Blacks that support Trump are being censored.. can you read lol
It’s a free country. Facebook gets to decide what they do with their website. You don’t.
Well is it calculating how much they’re giving to the DNC campaign finance laws?
One more time, in English maybe?
Campaign finance,, if your Actively putting money towards shutting down speech and promoting another one you have to report that
No, you don’t. Facebook is not a political campaign no more than Fox News is.
Look kids! If you disagree with democrats they will shut you down.. isn’t the future bright?
No one is shutting you down. They’re just not willing to facilitate your nonsense.

So what? You and your commie friends going to force others to do your bidding against their will?
See kids if they disagree with uou they will disparage you and treat you like a second-class citizen shut down your speech cancel you see you just die off.. Isnt the future bright if you vote Democrat?
So what gives you the right to force others to spread your message?

Nothing, that’s what.

No one is silencing you by refusing to assist you.
Who’s forcing you to listen?

No one. But what relevance does that have?
Don’t listen to then move on..
Listen to what?
View attachment 381774You know black ppl supporting trump
Where would I find that message you’re referring to?
On his head lol .. haha

he can ppl make the decision not to listen and to research? Make a decision on their own?

If he wants to walk around with a message on his head, go for it.

What does this thread have to do with it?
Face book is canceling to blacks with 6 million followers
If Facebook doesn’t want them on their website, that’s their right.
not when the government protects them from law suits.
False. Facebook can boot anyone from their website they want. Lots of commies like yourself have sued and they’ve always lost.
But why shut them down? They are just adding to the dialogue.. what hurt your feelings?
I didn’t shut anyone down. Facebook did. Their server, their decision. Doesn’t matter why.
Well you are in the same train. But hurt trumps team is kicking ass. But again why not let these talk if republicans are so bad for America.. I mean you should want them to talk.. no? Hehe
What train am I in?
A lot of Republicans don’t want to talk to others. They’re scared of having their fragile world view upset.
They're scared of losing their jobs or of getting a beating. Is that something you want to boast about?
Some people are scared of monsters under their bed too. Not my fault they’re irrational.
What train am I in?
A lot of Republicans don’t want to talk to others. They’re scared of having their fragile world view upset.
They're scared of losing their jobs or of getting a beating. Is that something you want to boast about?
Some people are scared of monsters under their bed too. Not my fault they’re irrational.
Are you actually trying to tell us that Republicans have no reason to fear BLM or Antifa thugs?
Look kids! If you disagree with democrats they will shut you down.. isn’t the future bright?
No one is shutting you down. They’re just not willing to facilitate your nonsense.

So what? You and your commie friends going to force others to do your bidding against their will?
See kids if they disagree with uou they will disparage you and treat you like a second-class citizen shut down your speech cancel you see you just die off.. Isnt the future bright if you vote Democrat?
So what gives you the right to force others to spread your message?

Nothing, that’s what.

No one is silencing you by refusing to assist you.
Who’s forcing you to listen?

No one. But what relevance does that have?
Don’t listen to then move on..
Listen to what?
View attachment 381774You know black ppl supporting trump
Where would I find that message you’re referring to?
On his head lol .. haha

he can ppl make the decision not to listen and to research? Make a decision on their own?

If he wants to walk around with a message on his head, go for it.

What does this thread have to do with it?
Blacks that support Trump are being censored.. can you read lol
It’s a free country. Facebook gets to decide what they do with their website. You don’t.
Well is it calculating how much they’re giving to the DNC campaign finance laws?
One more time, in English maybe?
Campaign finance,, if your Actively putting money towards shutting down speech and promoting another one you have to report that
No, you don’t. Facebook is not a political campaign no more than Fox News is.
That’s not how it works..one is a publisher one is not.
What train am I in?
A lot of Republicans don’t want to talk to others. They’re scared of having their fragile world view upset.
They're scared of losing their jobs or of getting a beating. Is that something you want to boast about?
Some people are scared of monsters under their bed too. Not my fault they’re irrational.
Are you actually trying to tell us that Republicans have no reason to fear BLM or Antifa thugs?
You can be scared of anything you want. I prefer to worry about things that don’t have a minuscule chance of happening.
Look kids! If you disagree with democrats they will shut you down.. isn’t the future bright?
No one is shutting you down. They’re just not willing to facilitate your nonsense.

So what? You and your commie friends going to force others to do your bidding against their will?
See kids if they disagree with uou they will disparage you and treat you like a second-class citizen shut down your speech cancel you see you just die off.. Isnt the future bright if you vote Democrat?
So what gives you the right to force others to spread your message?

Nothing, that’s what.

No one is silencing you by refusing to assist you.
Who’s forcing you to listen?

No one. But what relevance does that have?
Don’t listen to then move on..
Listen to what?
View attachment 381774You know black ppl supporting trump
Where would I find that message you’re referring to?
On his head lol .. haha

he can ppl make the decision not to listen and to research? Make a decision on their own?

If he wants to walk around with a message on his head, go for it.

What does this thread have to do with it?
Blacks that support Trump are being censored.. can you read lol
It’s a free country. Facebook gets to decide what they do with their website. You don’t.
Well is it calculating how much they’re giving to the DNC campaign finance laws?
One more time, in English maybe?
Campaign finance,, if your Actively putting money towards shutting down speech and promoting another one you have to report that
No, you don’t. Facebook is not a political campaign no more than Fox News is.
That’s not how it works..one is a publisher one is not.
Makes no difference.
Look kids! If you disagree with democrats they will shut you down.. isn’t the future bright?
No one is shutting you down. They’re just not willing to facilitate your nonsense.

So what? You and your commie friends going to force others to do your bidding against their will?
See kids if they disagree with uou they will disparage you and treat you like a second-class citizen shut down your speech cancel you see you just die off.. Isnt the future bright if you vote Democrat?
So what gives you the right to force others to spread your message?

Nothing, that’s what.

No one is silencing you by refusing to assist you.
Who’s forcing you to listen?

No one. But what relevance does that have?
Don’t listen to then move on..
Listen to what?
View attachment 381774You know black ppl supporting trump
Where would I find that message you’re referring to?
On his head lol .. haha

he can ppl make the decision not to listen and to research? Make a decision on their own?

If he wants to walk around with a message on his head, go for it.

What does this thread have to do with it?
Blacks that support Trump are being censored.. can you read lol
It’s a free country. Facebook gets to decide what they do with their website. You don’t.
Well is it calculating how much they’re giving to the DNC campaign finance laws?
One more time, in English maybe?
Campaign finance,, if your Actively putting money towards shutting down speech and promoting another one you have to report that
No, you don’t. Facebook is not a political campaign no more than Fox News is.
That’s not how it works..one is a publisher one is not.
Makes no difference.
Lol of course it does, if face book wants to influence the election for on side they need to pay up.. which eventually they will
Look kids! If you disagree with democrats they will shut you down.. isn’t the future bright?
No one is shutting you down. They’re just not willing to facilitate your nonsense.

So what? You and your commie friends going to force others to do your bidding against their will?
See kids if they disagree with uou they will disparage you and treat you like a second-class citizen shut down your speech cancel you see you just die off.. Isnt the future bright if you vote Democrat?
So what gives you the right to force others to spread your message?

Nothing, that’s what.

No one is silencing you by refusing to assist you.
Who’s forcing you to listen?

No one. But what relevance does that have?
Don’t listen to then move on..
Listen to what?
View attachment 381774You know black ppl supporting trump
Where would I find that message you’re referring to?
On his head lol .. haha

he can ppl make the decision not to listen and to research? Make a decision on their own?

If he wants to walk around with a message on his head, go for it.

What does this thread have to do with it?
Blacks that support Trump are being censored.. can you read lol
It’s a free country. Facebook gets to decide what they do with their website. You don’t.
Well is it calculating how much they’re giving to the DNC campaign finance laws?
One more time, in English maybe?
Campaign finance,, if your Actively putting money towards shutting down speech and promoting another one you have to report that
No, you don’t. Facebook is not a political campaign no more than Fox News is.
That’s not how it works..one is a publisher one is not.
Makes no difference.
Lol of course it does, if face book wants to influence the election for on side they need to pay up.. which eventually they will
And here I thought Americans had a right to engage in political speech.

Guess you commies really don’t want that.
What train am I in?
A lot of Republicans don’t want to talk to others. They’re scared of having their fragile world view upset.
They're scared of losing their jobs or of getting a beating. Is that something you want to boast about?
Some people are scared of monsters under their bed too. Not my fault they’re irrational.
Are you actually trying to tell us that Republicans have no reason to fear BLM or Antifa thugs?
You can be scared of anything you want. I prefer to worry about things that don’t have a minuscule chance of happening.
There's a very real chance of Trump supporters getting fire or getting a beating.
What train am I in?
A lot of Republicans don’t want to talk to others. They’re scared of having their fragile world view upset.
They're scared of losing their jobs or of getting a beating. Is that something you want to boast about?
Some people are scared of monsters under their bed too. Not my fault they’re irrational.
Are you actually trying to tell us that Republicans have no reason to fear BLM or Antifa thugs?
You can be scared of anything you want. I prefer to worry about things that don’t have a minuscule chance of happening.
There's a very real chance of Trump supporters getting fire or getting a beating.
There’s a very real chance you’re struck by lightning tomorrow.
What train am I in?
A lot of Republicans don’t want to talk to others. They’re scared of having their fragile world view upset.
They're scared of losing their jobs or of getting a beating. Is that something you want to boast about?
Some people are scared of monsters under their bed too. Not my fault they’re irrational.
Are you actually trying to tell us that Republicans have no reason to fear BLM or Antifa thugs?
You can be scared of anything you want. I prefer to worry about things that don’t have a minuscule chance of happening.
There's a very real chance of Trump supporters getting fire or getting a beating.
There’s a very real chance you’re struck by lightning tomorrow.
No there isn't. However, there is a very real chance I could lose my job if I wore a MAGA hat to work.
What train am I in?
A lot of Republicans don’t want to talk to others. They’re scared of having their fragile world view upset.
They're scared of losing their jobs or of getting a beating. Is that something you want to boast about?
Some people are scared of monsters under their bed too. Not my fault they’re irrational.
Are you actually trying to tell us that Republicans have no reason to fear BLM or Antifa thugs?
You can be scared of anything you want. I prefer to worry about things that don’t have a minuscule chance of happening.
There's a very real chance of Trump supporters getting fire or getting a beating.
There’s a very real chance you’re struck by lightning tomorrow.
No there isn't. However, there is a very real chance I could lose my job if I wore a MAGA hat to work.
So you’re saying no one has ever been struck by lightning before?

People have been struck by lightning, therefore it’s a very real chance that you could be one of them.
What train am I in?
A lot of Republicans don’t want to talk to others. They’re scared of having their fragile world view upset.
They're scared of losing their jobs or of getting a beating. Is that something you want to boast about?
Some people are scared of monsters under their bed too. Not my fault they’re irrational.
Are you actually trying to tell us that Republicans have no reason to fear BLM or Antifa thugs?
You can be scared of anything you want. I prefer to worry about things that don’t have a minuscule chance of happening.
There's a very real chance of Trump supporters getting fire or getting a beating.
There’s a very real chance you’re struck by lightning tomorrow.
No there isn't. However, there is a very real chance I could lose my job if I wore a MAGA hat to work.
So you’re saying no one has ever been struck by lightning before?

People have been struck by lightning, therefore it’s a very real chance that you could be one of them.
You're such a fucking moron. You're obviously too stupid to waste time arguing with.
What train am I in?
A lot of Republicans don’t want to talk to others. They’re scared of having their fragile world view upset.
They're scared of losing their jobs or of getting a beating. Is that something you want to boast about?
Some people are scared of monsters under their bed too. Not my fault they’re irrational.
Are you actually trying to tell us that Republicans have no reason to fear BLM or Antifa thugs?
You can be scared of anything you want. I prefer to worry about things that don’t have a minuscule chance of happening.
There's a very real chance of Trump supporters getting fire or getting a beating.
There’s a very real chance you’re struck by lightning tomorrow.
No there isn't. However, there is a very real chance I could lose my job if I wore a MAGA hat to work.
So you’re saying no one has ever been struck by lightning before?

People have been struck by lightning, therefore it’s a very real chance that you could be one of them.
You're such a fucking moron. You're obviously too stupid to waste time arguing with.
You’re a paranoid nutter. Better hide under your bed or Antifa will get ya.

Democrats can’t have black republicans speaking off the plantation.. sad

Facebook and Twitter are OPENLY interfering with the election - FAR worse than anything the Russians did in 2016. Zuckerburg MUST be prosecuted.

So Zuckerberg has decided he alone will get Trump out of the WH. He must really, really hate conservative citizens. What an ingrate. We gave him wealth. He gives us grief and tries to remove our free speech. Is Zuckerburg a poisonous cold blooded reptile?

Democrats can’t have black republicans speaking off the plantation.. sad

What are being removed is proveable liars and their lies. If you're going to tweet political disinformation and proveable propaganda on your Twitter feed, you're not going to have a Twitter feed. Everyone is allowed a different opinion, but you're not allowed to promulgate "alternative facts", which in the real world, are called "lies".

Republicans can't run on a platform of "We're going to cut taxes and crash the economy - again", so they make shit up. Although this year, they didn't even bother with a platform, so no promises made, no promises to keep.

When you can't run on your record, and you don't have any plans for the country, or at least none of them that would earn you votes if you published them, and you go whole hog for disease, debt and death, and then try to gaslight the American people into believing that none of this mess is YOUR fault, and the other guy will make things worse, you're on fairly shaky ground to begin with.

Hell yeah how dare these Black men have any other opinion than what the Democratic party dictates.

Democrats can’t have black republicans speaking off the plantation.. sad

Facebook and Twitter are OPENLY interfering with the election - FAR worse than anything the Russians did in 2016. Zuckerburg MUST be prosecuted.

So Zuckerberg has decided he alone will get Trump out of the WH. He must really, really hate conservative citizens. What an ingrate. We gave him wealth. He gives us grief and tries to remove our free speech. Is Zuckerburg a poisonous cold blooded reptile?

When we finally get a conservative into the Whitehouse as President I will do everything in my power to support him. There is nothing conservative about Rump. Criminal yes, butt not Conservative.
Oh, Pulleze, it's already been shown you have to be pretty damned bad to have Facebook bounce your page
No, that's NEVER been shown you lying bitch. THOUSANDS UPON THOUSANDS of people are banned on Facebook because of the thought police. Including some liberals.
Oh, Pulleze, it's already been shown you have to be pretty damned bad to have Facebook bounce your page
No, that's NEVER been shown you lying bitch. THOUSANDS UPON THOUSANDS of people are banned on Facebook because of the thought police. Including some liberals.

Me and a couple of others get into some pretty heated discussions and none of are that kind in our views. Facebook hasn't bothered any of us. Of course, we haven't stated that we want to militarily overthrow the Government, kill politicians, rob banks, molest others and start a violent cult. And we are all Vets in one form or another. So don't give me this s song and dance act. I am vicious with my outspoken views against Rump and they are equally strong in his defense. No holds barred. Why do we put up with each other? We've know each other for at least 60 years. And that is more important than what idiot is in the White House.

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