Censorship! hodgetwins face book page set for removal, 6 million followers in election season

Look kids! If you disagree with democrats they will shut you down.. isn’t the future bright?
No one is shutting you down. They’re just not willing to facilitate your nonsense.

So what? You and your commie friends going to force others to do your bidding against their will?
See kids if they disagree with uou they will disparage you and treat you like a second-class citizen shut down your speech cancel you see you just die off.. Isnt the future bright if you vote Democrat?
So what gives you the right to force others to spread your message?

Nothing, that’s what.

No one is silencing you by refusing to assist you.
Who’s forcing you to listen?

No one. But what relevance does that have?
Look kids! If you disagree with democrats they will shut you down.. isn’t the future bright?
No one is shutting you down. They’re just not willing to facilitate your nonsense.

So what? You and your commie friends going to force others to do your bidding against their will?
See kids if they disagree with uou they will disparage you and treat you like a second-class citizen shut down your speech cancel you see you just die off.. Isnt the future bright if you vote Democrat?
So what gives you the right to force others to spread your message?

Nothing, that’s what.

No one is silencing you by refusing to assist you.
Who’s forcing you to listen?

No one. But what relevance does that have?
Don’t listen to then move on..
What are being removed is proveable liars and their lies.

Comrade, isn't anything that deviates or contradicts the party or your president Xi considered a "lie," by you?

If you're going to tweet political disinformation and proveable propaganda on your Twitter feed, you're not going to have a Twitter feed. Everyone is allowed a different opinion, but you're not allowed to promulgate "alternative facts", which in the real world, are called "lies".

Republicans can't run on a platform of "We're going to cut taxes and crash the economy - again", so they make shit up. Although this year, they didn't even bother with a platform, so no promises made, no promises to keep.

When you can't run on your record, and you don't have any plans for the country, or at least none of them that would earn you votes if you published them, and you go whole hog for disease, debt and death, and then try to gaslight the American people into believing that none of this mess is YOUR fault, and the other guy will make things worse, you're on fairly shaky ground to begin with.

If you tweet anything supporting Donald Trump or opposing the Harris/Biden election you won't have a Twitter account.

As said before, what Twitter and Fascistbook are doing is no different than landlords evicting tenants for having Trump bumper stickers on their cars.

I get that you CCP democrats see a MASSIVE loss coming your way like a freight train - but this OPEN corruption of the election process by tech giants MUST STOP.

Jack Dorsey and Mark Zuckerburg should both face CRIMINAL charges for tampering with the election - which is what they are doing.


Yeah whatever. I can scan Twitter and Facebook for about a million or so posts that support Trump for President. Clutching your pearls a bit too tightly? Unless you are going to post misinformation and disinformation, they won't give you a second thought.
As for the rest of your rant...other way around snowflake. November could see the minimalization of the Republican party for a few election cycles.....all mostly thanks to You-Know-Who! :)
There's a conservative (just about alt-right) social media platform alternative out there. Go join that one if you don't like the other two.
Pay attention kids,, you have no free speech with democrats.. if you read this vote republican

Again snowflake, I literally get dozens of posts forwarded to me a day with people supporting Trump. No free speech with Democrats is a lie!..but, what am I expecting from Trump supporters. It's desperation time right now.
Thousands of people on FB have lost their accounts for posting pro Trump material. Pretending like you aren't a bunch of fascists is standard operating procedure for TDS morons.

I have nothing to do with policing social media accounts. Just pointing out that this argument is made by butt hurt Trump supporters who aren't going to get away with posting straight up lies, misinformation, and disinformation anymore. In a lot of respects, those things are really all you faithful have. The rest of us just want him gone in November.

Where are the bans for russiagate lies?

It's just an algo don't get uppity dipshit

Facebook are not the arbiters of truth

No, it's not just an algo. Facebook uses the Washington post for fact checking. No shitter. I liberal rag is used for fact checking. That speaks volumes.

The humans messing with the algo do, as they improve the algo

Then a human comes back and checks the algos work when it wants to take an action....An action on a major user/group anyway i'm sure

The algo is never directly interacting with the Wa Post fact checking shit. It has facebook employees as an intermediary
You couldn't be more wrong. You're just making shit up.

You're confused on how these algos work, lol

Just refined by humans over and over again

It's how all complex algos work

From what they put in self driving vehicles to identify images to fact checking algos. Without human input to refine them they're useless

You have no idea how the world around you works. YOu pleb. Shut teh fuck up
Since you're too lazy to read the link. I'll explain it to you. The facebook algo's
generate a list and a dashboard. The dashboard is share to the fact checking partners of facebook. They in-turn review and make a determination on information from the dashboard. They are the ones that select which items get fact-checked and which don't. Once they make a determination, the information is fed back to FB who either takes action or doesn't.

The algo of course, like any other fucking algo, is regularly 'reviewed and updated' in order to improve it.

What isn't mentioned is how the FB Algo is fed information or how the Algo "grabs" data to send through it's machinations.. Is it based on complaints of posts sent in by the users? No-one knows and FB isn't transparent on ANY of it. It's complete horseshit. This is the shit that needs regulation.

FB claims to not want to be the arbiter of truth so the throw that hot potato to their partners whom are not too pleased to be placed in that situation.

It's a fucked up process.

You still don't know shit.
Look kids! If you disagree with democrats they will shut you down.. isn’t the future bright?
No one is shutting you down. They’re just not willing to facilitate your nonsense.

So what? You and your commie friends going to force others to do your bidding against their will?
See kids if they disagree with uou they will disparage you and treat you like a second-class citizen shut down your speech cancel you see you just die off.. Isnt the future bright if you vote Democrat?
So what gives you the right to force others to spread your message?

Nothing, that’s what.

No one is silencing you by refusing to assist you.
Who’s forcing you to listen?

No one. But what relevance does that have?
Don’t listen to then move on..
Listen to what?
Look kids! If you disagree with democrats they will shut you down.. isn’t the future bright?
No one is shutting you down. They’re just not willing to facilitate your nonsense.

So what? You and your commie friends going to force others to do your bidding against their will?
See kids if they disagree with uou they will disparage you and treat you like a second-class citizen shut down your speech cancel you see you just die off.. Isnt the future bright if you vote Democrat?
So what gives you the right to force others to spread your message?

Nothing, that’s what.

No one is silencing you by refusing to assist you.
Who’s forcing you to listen?

No one. But what relevance does that have?
Don’t listen to then move on..
Listen to what?
You know black ppl supporting trump

Democrats can’t have black republicans speaking off the plantation.. sad

If they violated the rules then they should face the consequences.

Facebook has been very slow to do anything about violators of their rules. They only do something about such violations when they have no other choice.

I don't know who these people are but if Facebook is censoring them then the owners of that page must have been violating the rules for a long time and flagrantly.

Here's a suggestion. Do what I do. Don't have a Facebook page and don't use the site.

Problem solved.

They keep making up new rules, and what makes you think their rules are fair? You can show some jihadist beheading a christian, but you can't tell the truth about BLM.

Who cares? You don’t own Facebook so you don’t have a say. Don’t like it? Too bad. Want to do something about it? Make your own network. Don’t want to do that? Then don’t be a commie and force someone else to use their network how you see fit.

Facebook is a government protected monopoly. That gives me a say. Don't believe it? Check with the DOJ.

It’s not a government protected monopoly. The DoJ said you’re full of shit.

It certainly is a government protected monopoly. The DOJ is getting ready to prosecute Google and Facebook for antitrust violations.

It’s not a government protected monopoly. You’re just a greedy little commie who wants to force others to do your will by using government threats.


Yes it is, moron. The government protects it from being sued.

That doesn’t make them a government protected monopoly idiot. The rules apply equally.

ROFL! They sure as hell don't, jackass.

Of course they do. You could make your own little private social media network and the same protection would apply to you.

Now, why don’t you go do that rather than being a greedy little commie and trying to force others to do it for you.

You mean the law protecting them against lawsuits? I'm talking about Facebook's censorship rules, which it mostly wipes its ass on. Yes, I could create another protected monopoly, and that would give government the right to regulate me.
What are being removed is proveable liars and their lies.

Comrade, isn't anything that deviates or contradicts the party or your president Xi considered a "lie," by you?

If you're going to tweet political disinformation and proveable propaganda on your Twitter feed, you're not going to have a Twitter feed. Everyone is allowed a different opinion, but you're not allowed to promulgate "alternative facts", which in the real world, are called "lies".

Republicans can't run on a platform of "We're going to cut taxes and crash the economy - again", so they make shit up. Although this year, they didn't even bother with a platform, so no promises made, no promises to keep.

When you can't run on your record, and you don't have any plans for the country, or at least none of them that would earn you votes if you published them, and you go whole hog for disease, debt and death, and then try to gaslight the American people into believing that none of this mess is YOUR fault, and the other guy will make things worse, you're on fairly shaky ground to begin with.

If you tweet anything supporting Donald Trump or opposing the Harris/Biden election you won't have a Twitter account.

As said before, what Twitter and Fascistbook are doing is no different than landlords evicting tenants for having Trump bumper stickers on their cars.

I get that you CCP democrats see a MASSIVE loss coming your way like a freight train - but this OPEN corruption of the election process by tech giants MUST STOP.

Jack Dorsey and Mark Zuckerburg should both face CRIMINAL charges for tampering with the election - which is what they are doing.


Yeah whatever. I can scan Twitter and Facebook for about a million or so posts that support Trump for President. Clutching your pearls a bit too tightly? Unless you are going to post misinformation and disinformation, they won't give you a second thought.
As for the rest of your rant...other way around snowflake. November could see the minimalization of the Republican party for a few election cycles.....all mostly thanks to You-Know-Who! :)
There's a conservative (just about alt-right) social media platform alternative out there. Go join that one if you don't like the other two.
Pay attention kids,, you have no free speech with democrats.. if you read this vote republican

Again snowflake, I literally get dozens of posts forwarded to me a day with people supporting Trump. No free speech with Democrats is a lie!..but, what am I expecting from Trump supporters. It's desperation time right now.
Thousands of people on FB have lost their accounts for posting pro Trump material. Pretending like you aren't a bunch of fascists is standard operating procedure for TDS morons.

I have nothing to do with policing social media accounts. Just pointing out that this argument is made by butt hurt Trump supporters who aren't going to get away with posting straight up lies, misinformation, and disinformation anymore. In a lot of respects, those things are really all you faithful have. The rest of us just want him gone in November.

Where are the bans for russiagate lies?

It's just an algo don't get uppity dipshit

Facebook are not the arbiters of truth

No, it's not just an algo. Facebook uses the Washington post for fact checking. No shitter. I liberal rag is used for fact checking. That speaks volumes.

The humans messing with the algo do, as they improve the algo

Then a human comes back and checks the algos work when it wants to take an action....An action on a major user/group anyway i'm sure

The algo is never directly interacting with the Wa Post fact checking shit. It has facebook employees as an intermediary
You couldn't be more wrong. You're just making shit up.

You're confused on how these algos work, lol

Just refined by humans over and over again

It's how all complex algos work

From what they put in self driving vehicles to identify images to fact checking algos. Without human input to refine them they're useless

You have no idea how the world around you works. YOu pleb. Shut teh fuck up
Since you're too lazy to read the link. I'll explain it to you. The facebook algo's
generate a list and a dashboard. The dashboard is share to the fact checking partners of facebook. They in-turn review and make a determination on information from the dashboard. They are the ones that select which items get fact-checked and which don't. Once they make a determination, the information is fed back to FB who either takes action or doesn't.

The algo of course, like any other fucking algo, is regularly 'reviewed and updated' in order to improve it.

What isn't mentioned is how the FB Algo is fed information or how the Algo "grabs" data to send through it's machinations.. Is it based on complaints of posts sent in by the users? No-one knows and FB isn't transparent on ANY of it. It's complete horseshit. This is the shit that needs regulation.

FB claims to not want to be the arbiter of truth so the throw that hot potato to their partners whom are not too pleased to be placed in that situation.

It's a fucked up process.

You still don't know shit.

Yea the human input is what fucking decides

At first it probably put back a massive amount of shit.

Over time facebook employees will get it higher and higher accuracy relative to how they interpert their community guidelines

WHy you think going back to WP or whatever matters I have no idea. They don't control the algo the facebook employees do

The fact checkers see nothing facebook doesn't want them to, nor do they have any ability to take action

All that's extra in there is facebook getting some cred from these other parties. But in the end it's just facebook employees playing with an algo

I didn't have to fucking read it. I'm aware of how the platforms we use work

Anything complex like this all works on the same basic premise. It's only as good as the human input into it. Identifying cars is easy, lies are not so easy

Democrats can’t have black republicans speaking off the plantation.. sad

If they violated the rules then they should face the consequences.

Facebook has been very slow to do anything about violators of their rules. They only do something about such violations when they have no other choice.

I don't know who these people are but if Facebook is censoring them then the owners of that page must have been violating the rules for a long time and flagrantly.

Here's a suggestion. Do what I do. Don't have a Facebook page and don't use the site.

Problem solved.

They keep making up new rules, and what makes you think their rules are fair? You can show some jihadist beheading a christian, but you can't tell the truth about BLM.

Who cares? You don’t own Facebook so you don’t have a say. Don’t like it? Too bad. Want to do something about it? Make your own network. Don’t want to do that? Then don’t be a commie and force someone else to use their network how you see fit.

Facebook is a government protected monopoly. That gives me a say. Don't believe it? Check with the DOJ.

It’s not a government protected monopoly. The DoJ said you’re full of shit.

It certainly is a government protected monopoly. The DOJ is getting ready to prosecute Google and Facebook for antitrust violations.

It’s not a government protected monopoly. You’re just a greedy little commie who wants to force others to do your will by using government threats.


Yes it is, moron. The government protects it from being sued.

That doesn’t make them a government protected monopoly idiot. The rules apply equally.

ROFL! They sure as hell don't, jackass.

Of course they do. You could make your own little private social media network and the same protection would apply to you.

Now, why don’t you go do that rather than being a greedy little commie and trying to force others to do it for you.

You mean the law protecting them against lawsuits? I'm talking about Facebook's censorship rules, which it mostly wipes its ass on. Yes, I could create another protected monopoly, and that would give government the right to regulate me.

Every webpage on the planet has protections to curate without becoming a publisher under American law

That's not a government mandated monopoly lol

Including USmessageboard you dolt
What are being removed is proveable liars and their lies.

Comrade, isn't anything that deviates or contradicts the party or your president Xi considered a "lie," by you?

If you're going to tweet political disinformation and proveable propaganda on your Twitter feed, you're not going to have a Twitter feed. Everyone is allowed a different opinion, but you're not allowed to promulgate "alternative facts", which in the real world, are called "lies".

Republicans can't run on a platform of "We're going to cut taxes and crash the economy - again", so they make shit up. Although this year, they didn't even bother with a platform, so no promises made, no promises to keep.

When you can't run on your record, and you don't have any plans for the country, or at least none of them that would earn you votes if you published them, and you go whole hog for disease, debt and death, and then try to gaslight the American people into believing that none of this mess is YOUR fault, and the other guy will make things worse, you're on fairly shaky ground to begin with.

If you tweet anything supporting Donald Trump or opposing the Harris/Biden election you won't have a Twitter account.

As said before, what Twitter and Fascistbook are doing is no different than landlords evicting tenants for having Trump bumper stickers on their cars.

I get that you CCP democrats see a MASSIVE loss coming your way like a freight train - but this OPEN corruption of the election process by tech giants MUST STOP.

Jack Dorsey and Mark Zuckerburg should both face CRIMINAL charges for tampering with the election - which is what they are doing.


Yeah whatever. I can scan Twitter and Facebook for about a million or so posts that support Trump for President. Clutching your pearls a bit too tightly? Unless you are going to post misinformation and disinformation, they won't give you a second thought.
As for the rest of your rant...other way around snowflake. November could see the minimalization of the Republican party for a few election cycles.....all mostly thanks to You-Know-Who! :)
There's a conservative (just about alt-right) social media platform alternative out there. Go join that one if you don't like the other two.
Pay attention kids,, you have no free speech with democrats.. if you read this vote republican

Again snowflake, I literally get dozens of posts forwarded to me a day with people supporting Trump. No free speech with Democrats is a lie!..but, what am I expecting from Trump supporters. It's desperation time right now.
Thousands of people on FB have lost their accounts for posting pro Trump material. Pretending like you aren't a bunch of fascists is standard operating procedure for TDS morons.

I have nothing to do with policing social media accounts. Just pointing out that this argument is made by butt hurt Trump supporters who aren't going to get away with posting straight up lies, misinformation, and disinformation anymore. In a lot of respects, those things are really all you faithful have. The rest of us just want him gone in November.

Where are the bans for russiagate lies?

It's just an algo don't get uppity dipshit

Facebook are not the arbiters of truth

No, it's not just an algo. Facebook uses the Washington post for fact checking. No shitter. I liberal rag is used for fact checking. That speaks volumes.

The humans messing with the algo do, as they improve the algo

Then a human comes back and checks the algos work when it wants to take an action....An action on a major user/group anyway i'm sure

The algo is never directly interacting with the Wa Post fact checking shit. It has facebook employees as an intermediary
You couldn't be more wrong. You're just making shit up.

You're confused on how these algos work, lol

Just refined by humans over and over again

It's how all complex algos work

From what they put in self driving vehicles to identify images to fact checking algos. Without human input to refine them they're useless

You have no idea how the world around you works. YOu pleb. Shut teh fuck up
Since you're too lazy to read the link. I'll explain it to you. The facebook algo's
generate a list and a dashboard. The dashboard is share to the fact checking partners of facebook. They in-turn review and make a determination on information from the dashboard. They are the ones that select which items get fact-checked and which don't. Once they make a determination, the information is fed back to FB who either takes action or doesn't.

The algo of course, like any other fucking algo, is regularly 'reviewed and updated' in order to improve it.

What isn't mentioned is how the FB Algo is fed information or how the Algo "grabs" data to send through it's machinations.. Is it based on complaints of posts sent in by the users? No-one knows and FB isn't transparent on ANY of it. It's complete horseshit. This is the shit that needs regulation.

FB claims to not want to be the arbiter of truth so the throw that hot potato to their partners whom are not too pleased to be placed in that situation.

It's a fucked up process.

You still don't know shit.

Yea the human input is what fucking decides

At first it probably put back a massive amount of shit.

Over time facebook employees will get it higher and higher accuracy relative to how they interpert their community guidelines

WHy you think going back to WP or whatever matters I have no idea. They don't control the algo the facebook employees do

The fact checkers see nothing facebook doesn't want them to, nor do they have any ability to take action

All that's extra in there is facebook getting some cred from these other parties. But in the end it's just facebook employees playing with an algo

I didn't have to fucking read it. I'm aware of how the platforms we use work

Anything complex like this all works on the same basic premise. It's only as good as the human input into it. Identify cars is easy, lies are not
You're an arrogant fuck. Good luck in life. You refuse to review something handed to you on a platter and learn something from it. I can almost bet you're a late 20's early 30's millennial. So fucking confident even the don't know shit. You were probably coddled by your parents and given participation trophies.
Look kids! If you disagree with democrats they will shut you down.. isn’t the future bright?
No one is shutting you down. They’re just not willing to facilitate your nonsense.

So what? You and your commie friends going to force others to do your bidding against their will?
See kids if they disagree with uou they will disparage you and treat you like a second-class citizen shut down your speech cancel you see you just die off.. Isnt the future bright if you vote Democrat?
So what gives you the right to force others to spread your message?

Nothing, that’s what.

No one is silencing you by refusing to assist you.
Who’s forcing you to listen?

No one. But what relevance does that have?
Don’t listen to then move on..
Listen to what?
View attachment 381774You know black ppl supporting trump
Where would I find that message you’re referring to?

Democrats can’t have black republicans speaking off the plantation.. sad

If they violated the rules then they should face the consequences.

Facebook has been very slow to do anything about violators of their rules. They only do something about such violations when they have no other choice.

I don't know who these people are but if Facebook is censoring them then the owners of that page must have been violating the rules for a long time and flagrantly.

Here's a suggestion. Do what I do. Don't have a Facebook page and don't use the site.

Problem solved.

They keep making up new rules, and what makes you think their rules are fair? You can show some jihadist beheading a christian, but you can't tell the truth about BLM.

Who cares? You don’t own Facebook so you don’t have a say. Don’t like it? Too bad. Want to do something about it? Make your own network. Don’t want to do that? Then don’t be a commie and force someone else to use their network how you see fit.

Facebook is a government protected monopoly. That gives me a say. Don't believe it? Check with the DOJ.

It’s not a government protected monopoly. The DoJ said you’re full of shit.

It certainly is a government protected monopoly. The DOJ is getting ready to prosecute Google and Facebook for antitrust violations.

It’s not a government protected monopoly. You’re just a greedy little commie who wants to force others to do your will by using government threats.


Yes it is, moron. The government protects it from being sued.

That doesn’t make them a government protected monopoly idiot. The rules apply equally.

ROFL! They sure as hell don't, jackass.

Of course they do. You could make your own little private social media network and the same protection would apply to you.

Now, why don’t you go do that rather than being a greedy little commie and trying to force others to do it for you.

You mean the law protecting them against lawsuits? I'm talking about Facebook's censorship rules, which it mostly wipes its ass on. Yes, I could create another protected monopoly, and that would give government the right to regulate me.

But they don’t have a government protected monopoly. You could start your website and take over their market share if you want. Government isn’t going to stop you. You’re protected by the same laws.

But that’s too much work so a lazy commie like you just is going to make other people do it for you.
What are being removed is proveable liars and their lies.

Comrade, isn't anything that deviates or contradicts the party or your president Xi considered a "lie," by you?

If you're going to tweet political disinformation and proveable propaganda on your Twitter feed, you're not going to have a Twitter feed. Everyone is allowed a different opinion, but you're not allowed to promulgate "alternative facts", which in the real world, are called "lies".

Republicans can't run on a platform of "We're going to cut taxes and crash the economy - again", so they make shit up. Although this year, they didn't even bother with a platform, so no promises made, no promises to keep.

When you can't run on your record, and you don't have any plans for the country, or at least none of them that would earn you votes if you published them, and you go whole hog for disease, debt and death, and then try to gaslight the American people into believing that none of this mess is YOUR fault, and the other guy will make things worse, you're on fairly shaky ground to begin with.

If you tweet anything supporting Donald Trump or opposing the Harris/Biden election you won't have a Twitter account.

As said before, what Twitter and Fascistbook are doing is no different than landlords evicting tenants for having Trump bumper stickers on their cars.

I get that you CCP democrats see a MASSIVE loss coming your way like a freight train - but this OPEN corruption of the election process by tech giants MUST STOP.

Jack Dorsey and Mark Zuckerburg should both face CRIMINAL charges for tampering with the election - which is what they are doing.


Yeah whatever. I can scan Twitter and Facebook for about a million or so posts that support Trump for President. Clutching your pearls a bit too tightly? Unless you are going to post misinformation and disinformation, they won't give you a second thought.
As for the rest of your rant...other way around snowflake. November could see the minimalization of the Republican party for a few election cycles.....all mostly thanks to You-Know-Who! :)
There's a conservative (just about alt-right) social media platform alternative out there. Go join that one if you don't like the other two.
Pay attention kids,, you have no free speech with democrats.. if you read this vote republican

Again snowflake, I literally get dozens of posts forwarded to me a day with people supporting Trump. No free speech with Democrats is a lie!..but, what am I expecting from Trump supporters. It's desperation time right now.
Thousands of people on FB have lost their accounts for posting pro Trump material. Pretending like you aren't a bunch of fascists is standard operating procedure for TDS morons.

I have nothing to do with policing social media accounts. Just pointing out that this argument is made by butt hurt Trump supporters who aren't going to get away with posting straight up lies, misinformation, and disinformation anymore. In a lot of respects, those things are really all you faithful have. The rest of us just want him gone in November.

Where are the bans for russiagate lies?

It's just an algo don't get uppity dipshit

Facebook are not the arbiters of truth

No, it's not just an algo. Facebook uses the Washington post for fact checking. No shitter. I liberal rag is used for fact checking. That speaks volumes.

The humans messing with the algo do, as they improve the algo

Then a human comes back and checks the algos work when it wants to take an action....An action on a major user/group anyway i'm sure

The algo is never directly interacting with the Wa Post fact checking shit. It has facebook employees as an intermediary
You couldn't be more wrong. You're just making shit up.

You're confused on how these algos work, lol

Just refined by humans over and over again

It's how all complex algos work

From what they put in self driving vehicles to identify images to fact checking algos. Without human input to refine them they're useless

You have no idea how the world around you works. YOu pleb. Shut teh fuck up
Since you're too lazy to read the link. I'll explain it to you. The facebook algo's
generate a list and a dashboard. The dashboard is share to the fact checking partners of facebook. They in-turn review and make a determination on information from the dashboard. They are the ones that select which items get fact-checked and which don't. Once they make a determination, the information is fed back to FB who either takes action or doesn't.

The algo of course, like any other fucking algo, is regularly 'reviewed and updated' in order to improve it.

What isn't mentioned is how the FB Algo is fed information or how the Algo "grabs" data to send through it's machinations.. Is it based on complaints of posts sent in by the users? No-one knows and FB isn't transparent on ANY of it. It's complete horseshit. This is the shit that needs regulation.

FB claims to not want to be the arbiter of truth so the throw that hot potato to their partners whom are not too pleased to be placed in that situation.

It's a fucked up process.

You still don't know shit.

Yea the human input is what fucking decides

At first it probably put back a massive amount of shit.

Over time facebook employees will get it higher and higher accuracy relative to how they interpert their community guidelines

WHy you think going back to WP or whatever matters I have no idea. They don't control the algo the facebook employees do

The fact checkers see nothing facebook doesn't want them to, nor do they have any ability to take action

All that's extra in there is facebook getting some cred from these other parties. But in the end it's just facebook employees playing with an algo

I didn't have to fucking read it. I'm aware of how the platforms we use work

Anything complex like this all works on the same basic premise. It's only as good as the human input into it. Identify cars is easy, lies are not
You're an arrogant fuck. Good luck in life. You refuse to review something handed to you on a platter and learn something from it. I can almost bet you're a late 20's early 30's millennial. So fucking confident even the don't know shit. You were probably coddled by your parents and given participation trophies.

You still don't get it

You didn't hand me anything

All you mentioned was the facebook guys send some shit to the 'fact checkers' then do whatever they want anyway. It's a PR stunt you dolt

Know your place

If you don't know how self driving cars work, then you definitely don't know how any other mildly complex algo works on the internet.

All running on the same ideas. Use human input to let the algo refine itself

Do they respond to twitter complaints too? Yes, along with fact checker complaints with Wapo.
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Democrats can’t have black republicans speaking off the plantation.. sad

If they violated the rules then they should face the consequences.

Facebook has been very slow to do anything about violators of their rules. They only do something about such violations when they have no other choice.

I don't know who these people are but if Facebook is censoring them then the owners of that page must have been violating the rules for a long time and flagrantly.

Here's a suggestion. Do what I do. Don't have a Facebook page and don't use the site.

Problem solved.

They keep making up new rules, and what makes you think their rules are fair? You can show some jihadist beheading a christian, but you can't tell the truth about BLM.

Who cares? You don’t own Facebook so you don’t have a say. Don’t like it? Too bad. Want to do something about it? Make your own network. Don’t want to do that? Then don’t be a commie and force someone else to use their network how you see fit.

Facebook is a government protected monopoly. That gives me a say. Don't believe it? Check with the DOJ.

It’s not a government protected monopoly. The DoJ said you’re full of shit.

It certainly is a government protected monopoly. The DOJ is getting ready to prosecute Google and Facebook for antitrust violations.

It’s not a government protected monopoly. You’re just a greedy little commie who wants to force others to do your will by using government threats.


Yes it is, moron. The government protects it from being sued.

That doesn’t make them a government protected monopoly idiot. The rules apply equally.

ROFL! They sure as hell don't, jackass.

Of course they do. You could make your own little private social media network and the same protection would apply to you.

Now, why don’t you go do that rather than being a greedy little commie and trying to force others to do it for you.

You mean the law protecting them against lawsuits? I'm talking about Facebook's censorship rules, which it mostly wipes its ass on. Yes, I could create another protected monopoly, and that would give government the right to regulate me.

But they don’t have a government protected monopoly. You could start your website and take over their market share if you want. Government isn’t going to stop you. You’re protected by the same laws.

But that’s too much work so a lazy commie like you just is going to make other people do it for you.

They do have a government protected monopoly.
Look kids! If you disagree with democrats they will shut you down.. isn’t the future bright?
No one is shutting you down. They’re just not willing to facilitate your nonsense.

So what? You and your commie friends going to force others to do your bidding against their will?
See kids if they disagree with uou they will disparage you and treat you like a second-class citizen shut down your speech cancel you see you just die off.. Isnt the future bright if you vote Democrat?
So what gives you the right to force others to spread your message?

Nothing, that’s what.

No one is silencing you by refusing to assist you.
Who’s forcing you to listen?

No one. But what relevance does that have?
Don’t listen to then move on..
Listen to what?
View attachment 381774You know black ppl supporting trump
Where would I find that message you’re referring to?
On his head lol .. haha

he can ppl make the decision not to listen and to research? Make a decision on their own?

Democrats can’t have black republicans speaking off the plantation.. sad

If they violated the rules then they should face the consequences.

Facebook has been very slow to do anything about violators of their rules. They only do something about such violations when they have no other choice.

I don't know who these people are but if Facebook is censoring them then the owners of that page must have been violating the rules for a long time and flagrantly.

Here's a suggestion. Do what I do. Don't have a Facebook page and don't use the site.

Problem solved.

They keep making up new rules, and what makes you think their rules are fair? You can show some jihadist beheading a christian, but you can't tell the truth about BLM.

Who cares? You don’t own Facebook so you don’t have a say. Don’t like it? Too bad. Want to do something about it? Make your own network. Don’t want to do that? Then don’t be a commie and force someone else to use their network how you see fit.

Facebook is a government protected monopoly. That gives me a say. Don't believe it? Check with the DOJ.

It’s not a government protected monopoly. The DoJ said you’re full of shit.

It certainly is a government protected monopoly. The DOJ is getting ready to prosecute Google and Facebook for antitrust violations.

It’s not a government protected monopoly. You’re just a greedy little commie who wants to force others to do your will by using government threats.


Yes it is, moron. The government protects it from being sued.

That doesn’t make them a government protected monopoly idiot. The rules apply equally.

ROFL! They sure as hell don't, jackass.

Of course they do. You could make your own little private social media network and the same protection would apply to you.

Now, why don’t you go do that rather than being a greedy little commie and trying to force others to do it for you.

You mean the law protecting them against lawsuits? I'm talking about Facebook's censorship rules, which it mostly wipes its ass on. Yes, I could create another protected monopoly, and that would give government the right to regulate me.

But they don’t have a government protected monopoly. You could start your website and take over their market share if you want. Government isn’t going to stop you. You’re protected by the same laws.

But that’s too much work so a lazy commie like you just is going to make other people do it for you.

They do have a government protected monopoly.

You keep saying that but can't even name the law....Which also applies to all their competitors

No they don't

You fucking idiot

it's section 230 of the communications decency act. Which again applies to any of their competitors

THere are no special carve outs under our law for facebook

Democrats can’t have black republicans speaking off the plantation.. sad

If they violated the rules then they should face the consequences.

Facebook has been very slow to do anything about violators of their rules. They only do something about such violations when they have no other choice.

I don't know who these people are but if Facebook is censoring them then the owners of that page must have been violating the rules for a long time and flagrantly.

Here's a suggestion. Do what I do. Don't have a Facebook page and don't use the site.

Problem solved.

They keep making up new rules, and what makes you think their rules are fair? You can show some jihadist beheading a christian, but you can't tell the truth about BLM.

Who cares? You don’t own Facebook so you don’t have a say. Don’t like it? Too bad. Want to do something about it? Make your own network. Don’t want to do that? Then don’t be a commie and force someone else to use their network how you see fit.

Facebook is a government protected monopoly. That gives me a say. Don't believe it? Check with the DOJ.

It’s not a government protected monopoly. The DoJ said you’re full of shit.

It certainly is a government protected monopoly. The DOJ is getting ready to prosecute Google and Facebook for antitrust violations.

It’s not a government protected monopoly. You’re just a greedy little commie who wants to force others to do your will by using government threats.


Yes it is, moron. The government protects it from being sued.

That doesn’t make them a government protected monopoly idiot. The rules apply equally.

ROFL! They sure as hell don't, jackass.

Of course they do. You could make your own little private social media network and the same protection would apply to you.

Now, why don’t you go do that rather than being a greedy little commie and trying to force others to do it for you.

You mean the law protecting them against lawsuits? I'm talking about Facebook's censorship rules, which it mostly wipes its ass on. Yes, I could create another protected monopoly, and that would give government the right to regulate me.

But they don’t have a government protected monopoly. You could start your website and take over their market share if you want. Government isn’t going to stop you. You’re protected by the same laws.

But that’s too much work so a lazy commie like you just is going to make other people do it for you.

They do have a government protected monopoly.

Nope. The law you reference applies to everyone on the internet and doesn’t provide anyone a monopoly.

No government protected monopoly.
Look kids! If you disagree with democrats they will shut you down.. isn’t the future bright?
No one is shutting you down. They’re just not willing to facilitate your nonsense.

So what? You and your commie friends going to force others to do your bidding against their will?
See kids if they disagree with uou they will disparage you and treat you like a second-class citizen shut down your speech cancel you see you just die off.. Isnt the future bright if you vote Democrat?
So what gives you the right to force others to spread your message?

Nothing, that’s what.

No one is silencing you by refusing to assist you.
Who’s forcing you to listen?

No one. But what relevance does that have?
Don’t listen to then move on..
Listen to what?
View attachment 381774You know black ppl supporting trump
Where would I find that message you’re referring to?
On his head lol .. haha

he can ppl make the decision not to listen and to research? Make a decision on their own?

If he wants to walk around with a message on his head, go for it.

What does this thread have to do with it?
Look kids! If you disagree with democrats they will shut you down.. isn’t the future bright?
No one is shutting you down. They’re just not willing to facilitate your nonsense.

So what? You and your commie friends going to force others to do your bidding against their will?
See kids if they disagree with uou they will disparage you and treat you like a second-class citizen shut down your speech cancel you see you just die off.. Isnt the future bright if you vote Democrat?
So what gives you the right to force others to spread your message?

Nothing, that’s what.

No one is silencing you by refusing to assist you.
Who’s forcing you to listen?

No one. But what relevance does that have?
Don’t listen to then move on..
Listen to what?
View attachment 381774You know black ppl supporting trump
Where would I find that message you’re referring to?
On his head lol .. haha

he can ppl make the decision not to listen and to research? Make a decision on their own?

If he wants to walk around with a message on his head, go for it.

What does this thread have to do with it?
Face book is canceling to blacks with 6 million followers
Look kids! If you disagree with democrats they will shut you down.. isn’t the future bright?
No one is shutting you down. They’re just not willing to facilitate your nonsense.

So what? You and your commie friends going to force others to do your bidding against their will?
See kids if they disagree with uou they will disparage you and treat you like a second-class citizen shut down your speech cancel you see you just die off.. Isnt the future bright if you vote Democrat?
So what gives you the right to force others to spread your message?

Nothing, that’s what.

No one is silencing you by refusing to assist you.
Who’s forcing you to listen?

No one. But what relevance does that have?
Don’t listen to then move on..
Listen to what?
View attachment 381774You know black ppl supporting trump
Where would I find that message you’re referring to?
On his head lol .. haha

he can ppl make the decision not to listen and to research? Make a decision on their own?

If he wants to walk around with a message on his head, go for it.

What does this thread have to do with it?
Face book is canceling to blacks with 6 million followers
If Facebook doesn’t want them on their website, that’s their right.

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