Censorship! hodgetwins face book page set for removal, 6 million followers in election season

What are being removed is proveable liars and their lies.

Comrade, isn't anything that deviates or contradicts the party or your president Xi considered a "lie," by you?

If you're going to tweet political disinformation and proveable propaganda on your Twitter feed, you're not going to have a Twitter feed. Everyone is allowed a different opinion, but you're not allowed to promulgate "alternative facts", which in the real world, are called "lies".

Republicans can't run on a platform of "We're going to cut taxes and crash the economy - again", so they make shit up. Although this year, they didn't even bother with a platform, so no promises made, no promises to keep.

When you can't run on your record, and you don't have any plans for the country, or at least none of them that would earn you votes if you published them, and you go whole hog for disease, debt and death, and then try to gaslight the American people into believing that none of this mess is YOUR fault, and the other guy will make things worse, you're on fairly shaky ground to begin with.

If you tweet anything supporting Donald Trump or opposing the Harris/Biden election you won't have a Twitter account.

As said before, what Twitter and Fascistbook are doing is no different than landlords evicting tenants for having Trump bumper stickers on their cars.

I get that you CCP democrats see a MASSIVE loss coming your way like a freight train - but this OPEN corruption of the election process by tech giants MUST STOP.

Jack Dorsey and Mark Zuckerburg should both face CRIMINAL charges for tampering with the election - which is what they are doing.


Yeah whatever. I can scan Twitter and Facebook for about a million or so posts that support Trump for President. Clutching your pearls a bit too tightly? Unless you are going to post misinformation and disinformation, they won't give you a second thought.
As for the rest of your rant...other way around snowflake. November could see the minimalization of the Republican party for a few election cycles.....all mostly thanks to You-Know-Who! :)
There's a conservative (just about alt-right) social media platform alternative out there. Go join that one if you don't like the other two.
Pay attention kids,, you have no free speech with democrats.. if you read this vote republican

Again snowflake, I literally get dozens of posts forwarded to me a day with people supporting Trump. No free speech with Democrats is a lie!..but, what am I expecting from Trump supporters. It's desperation time right now.
Thousands of people on FB have lost their accounts for posting pro Trump material. Pretending like you aren't a bunch of fascists is standard operating procedure for TDS morons.

I have nothing to do with policing social media accounts. Just pointing out that this argument is made by butt hurt Trump supporters who aren't going to get away with posting straight up lies, misinformation, and disinformation anymore. In a lot of respects, those things are really all you faithful have. The rest of us just want him gone in November.

Where are the bans for russiagate lies?

It's just an algo don't get uppity dipshit

Facebook are not the arbiters of truth

Democrats can’t have black republicans speaking off the plantation.. sad

Who do you imagine makes these choices?

It's an algo or some one making 15 an hour without a college degree


The guy making basically minimum wage isn't enforcing elite norms, dipshit


he probably just didn't like the twins or it was all automated

Either way, shut the fuck up pleb.

Pretending like you understand how facebook curates their platform, hahahahah

Someone who admires the Cuban commies should shut his fucking yap and go away. We know you're happy to lick the boots of commie overlords, so why would anyone consider you opinion on censorship?
Last edited:

Democrats can’t have black republicans speaking off the plantation.. sad

Who do you imagine makes these choices?

It's an algo or some one making 15 an hour without a college degree


The guy making basically minimum wage isn't enforcing elite norms, dipshit


he probably just didn't like the twins or it was all automated

Either way, shut the fuck up pleb.

Pretending like you understand how facebook curates their platform, hahahahah

No idea what your saying

THat's because you have no fucking idea what is going on or how a platform like facebook moderates itself

Just another sign you should shut the fuck up, lol

"i have no idea what you're saying to me"

Yea cuz you have no fucking idea how to use your own computer much less how platforms like facebook work
What are being removed is proveable liars and their lies.

Comrade, isn't anything that deviates or contradicts the party or your president Xi considered a "lie," by you?

If you're going to tweet political disinformation and proveable propaganda on your Twitter feed, you're not going to have a Twitter feed. Everyone is allowed a different opinion, but you're not allowed to promulgate "alternative facts", which in the real world, are called "lies".

Republicans can't run on a platform of "We're going to cut taxes and crash the economy - again", so they make shit up. Although this year, they didn't even bother with a platform, so no promises made, no promises to keep.

When you can't run on your record, and you don't have any plans for the country, or at least none of them that would earn you votes if you published them, and you go whole hog for disease, debt and death, and then try to gaslight the American people into believing that none of this mess is YOUR fault, and the other guy will make things worse, you're on fairly shaky ground to begin with.

If you tweet anything supporting Donald Trump or opposing the Harris/Biden election you won't have a Twitter account.

As said before, what Twitter and Fascistbook are doing is no different than landlords evicting tenants for having Trump bumper stickers on their cars.

I get that you CCP democrats see a MASSIVE loss coming your way like a freight train - but this OPEN corruption of the election process by tech giants MUST STOP.

Jack Dorsey and Mark Zuckerburg should both face CRIMINAL charges for tampering with the election - which is what they are doing.


Yeah whatever. I can scan Twitter and Facebook for about a million or so posts that support Trump for President. Clutching your pearls a bit too tightly? Unless you are going to post misinformation and disinformation, they won't give you a second thought.
As for the rest of your rant...other way around snowflake. November could see the minimalization of the Republican party for a few election cycles.....all mostly thanks to You-Know-Who! :)
There's a conservative (just about alt-right) social media platform alternative out there. Go join that one if you don't like the other two.
Pay attention kids,, you have no free speech with democrats.. if you read this vote republican

Again snowflake, I literally get dozens of posts forwarded to me a day with people supporting Trump. No free speech with Democrats is a lie!..but, what am I expecting from Trump supporters. It's desperation time right now.
Thousands of people on FB have lost their accounts for posting pro Trump material. Pretending like you aren't a bunch of fascists is standard operating procedure for TDS morons.

I have nothing to do with policing social media accounts. Just pointing out that this argument is made by butt hurt Trump supporters who aren't going to get away with posting straight up lies, misinformation, and disinformation anymore. In a lot of respects, those things are really all you faithful have. The rest of us just want him gone in November.

Where are the bans for russiagate lies?

It's just an algo don't get uppity dipshit

Facebook are not the arbiters of truth
No idea what you saying
What are being removed is proveable liars and their lies.

Comrade, isn't anything that deviates or contradicts the party or your president Xi considered a "lie," by you?

If you're going to tweet political disinformation and proveable propaganda on your Twitter feed, you're not going to have a Twitter feed. Everyone is allowed a different opinion, but you're not allowed to promulgate "alternative facts", which in the real world, are called "lies".

Republicans can't run on a platform of "We're going to cut taxes and crash the economy - again", so they make shit up. Although this year, they didn't even bother with a platform, so no promises made, no promises to keep.

When you can't run on your record, and you don't have any plans for the country, or at least none of them that would earn you votes if you published them, and you go whole hog for disease, debt and death, and then try to gaslight the American people into believing that none of this mess is YOUR fault, and the other guy will make things worse, you're on fairly shaky ground to begin with.

If you tweet anything supporting Donald Trump or opposing the Harris/Biden election you won't have a Twitter account.

As said before, what Twitter and Fascistbook are doing is no different than landlords evicting tenants for having Trump bumper stickers on their cars.

I get that you CCP democrats see a MASSIVE loss coming your way like a freight train - but this OPEN corruption of the election process by tech giants MUST STOP.

Jack Dorsey and Mark Zuckerburg should both face CRIMINAL charges for tampering with the election - which is what they are doing.


Yeah whatever. I can scan Twitter and Facebook for about a million or so posts that support Trump for President. Clutching your pearls a bit too tightly? Unless you are going to post misinformation and disinformation, they won't give you a second thought.
As for the rest of your rant...other way around snowflake. November could see the minimalization of the Republican party for a few election cycles.....all mostly thanks to You-Know-Who! :)
There's a conservative (just about alt-right) social media platform alternative out there. Go join that one if you don't like the other two.
Pay attention kids,, you have no free speech with democrats.. if you read this vote republican

Again snowflake, I literally get dozens of posts forwarded to me a day with people supporting Trump. No free speech with Democrats is a lie!..but, what am I expecting from Trump supporters. It's desperation time right now.
Thousands of people on FB have lost their accounts for posting pro Trump material. Pretending like you aren't a bunch of fascists is standard operating procedure for TDS morons.

I have nothing to do with policing social media accounts. Just pointing out that this argument is made by butt hurt Trump supporters who aren't going to get away with posting straight up lies, misinformation, and disinformation anymore. In a lot of respects, those things are really all you faithful have. The rest of us just want him gone in November.

Where are the bans for russiagate lies?

It's just an algo don't get uppity dipshit

Facebook are not the arbiters of truth
It's true that you haven't been banned yet. That just proves our point.
What are being removed is proveable liars and their lies.

Comrade, isn't anything that deviates or contradicts the party or your president Xi considered a "lie," by you?

If you're going to tweet political disinformation and proveable propaganda on your Twitter feed, you're not going to have a Twitter feed. Everyone is allowed a different opinion, but you're not allowed to promulgate "alternative facts", which in the real world, are called "lies".

Republicans can't run on a platform of "We're going to cut taxes and crash the economy - again", so they make shit up. Although this year, they didn't even bother with a platform, so no promises made, no promises to keep.

When you can't run on your record, and you don't have any plans for the country, or at least none of them that would earn you votes if you published them, and you go whole hog for disease, debt and death, and then try to gaslight the American people into believing that none of this mess is YOUR fault, and the other guy will make things worse, you're on fairly shaky ground to begin with.

If you tweet anything supporting Donald Trump or opposing the Harris/Biden election you won't have a Twitter account.

As said before, what Twitter and Fascistbook are doing is no different than landlords evicting tenants for having Trump bumper stickers on their cars.

I get that you CCP democrats see a MASSIVE loss coming your way like a freight train - but this OPEN corruption of the election process by tech giants MUST STOP.

Jack Dorsey and Mark Zuckerburg should both face CRIMINAL charges for tampering with the election - which is what they are doing.


Yeah whatever. I can scan Twitter and Facebook for about a million or so posts that support Trump for President. Clutching your pearls a bit too tightly? Unless you are going to post misinformation and disinformation, they won't give you a second thought.
As for the rest of your rant...other way around snowflake. November could see the minimalization of the Republican party for a few election cycles.....all mostly thanks to You-Know-Who! :)
There's a conservative (just about alt-right) social media platform alternative out there. Go join that one if you don't like the other two.
Pay attention kids,, you have no free speech with democrats.. if you read this vote republican

Again snowflake, I literally get dozens of posts forwarded to me a day with people supporting Trump. No free speech with Democrats is a lie!..but, what am I expecting from Trump supporters. It's desperation time right now.
Thousands of people on FB have lost their accounts for posting pro Trump material. Pretending like you aren't a bunch of fascists is standard operating procedure for TDS morons.

I have nothing to do with policing social media accounts. Just pointing out that this argument is made by butt hurt Trump supporters who aren't going to get away with posting straight up lies, misinformation, and disinformation anymore. In a lot of respects, those things are really all you faithful have. The rest of us just want him gone in November.

Where are the bans for russiagate lies?

It's just an algo don't get uppity dipshit

Facebook are not the arbiters of truth
It's true that you haven't been banned yet. That just proves our point.

You still upset about the lesson in nationalism i had to teach you? Hahaha

This isn't facebook
What are being removed is proveable liars and their lies.

Comrade, isn't anything that deviates or contradicts the party or your president Xi considered a "lie," by you?

If you're going to tweet political disinformation and proveable propaganda on your Twitter feed, you're not going to have a Twitter feed. Everyone is allowed a different opinion, but you're not allowed to promulgate "alternative facts", which in the real world, are called "lies".

Republicans can't run on a platform of "We're going to cut taxes and crash the economy - again", so they make shit up. Although this year, they didn't even bother with a platform, so no promises made, no promises to keep.

When you can't run on your record, and you don't have any plans for the country, or at least none of them that would earn you votes if you published them, and you go whole hog for disease, debt and death, and then try to gaslight the American people into believing that none of this mess is YOUR fault, and the other guy will make things worse, you're on fairly shaky ground to begin with.

If you tweet anything supporting Donald Trump or opposing the Harris/Biden election you won't have a Twitter account.

As said before, what Twitter and Fascistbook are doing is no different than landlords evicting tenants for having Trump bumper stickers on their cars.

I get that you CCP democrats see a MASSIVE loss coming your way like a freight train - but this OPEN corruption of the election process by tech giants MUST STOP.

Jack Dorsey and Mark Zuckerburg should both face CRIMINAL charges for tampering with the election - which is what they are doing.


Yeah whatever. I can scan Twitter and Facebook for about a million or so posts that support Trump for President. Clutching your pearls a bit too tightly? Unless you are going to post misinformation and disinformation, they won't give you a second thought.
As for the rest of your rant...other way around snowflake. November could see the minimalization of the Republican party for a few election cycles.....all mostly thanks to You-Know-Who! :)
There's a conservative (just about alt-right) social media platform alternative out there. Go join that one if you don't like the other two.

Well, if an unbiased source like you says so, Comrade traitor.

Waaahhhh!!! There you go. I shed some tears for you and just played the world's smallest violin in a mini symphony. And I'm sorry snowflake, I'm not shedding any tears for the foaming at the mouth rabids like Alex Jones, Laura Loomer, and Gavin McInnes. Nor do I care about that the shell of a (man) Senator Cruz or the-should-be-in-jail Representative Gaetz are on Parler. More power to them. Parler is quickly becoming an alt-right echo chamber. Only a matter of time until that bile reaches critical mass. Then, you'll most likely see the crackdown that Twitter and Facebook are implementing.

You're a clown. Tell me traitor - would it be okay for Fox to refuse all campaign ads from democrats and to fire any person who said anything critical of Trump or supportive of Beijing Biden? (sorry Chris Wallace, you're getting a pink slip.)

The tech giants are fucking with our elections. You BETTER hope you Communists win, because otherwise we are coming for social media.

And what do you think you're going to do about social media in the event Trump wins?....yeah, that's right. Nothing. Just more whining and bitching.
Why can't you just face facts and admit that your candidate sucks. He's a moron, a liar, a cheat, a grifter, and a flaming narcissist that doesn't give a shit about you
or anyone that supports him. Why do you always have to go looking for scapegoats? It's not social media that's bringing Trump down. It's Trump.
There are a lot of good Republicans to back. Why you gotta back the giant POS? :)
Anti-trust lawsuit, moron. Then Trump will break it up into about 20 pieces.
What are being removed is proveable liars and their lies.

Comrade, isn't anything that deviates or contradicts the party or your president Xi considered a "lie," by you?

If you're going to tweet political disinformation and proveable propaganda on your Twitter feed, you're not going to have a Twitter feed. Everyone is allowed a different opinion, but you're not allowed to promulgate "alternative facts", which in the real world, are called "lies".

Republicans can't run on a platform of "We're going to cut taxes and crash the economy - again", so they make shit up. Although this year, they didn't even bother with a platform, so no promises made, no promises to keep.

When you can't run on your record, and you don't have any plans for the country, or at least none of them that would earn you votes if you published them, and you go whole hog for disease, debt and death, and then try to gaslight the American people into believing that none of this mess is YOUR fault, and the other guy will make things worse, you're on fairly shaky ground to begin with.

If you tweet anything supporting Donald Trump or opposing the Harris/Biden election you won't have a Twitter account.

As said before, what Twitter and Fascistbook are doing is no different than landlords evicting tenants for having Trump bumper stickers on their cars.

I get that you CCP democrats see a MASSIVE loss coming your way like a freight train - but this OPEN corruption of the election process by tech giants MUST STOP.

Jack Dorsey and Mark Zuckerburg should both face CRIMINAL charges for tampering with the election - which is what they are doing.


Yeah whatever. I can scan Twitter and Facebook for about a million or so posts that support Trump for President. Clutching your pearls a bit too tightly? Unless you are going to post misinformation and disinformation, they won't give you a second thought.
As for the rest of your rant...other way around snowflake. November could see the minimalization of the Republican party for a few election cycles.....all mostly thanks to You-Know-Who! :)
There's a conservative (just about alt-right) social media platform alternative out there. Go join that one if you don't like the other two.
Pay attention kids,, you have no free speech with democrats.. if you read this vote republican

Again snowflake, I literally get dozens of posts forwarded to me a day with people supporting Trump. No free speech with Democrats is a lie!..but, what am I expecting from Trump supporters. It's desperation time right now.
Thousands of people on FB have lost their accounts for posting pro Trump material. Pretending like you aren't a bunch of fascists is standard operating procedure for TDS morons.

I have nothing to do with policing social media accounts. Just pointing out that this argument is made by butt hurt Trump supporters who aren't going to get away with posting straight up lies, misinformation, and disinformation anymore. In a lot of respects, those things are really all you faithful have. The rest of us just want him gone in November.

Where are the bans for russiagate lies?

It's just an algo don't get uppity dipshit

Facebook are not the arbiters of truth
It's true that you haven't been banned yet. That just proves our point.

You still upset about the lesson in nationalism i had to teach you? Hahaha

This isn't facebook
Spits the commie loving scumbag.
What are being removed is proveable liars and their lies.

Comrade, isn't anything that deviates or contradicts the party or your president Xi considered a "lie," by you?

If you're going to tweet political disinformation and proveable propaganda on your Twitter feed, you're not going to have a Twitter feed. Everyone is allowed a different opinion, but you're not allowed to promulgate "alternative facts", which in the real world, are called "lies".

Republicans can't run on a platform of "We're going to cut taxes and crash the economy - again", so they make shit up. Although this year, they didn't even bother with a platform, so no promises made, no promises to keep.

When you can't run on your record, and you don't have any plans for the country, or at least none of them that would earn you votes if you published them, and you go whole hog for disease, debt and death, and then try to gaslight the American people into believing that none of this mess is YOUR fault, and the other guy will make things worse, you're on fairly shaky ground to begin with.

If you tweet anything supporting Donald Trump or opposing the Harris/Biden election you won't have a Twitter account.

As said before, what Twitter and Fascistbook are doing is no different than landlords evicting tenants for having Trump bumper stickers on their cars.

I get that you CCP democrats see a MASSIVE loss coming your way like a freight train - but this OPEN corruption of the election process by tech giants MUST STOP.

Jack Dorsey and Mark Zuckerburg should both face CRIMINAL charges for tampering with the election - which is what they are doing.


Yeah whatever. I can scan Twitter and Facebook for about a million or so posts that support Trump for President. Clutching your pearls a bit too tightly? Unless you are going to post misinformation and disinformation, they won't give you a second thought.
As for the rest of your rant...other way around snowflake. November could see the minimalization of the Republican party for a few election cycles.....all mostly thanks to You-Know-Who! :)
There's a conservative (just about alt-right) social media platform alternative out there. Go join that one if you don't like the other two.

Well, if an unbiased source like you says so, Comrade traitor.

Waaahhhh!!! There you go. I shed some tears for you and just played the world's smallest violin in a mini symphony. And I'm sorry snowflake, I'm not shedding any tears for the foaming at the mouth rabids like Alex Jones, Laura Loomer, and Gavin McInnes. Nor do I care about that the shell of a (man) Senator Cruz or the-should-be-in-jail Representative Gaetz are on Parler. More power to them. Parler is quickly becoming an alt-right echo chamber. Only a matter of time until that bile reaches critical mass. Then, you'll most likely see the crackdown that Twitter and Facebook are implementing.

You're a clown. Tell me traitor - would it be okay for Fox to refuse all campaign ads from democrats and to fire any person who said anything critical of Trump or supportive of Beijing Biden? (sorry Chris Wallace, you're getting a pink slip.)

The tech giants are fucking with our elections. You BETTER hope you Communists win, because otherwise we are coming for social media.

And what do you think you're going to do about social media in the event Trump wins?....yeah, that's right. Nothing. Just more whining and bitching.
Why can't you just face facts and admit that your candidate sucks. He's a moron, a liar, a cheat, a grifter, and a flaming narcissist that doesn't give a shit about you
or anyone that supports him. Why do you always have to go looking for scapegoats? It's not social media that's bringing Trump down. It's Trump.
There are a lot of good Republicans to back. Why you gotta back the giant POS? :)
They ban conservative voices on social media because they know conservative voices are more effective on that platform than progressive voices. The left got complacent with owning the narrative in the MSM. Now that they all live in a social bubble they are learning that conservatives are kicking their butt on social media. And they are freaking out.
What are being removed is proveable liars and their lies.

Comrade, isn't anything that deviates or contradicts the party or your president Xi considered a "lie," by you?

If you're going to tweet political disinformation and proveable propaganda on your Twitter feed, you're not going to have a Twitter feed. Everyone is allowed a different opinion, but you're not allowed to promulgate "alternative facts", which in the real world, are called "lies".

Republicans can't run on a platform of "We're going to cut taxes and crash the economy - again", so they make shit up. Although this year, they didn't even bother with a platform, so no promises made, no promises to keep.

When you can't run on your record, and you don't have any plans for the country, or at least none of them that would earn you votes if you published them, and you go whole hog for disease, debt and death, and then try to gaslight the American people into believing that none of this mess is YOUR fault, and the other guy will make things worse, you're on fairly shaky ground to begin with.

If you tweet anything supporting Donald Trump or opposing the Harris/Biden election you won't have a Twitter account.

As said before, what Twitter and Fascistbook are doing is no different than landlords evicting tenants for having Trump bumper stickers on their cars.

I get that you CCP democrats see a MASSIVE loss coming your way like a freight train - but this OPEN corruption of the election process by tech giants MUST STOP.

Jack Dorsey and Mark Zuckerburg should both face CRIMINAL charges for tampering with the election - which is what they are doing.


Yeah whatever. I can scan Twitter and Facebook for about a million or so posts that support Trump for President. Clutching your pearls a bit too tightly? Unless you are going to post misinformation and disinformation, they won't give you a second thought.
As for the rest of your rant...other way around snowflake. November could see the minimalization of the Republican party for a few election cycles.....all mostly thanks to You-Know-Who! :)
There's a conservative (just about alt-right) social media platform alternative out there. Go join that one if you don't like the other two.

Well, if an unbiased source like you says so, Comrade traitor.

Waaahhhh!!! There you go. I shed some tears for you and just played the world's smallest violin in a mini symphony. And I'm sorry snowflake, I'm not shedding any tears for the foaming at the mouth rabids like Alex Jones, Laura Loomer, and Gavin McInnes. Nor do I care about that the shell of a (man) Senator Cruz or the-should-be-in-jail Representative Gaetz are on Parler. More power to them. Parler is quickly becoming an alt-right echo chamber. Only a matter of time until that bile reaches critical mass. Then, you'll most likely see the crackdown that Twitter and Facebook are implementing.

You're a clown. Tell me traitor - would it be okay for Fox to refuse all campaign ads from democrats and to fire any person who said anything critical of Trump or supportive of Beijing Biden? (sorry Chris Wallace, you're getting a pink slip.)

The tech giants are fucking with our elections. You BETTER hope you Communists win, because otherwise we are coming for social media.

And what do you think you're going to do about social media in the event Trump wins?....yeah, that's right. Nothing. Just more whining and bitching.
Why can't you just face facts and admit that your candidate sucks. He's a moron, a liar, a cheat, a grifter, and a flaming narcissist that doesn't give a shit about you
or anyone that supports him. Why do you always have to go looking for scapegoats? It's not social media that's bringing Trump down. It's Trump.
There are a lot of good Republicans to back. Why you gotta back the giant POS? :)
They ban conservative voices on social media because they know conservative voices are more effective on that platform than progressive voices. The left got complacent with owning the narrative in the MSM. Now that they all live in a social bubble they are learning that conservatives are kicking their butt on social media. And they are freaking out.
Truth is always more effective than lies.
Oh, Pulleze, it's already been shown you have to be pretty damned bad to have Facebook bounce your page. Even killing a person may not do it. But killing two and wounding a third is the charm. So don't give me that lilly white innocent carp routine. You had to be pretty bad and being a Black Republican is the least of your worries.
Seems that once again, the truth will come out and find that the 17 year old(same age as the Thug Trayvon Martin) was acting in self defense. I mean if i had a bunch of Commies coming at me, i would shoot the commies holding the Molotov Cocktails and watch them burn not the buildings.....It would be a glorious day..
What are being removed is proveable liars and their lies.

Comrade, isn't anything that deviates or contradicts the party or your president Xi considered a "lie," by you?

If you're going to tweet political disinformation and proveable propaganda on your Twitter feed, you're not going to have a Twitter feed. Everyone is allowed a different opinion, but you're not allowed to promulgate "alternative facts", which in the real world, are called "lies".

Republicans can't run on a platform of "We're going to cut taxes and crash the economy - again", so they make shit up. Although this year, they didn't even bother with a platform, so no promises made, no promises to keep.

When you can't run on your record, and you don't have any plans for the country, or at least none of them that would earn you votes if you published them, and you go whole hog for disease, debt and death, and then try to gaslight the American people into believing that none of this mess is YOUR fault, and the other guy will make things worse, you're on fairly shaky ground to begin with.

If you tweet anything supporting Donald Trump or opposing the Harris/Biden election you won't have a Twitter account.

As said before, what Twitter and Fascistbook are doing is no different than landlords evicting tenants for having Trump bumper stickers on their cars.

I get that you CCP democrats see a MASSIVE loss coming your way like a freight train - but this OPEN corruption of the election process by tech giants MUST STOP.

Jack Dorsey and Mark Zuckerburg should both face CRIMINAL charges for tampering with the election - which is what they are doing.


Yeah whatever. I can scan Twitter and Facebook for about a million or so posts that support Trump for President. Clutching your pearls a bit too tightly? Unless you are going to post misinformation and disinformation, they won't give you a second thought.
As for the rest of your rant...other way around snowflake. November could see the minimalization of the Republican party for a few election cycles.....all mostly thanks to You-Know-Who! :)
There's a conservative (just about alt-right) social media platform alternative out there. Go join that one if you don't like the other two.

Well, if an unbiased source like you says so, Comrade traitor.

Waaahhhh!!! There you go. I shed some tears for you and just played the world's smallest violin in a mini symphony. And I'm sorry snowflake, I'm not shedding any tears for the foaming at the mouth rabids like Alex Jones, Laura Loomer, and Gavin McInnes. Nor do I care about that the shell of a (man) Senator Cruz or the-should-be-in-jail Representative Gaetz are on Parler. More power to them. Parler is quickly becoming an alt-right echo chamber. Only a matter of time until that bile reaches critical mass. Then, you'll most likely see the crackdown that Twitter and Facebook are implementing.

You're a clown. Tell me traitor - would it be okay for Fox to refuse all campaign ads from democrats and to fire any person who said anything critical of Trump or supportive of Beijing Biden? (sorry Chris Wallace, you're getting a pink slip.)

The tech giants are fucking with our elections. You BETTER hope you Communists win, because otherwise we are coming for social media.

And what do you think you're going to do about social media in the event Trump wins?....yeah, that's right. Nothing. Just more whining and bitching.
Why can't you just face facts and admit that your candidate sucks. He's a moron, a liar, a cheat, a grifter, and a flaming narcissist that doesn't give a shit about you
or anyone that supports him. Why do you always have to go looking for scapegoats? It's not social media that's bringing Trump down. It's Trump.
There are a lot of good Republicans to back. Why you gotta back the giant POS? :)
They ban conservative voices on social media because they know conservative voices are more effective on that platform than progressive voices. The left got complacent with owning the narrative in the MSM. Now that they all live in a social bubble they are learning that conservatives are kicking their butt on social media. And they are freaking out.
Truth is always more effective than lies.
That depends on whose truth it is.

What are being removed is proveable liars and their lies.

Comrade, isn't anything that deviates or contradicts the party or your president Xi considered a "lie," by you?

If you're going to tweet political disinformation and proveable propaganda on your Twitter feed, you're not going to have a Twitter feed. Everyone is allowed a different opinion, but you're not allowed to promulgate "alternative facts", which in the real world, are called "lies".

Republicans can't run on a platform of "We're going to cut taxes and crash the economy - again", so they make shit up. Although this year, they didn't even bother with a platform, so no promises made, no promises to keep.

When you can't run on your record, and you don't have any plans for the country, or at least none of them that would earn you votes if you published them, and you go whole hog for disease, debt and death, and then try to gaslight the American people into believing that none of this mess is YOUR fault, and the other guy will make things worse, you're on fairly shaky ground to begin with.

If you tweet anything supporting Donald Trump or opposing the Harris/Biden election you won't have a Twitter account.

As said before, what Twitter and Fascistbook are doing is no different than landlords evicting tenants for having Trump bumper stickers on their cars.

I get that you CCP democrats see a MASSIVE loss coming your way like a freight train - but this OPEN corruption of the election process by tech giants MUST STOP.

Jack Dorsey and Mark Zuckerburg should both face CRIMINAL charges for tampering with the election - which is what they are doing.


Yeah whatever. I can scan Twitter and Facebook for about a million or so posts that support Trump for President. Clutching your pearls a bit too tightly? Unless you are going to post misinformation and disinformation, they won't give you a second thought.
As for the rest of your rant...other way around snowflake. November could see the minimalization of the Republican party for a few election cycles.....all mostly thanks to You-Know-Who! :)
There's a conservative (just about alt-right) social media platform alternative out there. Go join that one if you don't like the other two.

Well, if an unbiased source like you says so, Comrade traitor.

Waaahhhh!!! There you go. I shed some tears for you and just played the world's smallest violin in a mini symphony. And I'm sorry snowflake, I'm not shedding any tears for the foaming at the mouth rabids like Alex Jones, Laura Loomer, and Gavin McInnes. Nor do I care about that the shell of a (man) Senator Cruz or the-should-be-in-jail Representative Gaetz are on Parler. More power to them. Parler is quickly becoming an alt-right echo chamber. Only a matter of time until that bile reaches critical mass. Then, you'll most likely see the crackdown that Twitter and Facebook are implementing.

You're a clown. Tell me traitor - would it be okay for Fox to refuse all campaign ads from democrats and to fire any person who said anything critical of Trump or supportive of Beijing Biden? (sorry Chris Wallace, you're getting a pink slip.)

The tech giants are fucking with our elections. You BETTER hope you Communists win, because otherwise we are coming for social media.

And what do you think you're going to do about social media in the event Trump wins?....yeah, that's right. Nothing. Just more whining and bitching.
Why can't you just face facts and admit that your candidate sucks. He's a moron, a liar, a cheat, a grifter, and a flaming narcissist that doesn't give a shit about you
or anyone that supports him. Why do you always have to go looking for scapegoats? It's not social media that's bringing Trump down. It's Trump.
There are a lot of good Republicans to back. Why you gotta back the giant POS? :)
They ban conservative voices on social media because they know conservative voices are more effective on that platform than progressive voices. The left got complacent with owning the narrative in the MSM. Now that they all live in a social bubble they are learning that conservatives are kicking their butt on social media. And they are freaking out.

No they don't ban conservative voices. They flag lies, misinformation, and disinformation. If the infraction is egregious enough, they ban. And herein lies the problem at the very heart of what passes now for "conservatism". It's been invaded by the whack jobs, the extremists, the conspiracy theory hawks. Gone or minimalized are the reasonable voices. It's gotten so that conservatism can be broken down into sound bites, memes, and gifs, playing to the lowest common denominators among people. Voters whose minds are so weak and malleable they'll believing anything fed to them that corresponds with their ignorance or intellect. THAT'S how conservatives can drown out progressive voices. Progressive and liberal positions require thought. Critical thinking. They require that you be invested in both the problem and coming up with a solution that isn't knee jerk. Conservatism used to be that. Not anymore. And that's why it's slowly but surely being rejected. And it's the right that's doing the freaking out. Understandable when your ideology and belief systems stands on the verge of extinction.
What are being removed is proveable liars and their lies.

Comrade, isn't anything that deviates or contradicts the party or your president Xi considered a "lie," by you?

If you're going to tweet political disinformation and proveable propaganda on your Twitter feed, you're not going to have a Twitter feed. Everyone is allowed a different opinion, but you're not allowed to promulgate "alternative facts", which in the real world, are called "lies".

Republicans can't run on a platform of "We're going to cut taxes and crash the economy - again", so they make shit up. Although this year, they didn't even bother with a platform, so no promises made, no promises to keep.

When you can't run on your record, and you don't have any plans for the country, or at least none of them that would earn you votes if you published them, and you go whole hog for disease, debt and death, and then try to gaslight the American people into believing that none of this mess is YOUR fault, and the other guy will make things worse, you're on fairly shaky ground to begin with.

If you tweet anything supporting Donald Trump or opposing the Harris/Biden election you won't have a Twitter account.

As said before, what Twitter and Fascistbook are doing is no different than landlords evicting tenants for having Trump bumper stickers on their cars.

I get that you CCP democrats see a MASSIVE loss coming your way like a freight train - but this OPEN corruption of the election process by tech giants MUST STOP.

Jack Dorsey and Mark Zuckerburg should both face CRIMINAL charges for tampering with the election - which is what they are doing.


Yeah whatever. I can scan Twitter and Facebook for about a million or so posts that support Trump for President. Clutching your pearls a bit too tightly? Unless you are going to post misinformation and disinformation, they won't give you a second thought.
As for the rest of your rant...other way around snowflake. November could see the minimalization of the Republican party for a few election cycles.....all mostly thanks to You-Know-Who! :)
There's a conservative (just about alt-right) social media platform alternative out there. Go join that one if you don't like the other two.

Well, if an unbiased source like you says so, Comrade traitor.

Waaahhhh!!! There you go. I shed some tears for you and just played the world's smallest violin in a mini symphony. And I'm sorry snowflake, I'm not shedding any tears for the foaming at the mouth rabids like Alex Jones, Laura Loomer, and Gavin McInnes. Nor do I care about that the shell of a (man) Senator Cruz or the-should-be-in-jail Representative Gaetz are on Parler. More power to them. Parler is quickly becoming an alt-right echo chamber. Only a matter of time until that bile reaches critical mass. Then, you'll most likely see the crackdown that Twitter and Facebook are implementing.

You're a clown. Tell me traitor - would it be okay for Fox to refuse all campaign ads from democrats and to fire any person who said anything critical of Trump or supportive of Beijing Biden? (sorry Chris Wallace, you're getting a pink slip.)

The tech giants are fucking with our elections. You BETTER hope you Communists win, because otherwise we are coming for social media.

And what do you think you're going to do about social media in the event Trump wins?....yeah, that's right. Nothing. Just more whining and bitching.
Why can't you just face facts and admit that your candidate sucks. He's a moron, a liar, a cheat, a grifter, and a flaming narcissist that doesn't give a shit about you
or anyone that supports him. Why do you always have to go looking for scapegoats? It's not social media that's bringing Trump down. It's Trump.
There are a lot of good Republicans to back. Why you gotta back the giant POS? :)
They ban conservative voices on social media because they know conservative voices are more effective on that platform than progressive voices. The left got complacent with owning the narrative in the MSM. Now that they all live in a social bubble they are learning that conservatives are kicking their butt on social media. And they are freaking out.
Truth is always more effective than lies.
That depends on whose truth it is.

That was a good one!
What are being removed is proveable liars and their lies.

Comrade, isn't anything that deviates or contradicts the party or your president Xi considered a "lie," by you?

If you're going to tweet political disinformation and proveable propaganda on your Twitter feed, you're not going to have a Twitter feed. Everyone is allowed a different opinion, but you're not allowed to promulgate "alternative facts", which in the real world, are called "lies".

Republicans can't run on a platform of "We're going to cut taxes and crash the economy - again", so they make shit up. Although this year, they didn't even bother with a platform, so no promises made, no promises to keep.

When you can't run on your record, and you don't have any plans for the country, or at least none of them that would earn you votes if you published them, and you go whole hog for disease, debt and death, and then try to gaslight the American people into believing that none of this mess is YOUR fault, and the other guy will make things worse, you're on fairly shaky ground to begin with.

If you tweet anything supporting Donald Trump or opposing the Harris/Biden election you won't have a Twitter account.

As said before, what Twitter and Fascistbook are doing is no different than landlords evicting tenants for having Trump bumper stickers on their cars.

I get that you CCP democrats see a MASSIVE loss coming your way like a freight train - but this OPEN corruption of the election process by tech giants MUST STOP.

Jack Dorsey and Mark Zuckerburg should both face CRIMINAL charges for tampering with the election - which is what they are doing.


Yeah whatever. I can scan Twitter and Facebook for about a million or so posts that support Trump for President. Clutching your pearls a bit too tightly? Unless you are going to post misinformation and disinformation, they won't give you a second thought.
As for the rest of your rant...other way around snowflake. November could see the minimalization of the Republican party for a few election cycles.....all mostly thanks to You-Know-Who! :)
There's a conservative (just about alt-right) social media platform alternative out there. Go join that one if you don't like the other two.

Well, if an unbiased source like you says so, Comrade traitor.

Waaahhhh!!! There you go. I shed some tears for you and just played the world's smallest violin in a mini symphony. And I'm sorry snowflake, I'm not shedding any tears for the foaming at the mouth rabids like Alex Jones, Laura Loomer, and Gavin McInnes. Nor do I care about that the shell of a (man) Senator Cruz or the-should-be-in-jail Representative Gaetz are on Parler. More power to them. Parler is quickly becoming an alt-right echo chamber. Only a matter of time until that bile reaches critical mass. Then, you'll most likely see the crackdown that Twitter and Facebook are implementing.

You're a clown. Tell me traitor - would it be okay for Fox to refuse all campaign ads from democrats and to fire any person who said anything critical of Trump or supportive of Beijing Biden? (sorry Chris Wallace, you're getting a pink slip.)

The tech giants are fucking with our elections. You BETTER hope you Communists win, because otherwise we are coming for social media.

And what do you think you're going to do about social media in the event Trump wins?....yeah, that's right. Nothing. Just more whining and bitching.
Why can't you just face facts and admit that your candidate sucks. He's a moron, a liar, a cheat, a grifter, and a flaming narcissist that doesn't give a shit about you
or anyone that supports him. Why do you always have to go looking for scapegoats? It's not social media that's bringing Trump down. It's Trump.
There are a lot of good Republicans to back. Why you gotta back the giant POS? :)
They ban conservative voices on social media because they know conservative voices are more effective on that platform than progressive voices. The left got complacent with owning the narrative in the MSM. Now that they all live in a social bubble they are learning that conservatives are kicking their butt on social media. And they are freaking out.

No they don't ban conservative voices. They flag lies, misinformation, and disinformation. If the infraction is egregious enough, they ban. And herein lies the problem at the very heart of what passes now for "conservatism". It's been invaded by the whack jobs, the extremists, the conspiracy theory hawks. Gone or minimalized are the reasonable voices. It's gotten so that conservatism can be broken down into sound bites, memes, and gifs, playing to the lowest common denominators among people. Voters whose minds are so weak and malleable they'll believing anything fed to them that corresponds with their ignorance or intellect. THAT'S how conservatives can drown out progressive voices. Progressive and liberal positions require thought. Critical thinking. They require that you be invested in both the problem and coming up with a solution that isn't knee jerk. Conservatism used to be that. Not anymore. And that's why it's slowly but surely being rejected. And it's the right that's doing the freaking out. Understandable when your ideology and belief systems stands on the verge of extinction.
you are so full of shit your eyes are brown. Why are those on the right the only ones who are ever flagged? It's obvious to everyone who isn't willingly deluding themselves.

Your post is too absurd for mere words to describe. You display the mentality of everyone who tries to justify censorship.
Last edited:
What are being removed is proveable liars and their lies.

Comrade, isn't anything that deviates or contradicts the party or your president Xi considered a "lie," by you?

If you're going to tweet political disinformation and proveable propaganda on your Twitter feed, you're not going to have a Twitter feed. Everyone is allowed a different opinion, but you're not allowed to promulgate "alternative facts", which in the real world, are called "lies".

Republicans can't run on a platform of "We're going to cut taxes and crash the economy - again", so they make shit up. Although this year, they didn't even bother with a platform, so no promises made, no promises to keep.

When you can't run on your record, and you don't have any plans for the country, or at least none of them that would earn you votes if you published them, and you go whole hog for disease, debt and death, and then try to gaslight the American people into believing that none of this mess is YOUR fault, and the other guy will make things worse, you're on fairly shaky ground to begin with.

If you tweet anything supporting Donald Trump or opposing the Harris/Biden election you won't have a Twitter account.

As said before, what Twitter and Fascistbook are doing is no different than landlords evicting tenants for having Trump bumper stickers on their cars.

I get that you CCP democrats see a MASSIVE loss coming your way like a freight train - but this OPEN corruption of the election process by tech giants MUST STOP.

Jack Dorsey and Mark Zuckerburg should both face CRIMINAL charges for tampering with the election - which is what they are doing.


Yeah whatever. I can scan Twitter and Facebook for about a million or so posts that support Trump for President. Clutching your pearls a bit too tightly? Unless you are going to post misinformation and disinformation, they won't give you a second thought.
As for the rest of your rant...other way around snowflake. November could see the minimalization of the Republican party for a few election cycles.....all mostly thanks to You-Know-Who! :)
There's a conservative (just about alt-right) social media platform alternative out there. Go join that one if you don't like the other two.
Pay attention kids,, you have no free speech with democrats.. if you read this vote republican

Again snowflake, I literally get dozens of posts forwarded to me a day with people supporting Trump. No free speech with Democrats is a lie!..but, what am I expecting from Trump supporters. It's desperation time right now.
Thousands of people on FB have lost their accounts for posting pro Trump material. Pretending like you aren't a bunch of fascists is standard operating procedure for TDS morons.

I have nothing to do with policing social media accounts. Just pointing out that this argument is made by butt hurt Trump supporters who aren't going to get away with posting straight up lies, misinformation, and disinformation anymore. In a lot of respects, those things are really all you faithful have. The rest of us just want him gone in November.

lies, misinformation, and disinformation = opinions the left disagrees with

As long as the right wing parrots them, the left will counter them.
They're lies. We can all disagree on policy.
But things like Pizzagate aren't an opinion. It's a batshit conspiracy theory.

If Democrats won in 2016, bill Clinton would be partying with Epstein in the white house today and you would be here defending them.
What are being removed is proveable liars and their lies.

Comrade, isn't anything that deviates or contradicts the party or your president Xi considered a "lie," by you?

If you're going to tweet political disinformation and proveable propaganda on your Twitter feed, you're not going to have a Twitter feed. Everyone is allowed a different opinion, but you're not allowed to promulgate "alternative facts", which in the real world, are called "lies".

Republicans can't run on a platform of "We're going to cut taxes and crash the economy - again", so they make shit up. Although this year, they didn't even bother with a platform, so no promises made, no promises to keep.

When you can't run on your record, and you don't have any plans for the country, or at least none of them that would earn you votes if you published them, and you go whole hog for disease, debt and death, and then try to gaslight the American people into believing that none of this mess is YOUR fault, and the other guy will make things worse, you're on fairly shaky ground to begin with.

If you tweet anything supporting Donald Trump or opposing the Harris/Biden election you won't have a Twitter account.

As said before, what Twitter and Fascistbook are doing is no different than landlords evicting tenants for having Trump bumper stickers on their cars.

I get that you CCP democrats see a MASSIVE loss coming your way like a freight train - but this OPEN corruption of the election process by tech giants MUST STOP.

Jack Dorsey and Mark Zuckerburg should both face CRIMINAL charges for tampering with the election - which is what they are doing.


Yeah whatever. I can scan Twitter and Facebook for about a million or so posts that support Trump for President. Clutching your pearls a bit too tightly? Unless you are going to post misinformation and disinformation, they won't give you a second thought.
As for the rest of your rant...other way around snowflake. November could see the minimalization of the Republican party for a few election cycles.....all mostly thanks to You-Know-Who! :)
There's a conservative (just about alt-right) social media platform alternative out there. Go join that one if you don't like the other two.

Well, if an unbiased source like you says so, Comrade traitor.

Waaahhhh!!! There you go. I shed some tears for you and just played the world's smallest violin in a mini symphony. And I'm sorry snowflake, I'm not shedding any tears for the foaming at the mouth rabids like Alex Jones, Laura Loomer, and Gavin McInnes. Nor do I care about that the shell of a (man) Senator Cruz or the-should-be-in-jail Representative Gaetz are on Parler. More power to them. Parler is quickly becoming an alt-right echo chamber. Only a matter of time until that bile reaches critical mass. Then, you'll most likely see the crackdown that Twitter and Facebook are implementing.

You're a clown. Tell me traitor - would it be okay for Fox to refuse all campaign ads from democrats and to fire any person who said anything critical of Trump or supportive of Beijing Biden? (sorry Chris Wallace, you're getting a pink slip.)

The tech giants are fucking with our elections. You BETTER hope you Communists win, because otherwise we are coming for social media.

And what do you think you're going to do about social media in the event Trump wins?....yeah, that's right. Nothing. Just more whining and bitching.
Why can't you just face facts and admit that your candidate sucks. He's a moron, a liar, a cheat, a grifter, and a flaming narcissist that doesn't give a shit about you
or anyone that supports him. Why do you always have to go looking for scapegoats? It's not social media that's bringing Trump down. It's Trump.
There are a lot of good Republicans to back. Why you gotta back the giant POS? :)
They ban conservative voices on social media because they know conservative voices are more effective on that platform than progressive voices. The left got complacent with owning the narrative in the MSM. Now that they all live in a social bubble they are learning that conservatives are kicking their butt on social media. And they are freaking out.

No they don't ban conservative voices. They flag lies, misinformation, and disinformation. If the infraction is egregious enough, they ban. And herein lies the problem at the very heart of what passes now for "conservatism". It's been invaded by the whack jobs, the extremists, the conspiracy theory hawks. Gone or minimalized are the reasonable voices. It's gotten so that conservatism can be broken down into sound bites, memes, and gifs, playing to the lowest common denominators among people. Voters whose minds are so weak and malleable they'll believing anything fed to them that corresponds with their ignorance or intellect. THAT'S how conservatives can drown out progressive voices. Progressive and liberal positions require thought. Critical thinking. They require that you be invested in both the problem and coming up with a solution that isn't knee jerk. Conservatism used to be that. Not anymore. And that's why it's slowly but surely being rejected. And it's the right that's doing the freaking out. Understandable when your ideology and belief systems stands on the verge of extinction.
you are so fool of shit your eyes are brown. Why are those on the right the only ones who are ever flagged? It's obvious to everyone who isn't willingly deluding themselves.

Your post is to absurd for mere words to describe. You display the mentality of everyone who tries to justify censorship.

Because the algo has minimum wage dudes from cali who check this shit

the same way you do work for google identifying pictures in captchas

so unless you get conservatives to go work for facebook and help improve the "fact check" algos

You will always get these results.

Basically all these algos are refined by human input. They do not have some magic formula to rate and identify truth
What are being removed is proveable liars and their lies.

Comrade, isn't anything that deviates or contradicts the party or your president Xi considered a "lie," by you?

If you're going to tweet political disinformation and proveable propaganda on your Twitter feed, you're not going to have a Twitter feed. Everyone is allowed a different opinion, but you're not allowed to promulgate "alternative facts", which in the real world, are called "lies".

Republicans can't run on a platform of "We're going to cut taxes and crash the economy - again", so they make shit up. Although this year, they didn't even bother with a platform, so no promises made, no promises to keep.

When you can't run on your record, and you don't have any plans for the country, or at least none of them that would earn you votes if you published them, and you go whole hog for disease, debt and death, and then try to gaslight the American people into believing that none of this mess is YOUR fault, and the other guy will make things worse, you're on fairly shaky ground to begin with.

If you tweet anything supporting Donald Trump or opposing the Harris/Biden election you won't have a Twitter account.

As said before, what Twitter and Fascistbook are doing is no different than landlords evicting tenants for having Trump bumper stickers on their cars.

I get that you CCP democrats see a MASSIVE loss coming your way like a freight train - but this OPEN corruption of the election process by tech giants MUST STOP.

Jack Dorsey and Mark Zuckerburg should both face CRIMINAL charges for tampering with the election - which is what they are doing.


Yeah whatever. I can scan Twitter and Facebook for about a million or so posts that support Trump for President. Clutching your pearls a bit too tightly? Unless you are going to post misinformation and disinformation, they won't give you a second thought.
As for the rest of your rant...other way around snowflake. November could see the minimalization of the Republican party for a few election cycles.....all mostly thanks to You-Know-Who! :)
There's a conservative (just about alt-right) social media platform alternative out there. Go join that one if you don't like the other two.

Well, if an unbiased source like you says so, Comrade traitor.

Waaahhhh!!! There you go. I shed some tears for you and just played the world's smallest violin in a mini symphony. And I'm sorry snowflake, I'm not shedding any tears for the foaming at the mouth rabids like Alex Jones, Laura Loomer, and Gavin McInnes. Nor do I care about that the shell of a (man) Senator Cruz or the-should-be-in-jail Representative Gaetz are on Parler. More power to them. Parler is quickly becoming an alt-right echo chamber. Only a matter of time until that bile reaches critical mass. Then, you'll most likely see the crackdown that Twitter and Facebook are implementing.

You're a clown. Tell me traitor - would it be okay for Fox to refuse all campaign ads from democrats and to fire any person who said anything critical of Trump or supportive of Beijing Biden? (sorry Chris Wallace, you're getting a pink slip.)

The tech giants are fucking with our elections. You BETTER hope you Communists win, because otherwise we are coming for social media.

And what do you think you're going to do about social media in the event Trump wins?....yeah, that's right. Nothing. Just more whining and bitching.
Why can't you just face facts and admit that your candidate sucks. He's a moron, a liar, a cheat, a grifter, and a flaming narcissist that doesn't give a shit about you
or anyone that supports him. Why do you always have to go looking for scapegoats? It's not social media that's bringing Trump down. It's Trump.
There are a lot of good Republicans to back. Why you gotta back the giant POS? :)
They ban conservative voices on social media because they know conservative voices are more effective on that platform than progressive voices. The left got complacent with owning the narrative in the MSM. Now that they all live in a social bubble they are learning that conservatives are kicking their butt on social media. And they are freaking out.

No they don't ban conservative voices. They flag lies, misinformation, and disinformation. If the infraction is egregious enough, they ban. And herein lies the problem at the very heart of what passes now for "conservatism". It's been invaded by the whack jobs, the extremists, the conspiracy theory hawks. Gone or minimalized are the reasonable voices. It's gotten so that conservatism can be broken down into sound bites, memes, and gifs, playing to the lowest common denominators among people. Voters whose minds are so weak and malleable they'll believing anything fed to them that corresponds with their ignorance or intellect. THAT'S how conservatives can drown out progressive voices. Progressive and liberal positions require thought. Critical thinking. They require that you be invested in both the problem and coming up with a solution that isn't knee jerk. Conservatism used to be that. Not anymore. And that's why it's slowly but surely being rejected. And it's the right that's doing the freaking out. Understandable when your ideology and belief systems stands on the verge of extinction.
you are so fool of shit your eyes are brown. Why are those on the right the only ones who are ever flagged? It's obvious to everyone who isn't willingly deluding themselves.

Your post is to absurd for mere words to describe. You display the mentality of everyone who tries to justify censorship.

Well, post something from a liberal or progressive that's worthy of being flagged and banned. And those right wingers are free to parrot their "opinions" (lies) on other platforms. They violate the TOS and it's egregious enough, they're gone.
Pretty straightforward. Crying about it won't change things. They could try making a reasoned argument for once instead of resorting to lies, misinformation, or disinformation.
What are being removed is proveable liars and their lies.

Comrade, isn't anything that deviates or contradicts the party or your president Xi considered a "lie," by you?

If you're going to tweet political disinformation and proveable propaganda on your Twitter feed, you're not going to have a Twitter feed. Everyone is allowed a different opinion, but you're not allowed to promulgate "alternative facts", which in the real world, are called "lies".

Republicans can't run on a platform of "We're going to cut taxes and crash the economy - again", so they make shit up. Although this year, they didn't even bother with a platform, so no promises made, no promises to keep.

When you can't run on your record, and you don't have any plans for the country, or at least none of them that would earn you votes if you published them, and you go whole hog for disease, debt and death, and then try to gaslight the American people into believing that none of this mess is YOUR fault, and the other guy will make things worse, you're on fairly shaky ground to begin with.

If you tweet anything supporting Donald Trump or opposing the Harris/Biden election you won't have a Twitter account.

As said before, what Twitter and Fascistbook are doing is no different than landlords evicting tenants for having Trump bumper stickers on their cars.

I get that you CCP democrats see a MASSIVE loss coming your way like a freight train - but this OPEN corruption of the election process by tech giants MUST STOP.

Jack Dorsey and Mark Zuckerburg should both face CRIMINAL charges for tampering with the election - which is what they are doing.


Yeah whatever. I can scan Twitter and Facebook for about a million or so posts that support Trump for President. Clutching your pearls a bit too tightly? Unless you are going to post misinformation and disinformation, they won't give you a second thought.
As for the rest of your rant...other way around snowflake. November could see the minimalization of the Republican party for a few election cycles.....all mostly thanks to You-Know-Who! :)
There's a conservative (just about alt-right) social media platform alternative out there. Go join that one if you don't like the other two.
Pay attention kids,, you have no free speech with democrats.. if you read this vote republican

Again snowflake, I literally get dozens of posts forwarded to me a day with people supporting Trump. No free speech with Democrats is a lie!..but, what am I expecting from Trump supporters. It's desperation time right now.
Thousands of people on FB have lost their accounts for posting pro Trump material. Pretending like you aren't a bunch of fascists is standard operating procedure for TDS morons.

I have nothing to do with policing social media accounts. Just pointing out that this argument is made by butt hurt Trump supporters who aren't going to get away with posting straight up lies, misinformation, and disinformation anymore. In a lot of respects, those things are really all you faithful have. The rest of us just want him gone in November.

lies, misinformation, and disinformation = opinions the left disagrees with

As long as the right wing parrots them, the left will counter them.
They're lies. We can all disagree on policy.
But things like Pizzagate aren't an opinion. It's a batshit conspiracy theory.

If Democrats won in 2016, bill Clinton would be partying with Epstein in the white house today and you would be here defending them.

The only reason Epstein got out of trouble was because of collusion between Trump’s cronies, Acosta and Dershowitz who engaged in the sweetest plea deal anyone ever heard of.

It was only the work of liberal mainstream media and a US Attorney that he was back in cuffs. That US attorney by the way was booted to the curb by Bill Barr, oddly enough.

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