
No. Not at all. Don't be retarded.
What is it then?

If a publisher refuses to publish your book you go to a publisher who will.

If a website deletes your posts you go to a website that will allow them.

Nobody is burning your internet posts.
it is censorship

Yeah. Private websites censor things sometimes. You're on what that does it. It's not the same as the government eradicating information that they deem harmful.
So you're saying that they are meerly a private business enterprise and as such do NOT enjoy the protection the 1st amendment affords legitimate press? I just want to be clear that we have all the proper rules in place before we play this game. Also as a private enterpise they are clearly covered by and nmust operated under existing antitrust laws and regulations. They may also be covered under the rules and regulations administered by the FCC.

Fecesbook is in NO way the fucking "press". It's a fucking graffiti wall. Don't be absurd.

Further the FCC has no jurisdiction. And even in those areas (broadcasting) where it does have jurisdiction it has none over content. Nor should it.
Why would the FCC have no jurisdiction? They are using bandwidth that is carried over the airwaves which have long been said to belong to the public and thus are regulated by the gubberment. The FCC also regulates communications carried over telephone lines. It doesn't matter how you choose to slice the loaf, the FCC does have jurisdiction the likex of ghese assholes.

Once again --- the FCC does not regulate content, and never has.
Your argument is "size matters"? Seriously??

What a whiff. :rolleyes:

Try posting something here about bestiality, or pedophilia, or somebody's family. See how far you get.

Y'all are like a toddler walking a picket line carrying "Mom's a fascist" sign because she won't let you throw food around the kitchen. Fer fuxsake get a life.

Yeah, the size of the platform doesn't matter...Okay? If that were true..then why did all the tech/social media platforms get together to remove the video I am talking about?

But I see you now..you are just a fucking retard. I won't waste anymore time with you.

**EDIT** Think about it this way POGO the retard scumbag..Facebook and Twitter are removing doctor's recommendations about hydroxychloroquine THAT DID SAVE AND WILL SAVE MORE PEOPLE'S LIVES because it goes against the orange man bad narrative..And you, are okay with that.
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Your argument is "size matters"? Seriously??

What a whiff. :rolleyes:

Try posting something here about bestiality, or pedophilia, or somebody's family. See how far you get.

Y'all are like a toddler walking a picket line carrying "Mom's a fascist" sign because she won't let you throw food around the kitchen. Fer fuxsake get a life.

Yeah, the size of the platform doesn't matter..Okay..? I see you now..you are just a fucking retard. I won't waste anymore time with you.

See what I mean about the toddler throwing food?
No. Not at all. Don't be retarded.
What is it then?

Tell me, name one thing that you are prevented from reading about, because of facebook? Name one. I can't think of anything. There are millions of places on the internet that you can post stuff.

Now do I agree with what they are doing? No of course not.

But the people who run this forum, have the right to remove any post they want, for any reason they want. Why? Because it is their forum. They can do with their forum, whatever they want.

If you... YOU specific, ran a forum. You could delete any post made by anyone, on your forum that you wanted to, for any reason.

I am part of a church, that has a forum. The forum is open to anyone who registers. But we have rules, we don't believe in abortion, and we consider that murder. We delete posts, promoting abortion.

It's OUR forum. It's not your forum, or some activists forum, or a bunch of SJW's forum, or a homosexual forum, or anything.

We own. We paid for it. We run it. It's ours. We can determine what is on our forum, and delete anything we don't want on our forum.

That's how this works.

Well... facebook can delete whatever it wants from its forum. It's their forum. That's what facebook is.

Censorship, is a very different thing.

Censorship by definition is the government saying, that you are not allowed to speak or read or whatever, a specific message or media.

You can't stop me from saying this ^^^^^^^^^ right above. You can kick me off here, and I'll post this elsewhere. There thousands of forums like this. And if nothing else, I could post this on my front lawn, and there is nothing you can do about it.

I could even open my own forum, and post all of this here a million times across my own forum. And I could pay to have it advertised on google searches even, or other marketing systems. And there is nothing you can do to stop me.

If you can't stop me from saying what I want to say.... then it isn't censorship.

Don't confuse being prevented from speaking, with being prevented from using someone elses private property.

You can't stand on my front lawn, and use my lawn to spread your message. That's not censorship. That's my property, and my rights to do with my property what I want.

Just like I can't put on a message on the side of your car, that promotes something I believe in, because your car is your private property.

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