Census data shows Obamacare and welfare kept millions out of poverty


Registered Democrat.
Aug 9, 2015
The pubbies must be horrified.
Census data shows Obamacare and welfare kept millions out of poverty
If there was any good news in the census data dump on Wednesday, it was that the US’s welfare safety net programs and Barack Obama’s signature healthcare legislation are doing exactly what they are supposed to.

The supplemental poverty measure data released by the US Census bureau showed that programs like food stamps, refundable tax credits and social security benefits helped keep millions of Americans out of poverty in 2014. Similarly, the data regarding health insurance coverage showed that last year the number of uninsured Americans dropped by 8.8 million.

“In 2014, the percentage of people without health insurance for the entire calendar year was 10.4%, or 33 million people, lower than the rate, 13.3%, and the number of uninsured, 41.8 million, in 2013,” Victoria Velkoff, chief of the social, economic and housing statistics division at the bureau, said on Wednesday. “The decrease in the uninsured rate was 2.9%, or 8.8 million people.”

Americans with full-time jobs were the least likely to be uninsured.

“This is dramatic proof that the Affordable Care Act is a stunning success,” said Ron Pollack, executive director of Families USA. “The historic decrease in the number of uninsured Americans is unmistakably attributable to the Affordable Care Act’s implementation.

“The numbers show that the greatest gains were among moderate-income families, communities of color and young people – the precise groups that most needed help in gaining health insurance. According to the report, households with incomes below $25,000 a year saw their rate of coverage increase by 4.3%, and households between $25,000 and $49,999 saw an increase of 5%. Hispanics, black people and Asians increased coverage rates by about 4%. And the rate of uninsured between ages 26 to 34 went down by 5.5%.”
Of course it did,,,,The rich have fucked over the market place and fucking sent us into a recession...So all the people that needed help got it under Obama.
Economy: After six-plus years of President Obama's big-spending, tax-raising policies, middle-class families have seen their incomes decline and more families have fallen into poverty, Census data show.

The Census Bureau's latest annual report on income and poverty in America shows that there was little to cheer about in 2014.


Read More At Investor's Business Daily: Middle Class Lost In Obama's 'Middle Class Economics'
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Middle Class Lost In Obama's 'Middle Class Economics'
Economy: After six-plus years of President Obama's big-spending, tax-raising policies, middle-class families have seen their incomes decline and more families have fallen into poverty, Census data show.

The Census Bureau's latest annual report on income and poverty in America shows that there was little to cheer about in 2014.

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Read More At Investor's Business Daily: Middle Class Lost In Obama's 'Middle Class Economics'
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Reagan tripled the national debt, obama was handed one of the worst disasters in decades. Jobs are being added rapidly.
The pubbies must be horrified.
Census data shows Obamacare and welfare kept millions out of poverty
If there was any good news in the census data dump on Wednesday, it was that the US’s welfare safety net programs and Barack Obama’s signature healthcare legislation are doing exactly what they are supposed to.

The supplemental poverty measure data released by the US Census bureau showed that programs like food stamps, refundable tax credits and social security benefits helped keep millions of Americans out of poverty in 2014. Similarly, the data regarding health insurance coverage showed that last year the number of uninsured Americans dropped by 8.8 million.

“In 2014, the percentage of people without health insurance for the entire calendar year was 10.4%, or 33 million people, lower than the rate, 13.3%, and the number of uninsured, 41.8 million, in 2013,” Victoria Velkoff, chief of the social, economic and housing statistics division at the bureau, said on Wednesday. “The decrease in the uninsured rate was 2.9%, or 8.8 million people.”

Americans with full-time jobs were the least likely to be uninsured.

“This is dramatic proof that the Affordable Care Act is a stunning success,” said Ron Pollack, executive director of Families USA. “The historic decrease in the number of uninsured Americans is unmistakably attributable to the Affordable Care Act’s implementation.

“The numbers show that the greatest gains were among moderate-income families, communities of color and young people – the precise groups that most needed help in gaining health insurance. According to the report, households with incomes below $25,000 a year saw their rate of coverage increase by 4.3%, and households between $25,000 and $49,999 saw an increase of 5%. Hispanics, black people and Asians increased coverage rates by about 4%. And the rate of uninsured between ages 26 to 34 went down by 5.5%.”

Hardly. The poverty rate is up under Obama:

The pubbies must be horrified.
Census data shows Obamacare and welfare kept millions out of poverty
If there was any good news in the census data dump on Wednesday, it was that the US’s welfare safety net programs and Barack Obama’s signature healthcare legislation are doing exactly what they are supposed to.

The supplemental poverty measure data released by the US Census bureau showed that programs like food stamps, refundable tax credits and social security benefits helped keep millions of Americans out of poverty in 2014. Similarly, the data regarding health insurance coverage showed that last year the number of uninsured Americans dropped by 8.8 million.

“In 2014, the percentage of people without health insurance for the entire calendar year was 10.4%, or 33 million people, lower than the rate, 13.3%, and the number of uninsured, 41.8 million, in 2013,” Victoria Velkoff, chief of the social, economic and housing statistics division at the bureau, said on Wednesday. “The decrease in the uninsured rate was 2.9%, or 8.8 million people.”

Americans with full-time jobs were the least likely to be uninsured.

“This is dramatic proof that the Affordable Care Act is a stunning success,” said Ron Pollack, executive director of Families USA. “The historic decrease in the number of uninsured Americans is unmistakably attributable to the Affordable Care Act’s implementation.

“The numbers show that the greatest gains were among moderate-income families, communities of color and young people – the precise groups that most needed help in gaining health insurance. According to the report, households with incomes below $25,000 a year saw their rate of coverage increase by 4.3%, and households between $25,000 and $49,999 saw an increase of 5%. Hispanics, black people and Asians increased coverage rates by about 4%. And the rate of uninsured between ages 26 to 34 went down by 5.5%.”

Hardly. The poverty rate is up under Obama:

LOL. Funny how Obama was handed the recession and had to deal with uncompromising republicans.. The fact is, obamacare and welfare are keeping people out of poverty, unfortunately, people are still falling in. Maybe if we raised the minimum wage and other such things proven to help the poor.
The pubbies must be horrified.
Census data shows Obamacare and welfare kept millions out of poverty
If there was any good news in the census data dump on Wednesday, it was that the US’s welfare safety net programs and Barack Obama’s signature healthcare legislation are doing exactly what they are supposed to.

The supplemental poverty measure data released by the US Census bureau showed that programs like food stamps, refundable tax credits and social security benefits helped keep millions of Americans out of poverty in 2014. Similarly, the data regarding health insurance coverage showed that last year the number of uninsured Americans dropped by 8.8 million.

“In 2014, the percentage of people without health insurance for the entire calendar year was 10.4%, or 33 million people, lower than the rate, 13.3%, and the number of uninsured, 41.8 million, in 2013,” Victoria Velkoff, chief of the social, economic and housing statistics division at the bureau, said on Wednesday. “The decrease in the uninsured rate was 2.9%, or 8.8 million people.”

Americans with full-time jobs were the least likely to be uninsured.

“This is dramatic proof that the Affordable Care Act is a stunning success,” said Ron Pollack, executive director of Families USA. “The historic decrease in the number of uninsured Americans is unmistakably attributable to the Affordable Care Act’s implementation.

“The numbers show that the greatest gains were among moderate-income families, communities of color and young people – the precise groups that most needed help in gaining health insurance. According to the report, households with incomes below $25,000 a year saw their rate of coverage increase by 4.3%, and households between $25,000 and $49,999 saw an increase of 5%. Hispanics, black people and Asians increased coverage rates by about 4%. And the rate of uninsured between ages 26 to 34 went down by 5.5%.”

Hardly. The poverty rate is up under Obama:

LOL. Funny how Obama was handed the recession and had to deal with uncompromising republicans.. The fact is, obamacare and welfare are keeping people out of poverty, unfortunately, people are still falling in. Maybe if we raised the minimum wage and other such things proven to help the poor.

The old "it would have been worse if not for our fearless Democrat leader" excuse.

The bottom line is that the claims you made are not supported by the Census Bureau statistics.
The pubbies must be horrified.
Census data shows Obamacare and welfare kept millions out of poverty
If there was any good news in the census data dump on Wednesday, it was that the US’s welfare safety net programs and Barack Obama’s signature healthcare legislation are doing exactly what they are supposed to.

The supplemental poverty measure data released by the US Census bureau showed that programs like food stamps, refundable tax credits and social security benefits helped keep millions of Americans out of poverty in 2014. Similarly, the data regarding health insurance coverage showed that last year the number of uninsured Americans dropped by 8.8 million.

“In 2014, the percentage of people without health insurance for the entire calendar year was 10.4%, or 33 million people, lower than the rate, 13.3%, and the number of uninsured, 41.8 million, in 2013,” Victoria Velkoff, chief of the social, economic and housing statistics division at the bureau, said on Wednesday. “The decrease in the uninsured rate was 2.9%, or 8.8 million people.”

Americans with full-time jobs were the least likely to be uninsured.

“This is dramatic proof that the Affordable Care Act is a stunning success,” said Ron Pollack, executive director of Families USA. “The historic decrease in the number of uninsured Americans is unmistakably attributable to the Affordable Care Act’s implementation.

“The numbers show that the greatest gains were among moderate-income families, communities of color and young people – the precise groups that most needed help in gaining health insurance. According to the report, households with incomes below $25,000 a year saw their rate of coverage increase by 4.3%, and households between $25,000 and $49,999 saw an increase of 5%. Hispanics, black people and Asians increased coverage rates by about 4%. And the rate of uninsured between ages 26 to 34 went down by 5.5%.”

Hardly. The poverty rate is up under Obama:

LOL. Funny how Obama was handed the recession and had to deal with uncompromising republicans.. The fact is, obamacare and welfare are keeping people out of poverty, unfortunately, people are still falling in. Maybe if we raised the minimum wage and other such things proven to help the poor.

The old "it would have been worse if not for our fearless Democrat leader" excuse.

The bottom line is that the claims you made are not supported by the Census Bureau statistics.
2015 census data shows:
  • Number of uninsured Americans decreased by 8.8 million in 2014
  • Social Security reduced supplemental poverty measure by more than 8%
"The supplemental poverty measure data released by the US Census bureau showed that programs like food stamps, refundable tax credits and social security benefits helped keep millions of Americans out of poverty in 2014. Similarly, the data regarding health insurance coverage showed that last year the number of uninsured Americans dropped by 8.8 million."
The pubbies must be horrified.
Census data shows Obamacare and welfare kept millions out of poverty
If there was any good news in the census data dump on Wednesday, it was that the US’s welfare safety net programs and Barack Obama’s signature healthcare legislation are doing exactly what they are supposed to.

The supplemental poverty measure data released by the US Census bureau showed that programs like food stamps, refundable tax credits and social security benefits helped keep millions of Americans out of poverty in 2014. Similarly, the data regarding health insurance coverage showed that last year the number of uninsured Americans dropped by 8.8 million.

“In 2014, the percentage of people without health insurance for the entire calendar year was 10.4%, or 33 million people, lower than the rate, 13.3%, and the number of uninsured, 41.8 million, in 2013,” Victoria Velkoff, chief of the social, economic and housing statistics division at the bureau, said on Wednesday. “The decrease in the uninsured rate was 2.9%, or 8.8 million people.”

Americans with full-time jobs were the least likely to be uninsured.

“This is dramatic proof that the Affordable Care Act is a stunning success,” said Ron Pollack, executive director of Families USA. “The historic decrease in the number of uninsured Americans is unmistakably attributable to the Affordable Care Act’s implementation.

“The numbers show that the greatest gains were among moderate-income families, communities of color and young people – the precise groups that most needed help in gaining health insurance. According to the report, households with incomes below $25,000 a year saw their rate of coverage increase by 4.3%, and households between $25,000 and $49,999 saw an increase of 5%. Hispanics, black people and Asians increased coverage rates by about 4%. And the rate of uninsured between ages 26 to 34 went down by 5.5%.”

Hardly. The poverty rate is up under Obama:

LOL. Funny how Obama was handed the recession and had to deal with uncompromising republicans.. The fact is, obamacare and welfare are keeping people out of poverty, unfortunately, people are still falling in. Maybe if we raised the minimum wage and other such things proven to help the poor.

The old "it would have been worse if not for our fearless Democrat leader" excuse.

The bottom line is that the claims you made are not supported by the Census Bureau statistics.
Health care costs incurred by the low-income Americans can actually force them into poverty or keep them there.

The supplemental poverty measure (SPM) report released on Wednesday looks at the effectiveness of various elements in alleviating poverty as well as effects of various other expenses. In 2014, the SPM was 15.3% – that’s equivalent to more than 48 million Americans living in poverty.

The SPM report found that last year social security benefits reduced SPM by 8.2%, tax credits reduced it by 3.1% and food stamps reduced it by 1.5%. Out-of-pocket expenses, however, increased the SPM by 3.5%. Each percentage point is equivalent to more than 3 million Americans.

“In the US system, we all have out-of-pocket expenses for medical care: co-pays, deductibles, etc. This is true even for folks with strong health insurance,” explained Geronimus.
It's amazing what Obama can do by printing $38 billion per month. Print the money, give it away to people who don't want to work, drive interest rates to zero, drive investment away from Main Street to Wall Street, claim that the the economy is vastly improved by negating the unemployed from unemployment figures, then blame the resultant poor on the Republicans.

The fix is in. Dog wags tail.

End of fucking story.
It's amazing what Obama can do by printing $38 billion per month. Print the money, give it away to people who don't want to work, drive interest rates to zero, drive investment away from Main Street to Wall Street, claim that the the economy is vastly improved by negating the unemployed from unemployment figures, then blame the resultant poor on the Republicans.

The fix is in. Dog wags tail.

End of fucking story.
What the fuck are you talking about?
"The supplemental poverty measure data released by the US Census bureau showed that programs like food stamps, refundable tax credits and social security benefits helped keep millions of Americans out of poverty in 2014. Similarly, the data regarding health insurance coverage showed that last year the number of uninsured Americans dropped by 8.8 million.

“In 2014, the percentage of people without health insurance for the entire calendar year was 10.4%, or 33 million people, lower than the rate, 13.3%, and the number of uninsured, 41.8 million, in 2013,” Victoria Velkoff, chief of the social, economic and housing statistics division at the bureau, said on Wednesday. “The decrease in the uninsured rate was 2.9%, or 8.8 million people.”

Americans with full-time jobs were the least likely to be uninsured.

“This is dramatic proof that the Affordable Care Act is a stunning success,” said Ron Pollack, executive director of Families USA. “The historic decrease in the number of uninsured Americans is unmistakably attributable to the Affordable Care Act’s implementation.

“The numbers show that the greatest gains were among moderate-income families, communities of color and young people – the precise groups that most needed help in gaining health insurance. According to the report, households with incomes below $25,000 a year saw their rate of coverage increase by 4.3%, and households between $25,000 and $49,999 saw an increase of 5%. Hispanics, black people and Asians increased coverage rates by about 4%. And the rate of uninsured between ages 26 to 34 went down by 5.5%.”"
Yeah, yeah, blame obama for employers deciding to be assholes..
Keep in mind this thread isn't about the poverty numbers, it's about obamacare/food stamps/etc keeping people out of poverty who would be in it without these programs.
It's amazing what Obama can do by printing $38 billion per month. Print the money, give it away to people who don't want to work, drive interest rates to zero, drive investment away from Main Street to Wall Street, claim that the the economy is vastly improved by negating the unemployed from unemployment figures, then blame the resultant poor on the Republicans.

The fix is in. Dog wags tail.

End of fucking story.
What the fuck are you talking about?
"The supplemental poverty measure data released by the US Census bureau showed that programs like food stamps, refundable tax credits and social security benefits helped keep millions of Americans out of poverty in 2014. Similarly, the data regarding health insurance coverage showed that last year the number of uninsured Americans dropped by 8.8 million.

“In 2014, the percentage of people without health insurance for the entire calendar year was 10.4%, or 33 million people, lower than the rate, 13.3%, and the number of uninsured, 41.8 million, in 2013,” Victoria Velkoff, chief of the social, economic and housing statistics division at the bureau, said on Wednesday. “The decrease in the uninsured rate was 2.9%, or 8.8 million people.”

Americans with full-time jobs were the least likely to be uninsured.

“This is dramatic proof that the Affordable Care Act is a stunning success,” said Ron Pollack, executive director of Families USA. “The historic decrease in the number of uninsured Americans is unmistakably attributable to the Affordable Care Act’s implementation.

“The numbers show that the greatest gains were among moderate-income families, communities of color and young people – the precise groups that most needed help in gaining health insurance. According to the report, households with incomes below $25,000 a year saw their rate of coverage increase by 4.3%, and households between $25,000 and $49,999 saw an increase of 5%. Hispanics, black people and Asians increased coverage rates by about 4%. And the rate of uninsured between ages 26 to 34 went down by 5.5%.”"
Yeah, yeah, blame obama for employers deciding to be assholes..
Smoke and mirrors, my young Padawan Bitch. :slap:

Obama has sold us down the proverbial river with such charades.

Before the ACA, the uninsured never ever lacked care.

More pre-born babies have died because of Roe V Wade than have Americans for lack of insurance.
Middle Class Lost In Obama's 'Middle Class Economics'
Economy: After six-plus years of President Obama's big-spending, tax-raising policies, middle-class families have seen their incomes decline and more families have fallen into poverty, Census data show.

The Census Bureau's latest annual report on income and poverty in America shows that there was little to cheer about in 2014.

View attachment 50460

Read More At Investor's Business Daily: Middle Class Lost In Obama's 'Middle Class Economics'
Follow us: @IBDinvestors on Twitter | InvestorsBusinessDaily on Facebook

Yep, ask FDR, the GOP leave US in DEEP and wide holes
The pubbies must be horrified.
Census data shows Obamacare and welfare kept millions out of poverty
If there was any good news in the census data dump on Wednesday, it was that the US’s welfare safety net programs and Barack Obama’s signature healthcare legislation are doing exactly what they are supposed to.

The supplemental poverty measure data released by the US Census bureau showed that programs like food stamps, refundable tax credits and social security benefits helped keep millions of Americans out of poverty in 2014. Similarly, the data regarding health insurance coverage showed that last year the number of uninsured Americans dropped by 8.8 million.

“In 2014, the percentage of people without health insurance for the entire calendar year was 10.4%, or 33 million people, lower than the rate, 13.3%, and the number of uninsured, 41.8 million, in 2013,” Victoria Velkoff, chief of the social, economic and housing statistics division at the bureau, said on Wednesday. “The decrease in the uninsured rate was 2.9%, or 8.8 million people.”

Americans with full-time jobs were the least likely to be uninsured.

“This is dramatic proof that the Affordable Care Act is a stunning success,” said Ron Pollack, executive director of Families USA. “The historic decrease in the number of uninsured Americans is unmistakably attributable to the Affordable Care Act’s implementation.

“The numbers show that the greatest gains were among moderate-income families, communities of color and young people – the precise groups that most needed help in gaining health insurance. According to the report, households with incomes below $25,000 a year saw their rate of coverage increase by 4.3%, and households between $25,000 and $49,999 saw an increase of 5%. Hispanics, black people and Asians increased coverage rates by about 4%. And the rate of uninsured between ages 26 to 34 went down by 5.5%.”

Hardly. The poverty rate is up under Obama:

LOL. Funny how Obama was handed the recession and had to deal with uncompromising republicans.. The fact is, obamacare and welfare are keeping people out of poverty, unfortunately, people are still falling in. Maybe if we raised the minimum wage and other such things proven to help the poor.

The old "it would have been worse if not for our fearless Democrat leader" excuse.

The bottom line is that the claims you made are not supported by the Census Bureau statistics.

GOP burns down economy. Blames Obama.


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