Census: U.S. Poverty Rate Spikes, Nearly 50 Million Americans Affected

welcome to Obama's America..

ember 15, 2012 10:01 AM

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WASHINGTON (CBSDC/AP) – As President Barack Obama is set to begin his second term, new statistics on America’s poverty rate indicate that nearly 50 million Americans, more than 16 percent of the population, are struggling to survive.

New figures released by the Census Bureau this week found a spike in poverty numbers last year, going from 49 million in 2010 to 49.7 million last year. The numbers may come as a surprise to Congress, which estimated in September that the poverty rate would drop to 46.2 million. One of the most startling findings showed that almost 20 percent of American children continue to live in poverty.

The Associated Press reports that the new figures are based on an updated formula devised by the Census Bureau to help give the government a better understanding for how to use safety-net programs.

The numbers found that Hispanics and people living in urban areas had a higher chance of struggling to make it financially. Poverty among full-time and part-time workers also saw a jump from its 2010 numbers.

Based on the formula implemented by the Census Bureau, California tops the list as the sate most likely to bring about poverty. The top five is rounded out by the District of Columbia, Arizona, Florida and Georgia.

“We’re seeing a very slow recovery, with increases in poverty among workers due to more new jobs which are low-wage,” Timothy Smeeding, a University of Wisconsin-Madison economist who specializes in poverty,

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Census: U.S. Poverty Rate Spikes, Nearly 50 Million Americans Affected « CBS DC

How should we fix it?

don't ask us asswarp, ask the democraps.
Educate the non-white population and rebuild our own nation. I'd say we have to educate them in a way to understand how important education, work and holding their leaders to the fire are.

Astonishing ignorance and bigotry. Really. That takes the cake.

Why? Seriously they're not thinking about the issue at hand just hate.

It sounds harsh. Sometimes reality is harsh. However, it is also whites. You should have said the non-educated population
welcome to Obama's America..

ember 15, 2012 10:01 AM

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WASHINGTON (CBSDC/AP) – As President Barack Obama is set to begin his second term, new statistics on America’s poverty rate indicate that nearly 50 million Americans, more than 16 percent of the population, are struggling to survive.

New figures released by the Census Bureau this week found a spike in poverty numbers last year, going from 49 million in 2010 to 49.7 million last year. The numbers may come as a surprise to Congress, which estimated in September that the poverty rate would drop to 46.2 million. One of the most startling findings showed that almost 20 percent of American children continue to live in poverty.

The Associated Press reports that the new figures are based on an updated formula devised by the Census Bureau to help give the government a better understanding for how to use safety-net programs.

The numbers found that Hispanics and people living in urban areas had a higher chance of struggling to make it financially. Poverty among full-time and part-time workers also saw a jump from its 2010 numbers.

Based on the formula implemented by the Census Bureau, California tops the list as the sate most likely to bring about poverty. The top five is rounded out by the District of Columbia, Arizona, Florida and Georgia.

“We’re seeing a very slow recovery, with increases in poverty among workers due to more new jobs which are low-wage,” Timothy Smeeding, a University of Wisconsin-Madison economist who specializes in poverty,

all of it with Comments here
Census: U.S. Poverty Rate Spikes, Nearly 50 Million Americans Affected « CBS DC

How should we fix it?

O has a plan.
don't ask us asswarp, ask the democraps.

Gotcha. Good advice.

And thus best I just say, since I both loathe poverty but am not loathe to ways of fixing it, as most or all Reps in Congress are.

Bear in mind, assisitance merely mitigates some of poverty's less cheerful aspects: hunger/malnutrition, early death, exposure to cold and wet ... which even if you're ambivalent to these things, can cost more than assitance in many cases, such as emergency room visits, increased crime and so on. It ain't all a picnic. And the poor remain poor, even with assistance, which helps and only costs $100 Billiion a year or so to mitigate some of the downsides of being poor.

Now to fixing poverty, as in fewer poor. It starts with eliminating poverty wages, by law. As crazy as it sounds, people with jobs, in America (not Haiti nor Sierra Leone), and they're poor. We have a term for them, even: working poor, which sickens me to think we accept the notion that it can or should happen. So immediately, increase the minimum wage, by about 80%. Also, help middle earners make more, so that lower and middle earners spend more creating more employment, which at the higher minimum wage, means: Bingo! Poor no more. (for those workers) And middle wages are effected, both by the upward pressure of a significantly higher minimum wage, but also strict overtime pay laws, and Labor (the department) working toward more unionization, and not sucking business lobby dick, as is has since 2000, and before. Best of all: cost per year, to tax payers: a huge negative number. Higher wages pay higher taxes. More in revenue is collected, and that $100 Billion we're spending for poverty assistance gets smaller too.

It's an anti-spending/tax Rightie wetdream, even. Imagine that. Plus, less poverty, which is kinda nice, since well, being poor ain't no picnic.
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The plan is predicated on the belief that the top 1% can fully support the 99% in the style to which they would like to become accustomed.

Chronic laziness has one outcome, just one. When the government thinks they are in a position where it can no longer be assailed they open labor camps and dormitory factories.

Lenin did it, Stalin did it, Mao did it, Castro did it.

Until then the population will be pampered, lured and accommodated.
It sounds harsh. Sometimes reality is harsh. However, it is also whites. You should have said the non-educated population

Well, you're right, but a far higher percentage of the non-white population meets such.

My Japanese girlfriend is laughing in your face.

I'm not talking about east Asians but blacks and Hispanics. God, I'd expect better from a Japanese girl. LOL
How is it that we've spent 8 trillion on poverty and poverty continues to rise?

Because we're not fixing what makes people poor, merely making it less Hooverville-like.

"It's the economy, stupid"
We need jobs. We need to be a nation that isnt so damn lazy. We need to cut out the welfare and maybe people will get off their ass. We need to quit taxing the small businesses so much. There is alot we need, but people cant get over their partisan BS ways to make things better. The red likes it this way. Well im blue and its stupid, vice-versa
The fact that every Black city is the same old violent and poor hole in the ground says something about their culture. Disprove me.

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