Central America’s poverty stricken invasion of southern border draws National Guard

What do you want President Biden to do? Build a wall, shoot first and ask questions later? Send the Marines into Central America and invade these countries?

Suggest a solution, of course solutions are not anything critiques of Biden ever offer.


Oh, I see you have not been paying attention to what has been happening. The Biden Administration has reversed, by Executive Orders, a number of the Trump Administration's immigration policies which all but stopped the swarming of our southern border. Your snarky remarks indicate your objective has nothing to do with looking for solutions.


There is no better way to weaken, subdue and bring to its knees a prosperous and freedom loving country than by flooding it with the poverty stricken, poorly educated, low skilled, diseased, disabled and criminal populations of other countries.
What do you want President Biden to do? Build a wall, shoot first and ask questions later? Send the Marines into Central America and invade these countries?

Suggest a solution, of course solutions are not anything critiques of Biden ever offer.


Oh, I see you have not been paying attention to what has been happening. The Biden Administration has reversed, by Executive Orders, a number of the Trump Administration's immigration policies which all but stopped the swarming of our southern border. Your snarky remarks indicate your objective has nothing to do with looking for solutions.


There is no better way to weaken, subdue and bring to its knees a prosperous and freedom loving country than by flooding it with the poverty stricken, poorly educated, low skilled, diseased, disabled and criminal populations of other countries.
Haha. Trumps orders did “All but stop” swarming to the border?! Think about that for a second.

Assuming you were meaning he slowed but didn’t stop the swarming... well the numbers don’t support that. Stop believing what your propagandists tell you and look at the actual numbers before you spout off
You are entitled to your opinion.
An invasion is a simple easily understood concept and it can apply to many things, including hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants simply walking across the border every year and taking up residency
in the US and sticking taxpayers with their bills.

This should not cause argument. The US is being invaded day in and day out.
The National Guard should be called out all throughout our Southern border region.

I agree with using the National Guard to assist, but do not agree that immigrants crossing the border are “invaders” as understood by Mason.
I agree with using the National Guard to assist, but do not agree that immigrants crossing the border are “invaders” as understood by Mason.
They are not hostile invaders but given their numbers and the strain they can put on social services they are invaders nonetheless. Think of thirty or forty cats that start coming to your back door every evening.
I agree with using the National Guard to assist, but do not agree that immigrants crossing the border are “invaders” as understood by Mason.
They are not hostile invaders but given their numbers and the strain they can put on social services they are invaders nonetheless. Think of thirty or forty cats that start coming to your back door every evening.
Let’s not think of poor desperate people as cats. And let’s not clump poor desperate people in with gangsters and drug runner. You wonder why the nationalist get such harsh pushback? It’s because many do clump everybody together and try to dehumanize and even demonize everybody involved in the entire situation, which includes innocent children
You would find Camp of the Saints an interesting read.

I have no idea what you are talking about.

The Obama/Biden Administration ignored the cries of Bernadette Lancelin and our black community with regard to illegal immigration in 2014, and now the Biden Admiration is likewise ignoring the impact of flooding our country with the poverty stricken population of Central America.

I think our big media needs to revisit Bernadette Lancelin and inquire if her concerns have changed:

The bottom line question is, how does flooding the United States with the poverty stricken population of Central America promote the general welfare of the United States and her citizens, and especially so when our constitution commands our federal government “to repel invasions”?


As each day passes it appears the United States is being defeated from within, and without a shot being fired.

B-B-B-But we are a nation of immigrants!!! You see, according to our Democratic "leadership", there's no difference between a college educated immigrant who follows our LEGAL IMMIGRATION PROCESS and a smuggler who tosses a 4 year old over the wall.
Let’s not think of poor desperate people as cats. And let’s not clump poor desperate people in with gangsters and drug runner. You wonder why the nationalist get such harsh pushback? It’s because many do clump everybody together and try to dehumanize and even demonize everybody involved in the entire situation, which includes innocent children

“dehumanize and even demonize”?


Give it a freaken break. The vast majority storming our border from Central America have one or more of the following characteristics ___ being poverty stricken, poorly educated, low-skilled, diseased, disabled, or having a criminal background. Why does stating this fact annoy you so?

The irrefutable fact is, those swarming our border from Central America are sucking the life blood of American citizens like a swarm of ticks and fleas.

While taxpayer funded public housing is now being filled with Central America’s poverty stricken population LINK;

and our nation’s health care system is being over burdened with the healthcare needs of those invading our country LINK;

and children of American citizens attending public schools are having activities cut to pay for the needs of the children of those flooding across our border LINK;

not to mention that $ billions in U.S. Taxpayer revenue is being handed over in the form of direct payments to those who have flooded across our border LINK;

while all this is happening you still defend the invasion continuing while American Citizens and their children are not only paying the price, American citizens are being made into tax slaves to finance the economic needs of those swarming our border.

Why do you not embrace merit based restrictions on immigration, and especial so when common sense "public charge" laws date back to America's Colonial period?


Our socialist revolutionaries, which now control the Democrat Party Leadership, want elderly American citizens, who were forced to pay into Medicare all their lives, to surrender and share their Medicare Trust fund with millions of foreigners who have invaded America’s borders. LINK
Last edited:
Let’s not think of poor desperate people as cats. And let’s not clump poor desperate people in with gangsters and drug runner. You wonder why the nationalist get such harsh pushback? It’s because many do clump everybody together and try to dehumanize and even demonize everybody involved in the entire situation, which includes innocent children

“dehumanize and even demonize”?


Give it a freaken break. The vast majority storming our border from Central America have one or more of the following characteristics ___ being poverty stricken, poorly educated, low-skilled, diseased, disabled, or having a criminal background. Why does stating this fact annoy you so?

The irrefutable fact is, those swarming our border from Central America are sucking the life blood of American citizens like a swarm of ticks and fleas.

While taxpayer funded public housing is now being filled with Central America’s poverty stricken population LINK;

and our nation’s health care system is being over burdened with the healthcare needs of those invading our country LINK;

and children of American citizens attending public schools are having activities cut to pay for the needs of the children of those flooding across our border LINK;

not to mention that $ billions in U.S. Taxpayer revenue is being handed over in the form of direct payments to those who have flooded across our border LINK;

while all this is happening you still defend the invasion to continue while American Citizens and their children are not only paying the price, American citizens are being made into tax slaves to finance the economic needs of those swarming our border.

Why do you not embrace merit based restrictions on immigration, and especial so when common sense "public charge" laws date back to America's Colonial period?


Our socialist revolutionaries, which now control the Democrat Party Leadership, want elderly American citizens, who were forced to pay into Medicare all their lives, to surrender and share their Medicare Trust fund with millions of foreigners who have invaded America’s borders. LINK
Yes dehumanizing and demonizing. Why does that confuse you? You literally followed that question with doing exactly that. Do you not recognize that you do it or are you confused as to why that’s an unproductive tactic that causes push back over compromise?
Let’s not think of poor desperate people as cats. And let’s not clump poor desperate people in with gangsters and drug runner. You wonder why the nationalist get such harsh pushback? It’s because many do clump everybody together and try to dehumanize and even demonize everybody involved in the entire situation, which includes innocent children

“dehumanize and even demonize”?


Give it a freaken break. The vast majority storming our border from Central America have one or more of the following characteristics ___ being poverty stricken, poorly educated, low-skilled, diseased, disabled, or having a criminal background. Why does stating this fact annoy you so?

The irrefutable fact is, those swarming our border from Central America are sucking the life blood of American citizens like a swarm of ticks and fleas.

While taxpayer funded public housing is now being filled with Central America’s poverty stricken population LINK;

and our nation’s health care system is being over burdened with the healthcare needs of those invading our country LINK;

and children of American citizens attending public schools are having activities cut to pay for the needs of the children of those flooding across our border LINK;

not to mention that $ billions in U.S. Taxpayer revenue is being handed over in the form of direct payments to those who have flooded across our border LINK;

while all this is happening you still defend the invasion continuing while American Citizens and their children are not only paying the price, American citizens are being made into tax slaves to finance the economic needs of those swarming our border.

Why do you not embrace merit based restrictions on immigration, and especial so when common sense "public charge" laws date back to America's Colonial period?


Our socialist revolutionaries, which now control the Democrat Party Leadership, want elderly American citizens, who were forced to pay into Medicare all their lives, to surrender and share their Medicare Trust fund with millions of foreigners who have invaded America’s borders. LINK

To the bolded and underlined:

That is an example of “dehumanizing and demonizing”.
I agree with using the National Guard to assist, but do not agree that immigrants crossing the border are “invaders” as understood by Mason.
They are not hostile invaders but given their numbers and the strain they can put on social services they are invaders nonetheless. Think of thirty or forty cats that start coming to your back door every evening.

One good dog would end that quickly.
Let’s not think of poor desperate people as cats. And let’s not clump poor desperate people in with gangsters and drug runner. You wonder why the nationalist get such harsh pushback? It’s because many do clump everybody together and try to dehumanize and even demonize everybody involved in the entire situation, which includes innocent children

“dehumanize and even demonize”?


Give it a freaken break. The vast majority storming our border from Central America have one or more of the following characteristics ___ being poverty stricken, poorly educated, low-skilled, diseased, disabled, or having a criminal background. Why does stating this fact annoy you so?

The irrefutable fact is, those swarming our border from Central America are sucking the life blood of American citizens like a swarm of ticks and fleas.

While taxpayer funded public housing is now being filled with Central America’s poverty stricken population LINK;

and our nation’s health care system is being over burdened with the healthcare needs of those invading our country LINK;

and children of American citizens attending public schools are having activities cut to pay for the needs of the children of those flooding across our border LINK;

not to mention that $ billions in U.S. Taxpayer revenue is being handed over in the form of direct payments to those who have flooded across our border LINK;

while all this is happening you still defend the invasion continuing while American Citizens and their children are not only paying the price, American citizens are being made into tax slaves to finance the economic needs of those swarming our border.

Why do you not embrace merit based restrictions on immigration, and especial so when common sense "public charge" laws date back to America's Colonial period?


Our socialist revolutionaries, which now control the Democrat Party Leadership, want elderly American citizens, who were forced to pay into Medicare all their lives, to surrender and share their Medicare Trust fund with millions of foreigners who have invaded America’s borders. LINK

To the bolded and underlined:

That is an example of “dehumanizing and demonizing”.

Oh. So no one is to state truth and facts because the truth and facts are “dehumanizing and demonizing”?


Give it a break. Fess up to truth and facts.


Our socialist revolutionaries, which now control the Democrat Party Leadership, want elderly American citizens, who were forced to pay into Medicare all their lives, to surrender and share their Medicare Trust fund with millions of foreigners who have invaded America’s borders. LINK
Let’s not think of poor desperate people as cats. And let’s not clump poor desperate people in with gangsters and drug runner. You wonder why the nationalist get such harsh pushback? It’s because many do clump everybody together and try to dehumanize and even demonize everybody involved in the entire situation, which includes innocent children

“dehumanize and even demonize”?


Give it a freaken break. The vast majority storming our border from Central America have one or more of the following characteristics ___ being poverty stricken, poorly educated, low-skilled, diseased, disabled, or having a criminal background. Why does stating this fact annoy you so?

The irrefutable fact is, those swarming our border from Central America are sucking the life blood of American citizens like a swarm of ticks and fleas.

While taxpayer funded public housing is now being filled with Central America’s poverty stricken population LINK;

and our nation’s health care system is being over burdened with the healthcare needs of those invading our country LINK;

and children of American citizens attending public schools are having activities cut to pay for the needs of the children of those flooding across our border LINK;

not to mention that $ billions in U.S. Taxpayer revenue is being handed over in the form of direct payments to those who have flooded across our border LINK;

while all this is happening you still defend the invasion continuing while American Citizens and their children are not only paying the price, American citizens are being made into tax slaves to finance the economic needs of those swarming our border.

Why do you not embrace merit based restrictions on immigration, and especial so when common sense "public charge" laws date back to America's Colonial period?


Our socialist revolutionaries, which now control the Democrat Party Leadership, want elderly American citizens, who were forced to pay into Medicare all their lives, to surrender and share their Medicare Trust fund with millions of foreigners who have invaded America’s borders. LINK

To the bolded and underlined:

That is an example of “dehumanizing and demonizing”.

Oh. So no one is to state truth and facts because the truth and facts are “dehumanizing and demonizing”?

View attachment 486084

Give it a break. Fess up to truth and facts.


Our socialist revolutionaries, which now control the Democrat Party Leadership, want elderly American citizens, who were forced to pay into Medicare all their lives, to surrender and share their Medicare Trust fund with millions of foreigners who have invaded America’s borders. LINK
You aren’t simply saying truth and facts you are making hyperbolic and inflammatory statements with unnecessary elements which dehumanize and demonize a group of people. You know it and we know it. That’s why you can’t be taken seriously
See Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey sending National Guard to southern border

April 20, 2021

“Arizona is the first state to declare an emergency related to the widening border crisis. Border Patrol agents made about 168,000 arrests at the border in March, compared with about 71,000 in December.”

The article goes on to point out Texas Gov. Greg Abbott also “deployed about 500 members of his state’s National Guard to the border in Texas, which is seeing the largest share of current arrivals.”

While taxpayer funded public housing meant to help our nation’s poor citizens is being filled with Central America’s poverty stricken population LINK;

and our nation’s health care system is being over burdened with the healthcare needs of those invading our country LINK;

and children of American citizens attending public schools are having activities cut to pay for the needs of the children of those flooding across our border LINK;

not to mention that $ billions in U.S. Taxpayer revenue is being handed over in the form of direct payments to those who have flooded across our border LINK;

the Biden Administration is allowing this invasion to continue and American Citizens and their children are not only paying the price, American citizens are being made into tax slaves to finance the Biden Administration’s open border policy.


There is no better way to weaken, subdue and bring to its knees a prosperous and freedom loving country than by flooding it with the poverty stricken, poorly educated, low skilled, diseased, disabled and criminal populations of other countries.

Literally every single one of our resident LibTards will tell you that Mexico’s most desperate make America better....The odd things is, not one of them can show you data to prove such lunacy.
Slade3200 and ALL other Tards
You want me to show data that Mexicos most desperate make America better? You're a real piece of work BL.... not too bright but definitely a piece of work
what does that have to do with his post? legal immigrantion is great and makes our nation great...but that’s not the topic
See Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey sending National Guard to southern border

April 20, 2021

“Arizona is the first state to declare an emergency related to the widening border crisis. Border Patrol agents made about 168,000 arrests at the border in March, compared with about 71,000 in December.”

The article goes on to point out Texas Gov. Greg Abbott also “deployed about 500 members of his state’s National Guard to the border in Texas, which is seeing the largest share of current arrivals.”

While taxpayer funded public housing meant to help our nation’s poor citizens is being filled with Central America’s poverty stricken population LINK;

and our nation’s health care system is being over burdened with the healthcare needs of those invading our country LINK;

and children of American citizens attending public schools are having activities cut to pay for the needs of the children of those flooding across our border LINK;

not to mention that $ billions in U.S. Taxpayer revenue is being handed over in the form of direct payments to those who have flooded across our border LINK;

the Biden Administration is allowing this invasion to continue and American Citizens and their children are not only paying the price, American citizens are being made into tax slaves to finance the Biden Administration’s open border policy.


There is no better way to weaken, subdue and bring to its knees a prosperous and freedom loving country than by flooding it with the poverty stricken, poorly educated, low skilled, diseased, disabled and criminal populations of other countries.

Literally every single one of our resident LibTards will tell you that Mexico’s most desperate make America better....The odd things is, not one of them can show you data to prove such lunacy.
Slade3200 and ALL other Tards
You want me to show data that Mexicos most desperate make America better? You're a real piece of work BL.... not too bright but definitely a piece of work
what does that have to do with his post? legal immigrantion is great and makes our nation great...but that’s not the topic
What I wrote is a direct response to what he asked me. Verbatim. What is confusing you here?
See Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey sending National Guard to southern border

April 20, 2021

“Arizona is the first state to declare an emergency related to the widening border crisis. Border Patrol agents made about 168,000 arrests at the border in March, compared with about 71,000 in December.”

The article goes on to point out Texas Gov. Greg Abbott also “deployed about 500 members of his state’s National Guard to the border in Texas, which is seeing the largest share of current arrivals.”

While taxpayer funded public housing meant to help our nation’s poor citizens is being filled with Central America’s poverty stricken population LINK;

and our nation’s health care system is being over burdened with the healthcare needs of those invading our country LINK;

and children of American citizens attending public schools are having activities cut to pay for the needs of the children of those flooding across our border LINK;

not to mention that $ billions in U.S. Taxpayer revenue is being handed over in the form of direct payments to those who have flooded across our border LINK;

the Biden Administration is allowing this invasion to continue and American Citizens and their children are not only paying the price, American citizens are being made into tax slaves to finance the Biden Administration’s open border policy.


There is no better way to weaken, subdue and bring to its knees a prosperous and freedom loving country than by flooding it with the poverty stricken, poorly educated, low skilled, diseased, disabled and criminal populations of other countries.

Literally every single one of our resident LibTards will tell you that Mexico’s most desperate make America better....The odd things is, not one of them can show you data to prove such lunacy.
Slade3200 and ALL other Tards
You want me to show data that Mexicos most desperate make America better? You're a real piece of work BL.... not too bright but definitely a piece of work
what does that have to do with his post? legal immigrantion is great and makes our nation great...but that’s not the topic
What I wrote is a direct response to what he asked me. Verbatim. What is confusing you here?
but he was talking about the OP...illegals
See Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey sending National Guard to southern border

April 20, 2021

“Arizona is the first state to declare an emergency related to the widening border crisis. Border Patrol agents made about 168,000 arrests at the border in March, compared with about 71,000 in December.”

The article goes on to point out Texas Gov. Greg Abbott also “deployed about 500 members of his state’s National Guard to the border in Texas, which is seeing the largest share of current arrivals.”

While taxpayer funded public housing meant to help our nation’s poor citizens is being filled with Central America’s poverty stricken population LINK;

and our nation’s health care system is being over burdened with the healthcare needs of those invading our country LINK;

and children of American citizens attending public schools are having activities cut to pay for the needs of the children of those flooding across our border LINK;

not to mention that $ billions in U.S. Taxpayer revenue is being handed over in the form of direct payments to those who have flooded across our border LINK;

the Biden Administration is allowing this invasion to continue and American Citizens and their children are not only paying the price, American citizens are being made into tax slaves to finance the Biden Administration’s open border policy.


There is no better way to weaken, subdue and bring to its knees a prosperous and freedom loving country than by flooding it with the poverty stricken, poorly educated, low skilled, diseased, disabled and criminal populations of other countries.

Literally every single one of our resident LibTards will tell you that Mexico’s most desperate make America better....The odd things is, not one of them can show you data to prove such lunacy.
Slade3200 and ALL other Tards
You want me to show data that Mexicos most desperate make America better? You're a real piece of work BL.... not too bright but definitely a piece of work
what does that have to do with his post? legal immigrantion is great and makes our nation great...but that’s not the topic
What I wrote is a direct response to what he asked me. Verbatim. What is confusing you here?
but he was talking about the OP...illegals
He wrote this... I responded directly to his question.

Literally every single one of our resident LibTards will tell you that Mexico’s most desperate make America better....The odd things is, not one of them can show you data to prove such lunacy.
Slade3200 and ALL other Tards
See Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey sending National Guard to southern border

April 20, 2021

“Arizona is the first state to declare an emergency related to the widening border crisis. Border Patrol agents made about 168,000 arrests at the border in March, compared with about 71,000 in December.”

The article goes on to point out Texas Gov. Greg Abbott also “deployed about 500 members of his state’s National Guard to the border in Texas, which is seeing the largest share of current arrivals.”

While taxpayer funded public housing meant to help our nation’s poor citizens is being filled with Central America’s poverty stricken population LINK;

and our nation’s health care system is being over burdened with the healthcare needs of those invading our country LINK;

and children of American citizens attending public schools are having activities cut to pay for the needs of the children of those flooding across our border LINK;

not to mention that $ billions in U.S. Taxpayer revenue is being handed over in the form of direct payments to those who have flooded across our border LINK;

the Biden Administration is allowing this invasion to continue and American Citizens and their children are not only paying the price, American citizens are being made into tax slaves to finance the Biden Administration’s open border policy.


There is no better way to weaken, subdue and bring to its knees a prosperous and freedom loving country than by flooding it with the poverty stricken, poorly educated, low skilled, diseased, disabled and criminal populations of other countries.

Literally every single one of our resident LibTards will tell you that Mexico’s most desperate make America better....The odd things is, not one of them can show you data to prove such lunacy.
Slade3200 and ALL other Tards
You want me to show data that Mexicos most desperate make America better? You're a real piece of work BL.... not too bright but definitely a piece of work
what does that have to do with his post? legal immigrantion is great and makes our nation great...but that’s not the topic
What I wrote is a direct response to what he asked me. Verbatim. What is confusing you here?
but he was talking about the OP...illegals
He wrote this... I responded directly to his question.

Literally every single one of our resident LibTards will tell you that Mexico’s most desperate make America better....The odd things is, not one of them can show you data to prove such lunacy.
Slade3200 and ALL other Tards
and he was quoting the OP, the topic being illegals
See Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey sending National Guard to southern border

April 20, 2021

“Arizona is the first state to declare an emergency related to the widening border crisis. Border Patrol agents made about 168,000 arrests at the border in March, compared with about 71,000 in December.”

The article goes on to point out Texas Gov. Greg Abbott also “deployed about 500 members of his state’s National Guard to the border in Texas, which is seeing the largest share of current arrivals.”

While taxpayer funded public housing meant to help our nation’s poor citizens is being filled with Central America’s poverty stricken population LINK;

and our nation’s health care system is being over burdened with the healthcare needs of those invading our country LINK;

and children of American citizens attending public schools are having activities cut to pay for the needs of the children of those flooding across our border LINK;

not to mention that $ billions in U.S. Taxpayer revenue is being handed over in the form of direct payments to those who have flooded across our border LINK;

the Biden Administration is allowing this invasion to continue and American Citizens and their children are not only paying the price, American citizens are being made into tax slaves to finance the Biden Administration’s open border policy.


There is no better way to weaken, subdue and bring to its knees a prosperous and freedom loving country than by flooding it with the poverty stricken, poorly educated, low skilled, diseased, disabled and criminal populations of other countries.

Literally every single one of our resident LibTards will tell you that Mexico’s most desperate make America better....The odd things is, not one of them can show you data to prove such lunacy.
Slade3200 and ALL other Tards
You want me to show data that Mexicos most desperate make America better? You're a real piece of work BL.... not too bright but definitely a piece of work
what does that have to do with his post? legal immigrantion is great and makes our nation great...but that’s not the topic
What I wrote is a direct response to what he asked me. Verbatim. What is confusing you here?
but he was talking about the OP...illegals
He wrote this... I responded directly to his question.

Literally every single one of our resident LibTards will tell you that Mexico’s most desperate make America better....The odd things is, not one of them can show you data to prove such lunacy.
Slade3200 and ALL other Tards
and he was quoting the OP, the topic being illegals
Ok and your point is???
See Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey sending National Guard to southern border

April 20, 2021

“Arizona is the first state to declare an emergency related to the widening border crisis. Border Patrol agents made about 168,000 arrests at the border in March, compared with about 71,000 in December.”

The article goes on to point out Texas Gov. Greg Abbott also “deployed about 500 members of his state’s National Guard to the border in Texas, which is seeing the largest share of current arrivals.”

While taxpayer funded public housing meant to help our nation’s poor citizens is being filled with Central America’s poverty stricken population LINK;

and our nation’s health care system is being over burdened with the healthcare needs of those invading our country LINK;

and children of American citizens attending public schools are having activities cut to pay for the needs of the children of those flooding across our border LINK;

not to mention that $ billions in U.S. Taxpayer revenue is being handed over in the form of direct payments to those who have flooded across our border LINK;

the Biden Administration is allowing this invasion to continue and American Citizens and their children are not only paying the price, American citizens are being made into tax slaves to finance the Biden Administration’s open border policy.


There is no better way to weaken, subdue and bring to its knees a prosperous and freedom loving country than by flooding it with the poverty stricken, poorly educated, low skilled, diseased, disabled and criminal populations of other countries.

Literally every single one of our resident LibTards will tell you that Mexico’s most desperate make America better....The odd things is, not one of them can show you data to prove such lunacy.
Slade3200 and ALL other Tards
You want me to show data that Mexicos most desperate make America better? You're a real piece of work BL.... not too bright but definitely a piece of work
what does that have to do with his post? legal immigrantion is great and makes our nation great...but that’s not the topic
What I wrote is a direct response to what he asked me. Verbatim. What is confusing you here?
but he was talking about the OP...illegals
He wrote this... I responded directly to his question.

Literally every single one of our resident LibTards will tell you that Mexico’s most desperate make America better....The odd things is, not one of them can show you data to prove such lunacy.
Slade3200 and ALL other Tards
and he was quoting the OP, the topic being illegals
Ok and your point is???
stay in topic
See Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey sending National Guard to southern border

April 20, 2021

“Arizona is the first state to declare an emergency related to the widening border crisis. Border Patrol agents made about 168,000 arrests at the border in March, compared with about 71,000 in December.”

The article goes on to point out Texas Gov. Greg Abbott also “deployed about 500 members of his state’s National Guard to the border in Texas, which is seeing the largest share of current arrivals.”

While taxpayer funded public housing meant to help our nation’s poor citizens is being filled with Central America’s poverty stricken population LINK;

and our nation’s health care system is being over burdened with the healthcare needs of those invading our country LINK;

and children of American citizens attending public schools are having activities cut to pay for the needs of the children of those flooding across our border LINK;

not to mention that $ billions in U.S. Taxpayer revenue is being handed over in the form of direct payments to those who have flooded across our border LINK;

the Biden Administration is allowing this invasion to continue and American Citizens and their children are not only paying the price, American citizens are being made into tax slaves to finance the Biden Administration’s open border policy.


There is no better way to weaken, subdue and bring to its knees a prosperous and freedom loving country than by flooding it with the poverty stricken, poorly educated, low skilled, diseased, disabled and criminal populations of other countries.

Literally every single one of our resident LibTards will tell you that Mexico’s most desperate make America better....The odd things is, not one of them can show you data to prove such lunacy.
Slade3200 and ALL other Tards
You want me to show data that Mexicos most desperate make America better? You're a real piece of work BL.... not too bright but definitely a piece of work
what does that have to do with his post? legal immigrantion is great and makes our nation great...but that’s not the topic
What I wrote is a direct response to what he asked me. Verbatim. What is confusing you here?
but he was talking about the OP...illegals
He wrote this... I responded directly to his question.

Literally every single one of our resident LibTards will tell you that Mexico’s most desperate make America better....The odd things is, not one of them can show you data to prove such lunacy.
Slade3200 and ALL other Tards
and he was quoting the OP, the topic being illegals
Ok and your point is???
stay in topic
I was

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