Central America’s poverty stricken invasion of southern border draws National Guard

Q: Why are so many people trying to cross the border?
A: Because they're desperate.

Q: Why are they so desperate?
A: Because their countries are shit holes.

Q: Why are their countries shit holes?
A: Because of the crime and corruption.

Q: Who is responsible for the crime and corruption?
A: The drug cartels.

Q: How do the drug cartels keep the crime and corruption so bad?
A: Because they're mega-wealthy.

Q: How did they get so mega-wealthy?
A: From selling drugs.

A: To whom do these mega-wealthy drug cartels sell their drugs?

Q: Why are so many people trying to cross the border?
A: Because they're desperate.

Q: Why are they so desperate?
A: Because their countries are shit holes.

Q: Why are their countries shit holes?
A: Because of the crime and corruption.

Q: Who is responsible for the crime and corruption?
A: The drug cartels.

Q: How do the drug cartels keep the crime and corruption so bad?
A: Because they're mega-wealthy.

Q: How did they get so mega-wealthy?
A: From selling drugs.

A: To whom do these mega-wealthy drug cartels sell their drugs?


What does that mean to you?
Do you have the balls to be candid with your answer?
Are you saying the Americans who don't do the drugs supplied by the cartels deserve to be plagued by all that comes with fostering Mexico's most desperate?
Just pointing out the obvious.

But don't worry. You'll always be the victim.

No, no.....you pointed out that Mexico's people are the victim.
So elaborate....do the 300 million here not doing drugs deserve to be plagued by Mexico's most desperate because some are buying drugs?
I think that's a perfectly reasonable and interesting question, and it's the type of challenging, stimulating issue I very much enjoy discussing with intelligent, thoughtful, honest people in real life.

Good stuff!

That's neat...the cool thing is; those of us not scared are actually discussing it right here right now...pretty awesome huh?

See, none of your "it's all Americas fault" excuse making FEELZ bullshit passes the smell test for us sane logical folks living outside of LibTardia...it simply doesn't make sense and I'll tell you why, since unlike yourself I have the courage to do so.
When people here in America run up their overheads and can no longer afford the six children they're responsible for they often have to move or MIGRATE to reduce overhead and or increase earnings...this is NEVER the fault of someone buying drugs somewhere, this is the fault of the family with expenses that exceed their income...Come on man, this is elementary shit for a financial God such as yourself...no?
Lets go further, if there are no safe zones in Mexico, Central and South America why do so many wealthy Americans buy places there and or vacation there? Again, your shit doesn't pass the smell test....TRY HARDER...you and Slade3200 need to get your heads working right...say no to FEELZ.
Hahahaha. You think it takes courage to say the things you say?! No sir, you are not a courageous man. You are a weak and insecure man that tries to hide it by acting tough on message boards and with your political rhetoric. If you were secure and courageous you wouldn’t be trying so hard.
Who knows what they're like in real life. Most likely, all the bravado and swagger is meant to buttress a fragile self esteem.

Precisely like the man they adore. Maybe that explains the intensity of their emotions for him.

Mac, only you leftists need to "adore" your president...legit Americans "adore" America First policies....Remember those?
“America first” sounds like “O’Doyle rules!” Get over yourself
Trumpism is a series of grunts, slogans and platitudes. Approach every problem with a plan that fits on a baseball cap. Address every issue by beating on it with a stick.
But Trump v. Biden on immigration does pose a question. Biden and Harris are correct that people leaving their home countries to try to come here without out resources or relatives already here is a sign of despair, but also a calculated decision. Trump's response was to make their situations after they attempted to come here our of desperation even worse than what they faced in the first place. Is that the best we can do? Perhaps for adults. But do we just leave children on the border? And these are children whose homes were destroyed by hurricanes.
No, it's certainly not the kids' fault, and we have to do what's right. But the Democrats have to look in the mirror regarding their own rhetoric on immigration. As with virtually every other issue right now, pretty much everything is all or nothing, so these people heard what the Dems were saying and figured the door was open. Who can blame them?

This kind of back and forth shit will continue until and unless we drop this stupid tribal crap.
You're right about that... its the all or nothing partisan games that are killing us. Each side is pandering to an absolute position instead of trying to find logical solutions. The Left likes to speak in platitudes and appeal to the humanity of things. They are contrasting a very heartless attitude that Trump pour gasoline all over. The Republican have been destroyed by their acceptance and association with that kind of rhetoric. But support of the opposition of that won't last long if practical solutions aren't discussed and reached. The Dems have a short window to actually do something and not just talk like the good guys.

Those who view the opposition as the enemy are the problem. “US vs Them” taken to such an extreme promotes the nations tribalism.


My goodness. This is not about US vs Them. It is about protecting the United States against an ongoing invasion of our southern border, and promoting the general welfare of the United States and her citizens.


Our socialist revolutionaries, which now control the Democrat Party Leadership, want elderly American citizens, who were forced to pay into Medicare all their lives, to surrender and share their Medicare Trust fund with millions of foreigners who have invaded America’s borders. LINK

Clause 15. The Congress shall have Power * * * To provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions.

INVASION. The entry of a country by a public enemy, making war.
2. The Constitution of the United States, art. 1, s. 8, gives power to congress "to provide forcalling the militia to execute the laws of the Union, suppress insurrections, and repel invasions."Vide Insurrection.

Illegal immigrants do not meet that definition. That is a fallacious interpretation of the militia clause in question.
You're being too technical and logical for the dimwits. They don't deal in definitions and facts, they deal in emotions and hate.
Clause 15. The Congress shall have Power * * * To provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions.

Did you miss Article 4, Section 4?

"The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against invasion . . . "


Did you miss the legal definition of “Invasions”.
Q: Why are so many people trying to cross the border?
A: Because they're desperate.

Q: Why are they so desperate?
A: Because their countries are shit holes.

Q: Why are their countries shit holes?
A: Because of the crime and corruption.

Q: Who is responsible for the crime and corruption?
A: The drug cartels.

Q: How do the drug cartels keep the crime and corruption so bad?
A: Because they're mega-wealthy.

Q: How did they get so mega-wealthy?
A: From selling drugs.

A: To whom do these mega-wealthy drug cartels sell their drugs?

Q: Why are so many people trying to cross the border?
A: Because they're desperate.

Q: Why are they so desperate?
A: Because their countries are shit holes.

Q: Why are their countries shit holes?
A: Because of the crime and corruption.

Q: Who is responsible for the crime and corruption?
A: The drug cartels.

Q: How do the drug cartels keep the crime and corruption so bad?
A: Because they're mega-wealthy.

Q: How did they get so mega-wealthy?
A: From selling drugs.

A: To whom do these mega-wealthy drug cartels sell their drugs?


What does that mean to you?
Do you have the balls to be candid with your answer?
Are you saying the Americans who don't do the drugs supplied by the cartels deserve to be plagued by all that comes with fostering Mexico's most desperate?
Just pointing out the obvious.

But don't worry. You'll always be the victim.

No, no.....you pointed out that Mexico's people are the victim.
So elaborate....do the 300 million here not doing drugs deserve to be plagued by Mexico's most desperate because some are buying drugs?
I think that's a perfectly reasonable and interesting question, and it's the type of challenging, stimulating issue I very much enjoy discussing with intelligent, thoughtful, honest people in real life.

Good stuff!

That's neat...the cool thing is; those of us not scared are actually discussing it right here right now...pretty awesome huh?

See, none of your "it's all Americas fault" excuse making FEELZ bullshit passes the smell test for us sane logical folks living outside of LibTardia...it simply doesn't make sense and I'll tell you why, since unlike yourself I have the courage to do so.
When people here in America run up their overheads and can no longer afford the six children they're responsible for they often have to move or MIGRATE to reduce overhead and or increase earnings...this is NEVER the fault of someone buying drugs somewhere, this is the fault of the family with expenses that exceed their income...Come on man, this is elementary shit for a financial God such as yourself...no?
Lets go further, if there are no safe zones in Mexico, Central and South America why do so many wealthy Americans buy places there and or vacation there? Again, your shit doesn't pass the smell test....TRY HARDER...you and Slade3200 need to get your heads working right...say no to FEELZ.
Hahahaha. You think it takes courage to say the things you say?! No sir, you are not a courageous man. You are a weak and insecure man that tries to hide it by acting tough on message boards and with your political rhetoric. If you were secure and courageous you wouldn’t be trying so hard.
Who knows what they're like in real life. Most likely, all the bravado and swagger is meant to buttress a fragile self esteem.

Precisely like the man they adore. Maybe that explains the intensity of their emotions for him.

Mac, only you leftists need to "adore" your president...legit Americans "adore" America First policies....Remember those?
“America first” sounds like “O’Doyle rules!” Get over yourself
Trumpism is a series of grunts, slogans and platitudes. Approach every problem with a plan that fits on a baseball cap. Address every issue by beating on it with a stick.
But Trump v. Biden on immigration does pose a question. Biden and Harris are correct that people leaving their home countries to try to come here without out resources or relatives already here is a sign of despair, but also a calculated decision. Trump's response was to make their situations after they attempted to come here our of desperation even worse than what they faced in the first place. Is that the best we can do? Perhaps for adults. But do we just leave children on the border? And these are children whose homes were destroyed by hurricanes.
No, it's certainly not the kids' fault, and we have to do what's right. But the Democrats have to look in the mirror regarding their own rhetoric on immigration. As with virtually every other issue right now, pretty much everything is all or nothing, so these people heard what the Dems were saying and figured the door was open. Who can blame them?

This kind of back and forth shit will continue until and unless we drop this stupid tribal crap.
You're right about that... its the all or nothing partisan games that are killing us. Each side is pandering to an absolute position instead of trying to find logical solutions. The Left likes to speak in platitudes and appeal to the humanity of things. They are contrasting a very heartless attitude that Trump pour gasoline all over. The Republican have been destroyed by their acceptance and association with that kind of rhetoric. But support of the opposition of that won't last long if practical solutions aren't discussed and reached. The Dems have a short window to actually do something and not just talk like the good guys.

Those who view the opposition as the enemy are the problem. “US vs Them” taken to such an extreme promotes the nations tribalism.


My goodness. This is not about US vs Them. It is about protecting the United States against an ongoing invasion of our southern border, and promoting the general welfare of the United States and her citizens.


Our socialist revolutionaries, which now control the Democrat Party Leadership, want elderly American citizens, who were forced to pay into Medicare all their lives, to surrender and share their Medicare Trust fund with millions of foreigners who have invaded America’s borders. LINK
Its absolutely US vs Them. You and your ILK are all in on demonizing everything and everyone that doesn't agree with you. Wingnuts on the other side do the same thing and it is those two factions that cause gridlock and a deteriorating sense of civility in this country.

So, those of us who support common sense "public charge" rules being applied to immigration, and want our southern border to be protected from an ongoing invasion, and likewise want our federal government to fulfil its obligation to promote the general welfare of the United States and HER citizens, are an "ILK", "Wingnuts", and demonize those who ignore our Constitution.


Instead of posting insulting accusations, how about engaging in a productive discussion with regard to the current immigration crisis at our southern border?


The unavoidable truth is, our socialist/fascist revolutionaries, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, have a plan for “free” college tuition, and cancelling student loan debt. The problem is, it will be paid for by taxing millions of college graduates who worked for and paid their own way through college and are now trying to finance their own economic needs.
Yes absolutely. Y’all are perpetuating the problem of gridlock and getting in the way of what you claim you want done. You’re more interested in the fighting and name calling than actually doing something for our country.

Nice deflection . . . using "Y'all". Now how have I perpetuated any problems? I have been very clear in what I promote and what I object to. Seems you are more interested in deflections than actually discussing how filling our country with tens of thousands of Central America's poverty stricken population promotes the general welfare of the United States and her citizens. Nor do you seem interested in discussing how American citizens are being made into tax slaves to finance the economic needs of those flooding across our border from Central America. Is there really a problem with advocating "public charge" rules being applied to immigration, as they were since the founding of our country?

Q: Why are so many people trying to cross the border?
A: Because they're desperate.

Q: Why are they so desperate?
A: Because their countries are shit holes.

Q: Why are their countries shit holes?
A: Because of the crime and corruption.

Q: Who is responsible for the crime and corruption?
A: The drug cartels.

Q: How do the drug cartels keep the crime and corruption so bad?
A: Because they're mega-wealthy.

Q: How did they get so mega-wealthy?
A: From selling drugs.

A: To whom do these mega-wealthy drug cartels sell their drugs?

Q: Why are so many people trying to cross the border?
A: Because they're desperate.

Q: Why are they so desperate?
A: Because their countries are shit holes.

Q: Why are their countries shit holes?
A: Because of the crime and corruption.

Q: Who is responsible for the crime and corruption?
A: The drug cartels.

Q: How do the drug cartels keep the crime and corruption so bad?
A: Because they're mega-wealthy.

Q: How did they get so mega-wealthy?
A: From selling drugs.

A: To whom do these mega-wealthy drug cartels sell their drugs?


What does that mean to you?
Do you have the balls to be candid with your answer?
Are you saying the Americans who don't do the drugs supplied by the cartels deserve to be plagued by all that comes with fostering Mexico's most desperate?
Just pointing out the obvious.

But don't worry. You'll always be the victim.

No, no.....you pointed out that Mexico's people are the victim.
So elaborate....do the 300 million here not doing drugs deserve to be plagued by Mexico's most desperate because some are buying drugs?
I think that's a perfectly reasonable and interesting question, and it's the type of challenging, stimulating issue I very much enjoy discussing with intelligent, thoughtful, honest people in real life.

Good stuff!

That's neat...the cool thing is; those of us not scared are actually discussing it right here right now...pretty awesome huh?

See, none of your "it's all Americas fault" excuse making FEELZ bullshit passes the smell test for us sane logical folks living outside of LibTardia...it simply doesn't make sense and I'll tell you why, since unlike yourself I have the courage to do so.
When people here in America run up their overheads and can no longer afford the six children they're responsible for they often have to move or MIGRATE to reduce overhead and or increase earnings...this is NEVER the fault of someone buying drugs somewhere, this is the fault of the family with expenses that exceed their income...Come on man, this is elementary shit for a financial God such as yourself...no?
Lets go further, if there are no safe zones in Mexico, Central and South America why do so many wealthy Americans buy places there and or vacation there? Again, your shit doesn't pass the smell test....TRY HARDER...you and Slade3200 need to get your heads working right...say no to FEELZ.
Hahahaha. You think it takes courage to say the things you say?! No sir, you are not a courageous man. You are a weak and insecure man that tries to hide it by acting tough on message boards and with your political rhetoric. If you were secure and courageous you wouldn’t be trying so hard.
Who knows what they're like in real life. Most likely, all the bravado and swagger is meant to buttress a fragile self esteem.

Precisely like the man they adore. Maybe that explains the intensity of their emotions for him.

Mac, only you leftists need to "adore" your president...legit Americans "adore" America First policies....Remember those?
“America first” sounds like “O’Doyle rules!” Get over yourself
Trumpism is a series of grunts, slogans and platitudes. Approach every problem with a plan that fits on a baseball cap. Address every issue by beating on it with a stick.
But Trump v. Biden on immigration does pose a question. Biden and Harris are correct that people leaving their home countries to try to come here without out resources or relatives already here is a sign of despair, but also a calculated decision. Trump's response was to make their situations after they attempted to come here our of desperation even worse than what they faced in the first place. Is that the best we can do? Perhaps for adults. But do we just leave children on the border? And these are children whose homes were destroyed by hurricanes.
No, it's certainly not the kids' fault, and we have to do what's right. But the Democrats have to look in the mirror regarding their own rhetoric on immigration. As with virtually every other issue right now, pretty much everything is all or nothing, so these people heard what the Dems were saying and figured the door was open. Who can blame them?

This kind of back and forth shit will continue until and unless we drop this stupid tribal crap.
You're right about that... its the all or nothing partisan games that are killing us. Each side is pandering to an absolute position instead of trying to find logical solutions. The Left likes to speak in platitudes and appeal to the humanity of things. They are contrasting a very heartless attitude that Trump pour gasoline all over. The Republican have been destroyed by their acceptance and association with that kind of rhetoric. But support of the opposition of that won't last long if practical solutions aren't discussed and reached. The Dems have a short window to actually do something and not just talk like the good guys.

Those who view the opposition as the enemy are the problem. “US vs Them” taken to such an extreme promotes the nations tribalism.


My goodness. This is not about US vs Them. It is about protecting the United States against an ongoing invasion of our southern border, and promoting the general welfare of the United States and her citizens.


Our socialist revolutionaries, which now control the Democrat Party Leadership, want elderly American citizens, who were forced to pay into Medicare all their lives, to surrender and share their Medicare Trust fund with millions of foreigners who have invaded America’s borders. LINK
Its absolutely US vs Them. You and your ILK are all in on demonizing everything and everyone that doesn't agree with you. Wingnuts on the other side do the same thing and it is those two factions that cause gridlock and a deteriorating sense of civility in this country.

So, those of us who support common sense "public charge" rules being applied to immigration, and want our southern border to be protected from an ongoing invasion, and likewise want our federal government to fulfil its obligation to promote the general welfare of the United States and HER citizens, are an "ILK", "Wingnuts", and demonize those who ignore our Constitution.


Instead of posting insulting accusations, how about engaging in a productive discussion with regard to the current immigration crisis at our southern border?


The unavoidable truth is, our socialist/fascist revolutionaries, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, have a plan for “free” college tuition, and cancelling student loan debt. The problem is, it will be paid for by taxing millions of college graduates who worked for and paid their own way through college and are now trying to finance their own economic needs.
Yes absolutely. Y’all are perpetuating the problem of gridlock and getting in the way of what you claim you want done. You’re more interested in the fighting and name calling than actually doing something for our country.

Nice deflection . . . using "Y'all". Now how have I perpetuated any problems? I have been very clear in what I promote and what I object to. Seems you are more interested in deflections than actually discussing how filling our country with tens of thousands of Central America's poverty stricken population promotes the general welfare of the United States and her citizens. Nor do you seem interested in discussing how American citizens are being made into tax slaves to finance the economic needs of those flooding across our border from Central America. Is there really a problem with advocating "public charge" rules being applied to immigration, as they were since the founding of our country?

I've explained how you perpetuate the problems. When you use hyperbolic and dishonest rhetoric you aren't approaching debate with a goal of reaching productive results. You are stirring up drama and hate. You know exactly what you are doing, it is obvious and transparent.
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Q: Why are so many people trying to cross the border?
A: Because they're desperate.

Q: Why are they so desperate?
A: Because their countries are shit holes.

Q: Why are their countries shit holes?
A: Because of the crime and corruption.

Q: Who is responsible for the crime and corruption?
A: The drug cartels.

Q: How do the drug cartels keep the crime and corruption so bad?
A: Because they're mega-wealthy.

Q: How did they get so mega-wealthy?
A: From selling drugs.

A: To whom do these mega-wealthy drug cartels sell their drugs?

Q: Why are so many people trying to cross the border?
A: Because they're desperate.

Q: Why are they so desperate?
A: Because their countries are shit holes.

Q: Why are their countries shit holes?
A: Because of the crime and corruption.

Q: Who is responsible for the crime and corruption?
A: The drug cartels.

Q: How do the drug cartels keep the crime and corruption so bad?
A: Because they're mega-wealthy.

Q: How did they get so mega-wealthy?
A: From selling drugs.

A: To whom do these mega-wealthy drug cartels sell their drugs?


What does that mean to you?
Do you have the balls to be candid with your answer?
Are you saying the Americans who don't do the drugs supplied by the cartels deserve to be plagued by all that comes with fostering Mexico's most desperate?
Just pointing out the obvious.

But don't worry. You'll always be the victim.

No, no.....you pointed out that Mexico's people are the victim.
So elaborate....do the 300 million here not doing drugs deserve to be plagued by Mexico's most desperate because some are buying drugs?
I think that's a perfectly reasonable and interesting question, and it's the type of challenging, stimulating issue I very much enjoy discussing with intelligent, thoughtful, honest people in real life.

Good stuff!

That's neat...the cool thing is; those of us not scared are actually discussing it right here right now...pretty awesome huh?

See, none of your "it's all Americas fault" excuse making FEELZ bullshit passes the smell test for us sane logical folks living outside of LibTardia...it simply doesn't make sense and I'll tell you why, since unlike yourself I have the courage to do so.
When people here in America run up their overheads and can no longer afford the six children they're responsible for they often have to move or MIGRATE to reduce overhead and or increase earnings...this is NEVER the fault of someone buying drugs somewhere, this is the fault of the family with expenses that exceed their income...Come on man, this is elementary shit for a financial God such as yourself...no?
Lets go further, if there are no safe zones in Mexico, Central and South America why do so many wealthy Americans buy places there and or vacation there? Again, your shit doesn't pass the smell test....TRY HARDER...you and Slade3200 need to get your heads working right...say no to FEELZ.
Hahahaha. You think it takes courage to say the things you say?! No sir, you are not a courageous man. You are a weak and insecure man that tries to hide it by acting tough on message boards and with your political rhetoric. If you were secure and courageous you wouldn’t be trying so hard.
Who knows what they're like in real life. Most likely, all the bravado and swagger is meant to buttress a fragile self esteem.

Precisely like the man they adore. Maybe that explains the intensity of their emotions for him.

Mac, only you leftists need to "adore" your president...legit Americans "adore" America First policies....Remember those?
“America first” sounds like “O’Doyle rules!” Get over yourself
Trumpism is a series of grunts, slogans and platitudes. Approach every problem with a plan that fits on a baseball cap. Address every issue by beating on it with a stick.
But Trump v. Biden on immigration does pose a question. Biden and Harris are correct that people leaving their home countries to try to come here without out resources or relatives already here is a sign of despair, but also a calculated decision. Trump's response was to make their situations after they attempted to come here our of desperation even worse than what they faced in the first place. Is that the best we can do? Perhaps for adults. But do we just leave children on the border? And these are children whose homes were destroyed by hurricanes.
No, it's certainly not the kids' fault, and we have to do what's right. But the Democrats have to look in the mirror regarding their own rhetoric on immigration. As with virtually every other issue right now, pretty much everything is all or nothing, so these people heard what the Dems were saying and figured the door was open. Who can blame them?

This kind of back and forth shit will continue until and unless we drop this stupid tribal crap.
You're right about that... its the all or nothing partisan games that are killing us. Each side is pandering to an absolute position instead of trying to find logical solutions. The Left likes to speak in platitudes and appeal to the humanity of things. They are contrasting a very heartless attitude that Trump pour gasoline all over. The Republican have been destroyed by their acceptance and association with that kind of rhetoric. But support of the opposition of that won't last long if practical solutions aren't discussed and reached. The Dems have a short window to actually do something and not just talk like the good guys.

Those who view the opposition as the enemy are the problem. “US vs Them” taken to such an extreme promotes the nations tribalism.


My goodness. This is not about US vs Them. It is about protecting the United States against an ongoing invasion of our southern border, and promoting the general welfare of the United States and her citizens.


Our socialist revolutionaries, which now control the Democrat Party Leadership, want elderly American citizens, who were forced to pay into Medicare all their lives, to surrender and share their Medicare Trust fund with millions of foreigners who have invaded America’s borders. LINK

Clause 15. The Congress shall have Power * * * To provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions.

INVASION. The entry of a country by a public enemy, making war.
2. The Constitution of the United States, art. 1, s. 8, gives power to congress "to provide forcalling the militia to execute the laws of the Union, suppress insurrections, and repel invasions."Vide Insurrection.

Illegal immigrants do not meet that definition. That is a fallacious interpretation of the militia clause in question.
You're being too technical and logical for the dimwits. They don't deal in definitions and facts, they deal in emotions and hate.
Clause 15. The Congress shall have Power * * * To provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions.

Did you miss Article 4, Section 4?

"The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against invasion . . . "


Did you miss the legal definition of “Invasions”.

I'll stick with our Founders meaning of the clause in question as they stated it during the State Ratification Debates: SEE: Elliots Debates, Vol. 3, Mason

“The words are, “The United States shall guaranty to every state in this Union a republican form of gover nment, and shall protect each of them against invasion, and, …. “Etc.

“The word invasion here, after power had been given in the former clause to repel invasions, may be thought tautologous, but it has a different meaning from the other. This clause speaks of a particular state. It means that it shall be protected from invasion by other states. A republican government is to be guaranteed to each state, and they are to be protected from invasion from other states, as well as from foreign powers . . . “

I cannot imaging anyone honestly asserting 20 thousand foreign nationals swarming the Texas, Arizona New Mexico and California border each month from Central America does not fall within Article 4, Section 4's meaning of invasion. Common sense tells me otherwise.

Q: Why are so many people trying to cross the border?
A: Because they're desperate.

Q: Why are they so desperate?
A: Because their countries are shit holes.

Q: Why are their countries shit holes?
A: Because of the crime and corruption.

Q: Who is responsible for the crime and corruption?
A: The drug cartels.

Q: How do the drug cartels keep the crime and corruption so bad?
A: Because they're mega-wealthy.

Q: How did they get so mega-wealthy?
A: From selling drugs.

A: To whom do these mega-wealthy drug cartels sell their drugs?

Q: Why are so many people trying to cross the border?
A: Because they're desperate.

Q: Why are they so desperate?
A: Because their countries are shit holes.

Q: Why are their countries shit holes?
A: Because of the crime and corruption.

Q: Who is responsible for the crime and corruption?
A: The drug cartels.

Q: How do the drug cartels keep the crime and corruption so bad?
A: Because they're mega-wealthy.

Q: How did they get so mega-wealthy?
A: From selling drugs.

A: To whom do these mega-wealthy drug cartels sell their drugs?


What does that mean to you?
Do you have the balls to be candid with your answer?
Are you saying the Americans who don't do the drugs supplied by the cartels deserve to be plagued by all that comes with fostering Mexico's most desperate?
Just pointing out the obvious.

But don't worry. You'll always be the victim.

No, no.....you pointed out that Mexico's people are the victim.
So elaborate....do the 300 million here not doing drugs deserve to be plagued by Mexico's most desperate because some are buying drugs?
I think that's a perfectly reasonable and interesting question, and it's the type of challenging, stimulating issue I very much enjoy discussing with intelligent, thoughtful, honest people in real life.

Good stuff!

That's neat...the cool thing is; those of us not scared are actually discussing it right here right now...pretty awesome huh?

See, none of your "it's all Americas fault" excuse making FEELZ bullshit passes the smell test for us sane logical folks living outside of LibTardia...it simply doesn't make sense and I'll tell you why, since unlike yourself I have the courage to do so.
When people here in America run up their overheads and can no longer afford the six children they're responsible for they often have to move or MIGRATE to reduce overhead and or increase earnings...this is NEVER the fault of someone buying drugs somewhere, this is the fault of the family with expenses that exceed their income...Come on man, this is elementary shit for a financial God such as yourself...no?
Lets go further, if there are no safe zones in Mexico, Central and South America why do so many wealthy Americans buy places there and or vacation there? Again, your shit doesn't pass the smell test....TRY HARDER...you and Slade3200 need to get your heads working right...say no to FEELZ.
Hahahaha. You think it takes courage to say the things you say?! No sir, you are not a courageous man. You are a weak and insecure man that tries to hide it by acting tough on message boards and with your political rhetoric. If you were secure and courageous you wouldn’t be trying so hard.
Who knows what they're like in real life. Most likely, all the bravado and swagger is meant to buttress a fragile self esteem.

Precisely like the man they adore. Maybe that explains the intensity of their emotions for him.

Mac, only you leftists need to "adore" your president...legit Americans "adore" America First policies....Remember those?
“America first” sounds like “O’Doyle rules!” Get over yourself
Trumpism is a series of grunts, slogans and platitudes. Approach every problem with a plan that fits on a baseball cap. Address every issue by beating on it with a stick.
But Trump v. Biden on immigration does pose a question. Biden and Harris are correct that people leaving their home countries to try to come here without out resources or relatives already here is a sign of despair, but also a calculated decision. Trump's response was to make their situations after they attempted to come here our of desperation even worse than what they faced in the first place. Is that the best we can do? Perhaps for adults. But do we just leave children on the border? And these are children whose homes were destroyed by hurricanes.
No, it's certainly not the kids' fault, and we have to do what's right. But the Democrats have to look in the mirror regarding their own rhetoric on immigration. As with virtually every other issue right now, pretty much everything is all or nothing, so these people heard what the Dems were saying and figured the door was open. Who can blame them?

This kind of back and forth shit will continue until and unless we drop this stupid tribal crap.
You're right about that... its the all or nothing partisan games that are killing us. Each side is pandering to an absolute position instead of trying to find logical solutions. The Left likes to speak in platitudes and appeal to the humanity of things. They are contrasting a very heartless attitude that Trump pour gasoline all over. The Republican have been destroyed by their acceptance and association with that kind of rhetoric. But support of the opposition of that won't last long if practical solutions aren't discussed and reached. The Dems have a short window to actually do something and not just talk like the good guys.

Those who view the opposition as the enemy are the problem. “US vs Them” taken to such an extreme promotes the nations tribalism.


My goodness. This is not about US vs Them. It is about protecting the United States against an ongoing invasion of our southern border, and promoting the general welfare of the United States and her citizens.


Our socialist revolutionaries, which now control the Democrat Party Leadership, want elderly American citizens, who were forced to pay into Medicare all their lives, to surrender and share their Medicare Trust fund with millions of foreigners who have invaded America’s borders. LINK
Its absolutely US vs Them. You and your ILK are all in on demonizing everything and everyone that doesn't agree with you. Wingnuts on the other side do the same thing and it is those two factions that cause gridlock and a deteriorating sense of civility in this country.

So, those of us who support common sense "public charge" rules being applied to immigration, and want our southern border to be protected from an ongoing invasion, and likewise want our federal government to fulfil its obligation to promote the general welfare of the United States and HER citizens, are an "ILK", "Wingnuts", and demonize those who ignore our Constitution.


Instead of posting insulting accusations, how about engaging in a productive discussion with regard to the current immigration crisis at our southern border?


The unavoidable truth is, our socialist/fascist revolutionaries, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, have a plan for “free” college tuition, and cancelling student loan debt. The problem is, it will be paid for by taxing millions of college graduates who worked for and paid their own way through college and are now trying to finance their own economic needs.
Yes absolutely. Y’all are perpetuating the problem of gridlock and getting in the way of what you claim you want done. You’re more interested in the fighting and name calling than actually doing something for our country.

Nice deflection . . . using "Y'all". Now how have I perpetuated any problems? I have been very clear in what I promote and what I object to. Seems you are more interested in deflections than actually discussing how filling our country with tens of thousands of Central America's poverty stricken population promotes the general welfare of the United States and her citizens. Nor do you seem interested in discussing how American citizens are being made into tax slaves to finance the economic needs of those flooding across our border from Central America. Is there really a problem with advocating "public charge" rules being applied to immigration, as they were since the founding of our country?

I've explained how you perpetuate the problems. When you use hyperbolic and dishonest rhetoric you aren't approaching debate with a goal of reaching productive results. You are stirring up drama and hate. You know exactly what you are doing, it is obvious and transparent.
The solution of over 20 years ago remains the solution. People who have raised families without committing violent crimes or stealing can stay with some legal status. Employers who newly hire illegals without some standard of "checking" get fined ... zero tolerance. Landlords who newly rent to illegals without some standard of checking get fined ... zero tolerance.

We beef up the border, and not just with a stupid fence in the middle of a fucking desert people have to walk 40 miles to cross with drones overhead. They get deported immediately.

Those who get through and manage to live here long enough to reproduce get Deported. Whether they take the kid(s) with them is up to them. (Im agains college aid for the kids though)

The dystopians will cry "Section Four" and we're being mongrelized. The uberprogressives will cry we need their votes. The only times we can solve this fairly small problem is when the dems control the WH, Senate (with some gop buy in) and the House
Q: Why are so many people trying to cross the border?
A: Because they're desperate.

Q: Why are they so desperate?
A: Because their countries are shit holes.

Q: Why are their countries shit holes?
A: Because of the crime and corruption.

Q: Who is responsible for the crime and corruption?
A: The drug cartels.

Q: How do the drug cartels keep the crime and corruption so bad?
A: Because they're mega-wealthy.

Q: How did they get so mega-wealthy?
A: From selling drugs.

A: To whom do these mega-wealthy drug cartels sell their drugs?

Q: Why are so many people trying to cross the border?
A: Because they're desperate.

Q: Why are they so desperate?
A: Because their countries are shit holes.

Q: Why are their countries shit holes?
A: Because of the crime and corruption.

Q: Who is responsible for the crime and corruption?
A: The drug cartels.

Q: How do the drug cartels keep the crime and corruption so bad?
A: Because they're mega-wealthy.

Q: How did they get so mega-wealthy?
A: From selling drugs.

A: To whom do these mega-wealthy drug cartels sell their drugs?


What does that mean to you?
Do you have the balls to be candid with your answer?
Are you saying the Americans who don't do the drugs supplied by the cartels deserve to be plagued by all that comes with fostering Mexico's most desperate?
Just pointing out the obvious.

But don't worry. You'll always be the victim.

No, no.....you pointed out that Mexico's people are the victim.
So elaborate....do the 300 million here not doing drugs deserve to be plagued by Mexico's most desperate because some are buying drugs?
I think that's a perfectly reasonable and interesting question, and it's the type of challenging, stimulating issue I very much enjoy discussing with intelligent, thoughtful, honest people in real life.

Good stuff!

That's neat...the cool thing is; those of us not scared are actually discussing it right here right now...pretty awesome huh?

See, none of your "it's all Americas fault" excuse making FEELZ bullshit passes the smell test for us sane logical folks living outside of LibTardia...it simply doesn't make sense and I'll tell you why, since unlike yourself I have the courage to do so.
When people here in America run up their overheads and can no longer afford the six children they're responsible for they often have to move or MIGRATE to reduce overhead and or increase earnings...this is NEVER the fault of someone buying drugs somewhere, this is the fault of the family with expenses that exceed their income...Come on man, this is elementary shit for a financial God such as yourself...no?
Lets go further, if there are no safe zones in Mexico, Central and South America why do so many wealthy Americans buy places there and or vacation there? Again, your shit doesn't pass the smell test....TRY HARDER...you and Slade3200 need to get your heads working right...say no to FEELZ.
Hahahaha. You think it takes courage to say the things you say?! No sir, you are not a courageous man. You are a weak and insecure man that tries to hide it by acting tough on message boards and with your political rhetoric. If you were secure and courageous you wouldn’t be trying so hard.
Who knows what they're like in real life. Most likely, all the bravado and swagger is meant to buttress a fragile self esteem.

Precisely like the man they adore. Maybe that explains the intensity of their emotions for him.

Mac, only you leftists need to "adore" your president...legit Americans "adore" America First policies....Remember those?
“America first” sounds like “O’Doyle rules!” Get over yourself
Trumpism is a series of grunts, slogans and platitudes. Approach every problem with a plan that fits on a baseball cap. Address every issue by beating on it with a stick.
But Trump v. Biden on immigration does pose a question. Biden and Harris are correct that people leaving their home countries to try to come here without out resources or relatives already here is a sign of despair, but also a calculated decision. Trump's response was to make their situations after they attempted to come here our of desperation even worse than what they faced in the first place. Is that the best we can do? Perhaps for adults. But do we just leave children on the border? And these are children whose homes were destroyed by hurricanes.
No, it's certainly not the kids' fault, and we have to do what's right. But the Democrats have to look in the mirror regarding their own rhetoric on immigration. As with virtually every other issue right now, pretty much everything is all or nothing, so these people heard what the Dems were saying and figured the door was open. Who can blame them?

This kind of back and forth shit will continue until and unless we drop this stupid tribal crap.
You're right about that... its the all or nothing partisan games that are killing us. Each side is pandering to an absolute position instead of trying to find logical solutions. The Left likes to speak in platitudes and appeal to the humanity of things. They are contrasting a very heartless attitude that Trump pour gasoline all over. The Republican have been destroyed by their acceptance and association with that kind of rhetoric. But support of the opposition of that won't last long if practical solutions aren't discussed and reached. The Dems have a short window to actually do something and not just talk like the good guys.

Those who view the opposition as the enemy are the problem. “US vs Them” taken to such an extreme promotes the nations tribalism.


My goodness. This is not about US vs Them. It is about protecting the United States against an ongoing invasion of our southern border, and promoting the general welfare of the United States and her citizens.


Our socialist revolutionaries, which now control the Democrat Party Leadership, want elderly American citizens, who were forced to pay into Medicare all their lives, to surrender and share their Medicare Trust fund with millions of foreigners who have invaded America’s borders. LINK

Clause 15. The Congress shall have Power * * * To provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions.

INVASION. The entry of a country by a public enemy, making war.
2. The Constitution of the United States, art. 1, s. 8, gives power to congress "to provide forcalling the militia to execute the laws of the Union, suppress insurrections, and repel invasions."Vide Insurrection.

Illegal immigrants do not meet that definition. That is a fallacious interpretation of the militia clause in question.
You're being too technical and logical for the dimwits. They don't deal in definitions and facts, they deal in emotions and hate.
Clause 15. The Congress shall have Power * * * To provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions.

Did you miss Article 4, Section 4?

"The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against invasion . . . "


Did you miss the legal definition of “Invasions”.

I'll stick with our Founders meaning of the clause in question as they stated it during the State Ratification Debates: SEE: Elliots Debates, Vol. 3, Mason

“The words are, “The United States shall guaranty to every state in this Union a republican form of gover nment, and shall protect each of them against invasion, and, …. “Etc.

“The word invasion here, after power had been given in the former clause to repel invasions, may be thought tautologous, but it has a different meaning from the other. This clause speaks of a particular state. It means that it shall be protected from invasion by other states. A republican government is to be guaranteed to each state, and they are to be protected from invasion from other states, as well as from foreign powers . . . “

I cannot imaging anyone honestly asserting 20 thousand foreign nationals swarming the Texas, Arizona New Mexico and California border each month from Central America does not fall within Article 4, Section 4's meaning of invasion. Common sense tells me otherwise.


Thats fine, but cherry picking ONE founders perspective of what “invasion” meant to HIM during the debates did not necessarily make it the legal one. Thats ONE interpretation of what it could mean.
Q: Why are so many people trying to cross the border?
A: Because they're desperate.

Q: Why are they so desperate?
A: Because their countries are shit holes.

Q: Why are their countries shit holes?
A: Because of the crime and corruption.

Q: Who is responsible for the crime and corruption?
A: The drug cartels.

Q: How do the drug cartels keep the crime and corruption so bad?
A: Because they're mega-wealthy.

Q: How did they get so mega-wealthy?
A: From selling drugs.

A: To whom do these mega-wealthy drug cartels sell their drugs?

Q: Why are so many people trying to cross the border?
A: Because they're desperate.

Q: Why are they so desperate?
A: Because their countries are shit holes.

Q: Why are their countries shit holes?
A: Because of the crime and corruption.

Q: Who is responsible for the crime and corruption?
A: The drug cartels.

Q: How do the drug cartels keep the crime and corruption so bad?
A: Because they're mega-wealthy.

Q: How did they get so mega-wealthy?
A: From selling drugs.

A: To whom do these mega-wealthy drug cartels sell their drugs?


What does that mean to you?
Do you have the balls to be candid with your answer?
Are you saying the Americans who don't do the drugs supplied by the cartels deserve to be plagued by all that comes with fostering Mexico's most desperate?
Just pointing out the obvious.

But don't worry. You'll always be the victim.

No, no.....you pointed out that Mexico's people are the victim.
So elaborate....do the 300 million here not doing drugs deserve to be plagued by Mexico's most desperate because some are buying drugs?
I think that's a perfectly reasonable and interesting question, and it's the type of challenging, stimulating issue I very much enjoy discussing with intelligent, thoughtful, honest people in real life.

Good stuff!

That's neat...the cool thing is; those of us not scared are actually discussing it right here right now...pretty awesome huh?

See, none of your "it's all Americas fault" excuse making FEELZ bullshit passes the smell test for us sane logical folks living outside of LibTardia...it simply doesn't make sense and I'll tell you why, since unlike yourself I have the courage to do so.
When people here in America run up their overheads and can no longer afford the six children they're responsible for they often have to move or MIGRATE to reduce overhead and or increase earnings...this is NEVER the fault of someone buying drugs somewhere, this is the fault of the family with expenses that exceed their income...Come on man, this is elementary shit for a financial God such as yourself...no?
Lets go further, if there are no safe zones in Mexico, Central and South America why do so many wealthy Americans buy places there and or vacation there? Again, your shit doesn't pass the smell test....TRY HARDER...you and Slade3200 need to get your heads working right...say no to FEELZ.
Hahahaha. You think it takes courage to say the things you say?! No sir, you are not a courageous man. You are a weak and insecure man that tries to hide it by acting tough on message boards and with your political rhetoric. If you were secure and courageous you wouldn’t be trying so hard.
Who knows what they're like in real life. Most likely, all the bravado and swagger is meant to buttress a fragile self esteem.

Precisely like the man they adore. Maybe that explains the intensity of their emotions for him.

Mac, only you leftists need to "adore" your president...legit Americans "adore" America First policies....Remember those?
“America first” sounds like “O’Doyle rules!” Get over yourself
Trumpism is a series of grunts, slogans and platitudes. Approach every problem with a plan that fits on a baseball cap. Address every issue by beating on it with a stick.
But Trump v. Biden on immigration does pose a question. Biden and Harris are correct that people leaving their home countries to try to come here without out resources or relatives already here is a sign of despair, but also a calculated decision. Trump's response was to make their situations after they attempted to come here our of desperation even worse than what they faced in the first place. Is that the best we can do? Perhaps for adults. But do we just leave children on the border? And these are children whose homes were destroyed by hurricanes.
No, it's certainly not the kids' fault, and we have to do what's right. But the Democrats have to look in the mirror regarding their own rhetoric on immigration. As with virtually every other issue right now, pretty much everything is all or nothing, so these people heard what the Dems were saying and figured the door was open. Who can blame them?

This kind of back and forth shit will continue until and unless we drop this stupid tribal crap.
You're right about that... its the all or nothing partisan games that are killing us. Each side is pandering to an absolute position instead of trying to find logical solutions. The Left likes to speak in platitudes and appeal to the humanity of things. They are contrasting a very heartless attitude that Trump pour gasoline all over. The Republican have been destroyed by their acceptance and association with that kind of rhetoric. But support of the opposition of that won't last long if practical solutions aren't discussed and reached. The Dems have a short window to actually do something and not just talk like the good guys.

Those who view the opposition as the enemy are the problem. “US vs Them” taken to such an extreme promotes the nations tribalism.


My goodness. This is not about US vs Them. It is about protecting the United States against an ongoing invasion of our southern border, and promoting the general welfare of the United States and her citizens.


Our socialist revolutionaries, which now control the Democrat Party Leadership, want elderly American citizens, who were forced to pay into Medicare all their lives, to surrender and share their Medicare Trust fund with millions of foreigners who have invaded America’s borders. LINK

Clause 15. The Congress shall have Power * * * To provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions.

INVASION. The entry of a country by a public enemy, making war.
2. The Constitution of the United States, art. 1, s. 8, gives power to congress "to provide forcalling the militia to execute the laws of the Union, suppress insurrections, and repel invasions."Vide Insurrection.

Illegal immigrants do not meet that definition. That is a fallacious interpretation of the militia clause in question.
You're being too technical and logical for the dimwits. They don't deal in definitions and facts, they deal in emotions and hate.
Clause 15. The Congress shall have Power * * * To provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions.

Did you miss Article 4, Section 4?

"The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against invasion . . . "


Did you miss the legal definition of “Invasions”.

I'll stick with our Founders meaning of the clause in question as they stated it during the State Ratification Debates: SEE: Elliots Debates, Vol. 3, Mason

“The words are, “The United States shall guaranty to every state in this Union a republican form of gover nment, and shall protect each of them against invasion, and, …. “Etc.

“The word invasion here, after power had been given in the former clause to repel invasions, may be thought tautologous, but it has a different meaning from the other. This clause speaks of a particular state. It means that it shall be protected from invasion by other states. A republican government is to be guaranteed to each state, and they are to be protected from invasion from other states, as well as from foreign powers . . . “

I cannot imaging anyone honestly asserting 20 thousand foreign nationals swarming the Texas, Arizona New Mexico and California border each month from Central America does not fall within Article 4, Section 4's meaning of invasion. Common sense tells me otherwise.


Thats fine, but cherry picking ONE founders perspective of what “invasion” meant to HIM during the debates did not necessarily make it the legal one. Thats ONE interpretation of what it could mean.
There's also "the militia" thing, not to mention a different border. But he's speaking a language that has an agenda
Q: Why are so many people trying to cross the border?
A: Because they're desperate.

Q: Why are they so desperate?
A: Because their countries are shit holes.

Q: Why are their countries shit holes?
A: Because of the crime and corruption.

Q: Who is responsible for the crime and corruption?
A: The drug cartels.

Q: How do the drug cartels keep the crime and corruption so bad?
A: Because they're mega-wealthy.

Q: How did they get so mega-wealthy?
A: From selling drugs.

A: To whom do these mega-wealthy drug cartels sell their drugs?

Q: Why are so many people trying to cross the border?
A: Because they're desperate.

Q: Why are they so desperate?
A: Because their countries are shit holes.

Q: Why are their countries shit holes?
A: Because of the crime and corruption.

Q: Who is responsible for the crime and corruption?
A: The drug cartels.

Q: How do the drug cartels keep the crime and corruption so bad?
A: Because they're mega-wealthy.

Q: How did they get so mega-wealthy?
A: From selling drugs.

A: To whom do these mega-wealthy drug cartels sell their drugs?


What does that mean to you?
Do you have the balls to be candid with your answer?
Are you saying the Americans who don't do the drugs supplied by the cartels deserve to be plagued by all that comes with fostering Mexico's most desperate?
Just pointing out the obvious.

But don't worry. You'll always be the victim.

No, no.....you pointed out that Mexico's people are the victim.
So elaborate....do the 300 million here not doing drugs deserve to be plagued by Mexico's most desperate because some are buying drugs?
I think that's a perfectly reasonable and interesting question, and it's the type of challenging, stimulating issue I very much enjoy discussing with intelligent, thoughtful, honest people in real life.

Good stuff!

That's neat...the cool thing is; those of us not scared are actually discussing it right here right now...pretty awesome huh?

See, none of your "it's all Americas fault" excuse making FEELZ bullshit passes the smell test for us sane logical folks living outside of LibTardia...it simply doesn't make sense and I'll tell you why, since unlike yourself I have the courage to do so.
When people here in America run up their overheads and can no longer afford the six children they're responsible for they often have to move or MIGRATE to reduce overhead and or increase earnings...this is NEVER the fault of someone buying drugs somewhere, this is the fault of the family with expenses that exceed their income...Come on man, this is elementary shit for a financial God such as yourself...no?
Lets go further, if there are no safe zones in Mexico, Central and South America why do so many wealthy Americans buy places there and or vacation there? Again, your shit doesn't pass the smell test....TRY HARDER...you and Slade3200 need to get your heads working right...say no to FEELZ.
Hahahaha. You think it takes courage to say the things you say?! No sir, you are not a courageous man. You are a weak and insecure man that tries to hide it by acting tough on message boards and with your political rhetoric. If you were secure and courageous you wouldn’t be trying so hard.
Who knows what they're like in real life. Most likely, all the bravado and swagger is meant to buttress a fragile self esteem.

Precisely like the man they adore. Maybe that explains the intensity of their emotions for him.

Mac, only you leftists need to "adore" your president...legit Americans "adore" America First policies....Remember those?
“America first” sounds like “O’Doyle rules!” Get over yourself
Trumpism is a series of grunts, slogans and platitudes. Approach every problem with a plan that fits on a baseball cap. Address every issue by beating on it with a stick.
But Trump v. Biden on immigration does pose a question. Biden and Harris are correct that people leaving their home countries to try to come here without out resources or relatives already here is a sign of despair, but also a calculated decision. Trump's response was to make their situations after they attempted to come here our of desperation even worse than what they faced in the first place. Is that the best we can do? Perhaps for adults. But do we just leave children on the border? And these are children whose homes were destroyed by hurricanes.
No, it's certainly not the kids' fault, and we have to do what's right. But the Democrats have to look in the mirror regarding their own rhetoric on immigration. As with virtually every other issue right now, pretty much everything is all or nothing, so these people heard what the Dems were saying and figured the door was open. Who can blame them?

This kind of back and forth shit will continue until and unless we drop this stupid tribal crap.
You're right about that... its the all or nothing partisan games that are killing us. Each side is pandering to an absolute position instead of trying to find logical solutions. The Left likes to speak in platitudes and appeal to the humanity of things. They are contrasting a very heartless attitude that Trump pour gasoline all over. The Republican have been destroyed by their acceptance and association with that kind of rhetoric. But support of the opposition of that won't last long if practical solutions aren't discussed and reached. The Dems have a short window to actually do something and not just talk like the good guys.

Those who view the opposition as the enemy are the problem. “US vs Them” taken to such an extreme promotes the nations tribalism.


My goodness. This is not about US vs Them. It is about protecting the United States against an ongoing invasion of our southern border, and promoting the general welfare of the United States and her citizens.


Our socialist revolutionaries, which now control the Democrat Party Leadership, want elderly American citizens, who were forced to pay into Medicare all their lives, to surrender and share their Medicare Trust fund with millions of foreigners who have invaded America’s borders. LINK

Clause 15. The Congress shall have Power * * * To provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions.

INVASION. The entry of a country by a public enemy, making war.
2. The Constitution of the United States, art. 1, s. 8, gives power to congress "to provide forcalling the militia to execute the laws of the Union, suppress insurrections, and repel invasions."Vide Insurrection.

Illegal immigrants do not meet that definition. That is a fallacious interpretation of the militia clause in question.
You're being too technical and logical for the dimwits. They don't deal in definitions and facts, they deal in emotions and hate.
Clause 15. The Congress shall have Power * * * To provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions.

Did you miss Article 4, Section 4?

"The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against invasion . . . "


Did you miss the legal definition of “Invasions”.

I'll stick with our Founders meaning of the clause in question as they stated it during the State Ratification Debates: SEE: Elliots Debates, Vol. 3, Mason

“The words are, “The United States shall guaranty to every state in this Union a republican form of gover nment, and shall protect each of them against invasion, and, …. “Etc.

“The word invasion here, after power had been given in the former clause to repel invasions, may be thought tautologous, but it has a different meaning from the other. This clause speaks of a particular state. It means that it shall be protected from invasion by other states. A republican government is to be guaranteed to each state, and they are to be protected from invasion from other states, as well as from foreign powers . . . “

I cannot imaging anyone honestly asserting 20 thousand foreign nationals swarming the Texas, Arizona New Mexico and California border each month from Central America does not fall within Article 4, Section 4's meaning of invasion. Common sense tells me otherwise.


Thats fine, but cherry picking ONE founders perspective of what “invasion” meant to HIM during the debates did not necessarily make it the legal one. Thats ONE interpretation of what it could mean.
There's also "the militia" thing, not to mention a different border. But he's speaking a language that has an agenda

No doubt.
But he's speaking a language that has an agenda

And the "agenda" is to protect the United States from 20 thousand poverty stricken Central American nationals swarming the border of the United States, and United States Citizens having to pay the economic and social consequences of this invasion.

For example, American citizens are being taxed $ 116 BILLION a year to finance the economic needs of illegal immigration.

And why are American citizens being stuck with the $ 4.5K bill for each illegal alien giving birth to an anchor baby in the United States, which opens the door for the mother to receive more taxpayer financed benefits?


See: Illegal Immigrant Births - At Your Expense

"It was 5 a.m. and CBS News national correspondent Byron Pitts is with a woman who is nine months pregnant. She’s rushed to a south Texas hospital to undergo a C-section - a $4,700 medical procedure that won’t cost her a dime. She qualifies for emergency Medicaid.

She gave birth to a healthy, 8 1/2 pound baby boy - born in America. His Mexican mother gave him an American name: Eliot."

The article goes on to point out that an “estimated 300,000 children of illegal immigrants” are born in the United States every year, “which makes it easier for their parents to become U.S. citizens”.

Thousands turn into tens of thousands, then into hundreds of thousands and then into millions, and American Citizens are paying the price.

Why are we not applying common sense "public charge" rules to immigration?

Why are American Citizens being turned into tax slaves to support the needs of tens of thousand of Central American nationals swarming our border when our federal government is charged with promoting the general welfare of the United States and HER citizens?


But he's speaking a language that has an agenda

And the "agenda" is to protect the United States from 20 thousand poverty stricken Central American nationals swarming the border of the United States, and United States Citizens having to pay the economic and social consequences of this invasion.

For example, American citizens are being taxed $ 116 BILLION a year to finance the economic needs of illegal immigration.

And why are American citizens being stuck with the $ 4.5K bill for each illegal alien giving birth to an anchor baby in the United States, which opens the door for the mother to receive more taxpayer financed benefits?


See: Illegal Immigrant Births - At Your Expense

"It was 5 a.m. and CBS News national correspondent Byron Pitts is with a woman who is nine months pregnant. She’s rushed to a south Texas hospital to undergo a C-section - a $4,700 medical procedure that won’t cost her a dime. She qualifies for emergency Medicaid.

She gave birth to a healthy, 8 1/2 pound baby boy - born in America. His Mexican mother gave him an American name: Eliot."

The article goes on to point out that an “estimated 300,000 children of illegal immigrants” are born in the United States every year, “which makes it easier for their parents to become U.S. citizens”.

Thousands turn into tens of thousands, then into hundreds of thousands and then into millions, and American Citizens are paying the price.

Why are we not applying common sense "public charge" rules to immigration?

Why are American Citizens being turned into tax slaves to support the needs of tens of thousand of Central American nationals swarming our border when our federal government is charged with promoting the general welfare of the United States and HER citizens?



Stop with the BS... Did $4500 come out of your paycheck last year to pay for illegal immigrants? If not then exactly how much did you pay for it?
There is an argument American males should be allowed to impregnate those ugly ass hoes. No idea how many cases of beers it would take for a normal person to find those ugly ass hoes "sexy." But that should be an option.

Off topic, but in the good old days, the American South was interested in civilizing Mexico all the way down to Panama. So much in resources. There would be no poverty and no invasion of disgusting savages had the American South did what was right.
Q: Why are so many people trying to cross the border?
A: Because they're desperate.

Q: Why are they so desperate?
A: Because their countries are shit holes.

Q: Why are their countries shit holes?
A: Because of the crime and corruption.

Q: Who is responsible for the crime and corruption?
A: The drug cartels.

Q: How do the drug cartels keep the crime and corruption so bad?
A: Because they're mega-wealthy.

Q: How did they get so mega-wealthy?
A: From selling drugs.

A: To whom do these mega-wealthy drug cartels sell their drugs?

Q: Why are so many people trying to cross the border?
A: Because they're desperate.

Q: Why are they so desperate?
A: Because their countries are shit holes.

Q: Why are their countries shit holes?
A: Because of the crime and corruption.

Q: Who is responsible for the crime and corruption?
A: The drug cartels.

Q: How do the drug cartels keep the crime and corruption so bad?
A: Because they're mega-wealthy.

Q: How did they get so mega-wealthy?
A: From selling drugs.

A: To whom do these mega-wealthy drug cartels sell their drugs?


What does that mean to you?
Do you have the balls to be candid with your answer?
Are you saying the Americans who don't do the drugs supplied by the cartels deserve to be plagued by all that comes with fostering Mexico's most desperate?
Just pointing out the obvious.

But don't worry. You'll always be the victim.

No, no.....you pointed out that Mexico's people are the victim.
So elaborate....do the 300 million here not doing drugs deserve to be plagued by Mexico's most desperate because some are buying drugs?
I think that's a perfectly reasonable and interesting question, and it's the type of challenging, stimulating issue I very much enjoy discussing with intelligent, thoughtful, honest people in real life.

Good stuff!

That's neat...the cool thing is; those of us not scared are actually discussing it right here right now...pretty awesome huh?

See, none of your "it's all Americas fault" excuse making FEELZ bullshit passes the smell test for us sane logical folks living outside of LibTardia...it simply doesn't make sense and I'll tell you why, since unlike yourself I have the courage to do so.
When people here in America run up their overheads and can no longer afford the six children they're responsible for they often have to move or MIGRATE to reduce overhead and or increase earnings...this is NEVER the fault of someone buying drugs somewhere, this is the fault of the family with expenses that exceed their income...Come on man, this is elementary shit for a financial God such as yourself...no?
Lets go further, if there are no safe zones in Mexico, Central and South America why do so many wealthy Americans buy places there and or vacation there? Again, your shit doesn't pass the smell test....TRY HARDER...you and Slade3200 need to get your heads working right...say no to FEELZ.
Hahahaha. You think it takes courage to say the things you say?! No sir, you are not a courageous man. You are a weak and insecure man that tries to hide it by acting tough on message boards and with your political rhetoric. If you were secure and courageous you wouldn’t be trying so hard.
Who knows what they're like in real life. Most likely, all the bravado and swagger is meant to buttress a fragile self esteem.

Precisely like the man they adore. Maybe that explains the intensity of their emotions for him.

Mac, only you leftists need to "adore" your president...legit Americans "adore" America First policies....Remember those?
“America first” sounds like “O’Doyle rules!” Get over yourself
Trumpism is a series of grunts, slogans and platitudes. Approach every problem with a plan that fits on a baseball cap. Address every issue by beating on it with a stick.
But Trump v. Biden on immigration does pose a question. Biden and Harris are correct that people leaving their home countries to try to come here without out resources or relatives already here is a sign of despair, but also a calculated decision. Trump's response was to make their situations after they attempted to come here our of desperation even worse than what they faced in the first place. Is that the best we can do? Perhaps for adults. But do we just leave children on the border? And these are children whose homes were destroyed by hurricanes.
No, it's certainly not the kids' fault, and we have to do what's right. But the Democrats have to look in the mirror regarding their own rhetoric on immigration. As with virtually every other issue right now, pretty much everything is all or nothing, so these people heard what the Dems were saying and figured the door was open. Who can blame them?

This kind of back and forth shit will continue until and unless we drop this stupid tribal crap.
You're right about that... its the all or nothing partisan games that are killing us. Each side is pandering to an absolute position instead of trying to find logical solutions. The Left likes to speak in platitudes and appeal to the humanity of things. They are contrasting a very heartless attitude that Trump pour gasoline all over. The Republican have been destroyed by their acceptance and association with that kind of rhetoric. But support of the opposition of that won't last long if practical solutions aren't discussed and reached. The Dems have a short window to actually do something and not just talk like the good guys.

Those who view the opposition as the enemy are the problem. “US vs Them” taken to such an extreme promotes the nations tribalism.


My goodness. This is not about US vs Them. It is about protecting the United States against an ongoing invasion of our southern border, and promoting the general welfare of the United States and her citizens.


Our socialist revolutionaries, which now control the Democrat Party Leadership, want elderly American citizens, who were forced to pay into Medicare all their lives, to surrender and share their Medicare Trust fund with millions of foreigners who have invaded America’s borders. LINK

Clause 15. The Congress shall have Power * * * To provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions.

INVASION. The entry of a country by a public enemy, making war.
2. The Constitution of the United States, art. 1, s. 8, gives power to congress "to provide forcalling the militia to execute the laws of the Union, suppress insurrections, and repel invasions."Vide Insurrection.

Illegal immigrants do not meet that definition. That is a fallacious interpretation of the militia clause in question.
You're being too technical and logical for the dimwits. They don't deal in definitions and facts, they deal in emotions and hate.
Clause 15. The Congress shall have Power * * * To provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions.

Did you miss Article 4, Section 4?

"The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against invasion . . . "


Did you miss the legal definition of “Invasions”.

I'll stick with our Founders meaning of the clause in question as they stated it during the State Ratification Debates: SEE: Elliots Debates, Vol. 3, Mason

“The words are, “The United States shall guaranty to every state in this Union a republican form of gover nment, and shall protect each of them against invasion, and, …. “Etc.

“The word invasion here, after power had been given in the former clause to repel invasions, may be thought tautologous, but it has a different meaning from the other. This clause speaks of a particular state. It means that it shall be protected from invasion by other states. A republican government is to be guaranteed to each state, and they are to be protected from invasion from other states, as well as from foreign powers . . . “

I cannot imaging anyone honestly asserting 20 thousand foreign nationals swarming the Texas, Arizona New Mexico and California border each month from Central America does not fall within Article 4, Section 4's meaning of invasion. Common sense tells me otherwise.


Thats fine, but cherry picking ONE founders perspective of what “invasion” meant to HIM during the debates did not necessarily make it the legal one. Thats ONE interpretation of what it could mean.


That is what was meant in context when the founders were specifically discussing Article 4, Section 4.

But hey, you are free to post your personal opinion and the personal opinion of others who were not at the ratification debates.

I'll stick with Mason's meaning who was there and expressed the very intention of the clause in question.


The whole aim of construction, as applied to a provision of the Constitution, is to discover the meaning, to ascertain and give effect to the intent of its framers and the people who adopted it._____HOME BLDG. & LOAN ASSOCIATION v. BLAISDELL, 290 U.S. 398 (1934)
Q: Why are so many people trying to cross the border?
A: Because they're desperate.

Q: Why are they so desperate?
A: Because their countries are shit holes.

Q: Why are their countries shit holes?
A: Because of the crime and corruption.

Q: Who is responsible for the crime and corruption?
A: The drug cartels.

Q: How do the drug cartels keep the crime and corruption so bad?
A: Because they're mega-wealthy.

Q: How did they get so mega-wealthy?
A: From selling drugs.

A: To whom do these mega-wealthy drug cartels sell their drugs?

Q: Why are so many people trying to cross the border?
A: Because they're desperate.

Q: Why are they so desperate?
A: Because their countries are shit holes.

Q: Why are their countries shit holes?
A: Because of the crime and corruption.

Q: Who is responsible for the crime and corruption?
A: The drug cartels.

Q: How do the drug cartels keep the crime and corruption so bad?
A: Because they're mega-wealthy.

Q: How did they get so mega-wealthy?
A: From selling drugs.

A: To whom do these mega-wealthy drug cartels sell their drugs?


What does that mean to you?
Do you have the balls to be candid with your answer?
Are you saying the Americans who don't do the drugs supplied by the cartels deserve to be plagued by all that comes with fostering Mexico's most desperate?
Just pointing out the obvious.

But don't worry. You'll always be the victim.

No, no.....you pointed out that Mexico's people are the victim.
So elaborate....do the 300 million here not doing drugs deserve to be plagued by Mexico's most desperate because some are buying drugs?
I think that's a perfectly reasonable and interesting question, and it's the type of challenging, stimulating issue I very much enjoy discussing with intelligent, thoughtful, honest people in real life.

Good stuff!

That's neat...the cool thing is; those of us not scared are actually discussing it right here right now...pretty awesome huh?

See, none of your "it's all Americas fault" excuse making FEELZ bullshit passes the smell test for us sane logical folks living outside of LibTardia...it simply doesn't make sense and I'll tell you why, since unlike yourself I have the courage to do so.
When people here in America run up their overheads and can no longer afford the six children they're responsible for they often have to move or MIGRATE to reduce overhead and or increase earnings...this is NEVER the fault of someone buying drugs somewhere, this is the fault of the family with expenses that exceed their income...Come on man, this is elementary shit for a financial God such as yourself...no?
Lets go further, if there are no safe zones in Mexico, Central and South America why do so many wealthy Americans buy places there and or vacation there? Again, your shit doesn't pass the smell test....TRY HARDER...you and Slade3200 need to get your heads working right...say no to FEELZ.
Hahahaha. You think it takes courage to say the things you say?! No sir, you are not a courageous man. You are a weak and insecure man that tries to hide it by acting tough on message boards and with your political rhetoric. If you were secure and courageous you wouldn’t be trying so hard.
Who knows what they're like in real life. Most likely, all the bravado and swagger is meant to buttress a fragile self esteem.

Precisely like the man they adore. Maybe that explains the intensity of their emotions for him.

Mac, only you leftists need to "adore" your president...legit Americans "adore" America First policies....Remember those?
“America first” sounds like “O’Doyle rules!” Get over yourself
Trumpism is a series of grunts, slogans and platitudes. Approach every problem with a plan that fits on a baseball cap. Address every issue by beating on it with a stick.
But Trump v. Biden on immigration does pose a question. Biden and Harris are correct that people leaving their home countries to try to come here without out resources or relatives already here is a sign of despair, but also a calculated decision. Trump's response was to make their situations after they attempted to come here our of desperation even worse than what they faced in the first place. Is that the best we can do? Perhaps for adults. But do we just leave children on the border? And these are children whose homes were destroyed by hurricanes.
No, it's certainly not the kids' fault, and we have to do what's right. But the Democrats have to look in the mirror regarding their own rhetoric on immigration. As with virtually every other issue right now, pretty much everything is all or nothing, so these people heard what the Dems were saying and figured the door was open. Who can blame them?

This kind of back and forth shit will continue until and unless we drop this stupid tribal crap.
You're right about that... its the all or nothing partisan games that are killing us. Each side is pandering to an absolute position instead of trying to find logical solutions. The Left likes to speak in platitudes and appeal to the humanity of things. They are contrasting a very heartless attitude that Trump pour gasoline all over. The Republican have been destroyed by their acceptance and association with that kind of rhetoric. But support of the opposition of that won't last long if practical solutions aren't discussed and reached. The Dems have a short window to actually do something and not just talk like the good guys.

Those who view the opposition as the enemy are the problem. “US vs Them” taken to such an extreme promotes the nations tribalism.


My goodness. This is not about US vs Them. It is about protecting the United States against an ongoing invasion of our southern border, and promoting the general welfare of the United States and her citizens.


Our socialist revolutionaries, which now control the Democrat Party Leadership, want elderly American citizens, who were forced to pay into Medicare all their lives, to surrender and share their Medicare Trust fund with millions of foreigners who have invaded America’s borders. LINK

Clause 15. The Congress shall have Power * * * To provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions.

INVASION. The entry of a country by a public enemy, making war.
2. The Constitution of the United States, art. 1, s. 8, gives power to congress "to provide forcalling the militia to execute the laws of the Union, suppress insurrections, and repel invasions."Vide Insurrection.

Illegal immigrants do not meet that definition. That is a fallacious interpretation of the militia clause in question.
You're being too technical and logical for the dimwits. They don't deal in definitions and facts, they deal in emotions and hate.
Clause 15. The Congress shall have Power * * * To provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions.

Did you miss Article 4, Section 4?

"The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against invasion . . . "


Did you miss the legal definition of “Invasions”.

I'll stick with our Founders meaning of the clause in question as they stated it during the State Ratification Debates: SEE: Elliots Debates, Vol. 3, Mason

“The words are, “The United States shall guaranty to every state in this Union a republican form of gover nment, and shall protect each of them against invasion, and, …. “Etc.

“The word invasion here, after power had been given in the former clause to repel invasions, may be thought tautologous, but it has a different meaning from the other. This clause speaks of a particular state. It means that it shall be protected from invasion by other states. A republican government is to be guaranteed to each state, and they are to be protected from invasion from other states, as well as from foreign powers . . . “

I cannot imaging anyone honestly asserting 20 thousand foreign nationals swarming the Texas, Arizona New Mexico and California border each month from Central America does not fall within Article 4, Section 4's meaning of invasion. Common sense tells me otherwise.


Thats fine, but cherry picking ONE founders perspective of what “invasion” meant to HIM during the debates did not necessarily make it the legal one. Thats ONE interpretation of what it could mean.


That is what was meant in context when the founders were specifically discussing Article 4, Section 4.

But hey, you are free to post your personal opinion and the personal opinion of others who were not at the ratification debates.

I'll stick with Mason's meaning who was there and expressed the very intention of the clause in question.


The whole aim of construction, as applied to a provision of the Constitution, is to discover the meaning, to ascertain and give effect to the intent of its framers and the people who adopted it._____HOME BLDG. & LOAN ASSOCIATION v. BLAISDELL, 290 U.S. 398 (1934)

I understand that, but it still doesn’t make the case that people illegally entering the country are considered ”invasions“ as per the constitution. That’s your interpretation of what you think it means.

That said, you are entitled your opinion as I am to mine.
I understand that, but it still doesn’t make the case that people illegally entering the country are considered ”invasions“ as per the constitution. That’s your interpretation of what you think it means.

That said, you are entitled your opinion as I am to mine.

It's not my interpretation. I am going by the intended meaning expressed during the Constitution's ratification debates.

SEE: Elliots Debates, Vol. 3, Mason


“The words are, “The United States shall guaranty to every state in this Union a republican form of gover nment, and shall protect each of them against invasion, and, …. “Etc.

“The word invasion here, after power had been given in the former clause to repel invasions, may be thought tautologous, but it has a different meaning from the other. This clause speaks of a particular state. It means that it shall be protected from invasion by other states. A republican government is to be guaranteed to each state, and they are to be protected from invasion from other states, as well as from foreign powers . . . “


The whole aim of construction, as applied to a provision of the Constitution, is to discover the meaning, to ascertain and give effect to the intent of its framers and the people who adopted it._____HOME BLDG. & LOAN ASSOCIATION v. BLAISDELL, 290 U.S. 398 (1934)
Stop with the BS... Did $4500 come out of your paycheck last year to pay for illegal immigrants? If not then exactly how much did you pay for it?

No BS on my part. You simply ignored the article:

Illegal Immigrant Births - At Your Expense

"It was 5 a.m. and CBS News national correspondent Byron Pitts is with a woman who is nine months pregnant. She’s rushed to a south Texas hospital to undergo a C-section - a $4,700 medical procedure that won’t cost her a dime. She qualifies for emergency Medicaid.

Why not worry about our own citizens needs as pointed out by Bernadette Lancelin?


Why are you ok with American citizens being made into tax slaves to support the economic needs of those storming our border from Central America?


Our socialist revolutionaries, which now control the Democrat Party Leadership, want elderly American citizens, who were forced to pay into Medicare all their lives, to surrender and share their Medicare Trust fund with millions of foreigners who have invaded America’s borders. LINK
I understand that, but it still doesn’t make the case that people illegally entering the country are considered ”invasions“ as per the constitution. That’s your interpretation of what you think it means.

That said, you are entitled your opinion as I am to mine.

It's not my interpretation. I am going by the intended meaning expressed during the Constitution's ratification debates.

SEE: Elliots Debates, Vol. 3, Mason


“The words are, “The United States shall guaranty to every state in this Union a republican form of gover nment, and shall protect each of them against invasion, and, …. “Etc.

“The word invasion here, after power had been given in the former clause to repel invasions, may be thought tautologous, but it has a different meaning from the other. This clause speaks of a particular state. It means that it shall be protected from invasion by other states. A republican government is to be guaranteed to each state, and they are to be protected from invasion from other states, as well as from foreign powers . . . “


The whole aim of construction, as applied to a provision of the Constitution, is to discover the meaning, to ascertain and give effect to the intent of its framers and the people who adopted it._____HOME BLDG. & LOAN ASSOCIATION v. BLAISDELL, 290 U.S. 398 (1934)

You are entitled to your opinion.
Stop with the BS... Did $4500 come out of your paycheck last year to pay for illegal immigrants? If not then exactly how much did you pay for it?

No BS on my part. You simply ignored the article:

Illegal Immigrant Births - At Your Expense

"It was 5 a.m. and CBS News national correspondent Byron Pitts is with a woman who is nine months pregnant. She’s rushed to a south Texas hospital to undergo a C-section - a $4,700 medical procedure that won’t cost her a dime. She qualifies for emergency Medicaid.

Why not worry about our own citizens needs as pointed out by Bernadette Lancelin?


Why are you ok with American citizens being made into tax slaves to support the economic needs of those storming our border from Central America?


Our socialist revolutionaries, which now control the Democrat Party Leadership, want elderly American citizens, who were forced to pay into Medicare all their lives, to surrender and share their Medicare Trust fund with millions of foreigners who have invaded America’s borders. LINK

I’m simply asking how much you personally paid. Just curious.
You are entitled to your opinion.
An invasion is a simple easily understood concept and it can apply to many things, including hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants simply walking across the border every year and taking up residency
in the US and sticking taxpayers with their bills.

This should not cause argument. The US is being invaded day in and day out.
The National Guard should be called out all throughout our Southern border region.
You are entitled to your opinion.
An invasion is a simple easily understood concept and it can apply to many things, including hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants simply walking across the border every year and taking up residency
in the US and sticking taxpayers with their bills.

This should not cause argument. The US is being invaded day in and day out.
Let’s take a very specific example. A woman’s husband is killed by a local drug cartel. She gets her children and travels to the US border for asylum and to stay with a relative and make a new life. Would you consider her and her children invaders?
See Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey sending National Guard to southern border

April 20, 2021

“Arizona is the first state to declare an emergency related to the widening border crisis. Border Patrol agents made about 168,000 arrests at the border in March, compared with about 71,000 in December.”

The article goes on to point out Texas Gov. Greg Abbott also “deployed about 500 members of his state’s National Guard to the border in Texas, which is seeing the largest share of current arrivals.”

While taxpayer funded public housing meant to help our nation’s poor citizens is being filled with Central America’s poverty stricken population LINK;

and our nation’s health care system is being over burdened with the healthcare needs of those invading our country LINK;

and children of American citizens attending public schools are having activities cut to pay for the needs of the children of those flooding across our border LINK;

not to mention that $ billions in U.S. Taxpayer revenue is being handed over in the form of direct payments to those who have flooded across our border LINK;

the Biden Administration is allowing this invasion to continue and American Citizens and their children are not only paying the price, American citizens are being made into tax slaves to finance the Biden Administration’s open border policy.


There is no better way to weaken, subdue and bring to its knees a prosperous and freedom loving country than by flooding it with the poverty stricken, poorly educated, low skilled, diseased, disabled and criminal populations of other countries.

What do you want President Biden to do? Build a wall, shoot first and ask questions later? Send the Marines into Central America and invade these countries?

Suggest a solution, of course solutions are not anything critiques of Biden ever offer.

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