Central Park 5 and Racism

The case of the so-called "Central Park Five" is a wonderful manifestation of the Leftist counter-universe, where facts and evidence carry no weight. At the same time it is an outrageous demonstration of how Leftism can manipulate the justice system to promote its Narratives. And finally, with the transfer of MILLIONS OF TAXPAYER DOLLARS to these known criminals, Mayor DeBlasio shows how low a Leftist public official will go to grovel before the corrupt "Leaders" of their favored democrat victim groups.

Only in the Leftist Bizarro Universe can defendants who CONFESSED, WITH PARENTS AND LEGAL COUNSEL PRESENT, be deemed "innocent."

For those interested in the facts - and to be honest, they are too complex to fit on a bumper sticker - Ann Coulter has written copiously on this travesty, with citations to actual court records and contemporaneous news accounts. It's not pretty. Basically, there was a sixth attacker - whose existence was known at the trial, but whose identity was not - who later confessed from prison, and this truthful but irrelevant confession was deemed sufficient cause to "exonerate" the CP5, and award them millions in "damages" (without the bother of a lawsuit) from the City of NY.

As for Trump's comments being a manifestation of "racism," that is yet another illustration of Leftist Group-Think. Once you have been deemed a "racist" by the prominent poverty pimps, there is no hope of rehabilitation. To even seek it is folly...Mini-MIke B should take note.
There is no leftist groupthink, physical evidence and a testimony by the person that committed the crime exonerated these innocent men. So they were wrongly done by people paid for by tax dollars, therefore they deserved restitution from those who wronged them. Racism doesn't work as you say son. Trump is called a racist because there is documented evidence of it.
Please post evidence that proves Trump is a racist, as you have just claimed here. Exclude non evidence items such as allegations, accusations, dismissed cases, gish gallop, secondhand quotes, propaganda, or "I already posted it on this forum somewhere but I can't tell you where".

You've been shown the evidence.
There was no evidence proving them guilty
Obviously, there was enough evidence to prove them guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. The eyewitness evidence was overwhelming.

There was no such eyewitness evidence and the person who committed the crime testified to doing so. Therefore all this talk by people like you looking for reasons to continue trying to say they are guilty is built upon psychosis.
Ha ha. Oh yeah, let's all take the word of Matias Reyes, a convicted murderer, and serial rapist, who killed his own mother, who only "confessed" in order to get removed from the same cellblock as Corey Wise, and whose "confession" had no negative effect on him, since the statute of limitations had already run out, plus he was already in for life.

You're either lying to protect rapists and murderers, or you simply are clueless of the facts.

Oh Sure, let's disregard all the evidence of the case, settled by a multicultural jury, and just take the word of a criminal psycho, with a vested interest, right ? Pheeeew! (high-pitched whistle) :rolleyes:
You don’t have to take the word of Matias Reyes. You can take the word of his DNA
All his DNA proves is that he was also involved in the gang rape.

According to eye witnesses, at least 9 of the gang of 30+ thugs were at the rape scene.
There is no proof that there was any gang there
Obviously, there was enough evidence to prove them guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. The eyewitness evidence was overwhelming.

There was no such eyewitness evidence and the person who committed the crime testified to doing so. Therefore all this talk by people like you looking for reasons to continue trying to say they are guilty is built upon psychosis.
Ha ha. Oh yeah, let's all take the word of Matias Reyes, a convicted murderer, and serial rapist, who killed his own mother, who only "confessed" in order to get removed from the same cellblock as Corey Wise, and whose "confession" had no negative effect on him, since the statute of limitations had already run out, plus he was already in for life.

You're either lying to protect rapists and murderers, or you simply are clueless of the facts.

Oh Sure, let's disregard all the evidence of the case, settled by a multicultural jury, and just take the word of a criminal psycho, with a vested interest, right ? Pheeeew! (high-pitched whistle) :rolleyes:
You don’t have to take the word of Matias Reyes. You can take the word of his DNA
All his DNA proves is that he was also involved in the gang rape.

According to eye witnesses, at least 9 of the gang of 30+ thugs were at the rape scene.
There is no proof that there was any gang there
See post #66.

The witnesses, both victims and the perps, said there was a large gang.
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There was no such eyewitness evidence and the person who committed the crime testified to doing so. Therefore all this talk by people like you looking for reasons to continue trying to say they are guilty is built upon psychosis.
Ha ha. Oh yeah, let's all take the word of Matias Reyes, a convicted murderer, and serial rapist, who killed his own mother, who only "confessed" in order to get removed from the same cellblock as Corey Wise, and whose "confession" had no negative effect on him, since the statute of limitations had already run out, plus he was already in for life.

You're either lying to protect rapists and murderers, or you simply are clueless of the facts.

Oh Sure, let's disregard all the evidence of the case, settled by a multicultural jury, and just take the word of a criminal psycho, with a vested interest, right ? Pheeeew! (high-pitched whistle) :rolleyes:
You don’t have to take the word of Matias Reyes. You can take the word of his DNA
All his DNA proves is that he was also involved in the gang rape.

According to eye witnesses, at least 9 of the gang of 30+ thugs were at the rape scene.
There is no proof that there was any gang there
See post #66.

Fuck post 66. A person admitted to the crime and nothing you say ever occurred.
There was no such eyewitness evidence and the person who committed the crime testified to doing so. Therefore all this talk by people like you looking for reasons to continue trying to say they are guilty is built upon psychosis.
Ha ha. Oh yeah, let's all take the word of Matias Reyes, a convicted murderer, and serial rapist, who killed his own mother, who only "confessed" in order to get removed from the same cellblock as Corey Wise, and whose "confession" had no negative effect on him, since the statute of limitations had already run out, plus he was already in for life.

You're either lying to protect rapists and murderers, or you simply are clueless of the facts.

Oh Sure, let's disregard all the evidence of the case, settled by a multicultural jury, and just take the word of a criminal psycho, with a vested interest, right ? Pheeeew! (high-pitched whistle) :rolleyes:
You don’t have to take the word of Matias Reyes. You can take the word of his DNA
All his DNA proves is that he was also involved in the gang rape.

According to eye witnesses, at least 9 of the gang of 30+ thugs were at the rape scene.
There is no proof that there was any gang there
See post #66.

The witnesses, both victims and the perps, said there was a large gang.

There were no witnesses to the rape. The victim had no memory of it
Obviously, there was enough evidence to prove them guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. The eyewitness evidence was overwhelming.

There was no such eyewitness evidence and the person who committed the crime testified to doing so. Therefore all this talk by people like you looking for reasons to continue trying to say they are guilty is built upon psychosis.
Ha ha. Oh yeah, let's all take the word of Matias Reyes, a convicted murderer, and serial rapist, who killed his own mother, who only "confessed" in order to get removed from the same cellblock as Corey Wise, and whose "confession" had no negative effect on him, since the statute of limitations had already run out, plus he was already in for life.

You're either lying to protect rapists and murderers, or you simply are clueless of the facts.

Oh Sure, let's disregard all the evidence of the case, settled by a multicultural jury, and just take the word of a criminal psycho, with a vested interest, right ? Pheeeew! (high-pitched whistle) :rolleyes:
You don’t have to take the word of Matias Reyes. You can take the word of his DNA
All his DNA proves is that he was also involved in the gang rape.

According to eye witnesses, at least 9 of the gang of 30+ thugs were at the rape scene.

There were no such witnesses and there was no gang rape.
In post #66, I linked to 4 separate videos of eyewitnesses who saw the gang rape.

And here's more witnesses.

You keep pretending that it never happened because you are a dishonest racist piece of shit who thinks it should be legal for groids to rape white women.

You are the stupidest USMB poster.
Ha ha. Oh yeah, let's all take the word of Matias Reyes, a convicted murderer, and serial rapist, who killed his own mother, who only "confessed" in order to get removed from the same cellblock as Corey Wise, and whose "confession" had no negative effect on him, since the statute of limitations had already run out, plus he was already in for life.

You're either lying to protect rapists and murderers, or you simply are clueless of the facts.

Oh Sure, let's disregard all the evidence of the case, settled by a multicultural jury, and just take the word of a criminal psycho, with a vested interest, right ? Pheeeew! (high-pitched whistle) :rolleyes:
You don’t have to take the word of Matias Reyes. You can take the word of his DNA
All his DNA proves is that he was also involved in the gang rape.

According to eye witnesses, at least 9 of the gang of 30+ thugs were at the rape scene.
There is no proof that there was any gang there
See post #66.

Fuck post 66. A person admitted to the crime and nothing you say ever occurred.

They were all juveniles and subjected to over ten hours of interrogation without parents or an attorney present.

What you got was interrogators telling each boy that the others had identified him as the rapist and that he had better come up with a confession about his role.

That is why each story was different with a different attacker.
Ha ha. Oh yeah, let's all take the word of Matias Reyes, a convicted murderer, and serial rapist, who killed his own mother, who only "confessed" in order to get removed from the same cellblock as Corey Wise, and whose "confession" had no negative effect on him, since the statute of limitations had already run out, plus he was already in for life.

You're either lying to protect rapists and murderers, or you simply are clueless of the facts.

Oh Sure, let's disregard all the evidence of the case, settled by a multicultural jury, and just take the word of a criminal psycho, with a vested interest, right ? Pheeeew! (high-pitched whistle) :rolleyes:
You don’t have to take the word of Matias Reyes. You can take the word of his DNA
All his DNA proves is that he was also involved in the gang rape.

According to eye witnesses, at least 9 of the gang of 30+ thugs were at the rape scene.
There is no proof that there was any gang there
See post #66.

The witnesses, both victims and the perps, said there was a large gang.

There were no witnesses to the rape. The victim had no memory of it
Of course there were several witnesses to the gang rape.

There was also other victims who identified the CP 5. The gang rape wasn't the only crime they committed that night. They were on a violent crime spree with at least 9 separate victims. They were hiding in the foliage along the pathways and ambushing bicyclists and joggers.
Obviously, there was enough evidence to prove them guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. The eyewitness evidence was overwhelming.

There was no such eyewitness evidence and the person who committed the crime testified to doing so. Therefore all this talk by people like you looking for reasons to continue trying to say they are guilty is built upon psychosis.
Ha ha. Oh yeah, let's all take the word of Matias Reyes, a convicted murderer, and serial rapist, who killed his own mother, who only "confessed" in order to get removed from the same cellblock as Corey Wise, and whose "confession" had no negative effect on him, since the statute of limitations had already run out, plus he was already in for life.

You're either lying to protect rapists and murderers, or you simply are clueless of the facts.

Oh Sure, let's disregard all the evidence of the case, settled by a multicultural jury, and just take the word of a criminal psycho, with a vested interest, right ? Pheeeew! (high-pitched whistle) :rolleyes:
You don’t have to take the word of Matias Reyes. You can take the word of his DNA
All his DNA proves is that he was also involved in the gang rape.

According to eye witnesses, at least 9 of the gang of 30+ thugs were at the rape scene.
There is no proof that there was any gang there
They admitted it , jackass.
You can't imagine non existent people.
The imagination can can come up with wealth, hot women, food, religion, or anything one desires, even if it does not exist in the physical world. Primates like apes and monkeys do not have imaginations that can come up with these things, but humans with an evolved neo cortex most certainly can.
You don’t have to take the word of Matias Reyes. You can take the word of his DNA
All his DNA proves is that he was also involved in the gang rape.

According to eye witnesses, at least 9 of the gang of 30+ thugs were at the rape scene.
There is no proof that there was any gang there
See post #66.

The witnesses, both victims and the perps, said there was a large gang.

There were no witnesses to the rape. The victim had no memory of it
Of course there were several witnesses to the gang rape.

There was also other victims who identified the CP 5. The gang rape wasn't the only crime they committed that night. They were on a violent crime spree with at least 9 separate victims. They were hiding in the foliage along the pathways and ambushing bicyclists and joggers.
Lefties want to ensure that the victims get no justice, so the the only outcome lefties will ever come up with is an innocent CP5. Lefties will fight hard to marginalize the victims that they hate so much.
You don’t have to take the word of Matias Reyes. You can take the word of his DNA
All his DNA proves is that he was also involved in the gang rape.

According to eye witnesses, at least 9 of the gang of 30+ thugs were at the rape scene.
There is no proof that there was any gang there
See post #66.

Fuck post 66. A person admitted to the crime and nothing you say ever occurred.

They were all juveniles and subjected to over ten hours of interrogation without parents or an attorney present.

What you got was interrogators telling each boy that the others had identified him as the rapist and that he had better come up with a confession about his role.

That is why each story was different with a different attacker.

Why even argue with this idiot? There was a confession by the person who committed the crime. That's it. Whatever that fool wants to believe he can believe it. He can believe in Santa Claus too.
There was no such eyewitness evidence and the person who committed the crime testified to doing so. Therefore all this talk by people like you looking for reasons to continue trying to say they are guilty is built upon psychosis.
Ha ha. Oh yeah, let's all take the word of Matias Reyes, a convicted murderer, and serial rapist, who killed his own mother, who only "confessed" in order to get removed from the same cellblock as Corey Wise, and whose "confession" had no negative effect on him, since the statute of limitations had already run out, plus he was already in for life.

You're either lying to protect rapists and murderers, or you simply are clueless of the facts.

Oh Sure, let's disregard all the evidence of the case, settled by a multicultural jury, and just take the word of a criminal psycho, with a vested interest, right ? Pheeeew! (high-pitched whistle) :rolleyes:
You don’t have to take the word of Matias Reyes. You can take the word of his DNA
All his DNA proves is that he was also involved in the gang rape.

According to eye witnesses, at least 9 of the gang of 30+ thugs were at the rape scene.
There is no proof that there was any gang there
They admitted it , jackass.

They didn't commit the crime.
All his DNA proves is that he was also involved in the gang rape.

According to eye witnesses, at least 9 of the gang of 30+ thugs were at the rape scene.
There is no proof that there was any gang there
See post #66.

The witnesses, both victims and the perps, said there was a large gang.

There were no witnesses to the rape. The victim had no memory of it
Of course there were several witnesses to the gang rape.

There was also other victims who identified the CP 5. The gang rape wasn't the only crime they committed that night. They were on a violent crime spree with at least 9 separate victims. They were hiding in the foliage along the pathways and ambushing bicyclists and joggers.
Lefties want to ensure that the victims get no justice, so the the only outcome lefties will ever come up with is an innocent CP5. Lefties will fight hard to marginalize the victims that they hate so much.

The CP5 were the victims along with the woman who was raped by Reyes. There were no other victims who identified the CP5.
You don’t have to take the word of Matias Reyes. You can take the word of his DNA
All his DNA proves is that he was also involved in the gang rape.

According to eye witnesses, at least 9 of the gang of 30+ thugs were at the rape scene.
There is no proof that there was any gang there
See post #66.

The witnesses, both victims and the perps, said there was a large gang.

There were no witnesses to the rape. The victim had no memory of it
Of course there were several witnesses to the gang rape.

There was also other victims who identified the CP 5. The gang rape wasn't the only crime they committed that night. They were on a violent crime spree with at least 9 separate victims. They were hiding in the foliage along the pathways and ambushing bicyclists and joggers.

There were two different crimes that night, the first was wilding where a group of over 30 teens were hassling and hitting random citizens.
The second was the savage rape of the jogger

They were not connected.

The boys were accused of the rape. Of which there is no evidence
There was no such eyewitness evidence and the person who committed the crime testified to doing so. Therefore all this talk by people like you looking for reasons to continue trying to say they are guilty is built upon psychosis.
Ha ha. Oh yeah, let's all take the word of Matias Reyes, a convicted murderer, and serial rapist, who killed his own mother, who only "confessed" in order to get removed from the same cellblock as Corey Wise, and whose "confession" had no negative effect on him, since the statute of limitations had already run out, plus he was already in for life.

You're either lying to protect rapists and murderers, or you simply are clueless of the facts.

Oh Sure, let's disregard all the evidence of the case, settled by a multicultural jury, and just take the word of a criminal psycho, with a vested interest, right ? Pheeeew! (high-pitched whistle) :rolleyes:
You don’t have to take the word of Matias Reyes. You can take the word of his DNA
All his DNA proves is that he was also involved in the gang rape.

According to eye witnesses, at least 9 of the gang of 30+ thugs were at the rape scene.
There is no proof that there was any gang there
They admitted it , jackass.

They were coerced into a confession.
After ten hours and no sleep they were told.......the others have already said you did the rape. You better come up with a story. Then they helped them with the details of the story
They were coerced into a confession.
After ten hours and no sleep they were told.......the others have already said you did the rape. You better come up with a story. Then they helped them with the details of the story

That woman was coerced into having sex and being a punching bag, but lefties want to make sure she does not get justice. Lefties want to dismiss what she endured for the ten hours she couldn't sleep so that they can push their political agenda about Trump making racist comments. It's pretty vile the punishment that lefties are dishing out to this poor victim, all for the politically motivated goal of smearing Trump.
They were coerced into a confession.
After ten hours and no sleep they were told.......the others have already said you did the rape. You better come up with a story. Then they helped them with the details of the story

That woman was coerced into having sex and being a punching bag, but lefties want to make sure she does not get justice. Lefties want to dismiss what she endured for the ten hours she couldn't sleep so that they can push their political agenda about Trump making racist comments. It's pretty vile the punishment that lefties are dishing out to this poor victim, all for the politically motivated goal of smearing Trump.
She got justice
The man who did it is in prison.

The CP 5 got justice to the tune of $45 million
She got Justice
The CP 5 got justice to the tune of $45 million

She got the CP5 version of justice back then, and she is getting justice today from all the lefties of today who hate her for being attacked by blacks.

The CP5 got their justice in the form of 45 million bucks, some free punching bag practice, and the cheap thrill of feeling up her tits while she received her "justice."

It is pretty vile how lefties want to dismiss the horrible things that the CP5 did, just so they can advance their political agenda of smearing Trump. Worse yet, how they will NEVER be able to successfully smear Trump over this, but they will dismiss what happened to the CP5 victims just for the opportunity to try.

There is only one reason why lefties defend the CP5 monsters, and it is because they want to smear Trump to advance their political agenda. Make no mistake, lefties absolutely DO NOT give a shit about the victim or if the CP5 are actually guilty or innocent, lefties ONLY care about advancing the political agenda of smearing Trump.

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