CEO says quiet part out loud

LOL. I'm stating simple facts. You are left arguing our system is not our system. LOL
I understand what progressive hunter is getting at. . .

If you look at this monument, and understand that the first progressive movement in the US, was actually a REPUBLICAN movement, aimed at giving the working man a fair deal, ending child labor, protecting the environment, etc. AND REGULATING THE MONEY SUPPLY AND BIG BUSINESS. . .


. . . the thing is?

The 16th Amendment was passed, under very suspicious circumstances, and the Federal Reserve Act, actually outraged Teddy. THAT, is when capitalism, became corporatism, and officially enslaved all of America, no matter the color of your skin.

When Teddy came back from Africa, he was forced to run for president again, though he did not want to, because of that abomination, that all Americans had been saddled with. But the evil men that gave us that quasi-private bank and the IRS, purposely divided the people and political parties, to make sure he would lose.

There is not a man on the monument that would approve of the 16th Amendment, nor the way things are being run now. The government has given away its justly derived powers from the people to private oligarchs.

But that is NOT what we do so that is not our system. I have no idea why people want to argue we are ran by some theory that no one actually practices.
Because at the turn of the century, the nation was subverted by international interests.
I understand what progressive hunter is getting at. . .

If you look at this monument, and understand that the first progressive movement in the US, was actually a REPUBLICAN movement, aimed at giving the working man a fair deal, ending child labor, protecting the environment, etc. AND REGULATING THE MONEY SUPPLY AND BIG BUSINESS. . .


. . . the thing is?

The 16th Amendment was passed, under very suspicious circumstances, and the Federal Reserve Act, actually outraged Teddy. THAT, is when capitalism, became corporatism, and officially enslaved all of America, no matter the color of your skin.

When Teddy came back from Africa, he was forced to run for president again, though he did not want to, because of that abomination, that all Americans had been saddled with. But the evil men that gave us that quasi-private bank and the IRS, purposely divided the people and political parties, to make sure he would lose.

There is not a man on the monument that would approve of the 16th Amendment, nor the way things are being run now. The government has given away its justly derived powers from the people to private oligarchs.


So you are arguing what I argued but in more words.
And with them go the economy.

We all agree that’s not a good thing. Right?
Only if you are on the oligarch's payroll. Whose foundation pays you? Open society? Rockefeller? Carnegie Endowment?

Or you just have PBS & NPR on all day long? :71:

I have no idea how that responds to the post you quoted.

Letting banks fail and car companies fail would have destroyed the economy.

Do find that acceptable?
No, it would not "destroy the economy." It would revitalize it, and lead to innovation.

As it stands now? We have too much bloat, and too much corruption.

The financialization of the economy, the protection of monopoly, leads to a misallocation of capital and a misallocation of resources.
But that is NOT what we do so that is not our system. I have no idea why people want to argue we are ran by some theory that no one actually practices.

Possibly I am missing your point, but I'll throw this out there anyway. Let's start with the observation that no nation or economy on Earth is pure, according to whatever theories they ascribe to. The US is basically a free enterprise, capitalistic system that gets bastardized by poor governance and corruption that our judicial system fails to properly address. Politics gets involved and so there are instances where the principles of capitalism are ignored or overcome. The socialism part comes in conjunction with politics, too many people want gov't intervention or outright control over various aspects of the economy, such as healthcare, education, housing, etc. And IMHO they will never be truly satisfied until gov't controls virtually everything with price controls and regulations. So, the free enterprise capitalistic economic model gets squeezed out, and I think that is the road we are on these days and I do not see it changing. Maybe it'll slow down a time or two, but I see no signs or a reversal.

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