CEO says quiet part out loud

Possibly I am missing your point, but I'll throw this out there anyway. Let's start with the observation that no nation or economy on Earth is pure, according to whatever theories they ascribe to. The US is basically a free enterprise,

B.S. In a free enterprise the people do not have to get permission from the government if they want to deal with whoever. Try selling your items to China without the governments permission.

Then I can list a very long list of things you have to get the government to approve before you can do any kind of business outside of the "black market".

capitalistic system that gets bastardized by poor governance and corruption that our judicial system fails to properly address. Politics gets involved and so there are instances where the principles of capitalism are ignored or overcome. The socialism part comes in conjunction with politics, too many people want gov't intervention or outright control over various aspects of the economy, such as healthcare, education, housing, etc. And IMHO they will never be truly satisfied until gov't controls virtually everything with price controls and regulations. So, the free enterprise capitalistic economic model gets squeezed out, and I think that is the road we are on these days and I do not see it changing. Maybe it'll slow down a time or two, but I see no signs or a reversal.

Again, you are arguing in the end the very same thing I have just in more words.
B.S. In a free enterprise the people do not have to get permission from the government if they want to deal with whoever. Try selling your items to China without the governments permission.

Then I can list a very long list of things you have to get the government to approve before you can do any kind of business outside of the "black market".

Again, you are arguing in the end the very same thing I have just in more words.
thats called cronyism not capitalism,,
no its the system our elected officials created,, not what the constitution created,,,

Where is this at in the Constitution?

Besides, that has nothing to do with anything I've said.

You are just ranting because you can not defend the idea that we do not have a Capitalist economic system.
Where is this at in the Constitution?

Besides, that has nothing to do with anything I've said.

You are just ranting because you can not defend the idea that we do not have a Capitalist economic system.
exactly,, its not there and there for not our system,,

what we are supposed to have is a capitalist type system void of fed government intervention,,

you sould really read the whole constitution and focus on the 9-10th amendment


The destruction of giant conglomerates and monopolies, act, much like a predator in an ecosystem, it gives smaller businesses-farmers, and smaller government-legal jurisdictional entities, and others, a chance to grow, and have a fair chance at a piece of that pie.

Folks that defend concentration of economic and government power, and then bitch about wealth inequality?

Are among the most colossally stupid, and have absolutely no foresight into how economics, government or how the nature of competition even works.

Those who mealy mouth, lip, "think globally, act locally," and then lick the boot of national or supra-national governments or the multi national corporation's agendas? They make me puke.


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