CEOs earn 354 times more than average worker

And the moral of the story is: Go to business school and get the MBA so you can be the CEO instead of dropping out of high school so you can be the janitor.

Yeah, right, everybody with an MBA gets to be a CEO of a major corporation. Their family and background has absolutely nothing to do with it.....

That is just really paranoid thinking. What 'family background' did Bill Gates have? Or Steve Jobs? Or Mary Kay Ash? What about JB Hunt? Or Joe Kennedy for that matter. None of them had 'family background.'

Bill Gates came from an upper middle class family. The Kennedys have always been rich. Mary Kay Ash never made 354 times what her average worker made. Steve Jobs was pretty much in the same class as Bill Gates.
That is just really paranoid thinking. What 'family background' did Bill Gates have?

Not that many 13 year olds had access to a computer in 1968.

Clearly you didn't understand what I said. The intent of my post was to show you that if you want to be somebody and make a lot of money you have to do something to prepare yourself, whether it is getting the sheepskin or working your ass off as many did during the Great Depression.

Lot of CEOs during the Great Depression, eh?

I would bet at least a cyber dollar that there is a quantum difference in your education and work history and that of any successful CEO because you sit around and while away the hours ruminating all day on the internet.

I have a Ph.D. in Physics.

And let me tell you something else, dahling, the relationship that the CEO bears to that company is going to mean a great deal. I have my own company. I am the CEO and sole member.
LOL! CEO of a one person company! I guess you're also CFO, COO, CAO, as well! You've done well for yourself! LOL!!! Clearly the OP is talking about people like you!

Hey - I own a single rental property. That means when folks start threads about Donald Trump - they're also talking about people like me, right? DURRRRRRRRRT DEE DEE!

Guess what. Every dime is mine. And if I ever do hire someone, they will be paid only for the work they do, not for the time, effort, education, and money that I, myself, have put into it. That is mine and mine alone.

If you ever hire someone? I thought you CEO types were supposed to be creating jobs! ha ha ha ha ha!!!!
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Yeah, right, everybody with an MBA gets to be a CEO of a major corporation. Their family and background has absolutely nothing to do with it.....

That is just really paranoid thinking. What 'family background' did Bill Gates have? Or Steve Jobs? Or Mary Kay Ash? What about JB Hunt? Or Joe Kennedy for that matter. None of them had 'family background.'

Bill Gates came from an upper middle class family. The Kennedys have always been rich. Mary Kay Ash never made 354 times what her average worker made. Steve Jobs was pretty much in the same class as Bill Gates.

There were probably a couple thousand ambitious Bill Gates types in the late 60's but not that many had access to a computer.
If every CEO in the country had his pay cut how much more money would you make?

I read an article once that said if all the bonus were flat in the financial sector, each and every person would make 100K.

Gotta love it.

Do you care to prove that?

Or did the opinion piece stipulate that all that money be divided among everyone even those who have nothing to do with the corporations where these CEOs work?

You cannot say that if a CEO makes less that you are guaranteed to make more.
Lots of the excessive CEO salary is going into that offshore pool of $30trillion+ instead of into the US economy.

And the moral of the story is: Go to business school and get the MBA so you can be the CEO instead of dropping out of high school so you can be the janitor.

The moral is that businesses still thrived when the ratio was 42:1. CEOs are not doing a ten times better job than their predecessors. In fact, they are doing worse
Most workers are subject to reviews. CEOs aren't. They also aren't liable, for the most part, for their fuck ups.

Case in point. Jamie Dimon. "Loses" 9 billion. Still CEO.

And JPMorgan are laying off thousands of people.

Irrelevant to the title. Do you EARN your money?

We aren't talking about me.

We are talking about CEOs.

Jamie Dimon lost 9 Billion dollars.

How come he's not going into his personal finances to pay that money back?

Why is he still CEO?

9 Billion dollar loss? That's a big fail!

Not as big as Obama. Obama loses that in under a day
Most workers are subject to reviews. CEOs aren't. They also aren't liable, for the most part, for their fuck ups.

Case in point. Jamie Dimon. "Loses" 9 billion. Still CEO.

And JPMorgan are laying off thousands of people.

Irrelevant to the title. Do you EARN your money?

We aren't talking about me.

We are talking about CEOs.

Jamie Dimon lost 9 Billion dollars.

How come he's not going into his personal finances to pay that money back?

Why is he still CEO?

9 Billion dollar loss? That's a big fail!

JPM: Summary for JP Morgan Chase & Co. Common St- Yahoo! Finance

EPS is positive 5.66?

WTF how is that possible if they LOST 9B?
Irrelevant to the title. Do you EARN your money?

We aren't talking about me.

We are talking about CEOs.

Jamie Dimon lost 9 Billion dollars.

How come he's not going into his personal finances to pay that money back?

Why is he still CEO?

9 Billion dollar loss? That's a big fail!

JPM: Summary for JP Morgan Chase & Co. Common St- Yahoo! Finance

EPS is positive 5.66?

WTF how is that possible if they LOST 9B?

Math games..I guess.

What really needs to happens is a proper audit.
You don't like what you are paid.
Quit and get another job.Or stay there and go to night school and learn something
that will help you in the job market.
You don't like what you are paid.
Quit and get another job.Or stay there and go to night school and learn something
that will help you in the job market.

but, if people change social class on their own they won't need Obama's Marxist class warfare politics!!
I don't care, what does deannies title say?
If you earn it, then it's yours is that correct?

Depends on your definition of "earn". What are they doing now that CEO's in 1980 who averaged 42 times the average worker didn't do? They didn't work as "hard" in 1980? They were able to buy politicians to deregulate what used to be illegal?

The real question is why do so many USMB Republican leap to defend people who would squat on your face and wipe their shoes on your chest if given half a chance?


There is only one definition for EARN dean don't be obtuse.

For the right wing, everything has only ONE definition. Every question only two answers. Such a simple people. No wonder they are terrified of living in a complex world.

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