CEOs earn 354 times more than average worker

CEOs EARN every penny

The average American worker is lazy and overpaid.

I guess those that ask "you want fries with that" should earn twice what CEO's earn.

It is the fucking CEOs that make them say that

lets pray our saintly CEO's make good decisions so their companies don't go bankrupt and lay off millions and millions of people!!

lets vilify CEO's as libturds do so few will want to grow up and be CEO's and our corporations will go bankrupt due to the low quality of our management!!
I need to clarify something.

Anyone who holds a job.Who wakes up and gets ready for work and takes mass transit
and shows up every day who does an honest days work....and says

"you want fries with that"

Thank you! :clap2:

My point was only that you get paid for the job you do.
I sincerely apologize that it appeared I was making fun of people in the food
service industry.

After seeing my post I realized how badly I screwed up. :eusa_silenced:
Progressives should move to countries where this disparity does not even exist.


Go now

Whaaat? You think there will finally be a job opening for you? Sorry CF, it's not that the jobs are all taken, it's that you don't have the skills. Awwww, how sad. Pitiful, or pathetic. OK, OK, both. Pitiful and pathetic.
CEOs earn 354 times more than average worker - Apr. 15, 2013

The discrepancy in pay between CEOs and the average worker has skyrocketed over the years, peaking in 2000, when the gap was 525 times. In 1980, CEO pay was 42 times that of the average worker.

"They struggle every day to make ends meet, their wages are stagnant, their companies are trying to take away their health care and pensions, and they're angry," Trumka said. "And very few them know what's happening with CEO (pay)."

Republicans scream, "But they should keep their money. They EARNED it!" Republicans feel that if we just cut their taxes, they will "create jobs". The rest of us are shocked. Surely, no one could be so stupid. Or can they?

Oh God. Here we go again. rdean unzipped his pants and found himself lacking. Again.

Stay outta my pants. Again.

Are those "REAL" pearls?
Run the business.

If you're ever lucky enough to work in the private sector, it will become instantly obvious
There isn't a business in the country that running it is 354 times harder than what the average worker does.

Running the country is the hardest job in the world and the President doesn't make 354 times the average worker.
Your title says it all
CEOs EARN 354 times more than average worker
If they earn it then it's their money.
What does a CEO do that's 354 times better than the average worker?

Run the business.

If you're ever lucky enough to work in the private sector, it will become instantly obvious

All a CEO has to do is make sure his companies products are the best and least expensive in the entire world in order to increase our standard of living!!!!

Its so easy the libturds ought to start businesses tomorrow, pay the CEO a fair wage, use the savings to uncut the competition, and thus improve our standard of living faster!! Go for it or admit as a brain dead liberal you have no idea what on earth you are talking about!!
The galling part is that workers have been told how tough the economy is, how they must make sacrifices, work harder, take fewer benefits.........sacrifice for the team

Meanwhile, CEOs of companies that are losing money get huge compensation increases

It's part of the way the "earn" it. Republicans don't know any better. They even tried to vote into office a "pioneer of outsourcing". They foolishly believed he would "protect their jobs".

It's like bringing in a pack of wolves to guard a flock of sheep. Only Romney was the wolf and Republicans the sheep.
What the GOP used to stand for...


"Labor is the United States. The men and women, who with their minds, their hearts and hands, create the wealth that is shared in this country—they are America."
President Dwight D. Eisenhower

That's so beyond sad and well into tragic, it's positively sickening.

It's how al Qaeda and the Republicans keep ending up on the same side time and again.
And the moral of the story is: Go to business school and get the MBA so you can be the CEO instead of dropping out of high school so you can be the janitor.

Yeah, right, everybody with an MBA gets to be a CEO of a major corporation. Their family and background has absolutely nothing to do with it.....

That is just really paranoid thinking. What 'family background' did Bill Gates have? Or Steve Jobs? Or Mary Kay Ash? What about JB Hunt? Or Joe Kennedy for that matter. None of them had 'family background.'

Joe Kennedy? Are you talking about prohibition?
I learned that people are worth what someone is willing to pay them.
If a CEO is offered a contract and signs it He/She should be paid what was agreed upon.

If a ballplayer doesn't produce as expected does he give back that money at the end of the year.
If a movie star's movie tanks at the box office do they give back that money.

People are paid what the market will bear....If the corporation doesn't like the job the CEO is doing
they get fired.
I can't understand this thinking that people doing a 9 to 5 job doing whatever should be paid the same as someone running a multimillion dollar company.
I learned that people are worth what someone is willing to pay them.
If a CEO is offered a contract and signs it He/She should be paid what was agreed upon.

If a ballplayer doesn't produce as expected does he give back that money at the end of the year.
If a movie star's movie tanks at the box office do they give back that money.

People are paid what the market will bear....If the corporation doesn't like the job the CEO is doing
they get fired.

It's when they get fired they get the most money.

HP's ousted Apotheker to take home $25 million - Sep. 22, 2011

NEW YORK (CNNMoney) -- Hewlett-Packard's CEO revolving door is costing the company a fortune.
On the job as chief executive for not even 11 months, Leo Apotheker will leave HP (HPQ, Fortune 500) a wealthy man: He has already taken home most of his $1.2 million annual salary, a $4 million signing bonus, and an additional $4.6 million awarded for relocation assistance and to offset payments that he forfeited from his previous employer, SAP.

Apotheker was ousted on Thursday, but he'll collect more money on his way out the door. The former CEO will take home $7.2 million in cash as severance, plus $18 million more in stock.
I learned that people are worth what someone is willing to pay them.
they get fired.

yes but liberals don't like voluntary peaceful relationships or freedom!! They want to decide what people should earn because they violently know best!!

In the end they want to fix all prices because they know better than the two people immediately involved in the transaction what a fair price is!

I wonder why China gave up and switched to capitalism.
I learned that people are worth what someone is willing to pay them.
If a CEO is offered a contract and signs it He/She should be paid what was agreed upon.

If a ballplayer doesn't produce as expected does he give back that money at the end of the year.
If a movie star's movie tanks at the box office do they give back that money.

People are paid what the market will bear....If the corporation doesn't like the job the CEO is doing
they get fired.

It's when they get fired they get the most money.

HP's ousted Apotheker to take home $25 million - Sep. 22, 2011

NEW YORK (CNNMoney) -- Hewlett-Packard's CEO revolving door is costing the company a fortune.
On the job as chief executive for not even 11 months, Leo Apotheker will leave HP (HPQ, Fortune 500) a wealthy man: He has already taken home most of his $1.2 million annual salary, a $4 million signing bonus, and an additional $4.6 million awarded for relocation assistance and to offset payments that he forfeited from his previous employer, SAP.

Apotheker was ousted on Thursday, but he'll collect more money on his way out the door. The former CEO will take home $7.2 million in cash as severance, plus $18 million more in stock.

If that's what their compensation package was agreed to then that's what they should get.That's between the two parties.
I can't remember the guys name but he ran the NY Stock Exchange.
He was there for quite a few years if I remember correctly.
When he left his compensation package was huge and people freaked out.
That was the deal that was in place.

What was supposed to happen.The day he gets paid off was he supposed to go to the nearest bank and deposit $5,000.00 in everyone's account.
I can't remember the guys name but he ran the NY Stock Exchange.
He was there for quite a few years if I remember correctly.
When he left his compensation package was huge and people freaked out.
That was the deal that was in place.

What was supposed to happen.The day he gets paid off was he supposed to go to the nearest bank and deposit $5,000.00 in everyone's account.

IF CEO's earned too much a company could hire welfare queen like Rdeanie for say $25k and use the savings to underprice the competition, but for some reason the don't and instead use the money to hire the single most prepared person on earth to fill that job!!
I learned that people are worth what someone is willing to pay them.
If a CEO is offered a contract and signs it He/She should be paid what was agreed upon.

If a ballplayer doesn't produce as expected does he give back that money at the end of the year.
If a movie star's movie tanks at the box office do they give back that money.

People are paid what the market will bear....If the corporation doesn't like the job the CEO is doing
they get fired.

It's when they get fired they get the most money.

HP's ousted Apotheker to take home $25 million - Sep. 22, 2011

NEW YORK (CNNMoney) -- Hewlett-Packard's CEO revolving door is costing the company a fortune.
On the job as chief executive for not even 11 months, Leo Apotheker will leave HP (HPQ, Fortune 500) a wealthy man: He has already taken home most of his $1.2 million annual salary, a $4 million signing bonus, and an additional $4.6 million awarded for relocation assistance and to offset payments that he forfeited from his previous employer, SAP.

Apotheker was ousted on Thursday, but he'll collect more money on his way out the door. The former CEO will take home $7.2 million in cash as severance, plus $18 million more in stock.

If that's what their compensation package was agreed to then that's what they should get.That's between the two parties.

More likely the guy had a contract and was damaging the company so bad, they just paid him to leave and end the contract.

If someone is rich, it doesn't matter how they got their money, right wingers will defend them.

Which is curious since they seem not to like outsourcing, yet tried to put into office a pioneer of outsourcing. A man who was moving one of his companies to China the very month of the election.

Apparently, what they want is to live in the land of milk and cookies. Where all of their desires, no matter how far right, come to life.
Lots of the excessive CEO salary is going into that offshore pool of $30trillion+ instead of into the US economy.

It's their money. They can do whatever they want with it.
Guess you have no reason to be critical of the economy.

few CEO's putting their money somewhere did not crash the economy.

And I can be critical of the economy because it was government policies that fucked it up not people who invest their own money wherever they please.

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