Chair of the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors Bill Gates Reportedly in Hiding

LOL...Thanks for the admission that you are dim...

What' that? You don't like Trump? I'd have never guessed... :rolleyes:
I’m just not going to be told that you guys are the smart ones when your side (including your president) believe in absurd shit like votes stolen by CIA satellites in Italy.

Your inability to respond coherently doesn’t help.
I’m just not going to be told that you guys are the smart ones when your side (including your president) believe in absurd shit like votes stolen by CIA satellites in Italy.

Your inability to respond coherently doesn’t help.
You're problem is that you are conceited enough to believe that you're the smartest person in the room....Thank God there's help for narcissism....But you have to admit the problem before you can fix it moron....
No early counting of mail in votes as well. All voted counted on election day, none before, none after. Somehow, mail in votes should be witnessed. Not as to who they vote for, but that they are casting a vote.
Notorized sounds excellent
Not at all. I'd be willing to bet that if we did hand count all ballots, took strict measures to make sure the mail-ins came from who they say they came from, our elections would better line up with the polls and situation the country is in. It defies logic that 75% of the country says we are heading in the wrong direction and continue to support the leadership that put us there in the first place.
Did every absentee ballot counted in Georgia, have an individual registered legal voter, individually make a request for an absentee ballot to be mailed to where he/she resided, and the election offices had a record of this verified request before they mailed the absentee ballot... and before the voter who mailed the ballots back.... vote could be counted?

Georgia has some of the stricter absentee ballot measures in the country.

Ballot harvesting is also banned in allows a family member, to drop off ballots of family members or in law members only.... And again those ballots dropped off are checked to see if they were requested by a legally registered voter, before they could be counted.

And Georgia has signature match, before counting the returned absentee ballot.
Wow! I'd hate that!

Our voting booths were sit-down tables with three sided barriers where you could sit and fill in your paper ballot, at least eight feet from your nearest neighbor.


I wish our system had sit down to vote. I don't know what the problem is. Just get a hacksaw and cut about four feet off the legs of the table and get some folding chairs. As I get older it gets harder and harder to stand in one place for a long period of time.
A shame. Time to get back to a paper ballot on election day.

The only fair election is the old fashoin paper ballot. With confirmation of who the p erson is that casts the ballot
We USE paper ballots dumbass. The machines simply count them

He's running! He's feeling the heat and doesn't want to have to answer questions about the fraud that took place under him in the election. I bet he's shacked up with Ray Epps somewhere.

He’s a REPUBLICAN hiding from Trump crazies

Ya know like Pence on Jan 6
Did every absentee ballot counted in Georgia, have an individual registered legal voter, individually make a request for an absentee ballot to be mailed to where he/she resided, and the election offices had a record of this verified request before they mailed the absentee ballot... and before the voter who mailed the ballots back.... vote could be counted?

Georgia has some of the stricter absentee ballot measures in the country.

Ballot harvesting is also banned in allows a family member, to drop off ballots of family members or in law members only.... And again those ballots dropped off are checked to see if they were requested by a legally registered voter, before they could be counted.

And Georgia has signature match, before counting the returned absentee ballot.

I'm not talking about Georgia, I'm talking the entire country including my own state which most say did the best job eliminating fraud and of counting votes on election day.
You're full of shit as always. No right-wingers at those riots. They were all leftists, if not BLM, other leftists.
Right wingers don't get very upset about violence towards minorities lol. I never said they were there. Lol. Late at night they were just pisssed off blacks and not BLM. BLM had their nonviolent protests during the day and were quite often attacked by law enforcement lol. Antifa are not Democrats they're way out there and only it appears in Seattle and Portland. Or they came out to fight Nazis in Charlottesville. No it's 2 1/2 years ago get over it= we have a epidemic of brainwashed fools' violence real violence against blacks gays Jews and everybody else who is not heavily armed like you idiots... And the mentally ill it seems. Saying violent criminals are getting out with no bail is nonsense. Like all your garbage

It is way past time to tax the rich their fair share again and invest in cheap college and training and regular people again etcetera. Your love and admiration for lying rich GOP scumbags is noted....
So are all kinds of election officials and school board members and others on social media. You people have a whole other world of garbage be S and hate and divisiveness and are scary as hell to the rest of the world. You are orange clown pillow guy martial law away from being practicing Nazis.... Too bad you don't get any real news or factual reporting, just total garbage conspiracy nutjob propaganda election pandemic and global warming fraud baloney....
So are all kinds of election officials and school board members and others on social media. You people have a whole other world of garbage be S and hate and divisiveness and are scary as hell to the rest of the world. You are orange clown pillow guy martial law away from being practicing Nazis.... Too bad you don't get any real news or factual reporting, just total garbage conspiracy nutjob propaganda election pandemic and global warming fraud baloney....

I disagree.

You current on your boosters?

Wait a minute, what polling company got this past election right or even close? They all were saying pretty much the same thing. History shows that people blame or credit the President all things right or wrong. It doesn't matter whether he is or not, that's just the way people always voted.

The Communists are in complete charge of our federal government. How could anybody blame Republicans for the problems we are having when we had no power for two years?

So yes, it does defy logic:

All polling companies were completely wrong probably for the first time since polling began.
Most of the country believes we are headed in the wrong direction.
Highest inflation in 40 years.
Highest interest rates in 14 years.
Huge damage to the stock market where people who planned on retiring this year or next had to put it off.
Record amount of fentanyl deaths.
Worst border problem in over 20 years according to the Border Patrol.

And you say the results don't defy common sense?
The typical "good" pollsters like the NYTimes, CNN etc were pretty accurate. Perhaps within a point or so, biased against Dems. There were less reputable pollsters like Trafalgar and InsiderAdvantage which did quite poorly. RCP is not all that reliable since they have some bias about which polls they include and which they exclude. There's no weighting for credibility.

Fivethirtyeight was quite accurate in their model where they take all of this into account. No one should be particularly surprised by the outcome of this election. The House went Republican as expected. The Senate was a tossup. It could have easily gone either way.

Not everyone thinks like you. You're not employing logic, you're employing personal bias. For example, not everyone cares about the border. People sometimes care about other things, like abortion.
you are a liar because and so is your propaganda as always. I just listened to three minutes of it and there was nothing about election fraud or bad machines or anything like it, just that the Russians and GOP James comey won the election for trump. Everyone knows it.
Stay stupid.

It’s what you do best.
You're problem is that you are conceited enough to believe that you're the smartest person in the room....Thank God there's help for narcissism....But you have to admit the problem before you can fix it moron....
Just saying you shouldn't live in a glass house and throw stones.

There's a lot of stupid on your side and not only do you guys refuse to admit it, you promote it.
I'm not talking about Georgia, I'm talking the entire country including my own state which most say did the best job eliminating fraud and of counting votes on election day.
There is no evidence of any election fraud except for stupid people making a mistake lol. A total of four I believe

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