Challenge the Atheist!

I think that once I die, I as an individual or identity no longer exist in any form, corporeal or spiritual. Only as a memory for those who remember me.

How do you know? What supports your belief? And what if you're wong?

If there is a god as you believe it to be and I am condemned to hell just because I guessed wrong, then I will be in hell and you will spend eternity with a being who thinks that is an appropriate punishment for guessing wrong. You have my sincere pity.

Did you attempt to seek after God or did you simply live a life as you saw fit? It is not like you haven't been warned. You were not born deaf, dumb and blind. Even Helen Keller became a believer.
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How do you know? What supports your belief? And what if you're wong?

If there is a god as you believe it to be and I am condemned to hell just because I guessed wrong, then I will be in hell and you will spend eternity with a being who thinks that is an appropriate punishment for guessing wrong. You have my sincere pity.

Did you attempt to seek after God or did you simply live a life as you saw fit? It is not like you haven't been warned. You were not born deaf, dumb and blind. Even Helen Keller became a believer.

If I was Helen Keller I would want to find god too so I could sneek up behind him and choke him like a chicken for making me deaf dumb and blind.
How do you know? What supports your belief? And what if you're wong?

If there is a god as you believe it to be and I am condemned to hell just because I guessed wrong, then I will be in hell and you will spend eternity with a being who thinks that is an appropriate punishment for guessing wrong. You have my sincere pity.

Did you attempt to seek after God or did you simply live a life as you saw fit? It is not like you haven't been warned. You were not born deaf, dumb and blind. Even Helen Keller became a believer.

That's because it's not a guess. A guess is when a person is completely ignorant of the outcome. Saying it's a guess is trying to deny your own actions.

If an atheist is condemned to hell, it isn't because they guessed wrong. It's because they conducted their lives wrong. Now they are trying to say it was a guess. God has GOT to be wise to that one.

There is no way an atheist can be challenged because this is their faith. Non belief isn't a guess, it's an article of faith. Everyone can recognize proselytization by Christians. It's when they follow you around proclaiming Jesus the savior. But when atheists go around saying there is no God at all, it is exactly the same kind of proselytization. Good thing they aren't Christians or they would have to practice what they preach.

Man, what a bunch of uneducated silly-billies there are in the USA !!!

No wonder such people do so many stupid things.
Agnostic, really, but that isn't as good a title. I don't believe in a God or gods. I also don't believe there necessarily isn't a God or gods. I've been an agnostic all my life, despite being raised in Idaho.

But, anyway, bring the questions or attacks and I'll do my best to address them.

Ready? Go!

Agnostic: a person who holds the view that any ultimate reality (as God) is unknown and probably unknowable; broadly : one who is not committed to believing in either the existence or the nonexistence of God or a god

If you commit to the belief that god does not exist you are not agnostic. By definition agnostics must concede that god may indeed exist but that definitive knowledge of said existence may be unattainable.

Actually its agnostic-theist you are explaining
I know there is no proof for God. I don't see how anyone could stump you as we have no proof on our side.

Personally, I do believe in the Big Bang theory. As oppose to common belief, this does not say how the universe was created. This scientific theory, states how the universe as we know it came about. However, science has no explanation how the universe before the big bang was created. Thinking About Time Before the Big Bang

Since there was something before the big bang and we don't know how this was created then I believe God created it. I am aware that this is an argument from ignorance. However, if we ever do find out what was around before the big bang, we will then have to figure out what created that and then we'd have to figure out what created the universe before that. In my opinion, the only logical starting point is God.
Since there was something before the big bang....
That is by no means undebatable. A common view is that the Big Bang is a special co-ordinate in a non-temporal structure.

The usual metaphor compares the Big Bang to the North Pole. You can travel straight north to the North Pole -- but, once there, nothing stops you from continuing straight on. The co-ordinates simply prevent you from continuing north.
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How do you know? What supports your belief? And what if you're wong?

If there is a god as you believe it to be and I am condemned to hell just because I guessed wrong, then I will be in hell and you will spend eternity with a being who thinks that is an appropriate punishment for guessing wrong. You have my sincere pity.

Did you attempt to seek after God or did you simply live a life as you saw fit? It is not like you haven't been warned. You were not born deaf, dumb and blind. Even Helen Keller became a believer.

If the stakes are eternal torment and this god created me and is omnipotent, I shouldn't have to seek: it would be no skin off his back to show a little evidence to spare even a single person such an awful fate. The fact tat god has not shown himself, makes him am evil god, if he does exist, for torturing people after justifiably concluding he doesn't exist, given no evidence, anywhere, ever.

Well, Ram, you have proved that there are plenty of other people who believe blithering nonsense.

But we already knew that, didn't we?

What we know is you have no explanation for prophecy, other than to say it isn't humanly possible, and yet there it is. All emanating from the same source.

And again, you deflect right over it into meaningless character assassination. You're no challenge.
All of the gospels were written before the destruction of the temple, which is why none of them document the destruction, one of the biggest events in the history of Israel, just predict it.
Explain this:
The date of the Gospel of Luke is traditionally fixed to some time before the end of the final events of Luke's second volume to Theophilus, Acts, so as early as 59 or 60 AD.
Luke referenced the Book of Mark. The temple was destroyed in 70 AD.

Your 'after the event was prophesied' theory, simply doesn't work.

Did some one sneak and add to Isaiah and Daniel and Ezek, and Rev, after Israel became a Nation? Reclaimed Jerusalem?
Did that person notice Israel was getting a lot more rain than it used to, so they turned the weather into a prediction and then added it to the Torah when no one was looking?

Did that person make sure to change all of the transcripts all over the world also, so they would all match his hoax manuscripts?
And how clever would he have to be to find ancient paper, and ink to change the Dead Sea Scrolls, after he discovered them and then re hid them. Because nothing was added to them either.

The Dead Sea Scrolls date back as early as 250 B.C., but most of them date to about A.D. 50–100. The scrolls include the oldest-known copies of every book of the Hebrew Bible except Esther, as well as extra-biblical texts ranging from prayers to commentaries to hymns.
They were found before Israel became a nation in one day, and the prophesies of the prophets remained intact without additions and well before the events they foretold.

Daniel, (6th century BC). predicted the temple burning and the destruction of the city. No one changed his book, or the Dead Sea Scrolls that reiterate the original.

So your explanation is invalid. It is not a viable explanation of the phenomenon of Biblical prophecy.
Most prophesies in the Bible occurred long after the prophet was dead, and his works had been distributed to to many tribes to be all altered with the same additions.
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If there is a god as you believe it to be and I am condemned to hell just because I guessed wrong, then I will be in hell and you will spend eternity with a being who thinks that is an appropriate punishment for guessing wrong. You have my sincere pity.

Did you attempt to seek after God or did you simply live a life as you saw fit? It is not like you haven't been warned. You were not born deaf, dumb and blind. Even Helen Keller became a believer.

If the stakes are eternal torment and this god created me and is omnipotent, I shouldn't have to seek: it would be no skin off his back to show a little evidence to spare even a single person such an awful fate. The fact tat god has not shown himself, makes him am evil god, if he does exist, for torturing people after justifiably concluding he doesn't exist, given no evidence, anywhere, ever.

That would be an evil God. :eek:

Thank goodness we have a Father that not only explains the situation, but, gives us free will, an instruction manual to keep us safe, His spirit for strength, who died to redeem us, and has the title to the universe to bequeath to his children. :eusa_angel:
Did you attempt to seek after God or did you simply live a life as you saw fit? It is not like you haven't been warned. You were not born deaf, dumb and blind. Even Helen Keller became a believer.

If the stakes are eternal torment and this god created me and is omnipotent, I shouldn't have to seek: it would be no skin off his back to show a little evidence to spare even a single person such an awful fate. The fact tat god has not shown himself, makes him am evil god, if he does exist, for torturing people after justifiably concluding he doesn't exist, given no evidence, anywhere, ever.

That would be an evil God. :eek:

Thank goodness we have a Father that not only explains the situation, but, gives us free will, an instruction manual to keep us safe, His spirit for strength, who died to redeem us, and has the title to the universe to bequeath to his children. :eusa_angel:

What are you referring to? I hope you don't mean the bible.
Yes, the Bible:
Book - Bible
Author(s) - Traditional Judaeo-Christian view: Revelation or Inspiration by God to various authors
Original language - Hebrew, Koine Greek, Aramaic
First published - 1st century BC to 1st century AD
Approximate sales - 2.5 to 6 billion

It's also the book in longest continual print.

A book which has been in print in one version or another for over 1600 years surely ought to be the best selling book in history. ;)
Yes, the Bible:
Book - Bible
Author(s) - Traditional Judaeo-Christian view: Revelation or Inspiration by God to various authors
Original language - Hebrew, Koine Greek, Aramaic
First published - 1st century BC to 1st century AD
Approximate sales - 2.5 to 6 billion

It's also the book in longest continual print.

A book which has been in print in one version or another for over 1600 years surely ought to be the best selling book in history. ;)

Is that the one with all the contradictions and failed prophecies?
Yes, the Bible:
Book - Bible
Author(s) - Traditional Judaeo-Christian view: Revelation or Inspiration by God to various authors
Original language - Hebrew, Koine Greek, Aramaic
First published - 1st century BC to 1st century AD
Approximate sales - 2.5 to 6 billion

It's also the book in longest continual print.

A book which has been in print in one version or another for over 1600 years surely ought to be the best selling book in history. ;)

Is that the one with all the contradictions and failed prophecies?

The one that reveals Christ, the Messiah.
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Yes, the Bible:
Book - Bible
Author(s) - Traditional Judaeo-Christian view: Revelation or Inspiration by God to various authors
Original language - Hebrew, Koine Greek, Aramaic
First published - 1st century BC to 1st century AD
Approximate sales - 2.5 to 6 billion

It's also the book in longest continual print.

A book which has been in print in one version or another for over 1600 years surely ought to be the best selling book in history. ;)

Is that the one with all the contradictions and failed prophecies?

The one that reveals Christ, the Messiah.

I'll go you one better god girl. Unlike the bejeebuss I'll tell you the truth. For most of the human race you can have them. They are too simple minded to be atheists. You can't attack an atheist with your idiotic fairy tales. Anyone that has a choice and picks "god"? Too scared ...too stupid. There is NO equivilancy. There is truth..and there are lies.
Since there was something before the big bang....
That is by no means undebatable. A common view is that the Big Bang is a special co-ordinate in a non-temporal structure.

The usual metaphor compares the Big Bang to the North Pole. You can travel straight north to the North Pole -- but, once there, nothing stops you from continuing straight on. The co-ordinates simply prevent you from continuing north.

Can you simplify what you mean? From the article I posted in my previous post:

What happened before the Big Bang? The conventional answer to that question is usually, “There is no such thing as ‘before the Big Bang.’” That’s the event that started it all. But the right answer, says physicist Sean Carroll, is, “We just don’t know.” Carroll, as well as many other physicists and cosmologists have begun to consider the possibility of time before the Big Bang, as well as alternative theories of how our universe came to be.

Read more: Thinking About Time Before the Big Bang
Since there was something before the big bang....
That is by no means undebatable. A common view is that the Big Bang is a special co-ordinate in a non-temporal structure.

The usual metaphor compares the Big Bang to the North Pole. You can travel straight north to the North Pole -- but, once there, nothing stops you from continuing straight on. The co-ordinates simply prevent you from continuing north.

Can you simplify what you mean? From the article I posted in my previous post:

What happened before the Big Bang? The conventional answer to that question is usually, “There is no such thing as ‘before the Big Bang.’” That’s the event that started it all. But the right answer, says physicist Sean Carroll, is, “We just don’t know.” Carroll, as well as many other physicists and cosmologists have begun to consider the possibility of time before the Big Bang, as well as alternative theories of how our universe came to be.

Read more: Thinking About Time Before the Big Bang

“There is no such thing as ‘before the Big Bang.’” - the Big Bang is a special co-ordinate in a non-temporal structure.

from the Bang co-ordinate, is ever-expansion that in the extreme future will all by angle return to its origin at the same time ... "recausing" in a renewed Bang expansion.

the Garden is God, not the universe.

The Irish Ram: were Adam and Eve given your book - how about the native Americans ?
Is that the one with all the contradictions and failed prophecies?

The one that reveals Christ, the Messiah.

I'll go you one better god girl. Unlike the bejeebuss I'll tell you the truth. For most of the human race you can have them. They are too simple minded to be atheists. You can't attack an atheist with your idiotic fairy tales. Anyone that has a choice and picks "god"? Too scared ...too stupid. There is NO equivilancy. There is truth..and there are lies.

And there is truth that the godless guy won't touch. Prophecy. So, do you just pretend no one predicted the rebirth of Israel, or do you pretend Israel isn't a nation? :cuckoo:

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