Change the Premise and Opposition Wins Gay Legal Challenges: Simple as That

After reading the OP's articles, do you think LGBTs are "born that way"?

  • Yes, I still believe in spite of all those studies, that gays are born that way.

    Votes: 7 30.4%
  • No, it looks like they're learned behaviors from the studies.

    Votes: 10 43.5%
  • I'm still unclear after reading the articles.

    Votes: 1 4.3%
  • Other.

    Votes: 5 21.7%

  • Total voters
Hate is a learned behavior. No baby is born hating anyone.

Oh shut your pie hole with the hate garbage. The radical homosexuals are just as if not more hateful than the people they claim hate them.

Hate is usually caused from experience, bad ones most of the time. So as hard as it is for your leftarded moonbat illogical mind to wrap your mind around the concept, Hate breeds Hate. Call off the hardline elements of the gay agenda & things will simmer down, I guarante it. People just want to be left alone, and are willing to leave others alone once you all stfu and quit trying to use shaming language and trying to claim "hate" as a term only the left can define.

By the way, you didn't answer my question. How could homosexuality be genetic if identical twins can end up having both a straight & a gay in the pairing? Come on now genius who tells everyone else their stupid yet never backs up his shit...Answer the question.

Then why do religious people that have read the Bible and the commandment was to love each other, even your enemies, yet we see hate filled diatribes against homosexuality and those that are homosexual from those that claim to be religious?
you're still the only one that is clinging to junk science here. Don't know why you think posting a definition of what you believe to be a refutation of any of my posts?

Wrong my long ponytailed and receding hairlines friend. The problem you have with claiming that is they came to their conclusion by trying to recreate the gay agenda's studies, which led them to conduct REAL scientific research into the matter, which basically leveled a death blow to the junk science you cling to so tightly in your pathetic ass attempt to be loved by society by being pro-pervert. Fuck off you idiot....your not smart enough to discuss this topic with me.
It's junk science


: pieces of old cable or cordage used especially to make gaskets, mats, swabs, or oakum
: old iron, glass, paper, or other waste that may be used again in some form (2) : secondhand, worn, or discarded articles (3) : clutter 1b
: something of poor quality : trash
: something of little meaning, worth, or significance
slang : narcotics; especially : heroin
: junk bond
a : baseball pitches that break or are off-speed (as curveballs or changeups)
b slang : male genitalia
Hate is a learned behavior. No baby is born hating anyone.

Oh shut your pie hole with the hate garbage. The radical homosexuals are just as if not more hateful than the people they claim hate them.

Hate is usually caused from experience, bad ones most of the time. So as hard as it is for your leftarded moonbat illogical mind to wrap your mind around the concept, Hate breeds Hate. Call off the hardline elements of the gay agenda & things will simmer down, I guarante it. People just want to be left alone, and are willing to leave others alone once you all stfu and quit trying to use shaming language and trying to claim "hate" as a term only the left can define.

By the way, you didn't answer my question. How could homosexuality be genetic if identical twins can end up having both a straight & a gay in the pairing? Come on now genius who tells everyone else their stupid yet never backs up his shit...Answer the question.

Then why do religious people that have read the Bible and the commandment was to love each other, even your enemies, yet we see hate filled diatribes against homosexuality and those that are homosexual from those that claim to be religious?

Some of the foulest mouthed people here are professed christians. It's as if they are trying their best to show us that christians aren't very nice people.
I don't know, why don't you start a topic on it? I don't see anyone using religion to argue this topic yet, it's been scientific evidence and logic & reason from what Ive seen from the side Im on...all you've had were ad hominems & snark. Try sticking to the topic at hand please?
[/B]219912]Hate is a learned behavior. No baby is born hating anyone.

Oh shut your pie hole with the hate garbage. The radical homosexuals are just as if not more hateful than the people they claim hate them.

Hate is usually caused from experience, bad ones most of the time. So as hard as it is for your leftarded moonbat illogical mind to wrap your mind around the concept, Hate breeds Hate. Call off the hardline elements of the gay agenda & things will simmer down, I guarante it. People just want to be left alone, and are willing to leave others alone once you all stfu and quit trying to use shaming language and trying to claim "hate" as a term only the left can define.

By the way, you didn't answer my question. How could homosexuality be genetic if identical twins can end up having both a straight & a gay in the pairing? Come on now genius who tells everyone else their stupid yet never backs up his shit...Answer the question.

Then why do religious people that have read the Bible and the commandment was to love each other, even your enemies, yet we see hate filled diatribes against homosexuality and those that are homosexual from those that claim to be religious?
you're still the only one that is clinging to junk science here. Don't know why you think posting a definition of what you believe to be a refutation of any of my posts?

Wait are you saying only cons can completely dismiss science?
you're still the only one that is clinging to junk science here. Don't know why you think posting a definition of what you believe to be a refutation of any of my posts?

Wait are you saying only cons can completely dismiss science?

Do you believe in Sasquatch? The Loch Ness Monster? Aliens? Because some folks consider cryptozoology a "science", but most rational people after examining the evidence would dismiss it as bullshit. You fail to realize that the gay gene is akin to cryptozoology.

Keep searching for it if you wish, but with the evidence I have gone through supporting & not....not supportive science wins out. I'm sorry some of you just don't want to get real. I promised I am always honest...
you're still the only one that is clinging to junk science here. Don't know why you think posting a definition of what you believe to be a refutation of any of my posts?

Wait are you saying only cons can completely dismiss science?

Do you believe in Sasquatch? The Loch Ness Monster? Aliens? Because some folks consider cryptozoology a "science", but most rational people after examining the evidence would dismiss it as bullshit. You fail to realize that the gay gene is akin to cryptozoology.

Keep searching for it if you wish, but with the evidence I have gone through supporting & not....not supportive science wins out. I'm sorry some of you just don't want to get real. I promised I am always honest...

How will we actually know if you are??
Even scientist have bias and bigots in their ranks. I don't believe many of their findings because of their statistical analyst without the notion of having an end result from their unbiased inability.
The only thing you are using this thread for is to push your agenda. Which you feel to be factual...instead of using it to become better informed of the how and why this occurs in humans. If you are and American then you should believe that even gays should be free to live as they want because it is part of the preamble in the Constitution. But people like you want subjugation and condemnation.
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The only thing you are using this thread for is to push your agenda. Which you feel to be factual...instead of using it to become better informed of the how and why this occurs in humans. If you are and American then you should believe that even gays should be free to live as they want because it is part of the preamble in the Constitution. But people like you want subjugation and condemnation.

You've got it all wrong, I don't want to subjugate..but I do want the right to condemn the lifestyle as abnormal & unhealthy & teach my children the same. That right doesn't have to step on their rights either...But that is not what they just live as they please, they want to force us to accept their lifestyle & validate it. We are reacting, they are the offenders against the traditional, normal, and healthy way of life. They want to propagate their unhealthy & abnormal crap to our kids because they KNOW they weren't "born gay". There is ZERO concrete evidence that even hints at it...everything you hear in the media is bullshit. Learn to focus on the logic & reason & seek the truth..challenge your thoughts...and quit confusing being so open minded your brains are always falling Out of your skull-with reason & logical's nothing but emotional appeal laden lies. There is no gay gene, it is a lie...okay.

All this info is available to you on the Internet, in libraries, etc...go out and do some research & you'll stop living a lie.
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Religion is a learned behavior and a choice. So I guess believers do not deserve equal rights either?

Is LGBT a federally recognized religion? No?

Was Heaven's Gate a recognized religion? Jonestown? Our country looks a the behaviors of various cults and decides which qualify as religions and which are dangerous to the overall population. When a cult tries to teach children that ass sex is "good for you", it's time to send in the feds and shut 'er down...
The point of this thread is that if LGBT cultees cannot qualify as to the 14th Amendment, why are they winning all these cases as if they do? Why are these particular set of behaviors called a "race" in legal terms when none others are?
The only thing you are using this thread for is to push your agenda. Which you feel to be factual...instead of using it to become better informed of the how and why this occurs in humans. If you are and American then you should believe that even gays should be free to live as they want because it is part of the preamble in the Constitution. But people like you want subjugation and condemnation.

The choices are...slightly weighted:D The current science is epigenetics.

Genetic factors linked to gay men -

"All those studies" consist of attacking all the evidence there is an inherited trait.
The only thing you are using this thread for is to push your agenda. Which you feel to be factual...instead of using it to become better informed of the how and why this occurs in humans. If you are and American then you should believe that even gays should be free to live as they want because it is part of the preamble in the Constitution. But people like you want subjugation and condemnation.

The choices are...slightly weighted:D The current science is epigenetics.

Genetic factors linked to gay men -

"All those studies" consist of attacking all the evidence there is an inherited trait.

"current science" or fad-science sponsored by the gay-ruled APA does not erase, for example, the 300+ peer reviewed studies cited in the OP by leading researchers
Religion is a learned behavior and a choice. So I guess believers do not deserve equal rights either?

Is LGBT a federally recognized religion? No?

Was Heaven's Gate a recognized religion? Jonestown? Our country looks a the behaviors of various cults and decides which qualify as religions and which are dangerous to the overall population. When a cult tries to teach children that ass sex is "good for you", it's time to send in the feds and shut 'er down...

Were the members of the Heaven's Gate cult afforded the same rights, under the law, as believers or atheists? Yes. Were the Jonestown people afforded the same rights, under the law, as believers or atheists? Yes. Are gay couples afforded the same rights, under the law, as straight couples? No. Well, in some places they are. Soon to be everywhere in the US. Because treating different people differently under the law is unconstitutional.
Religion is a learned behavior and a choice. So I guess believers do not deserve equal rights either?

Is LGBT a federally recognized religion? No?

Was Heaven's Gate a recognized religion? Jonestown? Our country looks a the behaviors of various cults and decides which qualify as religions and which are dangerous to the overall population. When a cult tries to teach children that ass sex is "good for you", it's time to send in the feds and shut 'er down...

Were the members of the Heaven's Gate cult afforded the same rights, under the law, as believers or atheists? Yes. Were the Jonestown people afforded the same rights, under the law, as believers or atheists? Yes. Are gay couples afforded the same rights, under the law, as straight couples? No. Well, in some places they are. Soon to be everywhere in the US. Because treating different people differently under the law is unconstitutional.

Gay couples [behavior of trying to reproduce with the same gender] cannot become married because marriage is defined as between a man and woman in all but 3 states. Just as blind people cannot drive because driving [behavior] is defined as for those who are sighted. Blind people do not qualify. By your description, they are being discriminated against. You might say that a blind person driving could harm other people. I would then counter that via the social acme of marriage, gay people who revere Harvey Milk, sexual predator of minor orphans, would then be able to access adoptable orphans they couldn't otherwise get at...not being married... Thus being a predictable harm to orphans.

And I'll remind you that in most states, if not all of them, a conviction is not necessary to step in to stop the potential of child endangerment. One has only to suspect that a child might be endangered and thereby is required to act to protect that child. Or they can be prosecuted themselves.

In my logic class in college, I got an A+. Follow the logic here: "If....then".

If LGBT people revere and apologize for a known sexual predator of minor children, and even make a postage stamp of him as representing their socio-sexual value system, allowing those people access to orphaned minors to take home in an unsupervised situation such as adoption means then they must be blocked from that action. Or you can be prosecuted.
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