Change the Premise and Opposition Wins Gay Legal Challenges: Simple as That

After reading the OP's articles, do you think LGBTs are "born that way"?

  • Yes, I still believe in spite of all those studies, that gays are born that way.

    Votes: 7 30.4%
  • No, it looks like they're learned behaviors from the studies.

    Votes: 10 43.5%
  • I'm still unclear after reading the articles.

    Votes: 1 4.3%
  • Other.

    Votes: 5 21.7%

  • Total voters
Sil in arguing that Change the Premise and Opposition Wins Gay Legal Challenges: Simple as That is arguing that reality should be changed.

The great majority of America now loathes the social conservative far right.

Men want to have sex with anuses, using them as artificial vaginas, and women want to have sex with other mannish women who are wearing strapon penises and I am the one arguing reality should be changed???

Nice spin, Jakey. Suppose there are issues of closeted heterosexuality with in the "gay" population? mmmm.....could be....

Jakey can't even find his way home when he's a block from his house. Expecting him to be logical is absurd.

bripat and Silhouette together at last! That's humorous for sure.

bripat is no longer an anarchist if he wants big government action on this issue.

Silhouette is merely stamping the little footsies in anticipation marriage equality is going to win BIG TIME
One more on the subject:

Gene Regulation May Explain How Homosexuality Flourishes

No one can "force" those with hatred of gay Americans to allow them in their home, attend services uniting them, be it legal marriage or a symbolic ceremony. No one is required to "approve" of their relationships, nor endorse them. Hatred is allowed in this nation, but our laws prevent much of it from infringing on the liberities of others. (Ignore invitations to the weddings, birthdays, or other special events of gay Americans, In fact you can build a fire and BURN them. Just comply with local ordinances if you do so.)

Once again, one of the priests and ministers of LGBT introduces a false premise: "opposition to gay marriage" = "hate".

Opposition to gay marriage may mean hate, but it also may mean alarm, disgust, disagreement, concern for adoptable kids [given Harvey Milk worship in LGBT] and many other things.

So don't lump all those reasons into one word Peach. That sounds pretty Naziesque of you to say that anyone who opposes the Lavender Reicht on any topic is by definition a "hater".

Your link and study pale in comparison to the ones in the OP. You know, the Mayo Clinic, the University of Quebec and the CDC? You may have heard of those institutions that beg to differ. Go back and read the links if you haven't. You might be surprised at the evidence those that opposed the LGBT cult have in their legal portfolio that LGBT does not = race.

Hate is the sole motive, given the fact to seek to deny same-sex couples assess to marriage law is not rational, there is no objective, documented evidence in support, and it does not pursue a proper legislative end.

All one is left with is hate.

No, wrong.

There are other motivations. One of them I can think of right off the top of my head is Utah's wish to keep a cult of deviant sexuals who venerate as their socio-sexual messiah a man who sodomized an orphaned, mentally ill, drug addicted minor [and many others like him] from gaining access to adoptable orphans via marriage.

That isn't hate. It's common sense. And a sense of protectiveness towards children, you know, that invisible demographic in all these discussions. It is instead an act of love, the epitome of rationality and regard towards our country's most vulnerable citizens' rights to be protected from harm. Which is a legally-dominant concept to so-called "gay rights"...
What we see time and time again as the noose of gay-fascism tightens around the necks of conservatives and middle folks all the way just right of far left are defenses based on a false premise.

It seems that everyone, with no evidence whatsoever to support and tons of evidence to the contrary, has made the wrong assumption and assigned "legal fact' to it as a jumping off point for opposing the Lavender Reicht. That assumption-as-fact is "gays are a race of people".

They are factually NOT a race of people. They are an incomplete assortment of deviant sexual practitioners. They practice a certain type of sexuality that has to be by definition "non hetero" or as they call it "not a breeder". Those behaviors, compulsive or not, are still behaviors.

There is a disturbing conclusion that could be born inadvertently from this false-premise-as-fact. And that is, we regulate behaviors by a majority rule. We institute penal and civil codes to daily discriminate against behaviors. If one group of behaviors organizes as a de facto cult, without seeking actual legal recognition as a religion, what group of behaviors will come next and shove their dogma down the throats of those who are agreeing on the false premise in error?

Here is some evidence that sexual orientation is learned. You can vote on the poll after reading the links and the sources, which are quite prestigious.

[This one comes with over 300 references in its bibliography that support the title and conclusions]

"Conditioning and Sexual Behavior: a Review"

Conditioning and Sexual Behavior: A ReviewJames G. Pfaus,1 Tod E. Kippin, and Soraya Centeno
Center for Studies in Behavioral Neurobiology, Department of Psychology, Concordia
University, 1455 deMaisonneuve Bldg. W., Montre´al, Que´bec, H3G 1M8 Canada

Its conclusions are that even in lower animals that you'd clearly assume were vastly more slavish to their DNA than we "monkey-see, monkey-do" post-natal learners, these lower creatures actually take cues from their environment on which peculiar aspects in their mate they select. And after a first few times with this mate, that they chose by observing a social matrix or set of norms, they became habituated to selecting that type of mate in the future. They were sexually oriented from their environment. ie: they learned what was considered normal and what wasn't from looking around them.

This has HUGE implications as LGBTs try to infuse every aspect of our culture with their various sexual tweaks. Think about it.

Here's an article on how child predators learn their orientation BEHAVIORS. It jibes with the Canadian university review above and even concludes its likely "a form of social learning took place"...

Next we have the CDC declaring that gay men have suffered a "pervasive" "epidemic" of having been molested as boys. Then they grew up gay. I wonder if there's a relation?

ATLANTA [2005 Clinical Psychiatry News] -- Substance abuse is pervasive among gay men and is so intricately intertwined with epidemics of depression, partner abuse, and childhood sexual abuse that adequately addressing one issue requires attention to the others as well, said Ronald Stall, Ph.D., chief of prevention research for the division of HIV/AIDS prevention at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta...

So if gayness is learned, why are we treating it legally as if it wasn't? Why are we equating what is otherwise a mere compulsive or fixed or even chosen [think Anne Heche] temporary state of behaving 'as race'?

What other behaviors will debut to tell us we must accept them 'as race' once a legal precedent has been set on this false premise?

Next time you're in court with some gay people telling you "how it's going to be" and "what you're going to do for us" and "what parts of your religion we're allowing you to remain faithful to" and "we're going to teach your kids about fisting in schools or else!", and "you're going to celebrate our pedophile-messiah Harvey Milk...or else!", try putting the argument to the court that from the very onset, LGBT must be handled as behaviors and not race, unless they can prove they are a fixated group of non-changing people all having a similar genetic variant.

And to the LGBTs who have enjoyed this tidal wave of legal battles thusfar on the false premise, good luck once the real premise is introduced. Methinks once courts are convinced of your real affectations [behaviors] and no longer see you as a race of people, your legal outcomes might change just a tad...

My male dog disagrees and proves that this is garbage EVERY TIME he tries to hump one of his male buddies....
Yeah my dog licks his balls and ass, does that make it normal for humans to do also?
Yeah my dog licks his balls and ass, does that make it normal for humans to do also?

You could easily train a human to do the same and to love it. In fact, this is what gay men do.

However, the rest of the majority would not consider this acquired-behavior normal and would be in their full rights to regulate it...being a behavior and not a race...need to keep making that crucial legal distinction in case people forget it... At the very least the majority would be in their full legal rights to ban the practitioners of it from gaining access to any social acmes such as marriage to flaunt this deviant behavior as "normal". Kids learn by example and the majority has a right to regulate the behaviors kids see as normal in their daily walks of life.
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Sil keeps on stamping her little footsies in rage and hate.


Do you have a point or a rebuttal or just an ad hominem? Noted: gay advocates feel at liberty to belittle or slander any opposition. But go ahead and try to do the same to them.

The Nazi Party started out the same way: zero tolerance of critical review from anyone for any reason.
Sil keeps on stamping her little footsies in rage and hate.


Do you have a point or a rebuttal or just an ad hominem? Noted: gay advocates feel at liberty to belittle or slander any opposition. But go ahead and try to do the same to them.

The Nazi Party started out the same way: zero tolerance of critical review from anyone for any reason.

I call you out on a false premise and conclusion, and CORRECTLY pointed out you are raging because no one will legitimize your fucking nonsense, and what do you do: you stamp your little feetsies and rage.

Critical review requires objective evidence and premises that make sense.

You, in my opinion, don't meet those criteria, Sil.

Sil, for example, it is you who misread Windsor, deliberately, to get a false premise.
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I call you out on a false premise and conclusion, and CORRECTLY pointed out you are raging because no one will legitimize your fucking nonsense, and what do you do: you stamp your little feetsies and rage.

Critical review requires objective evidence and premises that make sense.

You, in my opinion, don't meet those criteria, Sil.

Sil, for example, it is you who misread Windsor, deliberately, to get a false premise.

My opinion isn't in question Jakey. That's why I included references to the CDC, the University of Quebec and those 300+ peer-reviewed studies & the Mayo Clinic in the OP. It's THEIR opinions that matter and what you're supposed to read in order to vote in the poll here.

From all appearances it looks like it's you who are raging and stamping your feetsies. "Your fucking nonsense.."? Really? Ever hear of projection?

I get it. The topic makes you nervous, particularly you because you seem to be a lawyer or someone like a lawyer for the cult of LGBT. And you know better than most of that ilk what changing the premise to "gays are behaviors" from "gays are race" means to all those legal challenges y'all are up to.

It's the difference of night and day.
From the Quebec University Review, here are some sub category titles:







Again, the article comes with over 300 references supporting its conclusions. I think the scale is coming down heavy and hard on the side of learned behaviors...
From the Quebec University Review, here are some sub category titles:







Again, the article comes with over 300 references supporting its conclusions. I think the scale is coming down heavy and hard on the side of learned behaviors...

Which remain constitutionally protected.
From the Quebec University Review, here are some sub category titles:







Again, the article comes with over 300 references supporting its conclusions. I think the scale is coming down heavy and hard on the side of learned behaviors...

Which remain constitutionally protected.

So you're saying that a legal precedent has been set that some [just some but not all] deviant sexual behaviors have ascended to equal status as "race" as applicable in protections from the US Constitution.

The next question that begs is which deviant sexual behaviors [or any other type of behavior for that matter] is exempt from these protections, and why, specifically? [Hint, you cannot use "because the majority finds them unacceptable" or "they're icky"]

I'll await your answer... At least you're not pretending anymore that deviant sexual behaviors known as "LGBT" aren't learned or behaviors. Why not just come out with that at the next court hearing on the next gay lawsuit? You don't have to answer that question. We already know the answer..
Like I said earlier on in this thread, it's pretty stupid and disingenuos to use animal sexual behavior to claim that homosexual behavior is "normal". Chimpanzees will raid another group of chimps, kill & cannabalize the babies. That's apparently normal to them, so should we now say it is normal & morally fine to raid & kill other human beings & cannabalize their children?

Hope the answer is no for 100% of our fellow posters here, but I bet some idiots like IP Freely or Hipster24 would argue it is. Lol

What we see time and time again as the noose of gay-fascism tightens around the necks of conservatives and middle folks all the way just right of far left are defenses based on a false premise.

It seems that everyone, with no evidence whatsoever to support and tons of evidence to the contrary, has made the wrong assumption and assigned "legal fact' to it as a jumping off point for opposing the Lavender Reicht. That assumption-as-fact is "gays are a race of people".

They are factually NOT a race of people. They are an incomplete assortment of deviant sexual practitioners. They practice a certain type of sexuality that has to be by definition "non hetero" or as they call it "not a breeder". Those behaviors, compulsive or not, are still behaviors.

There is a disturbing conclusion that could be born inadvertently from this false-premise-as-fact. And that is, we regulate behaviors by a majority rule. We institute penal and civil codes to daily discriminate against behaviors. If one group of behaviors organizes as a de facto cult, without seeking actual legal recognition as a religion, what group of behaviors will come next and shove their dogma down the throats of those who are agreeing on the false premise in error?

Here is some evidence that sexual orientation is learned. You can vote on the poll after reading the links and the sources, which are quite prestigious.

Its conclusions are that even in lower animals that you'd clearly assume were vastly more slavish to their DNA than we "monkey-see, monkey-do" post-natal learners, these lower creatures actually take cues from their environment on which peculiar aspects in their mate they select. And after a first few times with this mate, that they chose by observing a social matrix or set of norms, they became habituated to selecting that type of mate in the future. They were sexually oriented from their environment. ie: they learned what was considered normal and what wasn't from looking around them.

This has HUGE implications as LGBTs try to infuse every aspect of our culture with their various sexual tweaks. Think about it.

Here's an article on how child predators learn their orientation BEHAVIORS. It jibes with the Canadian university review above and even concludes its likely "a form of social learning took place"...

Next we have the CDC declaring that gay men have suffered a "pervasive" "epidemic" of having been molested as boys. Then they grew up gay. I wonder if there's a relation?

So if gayness is learned, why are we treating it legally as if it wasn't? Why are we equating what is otherwise a mere compulsive or fixed or even chosen [think Anne Heche] temporary state of behaving 'as race'?

What other behaviors will debut to tell us we must accept them 'as race' once a legal precedent has been set on this false premise?

Next time you're in court with some gay people telling you "how it's going to be" and "what you're going to do for us" and "what parts of your religion we're allowing you to remain faithful to" and "we're going to teach your kids about fisting in schools or else!", and "you're going to celebrate our pedophile-messiah Harvey Milk...or else!", try putting the argument to the court that from the very onset, LGBT must be handled as behaviors and not race, unless they can prove they are a fixated group of non-changing people all having a similar genetic variant.

And to the LGBTs who have enjoyed this tidal wave of legal battles thusfar on the false premise, good luck once the real premise is introduced. Methinks once courts are convinced of your real affectations [behaviors] and no longer see you as a race of people, your legal outcomes might change just a tad...

My male dog disagrees and proves that this is garbage EVERY TIME he tries to hump one of his male buddies....
Yeah my dog licks his balls and ass, does that make it normal for humans to do also?
What we see time and time again as the noose of gay-fascism tightens around the necks of conservatives and middle folks all the way just right of far left are defenses based on a false premise.

It seems that everyone, with no evidence whatsoever to support and tons of evidence to the contrary, has made the wrong assumption and assigned "legal fact' to it as a jumping off point for opposing the Lavender Reicht. That assumption-as-fact is "gays are a race of people".

They are factually NOT a race of people. They are an incomplete assortment of deviant sexual practitioners. They practice a certain type of sexuality that has to be by definition "non hetero" or as they call it "not a breeder". Those behaviors, compulsive or not, are still behaviors.

There is a disturbing conclusion that could be born inadvertently from this false-premise-as-fact. And that is, we regulate behaviors by a majority rule. We institute penal and civil codes to daily discriminate against behaviors. If one group of behaviors organizes as a de facto cult, without seeking actual legal recognition as a religion, what group of behaviors will come next and shove their dogma down the throats of those who are agreeing on the false premise in error?

Here is some evidence that sexual orientation is learned. You can vote on the poll after reading the links and the sources, which are quite prestigious.

Its conclusions are that even in lower animals that you'd clearly assume were vastly more slavish to their DNA than we "monkey-see, monkey-do" post-natal learners, these lower creatures actually take cues from their environment on which peculiar aspects in their mate they select. And after a first few times with this mate, that they chose by observing a social matrix or set of norms, they became habituated to selecting that type of mate in the future. They were sexually oriented from their environment. ie: they learned what was considered normal and what wasn't from looking around them.

This has HUGE implications as LGBTs try to infuse every aspect of our culture with their various sexual tweaks. Think about it.

Here's an article on how child predators learn their orientation BEHAVIORS. It jibes with the Canadian university review above and even concludes its likely "a form of social learning took place"...

Next we have the CDC declaring that gay men have suffered a "pervasive" "epidemic" of having been molested as boys. Then they grew up gay. I wonder if there's a relation?

So if gayness is learned, why are we treating it legally as if it wasn't? Why are we equating what is otherwise a mere compulsive or fixed or even chosen [think Anne Heche] temporary state of behaving 'as race'?

What other behaviors will debut to tell us we must accept them 'as race' once a legal precedent has been set on this false premise?

Next time you're in court with some gay people telling you "how it's going to be" and "what you're going to do for us" and "what parts of your religion we're allowing you to remain faithful to" and "we're going to teach your kids about fisting in schools or else!", and "you're going to celebrate our pedophile-messiah Harvey Milk...or else!", try putting the argument to the court that from the very onset, LGBT must be handled as behaviors and not race, unless they can prove they are a fixated group of non-changing people all having a similar genetic variant.

And to the LGBTs who have enjoyed this tidal wave of legal battles thusfar on the false premise, good luck once the real premise is introduced. Methinks once courts are convinced of your real affectations [behaviors] and no longer see you as a race of people, your legal outcomes might change just a tad...

My male dog disagrees and proves that this is garbage EVERY TIME he tries to hump one of his male buddies....
Yeah my dog licks his balls and ass, does that make it normal for humans to do also?

Do you honestly think...that if human males could lick their balls and ass....they wouldn't?

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
From the Quebec University Review, here are some sub category titles:







Again, the article comes with over 300 references supporting its conclusions. I think the scale is coming down heavy and hard on the side of learned behaviors...

Which remain constitutionally protected.

So you're saying that a legal precedent has been set that some [just some but not all] deviant sexual behaviors have ascended to equal status as "race" as applicable in protections from the US Constitution.

The next question that begs is which deviant sexual behaviors [or any other type of behavior for that matter] is exempt from these protections, and why, specifically? [Hint, you cannot use "because the majority finds them unacceptable" or "they're icky"]

I'll await your answer... At least you're not pretending anymore that deviant sexual behaviors known as "LGBT" aren't learned or behaviors. Why not just come out with that at the next court hearing on the next gay lawsuit? You don't have to answer that question. We already know the answer..

Well Clayton? "The next question that begs is which deviant sexual behaviors [or any other type for that matter] is exempt from these protections, and why, specifically? [Hint, you cannot use "because the majority finds them unacceptable" or "they're icky"]?

What's the answer to that precedent you say has been set in stone? Because the US Supreme Court will have to also be asking themselves the same question when the premise for the LGBT cult is known to be behavioral instead of innate. Why would some behaviors get exemption from majority disdain and others not? How would parsing that out be fair to other behaviors or not fair? These challenges the Court must anticipate, while you insist that pressing future lawsuits are not a matter of consideration.

For example, I've seen a couple of the polygamists on the various reality TV shows about them state that they are sitting, eagerly awaiting the verdicts of gay marriage because their intent is to IMMEDIATELY thereafter press their own lawsuits based on the precedent set by gays.

And they know that precedent is a wide-open door for any other lifestyle [not birth condition but choice] to kick down.... Who will follow them? And why should they be denied? Because the majority of a given state objects to their behaviors? You see, your premise switcheroo is very confounding legally..
If behaviors cannot be regulated by the majority, who is to say which behaviors do or do not qualify to usurp majority rule within the various states? According to what yardstick? Ickyness? That the majority doesn't support them?

Some firearms carriers feel extremely insecure without a loaded weapon on their person at all times. Are we to allow this behavioral choice [that is specifically provided for in the constitution in contrast to a homosexual or other deviant sex lifestyle] to run roughshod over majority rule in the various states?

Say that person wants to board a plane or enter a public school, can we legally deny that behavior?

The answer is yes, yes we can. But apparently not just when it comes to homosexual behaviors. Then nothing can be legally denied these practitioners by the majority. And those reasons are based on a false premise. And that premise will be run with like a wild horse once the precedent has been set in stone. It hasn't. Not yet. The US Supreme Court needs to better define Windsor for the Utah case specifically. And it will, IMHO, have no other choice but to reiterate that the question of gay marriage is a question for a broad consensus within each of the separate states, NOT some activist judge passing decisions off of a false premise..
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My male dog disagrees and proves that this is garbage EVERY TIME he tries to hump one of his male buddies....
Yeah my dog licks his balls and ass, does that make it normal for humans to do also?

Do you honestly think...that if human males could lick their balls and ass....they wouldn't?

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I know I wouldn't. Dogs do that to clean themselves, even if it were possible to do so, Id use soap like a human being still.
Im pretty sure if you could lick your own poon tang, you'd discover you are monosexual and demand to be able to marry yourself.

Don't get mad, bodey. You asked for it.
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And so the conversation degrades... But I kindof get Lockejaw's point. She would learn that she was a monosexual by conditioning her own sexual response.

Behavior. That's the crux.
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The only thing you are using this thread for is to push your agenda. Which you feel to be factual...instead of using it to become better informed of the how and why this occurs in humans. If you are and American then you should believe that even gays should be free to live as they want because it is part of the preamble in the Constitution. But people like you want subjugation and condemnation.

If you read the OP links, one doesn't have to "feel to be factual". One has only to read and comprehend. These 300+ studies from the world's leading institutions in medical and psychological research took ages to compile the data. They are peer-reviewed and not the wishful product of some LGBT approved and funded "latest impartial study" on sexual orientation's genesis.

The Mayo Clinic? The CDC? The Canadian university and all the hundreds of studies it cites. There's your "better informed".

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