Changing Standardized Testing

We need to stream our best students into vocational training, too. The stupid, stupid bias against doing anything pratical for a living has to stop.

What do you mean by "our best students"?

What do you mean by "anything practical"?
Did you get a little smiley face sticker on your paper too?

Please, please tell us AGAIN how reading science fiction books is the real key to educational achievement. That one never gets old... :rolleyes:
Did you get a little smiley face sticker on your paper too?

Please, please tell us AGAIN how reading science fiction books is the real key to educational achievement. That one never gets old... :rolleyes:

Who said it was the KEY to educational achievement?

But the trouble is nowadays people think Star Wars is science fiction but in 1977 the producers called it Space Fantasy.

There has always been plenty of STUPID science fiction. Theodore Sturgeon said, "90% of everything is crud." But if you can filter out the 10% it can be very useful. So with 40,000 e-books in Project Gutenberg if the correct 4,000 was filtered out it would be very cheap and very useful.

I learned more science in grade school due to science fiction then I did from the nuns. On nun told my sister that science and religion don't mix. So they were not very useful.

Plenty of people come hear and bitch and moan but never really suggest anything.

The Fourth R (1959) by George O. Smith - eBook: "The Fourth "R"" by Smith, George O. (George Oliver)

The Cosmic Computer by H. Beam Piper
LibriVox » The Cosmic Computer, by H. Beam Piper
The Cosmic Computer [Henry Beam Piper] | download free eBooks!

Did you get a little smiley face sticker on your paper too?

Please, please tell us AGAIN how reading science fiction books is the real key to educational achievement. That one never gets old... :rolleyes:

Who said it was the KEY to educational achievement?

But the trouble is nowadays people think Star Wars is science fiction but in 1977 the producers called it Space Fantasy.

There has always been plenty of STUPID science fiction. Theodore Sturgeon said, "90% of everything is crud." But if you can filter out the 10% it can be very useful. So with 40,000 e-books in Project Gutenberg if the correct 4,000 was filtered out it would be very cheap and very useful.

I learned more science in grade school due to science fiction then I did from the nuns.


[ame=]Picard Facepalm - YouTube[/ame]
So people aren't born with equal and identical abilities, but the current standardized testing system tries to squeeze everyone into a one-size-fits all model.

One of the best things I think we could to do is train better teachers, who would then be given the freedom to adapt the curriculum to their class. A teacher, who has time to get to know each individual student, is much better placed to judge a student's performance and learning and help them where they need help.

As far as tracking goes, I feel like that's another model that has some one-size-fits-all problems to it too. In this case however, it has not to do with natural abilities but with maturity levels. It will favor students who mature more quickly and can decided earlier what path they want.
let me break this entire thread down to one sentence do we educate the negro ..

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